A Poetry Map for LSJ Bruce Fraser Greek Lexicon Project Faculty of Classics, University of Cambridge 2003 (revised 2007) Table of contents Introduction
When using the Greek-English Lexicon of Liddell-Scott-Jones (LSJ), readers face theproblem that many citations of the early Greek poets are to editions which are out of printand have been superseded by works which give different numbers to the fragments. Although their comparationes numerorum provide helpful 'back bearings' to the earliereditions, they do not constitute a convenient method of linking from citations in LSJ. Inaddition, users of the Thesaurus linguae Graecae (TLG) CD-ROM may have no access tothem.1
Yet LSJ remains the most widely-consulted Ancient Greek dictionary. It would thereforebe useful to have a unified way of linking its citations of the poets to the modern editions. This listing undertakes the task. The authors and works covered are summarised below,grouped approximately by genre. Lyric and iambic poets: Mappings are given for Alcaeus, Alcman, Anacreon, Archilochus, Bacchylides, Callimachus (Aet., Epigr., Hec., Hymni, Iambi, fragments), Carmina popularia, Corinna, Hipponax, Ibycus, Ion, Lyrica adespota (in Page PMG listed as Fragmenta adespota), Philoxenus, Pindar (Paeanes, Parthenia, Dithyrambi), Praxilla, Sappho, Scolia (Carmina convivalia in PMG), Simonides, Stesichorus, Timocreon, and Timotheus. Pratinas and the CarminaAnacreontea are not listed, since the LSJ numbering is retained in modern editions.2 Epigrams: Epigrams by lyric and iambic poets are included with their other fragments. Citations from the Anthology (AP, APl., and App.Anth.) retain the same numbering in most modern editions, apart from the collections of Gow & Page and FGE. An appendix links the LSJ numbers to these volumes. Bucolic and elegiac poets: Poets are not listed if their LSJ numbering is retained in modern editions. These authors include: Callinus, Demodocus, Mimnermus, Moschus, Semonides, and Theocritus.3 However, references are given for Theoc., Beren. and Syrinx; and mappings are given for the fragments of Solon and Tyrtaeus which differ in West IEG, and for the minor poems and fragments of Bion. The division of Theognis into Books 1 and 2 is also given. Epic fragments: Citations of Cypria, Epigoni, Il.Parv., Il.Pers., Nosti, and Titanomachia are quite rare in LSJ, but all the fragments are mapped, as are the Homeric hymns. For Hesiodic fragments, readers are directed to the concordance in Merkelbach-West. Comic fragments: While most fragments of Aristophanes and Menander have the same numbering in LSJ and TLG, much new material has been discovered, and fragments have been extensively renumbered in modern editions. References are given here to Kassel-Austin's PCG III.2 (for Aristophanes) and VI.2 (Menander).4 For Menander, mappings are given for line numbers of plays which are named in LSJ, and for fragments which appear in Sandbach.
1Citations in Montanari's GI - Vocabolario della lingua greca and the Diccionario griego-español (DGE)often correspond to those in LSJ, but cannot always be so matched.
2The editions are Bergk III and PMG /GL III (Pratinas); Preisendanz and West Anacreont. (Anacreontea). 3The fragments of Callinus, Demodocus, Mimnermus, and Semonides are collected in Bergk II and IEG II;and those of Moschus and Theocritus in Wilamowitz Bucol. and Gow. 4The other Attic comic fragments are collected in PCG II, IV-V, and VII, with adespota in VIII(comparationes with Kock I-III). Doric fragments are in PCG I (comparatio with Kaibel, pp.333-5). Philosophical fragments: LSJ cites from Diels Vorsokr. or PPF.5 As the same numbering is retained in Diels & Kranz and KRS, it is not given here. The editions are, however, cited in the bibliography. Tragic fragments: LSJ citations of Aeschylus and Sophocles have the same numbering in most modern editions, so these are cited, and mappings are given to Diggle TrGFSel. Mappings are also given for citations of Aeschylus from Weir Smyth AJP, and, for Euripides, from Arnim to Page (Select Papyri), to Bond, and to Diggle (Phaeth). Reader notes:
1) This map is primarily designed to be used for reference when consulting LSJ. It doesnot, therefore, always give a full listing of each poet's fragments. Individual lines aresometimes given when citations are restricted to those actually appearing in LSJ.
2) Authors are cited by the abbreviations used in LSJ, and reattributions are listed underthe heading of the author as given by LSJ (notably including many reattributions fromSimonides). Authors and works are additionally identified by their numbers in the TLGCanon, to avoid any possibility of misidentification.
