Microsoft word - yc'13 registration form individual
Wednesday, July 31 – Saturday, August 3, 2013: YMCA of the Rockies
This convention participant has/or is subject to: (Please check appropriate box(es)and briefly
describe the condition, severity, and treatment of each. Attach separate sheet if necessary.)
___ Youth Convention Staff Member ___ Pastor
Please Print
Name_______________________________________________ Male Female (please circle)
Does convention participant carry an EpiPen or anaphylaxis kit? Yes or No\
City, State/Prov., Zip/Postal Code_________________________________________________
Is convention participant able to receive Benadryl in the event of an emergency? Yes or No
Have they taken Benadryl before? Yes or No
Phone (____)_____________Email Address________________________________________
Please List all Medications Taken Regularly and for what reason:
High School Grad Year_________________ Birthdate (mm/dd/yyyy) ____/____/_____
Home Church __________________________________________T-shirt Size S M L XL XXL
Emergency Contact Name________________________________Relation__________________________________
Home Phone_______________________Other Phone__________________________________
Home Phone________________________Other Phone_________________________________
Health Insurance Information
Date of Last Tetanus Immunization_____________________________________________
Date of Last Physical Exam_____________Any significant changes?__________________
Name of Insurance Company______________________________________________________
Policy number(s)________________________________________________________________
Medical/Liability Release (Must be signed by parent for those under 18)
Name on Insurance Policy________________________________________________________
I, ____________________(or the parent/legal guardian of ______________________) authorize and
consent to medical, surgical, and hospital care, treatment, and procedures to be performed on myself (or
Convention Covenant
my child) by a nearby medical facility as church staff and/or Lutheran Brethren Youth Convention staff
deem necessary. I also understand that, if applicable, I (or my child) will be self-administering my (his/her)
It is my intention to attend the 2013 National Lutheran Brethren Youth Convention. I agree to take part in all
own documented medications during the convention under the orders of a personal doctor. I also give
activities relating to this convention in a positive and responsible manner, for my own benefit and as an
permission for a registered nurse to make available, under observation, Tylenol and ibuprofen to myself
example to others. I will respect any and all rules of conduct given by the convention staff and the leaders of
(or my child) should I (he/she) need it.
my church group, including travel to and from the convention site. I will value the property of the park and
use all facilities responsibly and within guidelines both published and implied. I understand that use of
Signature of Participant_______________________________________________Date_____________
tobacco products, alcoholic beverages, fireworks, and illicit drugs is prohibited and such use is grounds for
dismissal from the convention with travel home at my expense or the expense of my parents.
Signature of Participant____________________________________________Date___________
Liability Waiver
I, the parent, hereby acknowledge that I have voluntarily allowed my child listed above, to participate in the YC13 retreat, held at YMCA of the Rockies, Estes Park, CO. I understand that participation at this retreat may present hazards and exposures to risk or harm. I am aware of the risks inherent to this activity and I knowingly and willingly allow my child, listed above, to assume the risk of injury, including what might result from loss of control, collisions with other participants, and other obstacles, whether obvious or not obvious. I understand that any bodily injury, death, or loss of personal property and expenses as a result of these activities is my responsibility. As lawful consideration for my child being permitted to participate in this activity, I release from any legal liability, YC13 officers and leadership, the Church of the Lutheran Brethren, YMCA of the Rockies and any individual or agency whose property and scheduled activity may be required to be utilized in the activities provided I further agree not to sue, claim against, attach the property of, or prosecute YC13 officers and leadership, the Church of the Lutheran Brethren and YMCA of the Rockies and any of their officers, members, affiliate organizations, agents and employees for any injury or death caused by participation in this activity. I agree to defend, indemnify and hold harmless YC13, Church of the Lutheran Brethren and YMCA of the Rockies and all their officers, members, affiliate organizations agents and employees for any injury or death caused by or resulting from my child’s participation in this activity. This contract shall be legally binding on me, my estate, heirs, assigns, legal guardians, and personal representatives. I have carefully read the above and fully understand its contents. I am aware that I am releasing certain legal rights and I may have, and I enter into this contract with my own free will. Parental/Guardian signature______________________________________ If you wish to not permit the intentional use of photographic images of your child, please sign and date the line blow ____________________________________________________________
Neutral Citation Number: [2010] EWHC 20 (Admin) Case No: CO/10754/2008 IN THE HIGH COURT OF JUSTICE QUEEN'S BENCH DIVISION ADMINISTRATIVE COURT DAVID ELVIN QC - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Between : (on the application of FREDERICK DOBGIMA NUKAJAM) Claimants THE SECRETARY OF STATE FOR THE HOME DEPARTMENT Defendant - - - - - - - - - -
South Lenoir High ALTO RENDIMIENTO DE ESTUDIANTES South Lenoir High Rendimiento de estudiantes por curso en las pruebas ABC de fin de curso James Stephen Saint-Amand, Director(a) Porcentaje James Stephen Saint-Amand, Director(a) Previo(a)de calificaciones de estudiantes a nivel de grado o más. Inglés I Álgebra I Álgebra II Biología Ciencias Civismo escuela 80.3% Distrito