Capitol hill staff workers' experiences of bioterrorism: qualitative findings from focus groups
Journal of Traumatic Stress, Vol. 18, No. 1, February 2005, pp. 79–88 ( C 2005)Capitol Hill Staff Workers’ Experiences of Bioterrorism: Qualitative Findings From Focus Groups Carol S. North,1,6 David E. Pollio,1,2 Betty Pfefferbaum,3 Deborah Megivern,2 Meena Vythilingam,4 Elizabeth Terry Westerhaus,1 Gregory J. Martin,5 and Barry A. Hong1
Little systematic information is available on mental health issues related to bioterrorism. Five focusgroups were conducted with Capitol Hill office staff (n = 28 total participants) to learn about theirexperience of the anthrax incident on October 15, 2001. More than 2,000 verbal passages werecoded into categories and themes by using qualitative analysis software. Issues emerging from thediscussions included difficulties utilizing customary social supports, concerns over potential long-term dangers created by efforts to eradicate the anthrax, and nonadherence to antianthrax medicationregimens. Nonadherence to antibiotic prophylaxis is of immediate concern for response to futurebioterrorist events as well as infectious disease epidemics. Other topics that warrant attention aresocial support and mental health interventions.
Qualitative research with focus groups has been used
counseling, and sex education programs in an undevel-
to explore varied topics in depth, such as health attitudes,
oped country (Castle, 2003). Novel and unexpected find-
beliefs, and behaviors, including medication adherence
ings have sometimes emerged from this exploratory re-
among low-income urban African Americans who have
search: For example, many highly educated people in
chronic asthma (Freedman, Norfleet, Feldman, & Apter,
the latter study expressed disbelief about the existence
2003), differences in physicians’ and patients’ opinions
of acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) (Castle,
on medical error disclosure procedures (Gallagher, Wa-
2003). Focus groups also provide a relatively straight-
terman, Ebers, Fraser, & Levinson, 2003), and promo-
forward means of obtaining preliminary data for new in-
tion of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) testing,
vestigations of poorly understood topics such as bioterror-ism, about which little systematic information is currentlyavailable to guide interventions.
1Department of Psychiatry, School of Medicine, Washington University,
Few pertinent systematic data pertaining to men-
tal health effects of bioterrorism are available; however,
2George Warren Brown School of Social Work, Washington University,
previous literature has identified characteristics for in-
vestigation, including risk communication, management
Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences, The University ofOklahoma Health Sciences Center, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma.
of misattributed somatic symptoms, and the role of so-
4The National Institute of Mental Health, Bethesda, Maryland.
cial support (Covello, Peters, Wojteki, & Hyde, 2001;
5Department of Medicine, The Uniformed Services University,
Holloway, Norwood, Fullerton, Engel, & Ursano, 1997;
Kawana, Ishimatsu, & Kanda, 2001; Norwood, Holloway,
6To whom correspondence should be addressed at Department of
& Ursano, 2001). Relevance to these deliberate acts
Psychiatry, Washington University School of Medicine, 660 S. Eu-clid Avenue, Campus Box 8134, St. Louis, Missouri 63110; e-mail:
may be found in studies of disasters, including toxic
contaminant spills, industrial accidents, and infectious
C 2005 International Society for Traumatic Stress Studies • Published online in Wiley InterScience ( DOI: 10.1002/jts.20006
North, Pollio, Pfefferbaum, Megivern, Vythilingam, Westerhaus, Martin, and Hong
epidemics, which share uncertainties about personal ex-
separate, unexposed buildings and remote sites, including
posure, boundaries of the exposure, and duration of
two House offices. Approval for the research was obtained
risk. Anticipated psychological and social repercussions
from the Washington University School of Medicine Insti-
may include potential for mass “psychogenic” or “so-
tutional Review Board. A federal Certificate of Confiden-
ciogenic” illness in multitudes of unexposed individ-
tiality was obtained for further protection of participants’
uals who have medically unexplained symptoms who
privacy. Participating congressional offices provided ap-
may seek access to and overwhelm the medical care
proval for the conduct of this study in their offices. Indi-
system (Alexander & Fedoruk, 1986; Amin, Hamdi, &
vidual participation was voluntary and written informed
Eapen, 1997; Bartholomew & Wessely, 2002; Pastel,
2001; Schoch-Spana, 2000). Systematically observed out-
The sample was 61% female and 96% Caucasian.
