Genetic predisposition to adverse drug events in dogs. in: veterinary focus 17(2); 2007
Published in IVIS with the permission of the editor
Genetic predisposition to adverse drug events in dogs KEY POINTS
➧ There is growing evidence that clear genetic links
exist between the phenotypic characteristics of
pharmacogenomics are rapidly expanding the
promise of the clinical application of genetic data to
Margo Karriker, PharmD
help prevent adverse events, predict drug behavior,
WALTHAM UCVMC-SD Clinical Nutrition Program, University of California Veterinary Medical Center,
➧ Among the most widely studied genetic variances
San Diego, USA
observed in dogs is the multi-drug resistance
Dr. Karriker graduated with a doctorate from the School of
(MDR) gene deletion mutation resulting in altered
Pharmacy at the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill in
p-glycoprotein expression and altered drug
2003. She completed a two-year Veterinary Clinical
Pharmacy residency at the University of California, Davis
Veterinary Teaching Hospital in 2005 and began her position
➧ The future of pharmacogenetics and its clinical
as the WALTHAM Specialist in Clinical Pharmacy for the
applicability will have a lasting impact on the
WALTHAM UCVMC-SD Clinical Nutrition Program in San Diego
the same year. While continuing to serve in this position,
Dr. Karriker is also clinical faculty at the UC San Diego Skaggs
School of Pharmacy and pharmacist for a federal Veterinary
mental influence and other factors, we have never
been able to map these events to one geneticlocation or associate them unequivocally with onesite in the genome.
The goal of drug treatment is to maximize the
In recent years, there has been much focus on the
therapeutic effect while minimizing adverse drug
genetic basis of the pharmacokinetic (absorption,
events and drug interactions. Seldom is drug
distribution, metabolism, excretion) and pharmaco-
therapy this simplistic. Complex patients, variable
dynamic (drug interactions with targets such as
disease processes, and intricate medication regimens
receptors and transporters) interactions drugs have
complicate most clinical scenarios. There are times
in the body. This field of study has been termed
when our best effort at predicting, avoiding, and
pharmacogenetics and is designed to provide an
managing adverse drug events is not enough.
understanding of the genetic variation in populationsthat predict an individual’s response to drug therapy.
While we have long noted trends in medication
This field of study promises us the ability to
events seemingly related to breed, age, environ-
effectively and efficiently predict a sound outcome
Vol 17 No 2 / / 2007 / / Veterinary Focus / / 11
in almost every patient as it relates to identified
events. Until recently, these insights were based
primarily on the phenotypic, or visually expressed,traits such as hair coat and eye color. A pharmaco-
With the completion of the human genome project
genetic approach to adverse drug events stands to
and continued focus on mapping the genetic profile
provide us with drug therapy that is unique to
of other species, pharmacogenetic data and, in
each patient and allows for an individualized
turn, clinical predictors of drug response, are likely
to become more commonplace in veterinarypractice. As our clinical picture progresses toward
As we currently stand, a population of seemingly
continued treatment of complex disease states,
similar animals may experience a variety of clinical
management of chronic conditions, and diagnosis
responses to one common drug treatment. The
of less common disease processes, the ability to
variable clinical response we see may be genetically
predict a patient’s interaction with their medication
based in some cases and the insight pharmaco-
regimen, and perhaps a clinical success probability,
genetics gives us will change our practice on a real-
should prove to be an invaluable part of compre-
time level. Using focused screening tests, we may be
able to predict which animals express the alteredprotein or gene sequence responsible for the adverse
Currently, we have a small amount of clinical and
event associated with a specific drug or class of
anecdotal evidence that allows us to have some
drugs. With the tools that pharmacogenetics offers,
insight into breed or population characteristics
we will likely be able to avoid or alter this event by
that appear to predispose animals to adverse drug
Table 1. Examples of inherited and acquired variations in enzymes, receptors and drug transporters found to be clinically relevant in human medicine (2) Variant phenotypes Drug affected Response modification Transporters
Many - See Table 2 Receptors
12 / / Veterinary Focus / / Vol 17 No 2 / / 2007
ideal settings to explore the genetics of a population.
