City of Milton
City of Milton
City of Milton
A variety of natural resources are found within the City of Milton that contribute to the social and economic value of the community, and are an important consideration in the planning process. When allowed to function naturally, these resources provide benefits to everyone at no cost; however, when development significantly alters natural resources, the effects are often disastrous and far-reaching. The purpose of this element is to establish guidelines for development that ensure the wise conservation, use, and protection of natural resources. The Conservation Element identifies and analyzes the natural resources of Milton. Impacts on these resources from human activities are identified and needs for DATA AND ANALYSIS
Natural Resource Inventory and Analysis
Surface Water Resources
The surface water resources of the City of Milton include the Blackwater River and Locklin Lake. The Blackwater River borders Milton on the east. It is a 58 mile river originating north of Bradley, Alabama and discharging south of Milton into the Blackwater Bay. Locklin Lake was formed by the construction of a dam as part of a subdivision development. It is a private lake located near the center of Milton and is linked to the Blackwater River by Collins Mill Creek. City of Milton
Water quality information for the Blackwater River was obtained from the Florida Department of Environmental Regulation’s “1986 Florida Water Quality Assessment, 305(b) Technical Report.” The Blackwater River is designated as having “good” overall water quality, meaning that the quality of the water meets its designated use. Two point sources of pollution affect the river. The Milton Sewage Treatment Plant discharges into the river near Blackwater Bay. The Whiting Field Sewage Treatment Plant discharges into Clear Creek, a tributary of the Blackwater River. Locklin Lake is currently experiencing water quality problems due to over- nutrification and siltation. The City has a Stormwater Management Sub-Committee established to address the issue of stormwater runoff entering Locklin Lake. Additionally, the City currently has a Comprehensive Stormwater Development Plan underway that will provide a review of drainage and water quality issues impacting Milton. This study is scheduled to be completed in October 1990. Surface Water Classification
The Department of Environmental Regulation classifies State waters according to their present and future most beneficial uses. Section 17-3.081 F.A.C. identifies these Class II – Shellfish propagation or harvesting Class III – Recreation; propagation and maintenance of a healthy, well-balanced Class IV – Agricultural water supplies Class V – Navigation, utility, and industrial use City of Milton
Locklin Lake is classified as a Class III Water. In addition to this classification system, the DER administers the Outstanding Florida Waters Program which designates a special category of water bodies in the State worthy of special protection. The designation requires that the existing ambient (naturally occurring) water quality be maintained and that the DER cannot issue permits that would lower the ambient water quality. The Blackwater River has been designated as an Outstanding Florida Water and has, therefore, been designated as a natural reservation on the Existing and Future The Florida Department of Environmental Regulation (DER) has not identified any air quality problems in the Milton area. The DER previously maintained air quality station in the area, but discontinued this practice due to continued excellent air quality 3. Floodplains
Floodplains are defined here as those areas identified by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) on its Flood Insurance Rate Maps as “A” zones. “A” zones are defied as “special flood hazard areas inundated by the 100 year flood.” Floodplains encompass the eastern border of Milton along the Blackwater River. This location makes them vulnerable to development effects which could impede their City of Milton
natural functions, minimize public and private losses due to floods, and promote public 4. Minerals
The predominant mineral resources in the Milton region are sand, gravel, and petroleum. The “Florida Mining Atlas” identifies only one active mine the immediate Milton area. This is the Gault City Pit, a sand pit located near the south border of the Petroleum is produced from the Jay Oil Field in Northwest Santa Rosa County. Although, not produced within the City of Milton, this resource is mentioned here due to Soil Erosion Problems
The U.S.D.A Soil Conservation Service has not identified areas experiencing soil erosion problems in the City of Milton. The “1980 Santa Rosa County Soil Survey”, together with the “1987 Soil Survey Legend,” identifies specific soils that are highly erodible. This information is useful in formulating development plans and should be referred to prior to any construction activity. 6. Fisheries
The City of Milton is bordered by the lower river segment of the Blackwater River system. Characteristic fish of this area are the Chain pickerel, Largemouth bass, Warmouth, Bluegill, Readear sunfish, Coastal shiner, and Brook silverside. Overall fish City of Milton
production in this river segment is less than found in other warmwater streams as is indicated by the low numbers of largemouth bass and bream. Table V-1 lists the fish species known to be in the Blackwater River system. Only one known endangered fish species inhabits the Blackwater River system. This fish, the Blackmouth Shiner, is the rarest freshwater fish in Florida and is endemic to the Blackwater River and, possibly, the Yellow River. City of Milton
Fish Species of the Blackwater River System City of Milton
City of Milton
7. Vegetative
The City of Milton has developed within the vegetative community known as Longleaf Pine – Turkey Oak Hills. The dominant natural plant species of this community is the longleaf pine (Pinus palustris). Next in abundance is the turkey oak (Quercus leavis). Table V-2 lists plant species that are characteristic of the community. Note that the majority of land area within the City of Milton is developed; therefore, much of the naturally occurring vegetative community has been altered. Areas of unaltered vegetation are found along the Blackwater River, in local conservation areas, City of Milton