3) LSJ citations are always listed in the leftmost column, and numbers of the moderneditions to the right.
4) Marginal numbers are given for fragments in LP. Numbers in PMG are given firstly asthose at the head of each fragment (which correspond to the TLG citations), and then asthe running numbers in the margins (cited by most editions, including the revised editionPMGF). For Alcman, the first author in PMG, these numbers are the same.
5) Double citations are used in two other circumstances: where TLG cites Athenaeus byKaibel rather than Casaubon number, and Eustathius by volume and page (rather thanmargin) numbers of Stallbaum.
6) Volume numbers are given in Roman numerals. The formatting of letters indicatingsub-fragments corresponds to that in the relevant edition. In citations of modern editions,however, line numbers follow commas, so "112, 10" indicates fragment 112, line 10. Theabbreviation adn. (for adnotatio) denotes the note to a fragment, rather than the text. Context and acknowledgments
This map was collated by comparing the editions cited by LSJ with the texts and comparationes of themodern editions. Citations were further checked, and reattributions discovered, with the help of the TLGCD-ROM (E).
Professors Colin Austin and James Diggle and Dr Martin West generously gave of their time to readdrafts of the document, and their comments have enabled me to make substantial improvements.
The project was undertaken as part of the development of an electronic database of lexicographic 'slips',designed by Professor Jeffrey Rydberg-Cox of the University of Missouri at Kansas City, for an AncientGreek-English lexicon being written at Cambridge University under the editorship of Dr Anne Thompson.
5PPF is cited for Crates Theb., Demetr. Troez., Emp., Parm., Scythin., Timo Phliasius, and Xenoph. Summary of principal editions for each author or work, with LSJ editions first.6 (Forthcoming editions are bracketted): A.Fr.: Nauck = Radt III, Weir Smyth AJP, - Diggle TrGFSel; Weir Smyth. Alc.: Bergk III, Supp., - LP, Voigt, Liberman, GL I, (PMGF III). Alcm.: Bergk III, Supp., - PMG, GL II, PMGF I. Anacr.: Bergk III - PMG, IEG II, GL II, (PMGF II). Anthologia Graeca: AP, APl., - AG, Paton; Gow & Page 1965, 1968; FGE. App.Anth.: Cougny. Archil.: Bergk II, Supp., - IEG I, GIP. Ar.: Hall & Geldart, D., - Kock I, PCG III.2. B.: Jebb - Maehler B., Irigoin, GL IV. Bion Fr.: Wilamowitz Bucol. - Gow, Reed. Call.Aet.,Epigr.,Hec.,Hymni,Iamb., Fr., Fr.anon.: Schneider, Mair, Pfeiffer Frag. - Pfeiffer, Alessio, Gow & Page 1965, Hollis, Kerkhecker. Carm.Pop.:Bergk III - PMG, GL V, (PMGF IV). Corinn.: Bergk III, Supp., - PMG, GL IV, (PMGF II). Cypr.: Allen, Kinkel, - Bernabé; Davies, West Ep.Fr. Epigoni: Allen, Kinkel, - Bernabé; Davies, West Ep.Fr. E.Fr.: Arnim, Nauck, Hunt - Page Select Papyri; Austin, Diggle Phaeth., Bond,
Diggle TrGFSel; CCL, Jouan-Looy, (Kannicht). Hes.Fr: Rzach - Merkelbach-West. h.Hom.: Allen - Allen, Halliday and Sikes; West h.Hom. Hippon.: Bergk II - IEG I, Degani, GIP. Ibyc.: Bergk III, POxy., - PMG, GL III, PMGF I. Il.Parv.: Allen, Kinkel, - Bernabé; Davies, West Ep.Fr. Il.Pers.: Allen, Kinkel, - Bernabé; Davies, West Ep.Fr. Ion Eleg., Ion Lyr.: Bergk II - IEG II, PMG, GL IV, Gentili-Prato. Lyr.Adesp.: Bergk III - PMG Fragmenta adespota, GL V, (PMGF IV). Men.: Kock III, Koerte, D., - Sandbach, Arnott, PCG VI.2; Jacques, Martina. Nosti: Allen, Kinkel, - Bernabé; Davies, West Ep.Fr. Philox.: Bergk III - PMG, GL V. Pi. Pae.,Parth., Dith.Oxy.: Supp., POxy.1604, - Maehler Pi., Rutherford. Praxill.: Bergk III - PMG, GL IV. S.Fr.: Pearson = Radt IV - Diggle TrGFSel; Lloyd-Jones. Sapph.: Bergk III, Supp., - LP, Voigt, GL I, (PMGF III). Scol.: Bergk III - PMG Carmina convivalia, GL V, (PMGF IV). Simon.: Bergk III - IEG II, PMG, GL III, (PMGF II). Sol.: Bergk II - IEG II; GEP. Stesich.: Bergk III - PMG, GL III, PMGF I. Thgn.: Bergk II - Young, GEP. Timocr.: Bergk III - PMG, GL IV. Tim.: Wilamowitz - PMG, GL V, Hordern. Titanomach.: Allen, Kinkel, - Bernabé; Davies, West Ep.Fr. Tyrt.: Bergk II - IEG II, GEP.