Many years ago, the idea of organisms possessing the
With traceable breed divergence, intensive in-
capacity to adapt to influences placed on them by
breeding programs, and short time periods between
environmental or therapeutic factors was thought to
generations, the process of finding the genetic link
be based in inheritance. In the early 1900’s the
to a given drug event is quite realistic. Several
studies of several investigators provided proof that
papers have already reviewed pharmacogenetics in
there was indeed a connection between the bio-
both human and veterinary medicine (2,5). This
chemical processes that dictate drug metabolism
article will ser ve to summarize the genetic
and genetics (2). One of the first reports of an
predictors of adverse drug events of clinical
inherited difference in response to a foreign chemical
significance that have been identified in dogs.
was published by Snyder in 1932. Based on previouswork by Fox, Blakeslee and Salmon, “taste blindness”
Multi-drug resistance (MDR-1)
to phenylthiocarbamide (PTC) was described and
mutation and p-glycoprotein
linked to an autosomal recessive trait in humans (3).
Multiple sources and clinical case reports have now
Later, during World War II, Archibald Garrod noticed
reported the linkage between certain herding breeds
a link between the development of a primiquine
and adverse drug events related to antiparasitics and
hemolysis reaction and African-American soldiers.
other drugs. Avermectins are a widely used class of
Further study showed that this hemolysis was the
drugs used in veterinary medicine to treat internal
product of a genetic deficiency of glucose-6-
and external parasites. One specific compound in
phosphate dehydrogenase (G-6-PD) (4).
this class is ivermectin, which works to paralyzeinvertebrate organisms by activating the GABA
As time progressed, observations of succinyl-
(gamma amino butyric) or glutamate gated chloride
choline, isonizid, and debrisoquine helped relate
channels of the peripheral ner vous system.
individual patients’ responses to a genetic pattern.
Mammals generally have GABA expression within
These early reports and case studies laid the
the central nervous system protected by the blood-
ground work for modern pharmacogenetics.
Since those first advances, contemporary technology
Clinically, it has been observed that Collies (Figure 1)
has allowed the study of pharmacogenetics to move
and other related breeds are seen to be more
forward at a heightened pace. Today, there is a focus
sensitive to the CNS effects of ivermectins revealing
on both pharmacogenetics (a collaboration of
clinical signs such as tremors, hypersalivation, coma,
biochemistry and pharmacology to correlate
depression and ataxia. First described in the 1980’s,
phenotypic markers to specific genetic links) and on
very small doses (1/100-1/200th of standard) were
pharmacogenomics. Pharmacogenomics differs
shown to elicit these profound and acute adverse
from pharmacogenetics in its more global focus.
events in some, but not all, Collies and related
Using advanced technology such as high-throughput
breeds. While exploring several possibilities, such
DNA sequencing, gene mapping and bioinformatics,
as altered protein binding, it was seen that Collies
studies can focus on interpatient variables to predict
demonstrating adverse events had a higher brain
differences in drug behavior and response. The
concentration of ivermectin relative to non-
genomic approach will allow us to study the basis of
observed drug response, and predict responses,identify new drug targets, and individualize
The basis of this observation has been shown to be
therapy in a way that reduces both drug cost and
linked to a deletion mutation in the MDR-1 (Multi
prevents unwanted effects. Some of the inherited or
Drug Resistance 1) gene sequence that results in a
acquired variations in drug enzymes, transporters
series of premature stop codons to be expressed
and receptors seen to be clinically relevant in human
halting formation of almost 90% of the resulting
medicine are outlined in Table 1.