comes that followed toxic exposure to dioxin contamina-
Mean age (SD) was 28.3 (7.1), 77% were single, and 32%
tion, however, included neither somatoform symptoms
(Smith, Robins, Przybeck, Goldring, & Solomon, 1986)
The two facilitators (CSN, DEP) conducting these
nor posttraumatic stress disorder (Robins, et al, 1986).
groups had previous experience in nondirective interview-
In the fall of 2001, anthrax-filled letters were mailed
ing techniques or training in conducting of groups. Group
through the U.S. Postal Service to several sites, including
discussions of approximately 60 to 90 minutes were au-
Capitol Hill, killing 5 and infecting 12 others (none on
diotaped. The groups began with an opening instruction
Capitol Hill). On October 15, an office worker in Senate
by one of the facilitators explaining the purpose of the fo-
Majority Leader Tom Daschle’s sixth-floor Hart Building
cus group (to learn about their issues related to the Capitol
office opened a letter that contained suspicious powder
Hill experience with anthrax). Because the anthrax letters
later confirmed to be anthrax. The office was closed and
were part of a series of unsettling national events that orig-
staff workers briefly quarantined. Hundreds of potentially
inated with the September 11 terrorist attacks, participants
exposed individuals were tested for anthrax, and antibi-
were invited to begin by describing their experiences of
otic prophylaxis (ciprofloxacin) was provided (Hsu et al.,
both events. A protocol of primary questions developed
2002). Buildings across Capitol Hill were subjected to
A recent comprehensive study of 16 individuals
(1) How did you learn of the anthrax on Capitol Hill,
who were infected by anthrax during the attacks in the
fall of 2001 identified indications of persistent medically
(2) How has your behavior or your life changed
unexplained health problems, psychological symptoms,
and poor life adjustment (Reissman et al., 2004). A report
(3) How did you react when you first learned of the
(currently in press) of focus groups, which studied 36
Brentwood postal workers and 7 Capitol Hill workersmore than 1 year after the anthrax exposures, describes
Thereafter, group facilitators avoided further direc-
concerns about demographic inequality in their medical
tion. Questions such as “Can you tell us a little more about
treatment (Blanchard et al., in press). The current report
that?” or “What else happened?” were interjected only as
describes results of focus groups of Capitol Hill staff that
needed to stimulate discussion from prior statements to
inquired about their attitudes, beliefs, and postexposure
prevent inserting new topics. Thus, the groups provided
behaviors to explore the themes identified, identify
distinct content without direct bias or structure imposed
appropriate concerns for mental health interventions, and
Data Analysis
Qualitative methods used NVivo software to orga-
Five focus groups of four to eight members each were
nize and interpret data from transcriptions of audiotapes
conducted between January 14 and February 1, 2002, ap-
of the focus group by labeling passages of text with codes
proximately 3 months after the Capitol Hill anthrax inci-
identifying specified content. The text of the five focus
dent (4 months after the September 11 terrorist attacks).
groups was reviewed for recurring themes, and “nodes”
The 28 study participants constituted a convenience sam-
(codes) were created for nine thematic categories identi-
ple of staff recruited by word of mouth from six offices,
fied: context of 9/11 and anthrax incidents, personal ex-
ranging from the highly exposed Hart offices to offices in
posure, personal safety, emotional reactions, psychiatric
Bioterrorism Focus Groups
symptoms, social support, social disruptions, authorities’
The September 11 attacks may have primed the
response, and medical response. Two independent raters
Capitol Hill population to react vigorously to the next
reviewed 2,162 passages, tagging passages that identified
the themes with one or more of the nine nodes. NVivo tabu-lated the number of items coded into each category, allow-
The only time I was ever really frightened and my heart
ing assignment of relative frequencies of response types.
started pounding was [during a false alarm] a few days
Kappa measures of interrater reliability on items included
after September 11th. I was in the Capitol and the guards
in the nine categories ranged from .83 to .88 (calculated
just started yelling, “Everybody get out! Everybody get
on nonnegatively scored response pairs only), statistics
out!” and there was this big evacuation of the building . . .
all within the excellent range of reliability (Fleiss, 1981).
this was like a mad dash by everyone to the door.
Differences in ratings were subsequently discussed by theteam and resolved by agreement.
Choice of footwear was a new concern in the
post-9/11 workplace: “I definitely make a point sinceSeptember 11th not to wear shoes to work that I can’trun very fast in.”