8. Wildlife
Animals are commonly referred to in terms of the vegetative communities to which they have adapted. Wildlife that is characteristic of the Longleaf Pine-Turkey Oak Hills vegetative community are listed in Table V-2. Development within vegetative communities will drive out all but the most adaptive forms of wildlife. Wildlife, that can be found within the City of Milton include the fox squirrel, the fence lizard, the scrub jay, 9. Marine
There are no marine habitats within the City of Milton. 10. Endangered
Recognizing the value of the diversity of Florida’s fish, wildlife and plants, the State of Florida adopted the “Florida Endangered Species Act of 1977” and the “Preservation of Native Flora of Florida Act.” These acts prohibit the destruction or harm of any species identified by the Florida Game and Fresh Water Fish Commission, the Department of Natural Resources, the Department of Agriculture, or the U.S. Department of the Interior as being endangered or threatened. Endangered species are those species which are so few in number that they are in imminent danger of extinction. Threatened species are those species that are likely to become endangered in the foreseeable future. A third designation, Species of Special Concern, applies to those species that are in danger of becoming threatened, already meet certain criteria for designation as a threatened species, have not City of Milton
Sources: "26 Ecological Communities of Florida," U.S.D.A., Soil Conservation Service, 1985 "201 Facilities Plan for South Escambia and Santa Rosa Counties," Flood and Associates, Inc.; Consoer, Townsend and Associates; Baskerville-Donovan Engineers, Inc.; Tom Justice and Associates Consulting Engineers; and Theta Analysis Inc., Environmental Consultants, 1978 Lt. Ken Watson, Florida Game and Fresh Water Fish Commission, Interview 6/11/87.
City of Milton
sufficiently recovered from a past population depletion, or whose decline would result in significant adverse affects to other species. In addition to these designations, the Florida Department of Agriculture includes a Commercially Exploited category and the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service includes a series of designations for those species under review for federal listing. Table V-3 identifies the threatened and endangered species that are characteristic of, or known to occur in the Longleaf Pine – Turkey Oak Hills 11. Wetlands
No wetlands are identified on the USGS 7.5 Minute Quadrangle Maps within the Commercial, Recreation and Conservation Uses
There are few direct commercial uses of natural resources in the City of Milton. Groundwater is used for commercial purposes and a sand pit is mined outside the City limits. In addition, natural resources provide indirect commercial uses. This is especially true along the Blackwater River where development and redevelopment efforts are centered around the aesthetic value of this resource. Recreation uses of natural resources in Milton center around its water resources. The Adrian Carpenter’s Park is located on the Blackwater River and provides access for boating and fishing. Riverwalk Park, located in downtown Milton, is a linear riverfront park. This facility is currently being extended through the use of state grant funds.
City of Milton
City of Milton
Land areas within the City limits currently designated for conservation use include the following two conservation corridors. The Rails to Trails corridor is part of a state-wide program converting abandoned rail corridors to conservation or passive recreation use. The Collins Mill Creek corridor is an undeveloped utility corridor linking Locklin Lake with the Blackwater River along Collins Mill Creek. Additionally, the publicly-owned land located south of Collins Mill Creek adjacent to the Blackwater River and the parcel located just south of the City Sewage Treatment Plant adjacent to the River, provides a total of approximately 24 undeveloped acres of conservation land within the City of Milton. Conservation areas are further protected through the various federal, state and local regulatory programs. These programs are listed in Table V-4. In surrounding Santa Rosa County, substantial conservation areas are located in the immediate vicinity of Milton. They include the Blackwater River State Forest and Wildlife Management Areas, and the Eglin Wildlife Management Area. Additionally, the Gulf Island National Seashore (Naval Live Oaks) is located nearby in southern Santa C. Pollution
Milton’s most significant pollution problem is the water quality of Locklin Lake. Problems with the lake include over-nutrification and siltation stemming from non-point pollution sources. Improved stormwater management is needed to restore and protect petroleum storage tanks are a threat to the potable water supply of Milton. An underground storage tank with a leak as small as a quarter of an City of Milton
inch can leak a gallon an hour, depending on soil conditions. One gallon of gasoline can contaminate one million gallons of water to an undrinkable level. The Department of Environmental Regulation (DER) has identified 13 leaking underground petroleum A potential hazardous waste problem exists with the generation of small quantities of wastes by various businesses within the City. Examples of these wastes include waste oil, dry cleaning filters and photo processing chemicals. The Water Quality Assurance Act of 1983 requires each county to identify potential small quantity hazardous waste generators within their jurisdiction and to annually verify the hazardous waste management practices of at least 20-percent of those identified. The West Florida Regional Planning Council is currently performing this assessment for City of Milton
DER - Rules 17-3, 17-4, 17-12, and 17-45 F.A.C.