6This summary reflects the Authors and Works listing of LSJ (1968), and so does not include thereferences to Diehl Anth.lyr. listed in the 1940 edition. However, that work is cited for reattributions. Bibliography Editions cited by LSJ: Allen = T.W. Allen, Homeri opera, Vol. V, 1912, Oxford: Clarendon. AP, APl. = Epigrammatum anthologia Palatina: cum Planudeis et appendice nova, ed. F. Dübner, Vols. I and II, 1864-72, Paris: Firman Didot.
= Anthologia Graeca epigrammatum Palatina cum Planudea, ed. H. Stadtmüller, 3 vols., 1894-
1906, Leipzig: Teubner. App.Anth. = Epigrammatum anthologia Palatina: cum Planudeis et appendice nova, Vol. III Appendix nova, ed. E. Cougny, 1890, Paris: Firman Didot. Arnim = J. von Arnim, Supplementum Euripideum, 1913, Berlin: Marcus & Weber. Bergk II, III = T. Bergk, Poetae lyrici Graeci, Vols. II and III, 4th Ed., 1882, Leipzig: Teubner. Cougny. See App.Anth. (above). D. (appended to numbers of comic fragments) = J. Demia ´n czuk, Supplementum comicum: comoediae Graecae fragmenta post editiones Kockianam et Kaibelianam reperta vel indicata, 1912, Kraków: Nakladem Akademij Umiejetno´s ci. Diels PPF = H. Diels, Poetarum philosophorum fragmenta, 1901, Berlin: Weidmann. Diels Vorsokr. = H. Diels, Die Fragmente der Vorsokratiker, 3 vols., 4th Ed., 1922, Berlin: Weidmann (6th Ed. 1952 ed. W. Kranz = Diels & Kranz). Hall & Geldart = F.W. Hall and W.M. Geldart, Aristophanis comoediae, Vol. II, 2nd Ed., 1906, Oxford: Clarendon. Hunt = A.S. Hunt, Tragicorum Graecorum fragmenta papyracea nuper reperta, 1912, Oxford: Clarendon. Jebb = R.C. Jebb, Bacchylides: The Poems and Fragments, 1905, Cambridge: University Press. Kaibel = G. Kaibel, Comicorum Graecorum fragmenta, Vol. I.1, Doriensium comoedia, mimi, phlyaces, 1899, Berlin: Weidmann. Kinkel = G. Kinkel, Epicorum Graecorum fragmenta, Vol. I, 1877, Leipzig: Teubner. Kock = T. Kock, Comicorum Atticorum fragmenta, Vol. I (old comedy) 1880, II-III (new comedy, adespota) 1884-88, Leipzig: Teubner. Koerte = A. Koerte, Menandrea, 2nd Ed., 1912, Leipzig: Teubner (see listing of modern editions, below, for 3rd Ed.). Mair = A.W. Mair, Callimachus and Lycophron, 1921, London: Heinemann. Meineke = A. Meineke, Fragmenta comicorum Graecorum, Vol. IV, 1841, Berlin: Reimer. Nauck = A. Nauck, Tragicorum Graecorum fragmenta, 2nd Ed., 1889, Leipzig: Teubner. Pearson = A.C. Pearson, Sophocles: The Fragments, 3 vols., 1917, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Pfeiffer Frag. = R. Pfeiffer, Callimachi fragmenta nuper reperta, Editio maior, 1923, Bonn: Marcus and Weber. POxy. = The Oxyrhynchus Papyri (1898-1922 ed. B.P. Grenfell and A.S. Hunt; subsequent vols. by other editors), London: Egypt Exploration Fund. Preisendanz = K. Preisendanz, Carmina Anacreontea, 3rd Ed. 1912, Leipzig: Teubner. Rzach = A. Rzach, Hesiodi carmina, 3rd Ed., 1913, Leipzig: Teubner. Schneider = O. Schneider, Callimachea, 2 vols., 1870-73, Leipzig: Teubner. Schroeder = O. Schroeder, Pindari carmina cum fragmentis selectis,1900, Leipzig: Teubner. Supp. (appended to a lyric or iambic poet's name) = E. Diehl, Supplementum lyricum: neue Bruchstücke von Archilochus, Alcaeus, Sappho, Corinna, Pindar, 3rd Ed., 1917, Bonn: Marcus and Weber. Weir Smyth AJP = H. Weir Smyth, 'Unlisted Fragments of Aeschylus', AJP 41, 1920, 101-114. Wilamowitz = U. von Wilamowitz-Möllendorff, Timotheos, Die Perser, 1903, Leipzig: Teubner. Wilamowitz Bucol. = U. von Wilamowitz-Möllendorff, Bucolici Graeci, 2nd Ed. 1910, Oxford: Clarendon. Modern editions, and other works cited:
(Publications listed under the names of ancient authors always include the editions usedby TLG —in brackets when more recent editions are also listed). A.D.Pron. = Apollonius Dyscolus, de pronominibus (TLG 0082, 001), in R. Schneider, Grammatici Graeci, Vol. II.1, 1878, Leipzig: Teubner. AG = H. Beckby, Anthologia Graeca, 4 vols., 2nd Ed., 1965-8, Munich: Heimeran. Alessio = G.B. D'Alessio, Callimaco, Vol. I Inni, epigrammi, Ecale, Vol. II Aitia, giambi, frammenti elegiaci minori, frammenti di sede incerta, 2nd Ed. 1997, Milan: RCS Libri. Allen, Halliday and Sikes = T.W. Allen, W.R. Halliday and E.E. Sikes, The Homeric Hymns, 2nd Ed., Oxford: Clarendon. Arist.Rh. = Aristotle (TLG 0086, 038 in W.D. Ross, Aristotelis ars rhetorica, 1959, Oxford: Clarendon). R. Kassel, Aristotelis ars rhetorica, 1976, Berlin: de Gruyter. Arnott = W.G. Arnott, Menander, 3 vols., 1979, 1996, 2000, Cambridge MA: Harvard University Press. Ath. = Athenaeus Soph. (TLG 0008, 001) in G. Kaibel, Athenaei Naucratitae deipnosophistarum libri, 3 vols. 1887-90 (repr. Stuttgart, 1965-6), Leipzig: Teubner. Austin = C. Austin, Nova fragmenta Euripidea in papyris reperta, 1968, Berlin: de Gruyter. Bernabé = A. Bernabé, Poetarum epicorum Graecorum testimonia et fragmenta, Vol. I 1987, corr. 1996, Leipzig: Teubner. Bond = G.W. Bond, Euripides: Hypsipyle, 1963, Oxford: Oxford University Press. CCL = C. Collard, M.J. Cropp and K.H. Lee, Euripides: Selected Fragmentary Plays, Vol. I (Telephus, Cretans, Stheneboea, Bellerophon, Cresphontes, Erectheus, Phaethon, Melanippe Sophe, Melanippe Desmotis) 1995, Vol. II (Alexandros with Palamedes and Sisyphus , Andromeda, Antiope, Archelaus, Hypsipyle, Oedipus, Philoctetes) 2004, Warminster: Aris & Phillips. Coll.Alex. = J.U. Powell, Collectanea Alexandrina: reliquiae minores poetarum Graecorum aetatis Ptolemaicae, 323-146 A.C., epicorum, elegiacorum, lyricorum, ethicorum, 1925, Oxford: Clarendon. Davies = M. Davies, Epicorum Graecorum fragmenta, 1988, Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht. Degani = H. Degani, Hipponactis testimonia et fragmenta, 2nd Ed., 1991, Leipzig: Teubner. DGE = F.R. Adrados et al., Diccionario griego-español, 1980-, Madrid: Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas. Diehl Anth.lyr. = E. Diehl, Anthologia lyrica Graeca, Vol. I. (four books, 1-4, in one vol.), 2nd Ed. 1936, Vol. II 1925, Leipzig: Teubner. Diels & Kranz. See Diels Vorsokr. (in LSJ citations, above). Diggle Phaeth. = J. Diggle, Euripides: Phaethon, 1970, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Diggle TrGFSel = J. Diggle, Tragicorum Graecorum fragmenta selecta, 1998, Oxford: Clarendon. Diod.Sic. = Diodorus Siculus Hist. (TLG 0060, 001) in F. Vogel and K.T. Fischer, Diodori bibliotheca historica, 5 vols., 3rd Ed., 1888-1906 (repr. Stuttgart, 1964), Leipzig: Teubner. EM = T. Gaisford, Etymologicon magnum (TLG 4099, 001), 1848, Oxford: Oxford University Press (repr. 1962, Amsterdam: Hakkert). Eustath. Od. = Eustathius (TLG 4083, 003) in G. Stallbaum, Eustathii archepiscopi Thessalonicensis commentarii ad Homeri Odysseam, 2 vols., 1825-6 (repr. Hildesheim: Olms, 1970), Leipzig: Weigel. FGE = Further Greek Epigrams: epigrams before A.D.50 from the Greek anthology and other sources, not included in 'Hellenistic epigrams' or 'The Garland of Philip': edited by D.L. Page; revised and prepared for publication by R.D. Dawe and J. Diggle, 1981, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. FGrH = F. Jocoby, Die Fragmente der griechischen Historiker, 3 Vols. in 15, 1923-58, repr. 1954-69, Leiden: Brill. Gentili-Prato = B. Gentili and C. Prato, Poetarum elegiacorum testimonia et fragmenta, 2 vols., 1979, 1985, Leipzig: Teubner. GEP = D.E. Gerber, Greek Elegiac Poetry, 1999, Cambridge MA: Harvard University Press. GIP = D.E. Gerber, Greek Iambic Poetry, 1999, Cambridge MA: Harvard University Press. GL I-V = D.A. Campbell, Greek Lyric, Vols. I-V, 1982-1993, Cambridge MA: Harvard University Press. Gow = A.S.F. Gow, Bucolici Graeci, 1952, Oxford: Clarendon. Gow & Page (1965) = A.S.F. Gow and D.L. Page, The Greek Anthology. Hellenistic Epigrams, Vol. I, 1965, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Gow & Page (1968) = A.S.F. Gow and D.L. Page, The Greek Anthology. The Garland of Philip, and some contemporary epigrams, Vol. I, 1968, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Hdt. = Herodotus (TLG 0016, 001 in Ph.-E. Legrand, Hérodote. Histoires, 9 vols., 1932-54, Paris: Belles Lettres). See also H.B. Rosén, Herodoti historiae, 2 vols., 1987-97, Leipzig: Teubner. Hephaest. = Hephaestion Gramm. (TLG 1402, 002) in M. Consbruch, Hephaestionis enchiridion cum commentariis veteribus, 1906 (repr. Stuttgart, 1971), Leipzig: Teubner. Hesych. = Hesychius (TLG 4085, 002) in K. Latte, Hesychii Alexandrini lexicon, A-O, 2 vols., 1953, Copenhagen: Munksgaard. Hollis = A.S. Hollis, Callimachus: Hecale, 1990, Oxford: Clarendon. Hordern = J.H. Hordern, The Fragments of Timotheus of Miletus, 2002, Oxford: Oxford University Press. IEG I, II = M.L. West, Iambi et elegi Graeci: ante Alexandrum cantati, Vols. I-II, 2nd Ed. 1989-92, Oxford: Clarendon. Irigoin = Bacchylide: Dithyrambes, épinicies, fragments. Texte établi par Jean Irigoin, et traduit par Jacqueline Duchemin et Louis Bardollet, 1993, Paris: Belles Lettres. Jacques = J.-M. Jacques, Ménandre, I.1 La Samienne 1989, I.2 Le Dyscolos 1976, I.3 Le Bouclier 1998, Paris: Belles Lettres. Jaekel = S. Jaekel, Menandri sententiae: comparatio Menandri et Philistionis, 1964, Leipzig: Teubner. Jouan-Looy = F. Jouan & H. van Looy, Euripide: tragédies, Vol. VIII Fragments, 1-4, 1998-2003, Paris: Belles Lettres. Kannicht = R. Kannicht, Tragicorum Graecorum fragmenta, Vol. V.1, V.2 (Euripides) 2004, Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht. Kannicht-Snell = R. Kannicht and B. Snell, Tragicorum Graecorum fragmenta, Vol. II Fragmenta adespota, 1981, Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht. Kerkhecker = A. Kerkhecker, Callimachus' Book of Iambi, 1999, Oxford: Clarendon. Koerte I, II = A. Koerte, Menandri quae supersunt, Vol. I, 3rd Ed. 1938, Vol. II 1953, Leipzig: Teubner. KRS = G.S. Kirk, J.E. Raven, and M. Schofield, The Presocratic Philosophers, 2nd Ed., 1995, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Liberman = G. Liberman, Alcée: Fragments, 2 vols., 1999, Paris: Belles Lettres. Lloyd-Jones = H. Lloyd-Jones, Sophocles, Vol. III Fragments, 1996, Cambridge MA: Harvard University Press. LP = E. Lobel and D.L. Page, Poetarum Lesbiorum fragmenta, 1955, Oxford: Clarendon. LSJ = H.G. Liddell and R. Scott (1940) A Greek-English Lexicon, A New Edition, (9th), revised by H.S. Jones, with the assistance of R. McKenzie. With a Supplement 1968, Oxford: Clarendon. Lycurg. = Lycurgus Orat. (TLG 0034, 001) in N.C. Conomis, Lycurgi oratio in Leocratem, 1970, Leipzig: Teubner. Maehler B. = Bacchylidis carmina cum fragmentis: post Brunonem Snell edidit Hervicus Maehler, 11th Ed., 2003, Munich: Saur. See also commentaries by H. Maehler, Die Lieder des Bakchylides, 2 vols., 1982-97, Leiden: Brill. Maehler Pi. = H. Maehler, Pindari carmina cum