In comparing the anthrax experience with 9/11, per-
ceptions of the two events sometimes blurred together,
This report presents findings regarding the context
as if reflecting a single event. “In my mind it seems so
and perceptions of individuals’ experiences relating to
hard sometimes to separate September 11 [from] the an-
eight categories (context, exposure, personal safety, med-
thrax. . . . I can’t get the timeline right in my mind, because
ical procedures, disruptions, emotional reactions, psychi-
it all folds into one big mess.” This relationship was cap-
atric symptoms, and social context) that constitute 77% of
tured in new terminology, for example, “bioterrorism at-
the responses coded from these groups. Authorities’ re-
tacks.” One focus group participant described the Capitol
actions (23% of responses) are detailed in a forthcoming
Hill experience as “the Ground Zero of anthrax.” Famil-
report (North et al., in press). Category item frequencies
iar quotations found novel applications in discussions of
in this report ranged from 17% (personal safety) to 4%
the bioterrorism experience: “‘You are living history’—as
scary as it is, the first bioterrorism attack on the UnitedStates.”
Contrasts between 9/11 and the anthrax attack on
Context of Anthrax and September 11
Capitol Hill were also considered: “It’s a lot different withanthrax than it is with September 11th. . . . On the Hill,
During the September 11 terrorist attacks, the cog-
we didn’t know anyone who died from anthrax or that
nizance of Capitol Hill workers of their status as a terror-
was really affected; while September 11th, we all saw the
ist target provided potential candidacy for posttraumatic
emotional consequences. Anthrax attacks in the follow-
After the debut of anthrax in Florida and New York
ing month added layers of concern to this backdrop. The
City news stations, a vivid expectancy arose: “We kind of
concern was relative, however: A worker from a directly
knew something else was probably going to happen.” “We
exposed office explained, “September 11 was horrible, it
had just discussed that it was probably only time before
was awful and I will never forget it, but it did not hit me
Anticipation of the next terrorist event kindled anx-
In the penumbra of the September 11 terrorist attacks,
iety: “I really don’t have any idea of what it could be;
Capitol Hill staffers pondered their workplace safety. They
I just feel like something is going to happen again. I
sensed that the Capitol Building, rather than the surround-
feel like it’s inevitable.” “People who want to hurt the
ing Senate and House offices where they worked, was the
government or cause mass terror, they’ve seen how easy
intended target of the attacks. “It could have easily been us.
it can be. . . . I mean, good grief, look at those freaks
Perhaps, if the plane hadn’t gone down in Pennsylvania.”
who’ve been sending [hoax] letters. . . . There are people
Comments of participants from the Senate side of Capitol
out there who are going to realize that you don’t even
Hill seemed to reflect more upset and preoccupation with
have to kill a lot of people.” These worries generalized to
the anthrax experience, whereas those from the House side
a variety of potential catastrophes: “I worry more about
indicated more concern about the September 11 attacks.
stuff that they can’t protect you against, like car bombs,
A House worker stated, “It seems easier to accept anthrax
or chemical attacks.” “I’ve always personally been much
more concerned about [terrorism] committed against this
North, Pollio, Pfefferbaum, Megivern, Vythilingam, Westerhaus, Martin, and Hong
building by more conventional means than anthrax. . . .
back positive” convinced the worker to take the incident
It’s much easier for your common garden-variety lunatic
seriously. Many workers did not appreciate at the time that
to blow up a pickup truck, a panel truck outside of our
the nasal swab test result was not an indicator of infec-
building . . . or a car bomb, or someone just runs in with
tion for any individual, but rather an epidemiologic tool
a bomb.” “Maybe the difference between September 11
for defining boundaries of anthrax contamination levels.
and the anthrax is we weren’t expecting September 11. . . .
“When our office . . . tested negative, I think that’s when
After the anthrax came, we knew something else was go-
all of us kind of breathed somewhat of a collective sigh of
ing to happen so you’re kind of expecting it. September
Uncertainty about exposure complicated efforts to
establish personal temporal and spatial boundaries to thedanger. “OK, I am not as safe as I thought; I am kind of
Perceptions of Exposure
back and forth on it, I am safe, I’m not safe.” Participantsdescribed difficulty interpreting and attributing physical
The perceptions of exposure category describes peo-
sensations, as the worst imaginable scenarios played out in
ple’s ability to perceive and accept the dangers of the
life-and-death struggles against disease, blending fear and
anthrax attacks they experienced. Participants’ emotional
fact. “If you have the sniffles, that’s a cold, but if you don’t,
responses varied across the evolving time frame of events
that’s possibly . . . anthrax. . . . ‘Is this normal? How do
described. Initially, the reality of the anthrax letter was
I feel?”’ “Oh my God, I am going to die of anthrax and
hard to accept, and denial was prominent. “I think I was
it’s horrible.” Common physical sensations and bodily
feeling complete denial that something like that was going
changes were misconstrued as anthrax infection: “I was
to happen to us. That was my first instinct. I went through
allergic to the holder for my badge and I got a rash. . . .