p-glycoprotein amino acid sequence (6). P-glyco-protein, first identified in the mid-1970’s, is a
Several recent pharmacogenetic discoveries have
170kDa glycosylated membrane protein that
proven to be clinically relevant to veterinary
functions to infer intrinsic resistance to a wide
patients. The canine population is one of the more
variety of drug substances by exporting these
Vol 17 No 2 / / 2007 / / Veterinary Focus / / 13
substances out of the body. P-glycoprotein expression
Many drugs, of veterinary clinical significance, have
can be found in several tissues including the brain,
been shown to be substrates of p-glycoprotein
where it works to maintain an integral portion of
(Table 2). During drug absorption, p-glycoprotein
the blood-brain barrier; the gut, where its location
may significantly reduce the oral bioavailability
on the brush border of enterocytes, limits the
of its substrates. As shown in MDR-1 knockout
absorption and bioavailability of substrates; on
mice, p-glycoprotein substrate bioavailability is
the surface of tumor cells, where it infers multi-
considerably greater than wild-type mice. Investig-
drug resistance; and the renal proximal tubules,
ations to take advantage of this process showed that
where its presence accelerates the secretion of
the oral bioavailability of docetaxel, a substrate, was
increased almost 20-fold when administered with ap-glycoprotein inhibitor. As drugs are distributed in
P-glycoprotein’s role in the blood-brain barrier was
the body, p-glycoprotein again plays a role. For
first shown in MDR-1 knockout mice. Investigations
those substrates that may cause adverse effects
with ivermectin showed that the knockout popul-
if given entry into the central nervous system,
ation was 50-100 times more sensitive to the
testes, or placenta, breeds suffering from the MDR-1
neurologic effects relative to the wild-type mice.
deletion mutation will be more likely to experience
By showing that ivermectin is a substrate for
adverse events even at low clinical doses. Animals
p-glycoprotein, the link between the absence of
that are heterozygous for the deletion may not
this protein and the reported adverse events was
experience adverse events initially or with one
clear (8). The consequence of alterations in the
dose, but at high or chronic doses, toxicity may
expression of this protein stands to have great
clinical significance due to its wide tissue expressionand relative lack of substrate specificity.
During drug excretion, p-glycoprotein expressionon the renal tubules has altered the clearance of
The distribution of the MDR-1 mutation among the
some substrates, particularly chemotherapeutic
canine population has been described. Overall, it
medications. The concurrent administration of a
has been reported that almost 75% of Collies in the
p-glycoprotein inhibitor to rats decreases the billiary
US, France and Australia have one mutant allele for
the expression of altered p-glycoprotein. Affectedbreeds are suspected to have similar lineage and
Clearly the implications of the MDR-1 deletion mutation
include other herding breeds such as Old English
and subsequent expression of p-glycoprotein will
Sheepdogs, Australian Shepherds, Shelties, English
stand to gain even more clinical relevance as we
Shepherds, Border Collies, German Shepherds,
are able to understand and test for those animals that
Long-haired Whippets, and Silken Windhounds.
have altered expression. Currently, at least one com-
Case reports in other non-related breeds are less
mercial laboratory will analyze samples for canines to
provide genotyping information (Washington St ateUniversity, Figure 1. Standard American Collie. Cytochrome P450 enzymes
Drug metabolism is mediated by several complexsystems. While better understood in humans, theCYP450 (cytochrome P450) enzyme system isbecoming better delineated in canines. This classof enzymes is responsible for the metabolism of awide variety of drugs and can be expressed in severallocations within the body. It has been shown thatthese enzymes may be induced or inhibited by certaindrugs; they may be over or underexpressed in certainpopulations; and they may vary as to their expressionin certain individuals within a population.