fragmentis, Vol. II, Fragmenta, indices, 1989, Leipzig: Teubner. Martina = A. Martina, Epitrepontes Menandri, 1997, Rome: Kepos. Massimilla = G. Massimilla, Callimaco. Aitia, libri primo e secondo, 1996, Pisa: Giardini. Merkelbach-West = Hesiodi Theogonia, Opera et dies, Scutum: edidit Friedrich Solmsen. Fragmenta selecta: ediderunt R. Merkelbach et M.L. West, 1970, Oxford: Clarendon. Mette A. = H.J. Mette, Die Fragmente der Tragödien des Aischylos, 1959, Berlin: Akademie-Verlag. Mette E. = H.J. Mette, 'Euripides (insbesondere für die Jahre 1968-1981). Erster Haupttiel: die Bruchstücke', Lustrum 23-4, 1982 (with additions in Lustrum 25, 5-13, 1983). Montanari = F. Montanari, I. Garofalo, and D. Manetti, GI - Vocabolario della lingua greca, 1995, Turin: Loescher. Page Select Papyri = D.L. Page, Select Papyri, Vol. III Literary papyri, poetry, 1941, London: Heinemann. Parth. = Parthenius Myth. (TLG 0655, 003), in Suppl.Hell ., 291-300. Paton = W.R. Paton, The Greek Anthology, 5 vols., 1916-18, London: Heinemann. Paus. = Pausanias Perieg. (TLG 0525, 001 in F. Spiro, Pausaniae Graeciae descriptio, Vol. II, 1903, Leipzig: Teubner). See also M.H. Rocha-Pereira, Pausaniae Graeciae descriptio, 3 vols., 1973-81, Leipzig: Teubner. PCG = R. Kassel and C. Austin, Poetae comici Graeci, Vol. I (Doric poets) 2001, Vols. II-VII (Attic poets, incl. III.2, Aristophanes, VI.2, Menander) 1986-98; Vol. VIII (adespota) 1995, Vols. III.1 and VI.1 forthcoming, Berlin: de Gruyter. Pfeiffer = R. Pfeiffer, Callimachus, Vol. I, 1949, Vol. II, 1953, Oxford: Clarendon. Philostrat. = Philostratus, Epistulae et dialexeis (TLG 0638, 006), in C.L. Kayser, Flavii Philostrati opera, Vol. II, 1871 (repr. Hildesheim: Olms, 1964), Leipzig: Teubner. Plu.Amator. = Plutarch, Amatorius (TLG 0007, 113 in C. Hubert, Plutarchi moralia, Vol. IV, 1938, Leipzig: Teubner). R. Flacelière, Plutarque: oeuvres morales, Vol. X, 1980, Paris: Belles Lettres. Plu.Cohib.ira = Plutarch, de cohibenda ira (TLG 0007, 095 in W.R. Paton, M. Pohlenz, W. Sieveking, Plutarchi moralia, Vol. III, 1929, Leipzig: Teubner). See J. Dumortier and J. Defradas, Plutarque: oeuvres morales, Vol. VII, 1975, Paris: Belles Lettres. Plu.Malig.Hdt. = Plutarch, de Herodoti malignitate (TLG 0007, 123, in L. Pearson, Plutarch's Moralia, Vol. XI, 1965, Cambridge MA: Harvard University Press). See the editions by P.A. Hansen, Plutarchi de Herodoti malignitate, 1979, Amsterdam: Hakkert; and G. Lachenaud, Plutarque: oeuvres morales, Vol. XII.1 1981, Paris: Belles Lettres. Plu.Quom.adul. = Plutarch, Quomodo adulator ab amico internoscatur (TLG 0007, 070, in F.C. Babbit, Plutarch's Moralia, Vol. I, 1927, repr. 1969, Cambridge MA: Harvard University Press). R. Klaerr, A. Philippon, & J. Sirinelli, Plutarque: oeuvres morales, Vol. I.1 1989, Paris: Belles Lettres. Plu.Them. = Plutarch, Themistocles (TLG 0007, 010, in K. Ziegler, Plutarchi vitae parallelae, Vol. I.1, 4th Ed., 1969, Leipzig: Teubner). See also editions by R. Flacelière, E. Chambry & M. Juneaux, Plutarque: Vies, Vol. II 1961, Paris: Belles Lettres; and C. Cavena, M. Manfredini & L. Piccirilli, Plutarco: Le vite di Temistocle e di Camillo, 1983, Verona: Mondadori. PMG = D.L. Page, Poetae melici Graeci, 1962, Oxford, Clarendon. PMGF = M. Davies, Poetarum melicorum Graecorum fragmenta, Vol. I (Alcman, Stesichorus, Ibycus) 1991; II (Anacreon, Simonides, Corinna), III (the Lesbian Poets), IV (adespota), forthcoming, Oxford: Clarendon. Pollux = E. Bethe, Pollucis onomasticon (TLG 0542, 001), 2 vols. (Lexicographi Graeci IX.1-2), 1900, 1931 (repr. Stuttgart, 