the ‘No, this isn’t real, it’s not going to be real, it’s going
I [thought], ‘A rash! Maybe I was exposed to anthrax.’ I
to be fine, we are all going to be fine,’ and . . . deep down
had already gone through a whole rationalization: There
I knew this was bad.” Incidents of false alarms, threats, or
hoaxes occur regularly on Capitol Hill. Comments sug-gested they may have had various effects, sensitizing somepeople to danger yet reinforcing complacency among oth-
ers. One worker stated that over 8 years of employment onCapitol Hill, “I’ve opened a lot of letters and talked to a lot
Disruptions to usual work activities during weeks to
of people who were really mean, but after a while, you stop
months of displacement from Senate Hart Building offices
taking them seriously because you get threat after threat
were described as a major source of personal hardship and
after nasty letter and nothing ever happens. . . . Probably
emotional burden. “For a week and a half, except for the
we took it all way less seriously than we should have.”
essentials, we were completely, completely interrupted.”
Another participant identified the September 11 terrorist
The uncertainty of how long the work shutdown would
attacks as helping him realize the anthrax incident was
continue further increased the distress: “It was a day-to-
day status. You couldn’t make plans . . . but because you
Participants in the focus groups indicated that the
were waiting each day with expectations that it might open
gravity of the anthrax exposure sank in only gradually.
the next day, it was a constant mind tease.”
“It wasn’t until maybe the next day that everything was
Resuming business, entire offices were forced to
quarantined and they told us, ‘You have to come . . . and
conduct their work in other locations, doubling up with
get a nasal swab.’ That’s when we [realized] . . . ‘Oh,
other offices, sometimes with rivals. “We started shar-
my gosh, wow, we actually have to get tested for this.’
ing offices . . . took over the conference table in the other
You know, that’s huge.” Early concerns over the poten-
room. . . . People had to be creative with coming up with
tial danger evolved with continuous unfolding of new
ways to continue to get work done, so you had to get along
events. “I started to get a little bit more concerned. We
with the people you were with.” “Trying to move major
got nose swabs, and then on Wednesday the news came
pieces of legislation” proceeded without U.S. mail service,
out . . . Daschle and Feingold staffers had tested positive;
without access to any paperwork including filed docu-
it was the [close proximity of the] Feingold staffers that
ments and address files, and often without personal com-
panicked me.” Another worker said, “I had to be told three
puters, telephones, or email. “We’ve gotten no mail . . . no
times that my [nasal swab] test [for anthrax] came back
FedEx deliveries, no courier deliveries, no UPS deliveries
positive.” It wasn’t until 2 days later that a 7:00 A.M. tele-
still to this day. . . . It brought the place to its knees and
phone call with the news “Your name was one that came
it’s still having an impact now.” “I wasn’t jealous [that
Bioterrorism Focus Groups
I didn’t have a work space]; I was mad. I was watching
exposure to danger working on Capitol Hill and living in
everybody work like we had never left the building; I was
Washington, weighing the satisfaction of their job against
mad. I’m like, how can you people pretend that nothing
the risk. “At what point [do] you draw the line and say,
ever happened?” Workplace disruption displaced the an-
‘I’m going to quit my job because I don’t feel safe?”’
thrax as a major source of distress: “Now it’s really not
Workers could not always agree on the level of danger.
the anthrax anymore; it’s not the bombing anymore; it’s
Upon being told by a coworker, “Oh, stop stressing out. . . .
none of that; it’s that I am not in my office.”
You’re just obsessing about this,” one staff worker replied,
Perceptions of the effects of the anthrax incident on
“I am not obsessing; this is dangerous!”
workplace stress appeared to differ by exposure. Com-ments from the House side of Capitol Hill suggested thatclosure of the buildings was taken more in stride. “To be
Medical Procedures
brutally honest, anthrax then came almost as a relief. . . . I almost needed time to just get away from everything.”