DNR - manage and protect state lands and control beach erosion Research, and Sanctuaries Act of 1972; Federal Fish and Wildlife Coordination Act of 1958; National Environmental Policy Act of 1969; Title 32, Section 209.320-209.330 C.F.R.
Section 380.06 F.S. Rules 9B- To facilitate orderly and well- procedure for developments that would impact more than one county City of Milton
To plan for and regulate solid All resource and recovery and hazardous waste disposal management facilitiesactivities Chapters 17-3, 17-4, & 17-22 quality of water in the stateF.A.C.
Chapter 403 F.S.; Rules 17-3, To protect and conserve the 17-4, 17-6 F.A.C. & Chapters quality of water in the state including stormwater, industrial, and domestic waste discharge.
To ensure proper utilization of Construction, alteration or and excess drainage, preserve or reservoir worknatural resources, prevent harm to water resources DER - Section 373.306 F.S.; Control, conserve and protect Certain groundwater, groundwater resources of the monitoring, and injection state Law 92-500 and Section 401, quality of waters in the U.S.
City of Milton
HRS - Section 381-272 F.S.; HRS - To supervise and cooperate with municipal and sewage disposal facilities county officials in enforcing the with less than 5000 GPD state health laws, rules, and regulations promulgated by HRS and to ensure consistency with local health regulations and ordinances.
Section 403.087, F.S.; Rules To protect and enhance the air Construction, modifications, 17-2 & 17.4 F.A.C.
expansion, and operation of any facility or development that will emit pollutants into the air waste is transported, disposed facilitiesof, stored, and treated in a manner adequate to protect human health, safety, and welfare of the environment DACS & USFWS - Section581 F.S.; EndangeredSpecies Act of 1973 City of Milton
FEMA Flood Insurance Act of To regulate development in Protection Act of 1973; Milton - safety and minimize damage encourage development of oil oil and gas development Ch. 211, part II, F.S.; Ch. 378, To provide a mechanism for the reclamation and restoration mining of solid materials for of lands disturbed by mining by commercial usetaxing mine owners to create a land reclamation trust fund DACS - Rule 5I-2 F.A.C.
Ch. 75-22, Sec. 8,Laws of FLCh. 590 F.S.
DOF - Rule 17-5 F.A.C.
Q10, 16Q-11, 16Q-15, 16Q-16, 16Q-18, 16Q-20, 16Q-21 City of Milton
To regulate underground and Facilities which receive, above ground pollutant storage store, or use petroleum facilities to protect ground and products in excess of 1,000 surface water resources from gallons in any one calendar contamination month or more than 10,000 gallons in any calendar year development which include the City of Miltonprotection of natural resources sedimentation, and runoff from specifically exempteddevelopment DER - Department of Environmental RegulationDNR - Department of Natural ResourcesCOE - U.S. Army Corps of EngineersDCA - Department of Community AffairsDOF - Division of ForestryDACS - Department of Agriculture and Consumer ServiceFGFWFC - Florida Game and Freshwater Fish CommissionUSFS - U.S. Fish and Wildlife ServiceFEMA - Federal Emergency Management AgencyNWFWMD - Northwest Florida Water Management District "State of Florida Regulatory and Review Procedures for Land Development," Department of Environmental Regulation, November 1984.
"Laws and Regulations Affecting Endangered and Potentially Endangered Species in Florida", Florida Game and Freshwater Fish Commission, July 1985.