1967), Leipzig: Teubner. Pompella = G. Pompella, Lexicon Menandreum, 1996, Hildesheim: Olms-Weidmann. Radt III, IV = S. Radt, Tragicorum Graecorum fragmenta, Vol. III (Aeschylus) 1985, Vol. IV (Sophocles) 1977, Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht. Reed = J.D. Reed, Bion of Smyrna: The Fragments and the Adonis, 1997, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Rutherford = I. Rutherford, Pindar's Paeans: a reading of the fragments with a survey of the genre, 2001, Oxford: Oxford University Press. Sandbach = F.H. Sandbach, Menandri reliquiae selectae, 2nd Ed. 1990, Oxford: Clarendon. Schwartz = E. Schwartz, Scholia in Euripidem, 2 vols., 1887-91 (repr. de Gruyter, 1966), Berlin: Reimer. Schol.Clem.Alex. = Scholia in Clementum Alexandrinum (TLG 5048, 001), in O. Staehlin and U. Treu, Clemens Alexandrinus, Vol. I, 3rd Ed. (Die griechischen christlichen Schriftsteller 12), 1972, Berlin: Akademie-Verlag. Schol.Nicandr.Ther. = Scholia in Nicandri theriaca et alexipharmaca (TLG 5031, 003), in Scholia in Theocritum: auctiora reddidit et annotatione critica instruxit Fr. Dübner. Scholia et paraphrases in Nicandrum et Oppianum: partim nunc primum edidit, partim collatis cod. mss. emendavit, adnotatione critica instruxit et indices confecit U. Cats. Bussemaker, 173-219, 1849, Paris: Firman Didot. SLG = D.L. Page, Supplementum lyricis Graecis, 1974, Oxford: Clarendon. Snell = B. Snell, Tragicorum Graecorum fragmenta, Vol. I (trag. minor.), 1986, Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht. Str. = Strabo Geog. (TLG 0099, 001, in A. Meineke, Strabonis geographica, 3 vols., 1877, Leipzig: Teubner). See S. Radt, Strabons Geographika, 10 vols. 2002-, Göttingen: Vandenhoeck and Ruprecht. Suid. = Suida (TLG 9010), in A. Adler, Suidae lexicon (Lexicographi Graeci, Vol. I.1-4), 1928-35, Leipzig: Teubner. Suppl.Hell. = H. Lloyd-Jones and P. Parsons, Supplementum Hellenisticum: indices in hoc supplementum necnon in Powellii Collectanea Alexandrina confecit H.-G. Nesselrath, 1983, Berlin: de Gruyter. Th. = Thucydides Hist. (TLG 0003, 001, in H.H. Jones and J.E. Powell, Thucydidis historiae, 2 vols., 1942, Oxford: Clarendon). See also J. de Romilly, R. Weil, & L. Bodin, Thucydide: La guerre du Péloponnèse, Vols. I-V, 1953-72, Paris: Belles Lettres. TLG Canon = L. Berkowitz and K.A. Squitier, Thesaurus linguae Graecae: Canon of Greek authors and works, 3rd Ed., 1990, Oxford: Oxford University Press (corrections and additions published online at TrGFSel = Diggle TrGFSel TrGF : I = Snell (1986, trag. minor.), II = Kannicht-Snell (1981, adespota), III = Radt (1985, Aeschylus), IV = Radt (1977, Sophocles), V = Kannicht (2004, Euripides) Tryphon = Tryphon I Gramm., Peri tropwn (TLG 0609, 001), in L. Spengel, Rhetores Graeci, Vol. III, 1856 (repr. Frankfurt: Minerva, 1966), Leipzig: Teubner. Voigt = E.-M. Voigt, Sappho et Alcaeus: fragmenta, 1971, Amsterdam: Polak & van Gennep. Weir Smyth = H. Weir Smyth, Aeschylus, Vol. II, 1926 (repr. 1983), Cambridge MA: Harvard University Press. West Anacreont. = M.L. West, Carmina Anacreontea, 1984, Leipzig: Teubner. West Ep.Fr. = M.L. West, Greek Epic Fragments: from the seventh to the fifth centuries BC, 2003, Cambridge MA: Harvard University Press. West h.Hom. = M.L. West, Homeric Hymns, Homeric Apocrypha, Lives of Homer, 2003, Cambridge MA: Harvard University Press. Young = D. Young, Theognis, 2nd Ed., 1971, Leipzig: Teubner. A.Fr. = AESCHYLUS Trag. Alc. = ALCAEUS Lyr. 1) Most citations are from Nauck = Radt
III (for those renumbered, see appendix).