Before antibiotics and vaccinations were adminis-
tered, nasal swab testing was conducted widely. Somedescribed the nasal swab procedure for anthrax testing—
Safety Issues
typically a relatively innocuous process—as unpleasantand uncomfortable: “They hit two nerves on each side of
Safety was a prime personal consideration after the
your nose . . . I was actually sick that night. I felt like I
appearance of the anthrax letter. Safety concerns extended
had a bad cold, fever.” “It was just awful. I would never do
not just to the anthrax itself, but also to health effects of the
it again, because I was miserable for the entire evening. It
remedies used to control the anthrax, including chemicals
felt like my head was just drained and my eyes were wa-
for its cleanup and irradiation of mail handled by the
tered. . . . I just kept thinking about the test and how much
it battered me.” One individual described “an incrediblylong swab inserted all the way up the nasal passages that
They never applied [these chemicals] within an office en-
brings tears to the eyes—I had no idea my nasal passages
vironment, they never used it on anthrax before, and I am
went back so far.” The implements were called “brain
much more concerned about the cure than I am about the
disease in this instance. What impact is that going to have
Completing the medical protocols on hundreds of
on a building that has no open ventilation, and everythingis recirculated; and what impact is that going to have on
people in a short time created occasional awkward mo-
breathing in these fumes constantly from a carpet that’s
ments. The workers recalled receiving their antibiotic pre-
completely been treated with chlorine dioxide, walls, fur-
scriptions in groups. Assembled together, they were asked
what medications they were taking, to prevent potentialantibiotic drug interactions. Workers learned surprising
The period of concern did not end with the current
personal information about colleagues who disclosed use
period. “You just wonder . . . 30 years from now am I
of certain medications such as birth control pills, antiretro-
going to get cancer because I was exposed to irradiated
viral agents, chemotherapy, Viagra, or psychotropics.
Despite known dangers including death caused by
The irradiation of mail affected the paper in ways
infection with anthrax, adherence to a 2- or 3-month reg-
imen of twice-a-day antibiotic administration was not assimple as imagined. When a physician admonished one
Now the mail is . . . sent to Ohio. Then they bring it back
of the workers that she would need to take the medication
here and it’s sorted again and brought to us and it smells
faithfully even though it would be easy to forget doses,
funny. . . . It’s all stuck together. . . . That almost freaked
she thought, “Forget! Are you kidding me? How would
me out more than the actual anthrax. . . . This stuff is
I forget?” But she did forget: “The first couple of days
grotesque; I don’t want to touch it. . . . Sometimes it’s still
you have to take it on time. I took it 15 minutes late—
sticky and I am still opening it and the letter is wet. . . . It
oh, no! And after a while, [it was] like, ‘Yeah whatever,
sticks together like a stamp you can’t open up.
it kind of makes me sick; oh, I don’t think I’ll take it.”’Succinctly stated by another: “These are not fun antibi-
Confronting uncertain risks, people resorted to mea-
otics.” Workers described media reports they thought they
sures such as cleaning their computer keyboards with al-
had heard warning people not to take antibiotics for more
cohol swabs and donning gloves and masks to handle
than 3 days lest they “become immune” to them (clearly
irradiated mail. They pondered the wisdom of continued
incorrect information and advice). A worker who heard
North, Pollio, Pfefferbaum, Megivern, Vythilingam, Westerhaus, Martin, and Hong
one of these reports admitted, “I took it for I don’t even
couldn’t focus.” Arousal and intrusive recollection were
think 3 days, to be honest with you.” Another said, “I
directly observed by the focus group facilitators in one of
don’t even think I took it for 3 days; I think I took it for
the study’s groups, when the discussion was diverted to
attend to some noises outside the window. The group de-scribed it as a “whooshing sound” and pondered whether
I haven’t been taking it as regularly as I should, and in my
it was an airplane. This discussion prompted one partici-
head that’s OK, because I’ll save some for when we finally
pant to mention sounds of sirens along with airplanes as
go back to the Hart [Building]. . . . I know how antibiotics
work; that’s bad . . . I don’t take it because I’m sick of
Avoidance and denial received more extensive de-
taking it and I don’t remind myself to take it as often. I’ve
scriptions. “For the 3 first days of the anthrax thing I
been tired of it. And I hate taking it. But then, when I forget
stopped reading the newspaper, I just zoned out, I was
to take it, I don’t beat myself up about it as much as I did
in denial.” “I didn’t want anything to do with politics,
the first 60 days because I am really OK now, but I am just
or . . . anything to do with Washington. I just wanted to
forget about it for a while.” Their denial extended to be-haviors involving decisions to cooperate with the medical
The public seemed to have a fascination with
response. “I didn’t know if I had [anthrax]; I didn’t want
ciprofloxacin. One participant observed: “Cipro became
to get tested ’cause I was believing that I didn’t have [it].”