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CYP1A2 has been shown to be deficient in 10% of
one small population of Beagles (9). While few
Substrates of p-glycoprotein (7)
drugs used clinically in veterinary medicine havebeen identified to be substrate of this enzyme,
Cytotoxic drugs
future directions may provide greater clinical
CYP2B11 has up to a 14-fold variation in its activity
Cardiac drugs
in dogs of mixed breed pedigree, Greyhounds were
shown to have a particularly low activity within the
larger canine population. Several drugs including
propofol are substrates of CYP2B11 and some
Antiemetic drugs
evidence that this enzyme may be expresseddifferently in male and female dogs (10). Antidiarrheal agents
There is also some evidence that CYP2D15 may
exhibit polymorphism in dogs. In Beagles, approxi-
mately half of the population appears to metabolize
well celecoxib (a substrate of CYP2D15), while the
other half appears to be poor metabolizers. This
effect has been shown to increase the half-life of
elimination of this drug up to 5-fold (11). While the
extrapolation of this finding to other non-steroidals
of similar structure, such as deracoxib, has not been
shown, further clinical evidence and study may
produce more information. Other drugs are shown
to be CYP2D15 substrates in humans, although theseare used less frequently in veterinary medicine.
As the exploration of the metabolic process of drug
metabolism in dogs continues to grow, we may
have evidence to show that there are more variants
in the metabolic enzymes. As we know more about
the source of these mutations, we will likely find
that other breeds may be affected and expandeddrug classes are involved. Further evidence willlikely help us avoid dangerous drug-drug, drug-
metabolizing enzyme has greatly varying levels,
even in seemingly similar breed populations,which is also similar to the situation in humans. Thiopurine S-methyl transferase (TPMT)
Their study included 56 different dog breeds and
Thiopurine S-methyl transferase has been studied
mixed breed subjects. The study first observed the
in humans and is shown to catalyze the methyla-
TPMT levels occurring in 145 samples and found
tion of drugs such as 6-mercaptopurine and
the level of activity varied over a 9-fold range.
azathioprine. Recently, a genetic polymorphism
Using information on the sequence and structure
has been identified in dogs that leads to some
of the TPMT gene, the researchers resequenced all
considerable variation in the expression of this
of the exons of the canine TPMT gene using DNA
enzyme. Salavaggione, et al. (12) found that
from 39 dogs selected based on different levels of
TPMT levels in the average canine red blood cell
RBC TPMT activity. Subsequently, nine poly-
(RBC) were similar to those found in human
morphisms were obser ved. Six of the nine
studies. Furthermore, it was found that this drug-
polymorphisms were associated with 67% of the
Vol 17 No 2 / / 2007 / / Veterinary Focus / / 15
variation in level of the RBC TPMT activity in the
other breeds lending them a greater risk for
39 samples. When those 6 single-nucleotide poly-
adverse events from those more lipophilic drugs
morphisms were assayed using DNA from all 145
such as barbiturates that are cleared from the brain
dogs, 40% of the phenotypic variance could be
to muscle and fat with subsequent elimination by
the liver. While anecdotal evidence has shown thatnot all sighthounds have the same reaction to
The clinical application of these obser ved
barbiturates and propofol, these reactions are
variations can not be fully elucidated at this time.
likely contributed to a combination of factors,
We know that those patients with low TPMT
including polymorphic gene expression, variable
activity are at much higher risk of developing
enzyme expression and environmental influences.