Florida Administrative Code Rules City of Milton
Potential for Conservation, Use and Protection
A basic framework for the conservation, use and protection of natural resources is provided by the system of existing regulatory programs established by the State, Federal and local agencies for this purpose. Table V-4 identifies in general terms the type of program, the administrative agency, the statutory authority, the purpose of the program and the types of activities regulated. The conservation of water sources is further promoted through adherence to the Water Conservation Act of 1982. This Act requires specific water conservation practices to be utilized in all new buildings constructed after September 1, 1983. Additionally, the City has plans to adopt procedures for emergency conservation of water resources in accordance with the plans of the Northwest Florida Water Management District. The City is a participant of the Pensacola Bay Surface Water Improvement and Management (SWIM) Program administered by the Northwest Florida Water Management District. This project involves data collection and analysis on a basin-wide basis. The City will consider the conclusions and any recommendations contained in the SWIM work products in development of their revised Land Development In order to ensure intergovernmental coordination and protection among adjacent municipalities, the City actively participates on the Interlocal Action Committee which provides representation from all jurisdictions in Santa Rosa County, including Eglin A.F.B., State Forest and Wildlife Management Areas, local governments, etc. This committee will provide a forum to consider developments having impacts on more than City of Milton
one jurisdiction, including such topics as the protection of unique vegetative The Blackwater River, as an Outstanding Florida Water, is designated as a natural reservation. Protection of this resource will provide protection for the one known endangered fish species which inhabits the Blackwater River System, the Blackmouth Shiner. In order to protect the water quality of the Blackwater River and other water resources, the City will ensure the availability of sanitary sewer services in currently unsewered areas with soil conditions that are severely limited for septic tank absorption fields (as defined in the Soil Conservation Service, Soil Survey for Santa Rosa County) prior to authorizing new development and/or redevelopment activity. Furthermore, the City will require conversions from existing septic tank use to sanitary sewer facilities within 150 feet of the Blackwater River. In areas with soil conditions that are acceptable for septic tank absorption fields, the City will allow septic tank use provided that 150 foot setbacks from the Blackwater River are met. In order to protect the Blackwater River from encroachment by development activity, the revised Land Development Regulations will require at a minimum that the existing development setback requirements from the Blackwater River are met or exceeded. These setback standards are contained in the existing Zoning Ordinance. Areas of concern that will require additional effort by the City include stormwater management, hazardous waste disposal, and tree protection. Stormwater management issues are currently being addressed by the City, both in terms of quantity and water quality, through the development of a Comprehensive Stormwater Development Plan. This study is expected to be completed in October 1990. The City is committed to City of Milton
implementing the Plan’s recommendations to ensure the protection of the City’s surface waters from non-point source pollution. Additionally, the City will require the use of Best Management Practices (BMP’s) during construction activity to protect sensitive soils from erosion and prevent sedimentation of surface water bodies. Techniques that can be used include silt fences, turbidity curtains, hay bales placed on the site periphery, and so on. Contingencies for the transfer and disposal of hazardous wastes need to be developed to protect human health and natural resources. The third area of concern, tree protection, is currently being considered by the City. A Tree Protection and Landscape Ordinance will be developed in conjunction with revised Land Development Regulations, and will include requirements such as providing vegetative buffer zones, where possible, between conflicting land uses and restrictions on tree removal. These ordinances will serve to buffer the impacts of noise and lights, in addition to providing for wildlife habitat, preserving native vegetative communities and maintaining air quality. Current and Projected Water Needs and Sources
Potable Water Users
The City of Milton is the owner and operator of the potable water supply for the City. Within the systems’ franchise area, there are presently about 4,280 water system customers which on the average consume approximately 51.0 million gallons per month or 1.7 million gallons per day (mgd). The design capacity of the system is 4.2 mgd. The water source for the City is the Sand and Gravel Aquifer. The location of potable water wells are indicated on the Potable Water Well Locations Map. Water quality City of Milton
information related to the Sand and Gravel Aquifer is contained in the Natural Groundwater Aquifer Recharge Sub-Element. Table D-4 of the Potable Water Sub-Element of this plan provides the following average water demand projections for the City of Milton during the planning timeframe: 1990 – 848,000 gallons per day; 1995 – 910,000 gallons per day; 2000 – 959,000 gallons per day. Additionally, demand projections for unincorporated areas are as follows: 1990 – 798,000 gpd; 1995 – 856,000 gpd; 2000 – 902,000 gpd. These figures indicate capacity surpluses throughout the planning period, therefore, the provision of potable water is not expected to be a problem for the City. 2. Industrial
Data provided by the Northwest Florida Water Management District indicates that no Consumptive Use Permits for industrial water uses have been issued within the City of Milton. Based on historical trends and conditions depicted on the Future Land Use Map, it is not anticipated that future industrial wastewater users requiring a consumptive


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