the status drug of D.C. . . . It replaced Ecstasy. . . . If
Avoidance even extended beyond the workplace to other
you were taking Cipro . . . it meant you must have been
parts of people’s lives. “I stay at home a lot more now.
some place really cool.” People they met were drawn to
I used to be the kind of person who would fill up every
their experience. “People would ask me, ‘Oh, you are
taking Cipro?’ and it was like a novelty or you are a
Early psychological interventions to help workers
celebrity. They were definitely excited. . . . ‘Can I see the
cope with their feelings about the anthrax incident in the
Cipro?’ . . . It was the hit drug of November 2001.”
workplace received mixed reviews. Some comments werequite critical. “The Employment Assistance Office set up
Emotional Responses
group therapy sessions . . . most of these people have beento a couple of those. I didn’t think of those as very pro-
Initial emotional responses reflected various forms
ductive at all.” “The way [this] psychologist approached
of disbelief. The anthrax incident felt “like a mind game,”
it, it was, ‘So, tell us about your feelings’ or . . . ‘That’s
a hoax or a joke or part of a scenario being enacted for
normal,’ every time we said [anything] . . . ‘That’s nor-
a disaster training drill. “I remember thinking, it can’t be
mal.’ Don’t just tell me that what I’m feeling is OK. Tell
happening. My first reaction was complete denial, like
me why I’m feeling what I’m feeling.” Others were more
they are overreacting or somebody is screwing around
positive. “We went to a really good one that talked about
coping skills.” Some felt their own emotional support of
As disbelief gave way to the reality of exposure to
one another was more helpful. “We all talked [to each
anthrax, immediate emotional reactions included an array
other] about what we are doing to get by, but in a lot of
of feelings, from fear (“terrified,” “nervous,” “fearful,”
ways we were getting therapy from each other. . . . So,
“it was disturbing,” “freaking out”) to anger (“angry,”
yeah, there’s psychologists out there who are experts on
trauma, but we are experts on this trauma.”
Symptoms Social Support
Symptoms received surprisingly little mention rela-
Workers reported receiving extensive emotional and
tive to the amount of other material covered in the groups.
social support from one another in the wake of the an-
One worker described new onset of upper gastrointestinal
thrax exposure. Participants explained that offices well
symptoms and exacerbation of previous problems with
known for their cohesiveness even before the event found
headaches after the anthrax incident. After a thorough
their support systems had “intensified tremendously.” Un-
evaluation involving several medical tests, her doctor con-
pleasant business such as standing in lines for anthrax
cluded, “Well, I think it’s stress.”
testing fostered opportunities for interpersonal support.
One worker described concentration difficulties:
“Waiting to be tested . . . [I] made friends with everyone
“There were days when people just couldn’t work. They
else around. . . . I could go to any of those offices [of
Bioterrorism Focus Groups
people] we were in [line] with and say, ‘You remember
with the fact [that] I don’t want to talk about it anymore.”
me. . . . ”’ They considered their support of one another as
The apparent prevalence of this situation is reflected in one
therapeutic: “I needed to be back out here with people who
worker’s summary of it: “Almost everybody had some-
had gone through it, so we had our own support group.”
body in their family who was making them miserable.”
You would think we would want to run as far away
In social situations, workers encountered celebrity
from each other as you can get, but . . . everybody under-
status as anthrax victims, such as the worker who was in-
stood. . . . If you needed somebody to talk to, there was
troduced as “the anthrax bridesmaid” at a wedding. “They
somebody there and if you needed to not talk there was
introduced me at the rehearsal dinner as ‘My friend [—];
somebody who would help you find something else to talk
she has anthrax’ . . . like it’s part of your identity now.”