potentially lethal toxicity when administeredthiopurine drugs at standard doses. Likewise,
Idiosyncratic sulfonamide toxicity
those patients with high enzyme activity are likely
There is a growing body of evidence that supports
to see clinical failure due to under-treatment. It has
the theories that pharmacogenetic differences can
been observed that Giant Schnauzers have lower
also potentiate adverse drug reactions that are not
TPMT activity, while Alaskan Malamutes had high
related to a drug concentration and are not
TPMT activity (13). While the clinical application
predictable. These idiosyncratic reactions have been
of this information may not be readily available
characterized in humans for some time. The
until standardized testing methods have been
sulfonamide antibiotics (sulfamethoxazole, sulfadia-
established, it is nonetheless important to consider
zine, sulfadimethoxine) have been shown to cause
that variations do occur that may predispose some
numerous dose-dependant reactions in dogs such as
breeds to greater risk of adverse events such as
hematuria, non-regenerative anemia, and an inter-
bone marrow suppression, and should be consider-
ference with thyroid hormone synthesis. Other
adverse reactions have also been seen at therapeuticdoses that tend to be more generalized and more
Sighthounds and anesthesia
typical of delayed immunologic reactions and can
The sighthound class has long been a highly domestic-
even manifest once a short treatment (10 days or less)
ated, strictly bred, group of dogs. Predisposing
has been completed. These reactions tend to include
these animals to a myriad of physiological and
signs such as hepatotoxicity, skin eruptions, fever,
anatomical anomalies, the physical makeup of these
hemolytic anemia, uveitis, polyarthritis, proteinuria
dogs has seemingly caused idiosyncratic reactions to
and facial swelling. Work is currently underway in
certain classes of drugs. As described above, some
the United States to characterize dogs with these
of the reactions we see related to sensitivity to
reactions using ELISA for anti-drug antibodies,
anesthetic agents, such as propofol, may likely be
in vitro cytotoxicity assays and other methodologies
related to a cytochrome P450 variance relative to
other non-related breeds. We do see other reactionsthat are more likely the consequence of breeding
patterns, exercise pressures and performance
We have clear data that helps to verify, on a genetic
demands placed on these animals by humans.
basis, some of the adverse drug effects we have seenin certain breeds of dogs. The previous approaches
Sighthounds are typically thought to include the
of identifying a genetic predisposition to adverse
Greyhound, Whippet, Borzoi, Irish Wolfhound,
drug events based on phenotype and then searching
Basenji, Saluki and Rhodesian Ridgeback and were
for the genetic link will soon give way to identifying
bred to hunt based on sight, as opposed to scent.
predisposing genetic factors and modifying drug
They have been characteristically stream-lined to
therapy in anticipation of the events. Several
show similar characteristics of lean body mass,
genetic factors that have clinical implication with
prominent musculature, long limbs and a deep
regard to drug therapy have already been described.
thorax. These breeds tend to have highly stressed
Pharmacogenetics provides us with the opportunity
demeanors and can be more likely to have stress-
to practice, on a clinical level, the best possible drug
related complications when placed in the clinical
therapy. We will be able to screen for those animals
environment. They have much less body fat than
who may be at risk; test to verify their genotypic
16 / / Veterinary Focus / / Vol 17 No 2 / / 2007
characteristics; and customize drug therapy for the
adverse events and maximizes therapeutic benefit.
individual rather than the population. With the
Academic and clinical support for the research
advances that clear genetic answers provide us, we
efforts in pharmacogenetics and pharmaco-
will be able to identify new and more precise drug
genomics stand to benefit the whole of veterinary
targets to allow for drug therapy that minimizes
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Vol 17 No 2 / / 2007 / / Veterinary Focus / / 17
LUNGENFIBROSE Liebe Patienten, die heutige Medizin weiß von 30.000 Krankheitsbildern und 1/3 davon kann sie gut behandeln bzw. heilen. Die Lungenfibrose wie andere Erkrankungen (Fibromyalgie), die an den autoimmunen Formenkreis erinnern, ist schwer zu behandeln. Die Ursache ist unbekannt, gelegentlich als Folge von einer allergischen Lungeerkrankung (Alveolitis) oder Sarkoidose. Wa
Clinical Brief SCIWORA-Spinal Cord Injury Without Radiological Abnormality Veena Kalra, Sheffali Gulati, Mahesh Kamate and Ajay Garg1 Department of Pediatrics and 1Department of Neuroradiology, All India Institute of Medical Sciences, New Delhi ABSTRACT Following trauma, the commonly used radiological investigations, plain radiographs and computed tomography (CT) studies do