This was not the kind of celebrity status one might wel-
Within the Capitol Hill community, however, not ev-
come: “Yeah, I wanted to be famous, but not this way. Not
eryone was a source of social support. The participants ex-
plained, “You have to figure out who among your friendsyou can share information with,” to guard against personalinformation’s leaking to the media. Discussion
Although “sometimes it was just too much and I
needed to talk to someone else,” participants indicated
Context of the Findings
that social support was not as readily found outside work. They felt their friends and family “just don’t understand
These focus groups provided a glimpse into Capitol
and they don’t care and I can’t relate to them.” “I needed
Hill workers’ experience of the October 15, 2001, an-
to be around people that had gone through it. . . . My
thrax exposures. Emerging topics of medical response,
friends . . . don’t really talk about it.” One worker said
personal safety issues, and social context are consistent
her sibling would not allow her to talk about anthrax
with the earlier literature’s suggestions of the importance
“because I am unpleasant conversation.” Another said,
of risk communication and social support in bioterrorism
“My boyfriend didn’t deal with this well so we are no
and with findings from relevant nonbioterrorism research
longer dating.” Families did not provide the social sup-
(Lamar & Malakooti, 2003; Norris & Kaniasty, 1996;
port people usually expect of them: “I feel like I can’t dis-
Patel & Zed, 2002). Concerns emphasized by exposed
close challenges at work as much with family and close
postal workers (Blanchard et al., 2004) and infected vic-
friends because . . . there’s no reason to concern others
tims of the anthrax attacks (Reissman et al., 2004) in other
when . . . they can’t do much about it.”
studies—equality of medical care, persistent medically
Families’ needs for reassurance from the workers
unexplained health problems, psychological symptoms,
created more social liability than support from family
and life adjustment problems—were not prominent in the
members. One worker “had 14 messages from [my hus-
Capitol Hill focus groups. The relative underemphasis
band] trying to find me to figure out if I was OK.”
of psychological symptoms and medically unexplainedsymptoms in the Capitol Hill study matches findings ofpublished studies of dioxin contamination (Robins et al.,
I had hysterical messages from my mother. . . . My
dad called; my boyfriend called; my friends called;and they couldn’t find me and they were watching the
The amount of legislation successfully enacted dur-
news. And then Tuesday morning, I am in the meet-
ing the postanthrax period on Capitol Hill is an indicator
ing . . . and it breaks on CNN that 23 people . . . tested
of thwarted terrorist effect (Congressional Management
[positive] . . . and my mother called, and my father called
Foundation, 2001). Despite the disruption, workers said
and my boyfriend called and like, I used 1700 minutes on
they pulled together and refused to allow derailment of
my cell phone. . . . The media was very difficult for me.
their work, a testament to the resilience of this popula-tion. The 9/11 attacks a month earlier may have had both
One worker’s mother had asked, “Are you sure you
sensitizing and habituating effects in people’s response to
want to risk your life for this job? . . . Maybe you should
trauma and in the context of other stressors in individuals’
just leave there and go do something else.” Another mother
made the worker promise never to go into the Hart Build-ing again. Workers found themselves reassuring their fam-
Safety and Medical Concerns
ily rather than the reverse: “[I was] trying to weigh outinformation [that would be] easier for them to hear, what’s
A concern identified by the focus groups was the
going to make them feel better, and trying to weigh that
unresolved issue of possible continuing danger in the
North, Pollio, Pfefferbaum, Megivern, Vythilingam, Westerhaus, Martin, and Hong
perceptions of the workers. Although risk of anthrax expo-
may differ), and psychological distress in this model are
sure passed within days for most, and within 4 months for
interrelated and may in turn be confounded with extra-
the highest-exposure groups, longer-term worries lingered
neous variables such as preexisting individual character-
about potentially harmful effects of the irradiation of
istics. Consistent with this model, combined effects of
mail and chemicals used to clean up the contamination—
anthrax exposure, the stigma of victimization, and na-
consequences of the interventions, not the infectious ex-
tional media attention may have conspired to weaken the
primary support system of family and close friends out-
Admission of nonadherence to antianthrax antibiotic
side work. The Capitol Hill workers’ usual social supports
prophylaxis in this setting is of immediate concern for
ironically sometimes added to, rather than reducing, their
response to future bioterrorist incidents and epidemics.
distress (or were perceived to do so). The support they
Despite these intelligent and well-informed individuals’
could not find elsewhere they provided to one another, in-
appreciation of the importance of medication, their ac-
voking Lindy and Grace’s (1985) concept of the “trauma
tions seemed inconsistent with their knowledge. Incon-
membrane,” which isolates survivors in a self-contained
sistent recommendations by authorities and conflicting
unit of social support. The social support of exposed in-
messages in the media in the weeks that followed the ex-
dividuals for one another identified in these discussions
posures, combined with the passage of time when no one
should not be overlooked as a valuable source of strength
on Capitol Hill became ill, may have contributed to com-
to complement formal mental health interventions.
placency in the workers and perceptions that medical au-thorities’ application of antibiotics was overly broad andexcessively cautious. In circumstances of extended (60-
Study Limitations and Future Directions
to 90-day) antibiotic prophylaxis for potentially exposedgroups, medication adherence may have less in common
This study was limited by the small sample size and
with familiar 7- to 14-day antibiotic courses for acute in-
volunteer nature of its selection of participants, who rep-
fections in the community that produce dramatic relief
resented only a small portion of the workers on Capitol
than with chronic medication maintenance among people
Hill. The participants may not be fully representative of
who do not feel ill without medication. In the long-term
Capitol Hill workers; their experience may not generalize
treatment of hypertension, for example, antihypertensive
to other groups; and the findings here cannot necessarily
medication side effects function as a potent disincentive,
be considered to be representative of the general thoughts
contributing to nonadherence (Menzin et al., 2004). Fur-
and emotions of workers on Capitol Hill or other popula-
ther investigation into treatment adherence and risk com-
tions such as the Brentwood postal workers. This sample
munication in the context of bioterrorism is crucial.
was young, highly educated, high-functioning, well in-
In focus group comments, early psychological inter-
formed, and resourceful. Volunteering to participate in
ventions did not receive particularly high approval ratings.
the study in itself may reflect willingness or eagerness to
Whereas some people felt that techniques such as relax-
discuss personal reactions, characteristics that might not
ation were helpful, others wanted them better tailored to
be shared by nonparticipants, some of whom might be
their needs. Even though their feelings were identified
more symptomatic and avoidant than the participants, or,
as “normal” for people in the context of extreme stress,
alternatively, less concerned about or upset by the experi-
these feelings were not normal in their usual experience,
and therefore simple reassurance about the normality of
The findings may be limited by participants’ con-
cerns about confidentiality, despite measures taken to re-assure them that their privacy would be protected. Withone exception, the groups were conducted in closed rooms
Social Support
within governmental offices (one group was conducted ina private room in a nearby hotel). Four of the five groups
Facilitation of postdisaster recovery involves restor-
were composed of members from a single office; the fifth
ing effective social roles and returning people to their
group comprised individuals from different offices. Al-
usual sources of social support (Norwood et al., 2001).
though members may have been reluctant to discuss per-
However, social support is a multifaceted phenomenon in-
sonal topics in the presence of professional colleagues,
volving complex systems, as Norris and Kaniasty (1996)
who may have included supervisors, they may also have
noted in their social support deterioration model devel-
been more comfortable in the presence of their colleagues,
oped by using longitudinal data on hurricane victims.
from whom they had received social support in the wake
Disaster exposure, received and perceived support (which
of the anthrax incident. Individual anecdotal comments
Bioterrorism Focus Groups
by members indicated that both processes may have been
Most comments from the focus groups about the
Alexander, R.W., & Fedoruk, M.J. (1986). Epidemic psychogenic ill-
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Bartholomew, R.E., & Wessely, S. (2002). Protean nature of mass so-
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but rather to learn about issues the workers faced, the
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Further studies seeking more representative samples
Project: How is anthrax changing Congress and how are offices
and providing more systematic data with greater depth
using technology to cope? Retrieved November 1, 2001 from
are needed to confirm, refocus, and expand the findings
Covello, C.T., Peters, R.G., Wojteki, J.G., & Hyde, R.C. (2001). Risk
of the current study. Primary considerations of additional
communication, the West Nile virus, and bioterrorism: Responding
study should include assessment of more diverse sam-
to the challenges posed by the intentional or unintentional release
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of a pathogen in an urban setting. Journal of Urban Health, 87,382–391.
of longer-term, slowly emerging effects of bioterrorist
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Gallagher, T.H., Waterman, A.D., Ebers, A.G., Fraser, V.J., & Levinson,
W. (2003). Patients’ and physicians’ attitudes regarding the disclo-
These focus groups who described Capitol Hill staff
sure of medical errors. Journal of the American Medical Associa-
workers’ experience of the anthrax incident on October
15, 2001, indicated several concerns, including medical
Holloway, H.C., Norwood, A.E., Fullerton, C.S., Engel, C.C., Jr., &
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and personal safety issues and social context. Psycho-
and mitigation of psychological and social consequences. Journal
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