differ from LP. They are almost identical
to Voigt (whose comparatio with LP is
(Frr. are also organised in tetralogies by
Mette A.; TLG work 008, concordancewith Nauck pp.266-9).
Citations are given here in three groups:(1) from Bergk III, (2) those marked
2) Frr. cited from Weir Smyth AJP are 1) Bergk III pp.147-97 to LP pp.112-
edition will be PMGF III (forthcoming). Inc.auc.= Incertum utrius auctoris frr.,
0387, 001 Sapphus vel Alcaei fragmenta. 3) Frr. from Radt III are matched here 5) A.Eleg.2 3) Alc.Oxy.
(full conspectus in LP pp.xxiii-xxvii). 2) Alc.Supp. 2081(d) Fr.5 Alcm. = ALCMAN Lyr.
The revised edition, citing the same fr. Anacr. = ANACREON Lyr. AP,APl. = ANTHOLOGIA GRAECA
TLG 7000, 001. The numbering is thesame in AP, APl., AG and Paton.
& Page (1965, index of sources pp.255-
App.Anth. = ANTHOLOGIAE Ar. See Aristophanes (below). Archil. = ARCHILOCHUS Iamb. et
LSJ citations marked "Archil.Supp." are
Archil.Supp. Ar.Fr. = ARISTOPHANES Comic.
LSJ frr. cited from Hall & Geldart havethe numbering of Kock I, pp.392-600
LSJ frr. with 'D.' appended (=Demia´nczuk) retain the same numbers in TLG
All fragments are collected in PCG III.2(comparatio with Kock and 'D', pp.435-
B. = BACCHYLIDES Lyr. Epinica and Dithyrambi: Jebb toMaehler B. pp.1-51, GL IV pp.100-317;
Call. = CALLIMACHUS Philol.
TLG 0533Mappings are given for eight groups:
Aet., Epigr., Hec., Hymni, Iamb., Call.Fr., Call.Fr.anon., and frr. with
suffix 'P' (=Pfeiffer Frag.). All frr. are 1) Call.Aet. (TLG work 006)
Mair - Pfeiffer I frr. 1-190. See also
LSJ also cites Aet.Oxy.2079 and 2080:
(once, under othma, misprinted as 2075)2079.46
Bion = BION Bucol. (TLG 0036). Line Bion Fr. (TLG work 003). Wilamowitz Bucol. to Gow pp.159-165. (Reed also uses the numbering of Gow.) Instances where LSJ appears to cite from the earlier (1905) edition of Wilamowitz are noted in brackets: 2) Call.Epigr. (TLG works 003-4) 3) Call.Hec. (TLG work 009) 4) Hymni (TLG works 015-20) Mair to
Pfeiffer II pp.1-40. See also Alessio I. Call.Ap. Call.Cer. Call.Del. Call.Dian. Call.Jov. Call.Lav.Pall. 5) Call.Iamb. (TLG work 007) POxy.1011 as Iamb. I) to Pfeiffer I
frr.191-203 (Iambi I-III). Also included
in the listing are two frr. from Pfeiffer
Other iambic frr. are cited as 'Call.Fr.':
Iamb.1 6) Call.Fr.
('Call.Fr.anon.' are given below, at 7.)
8) 'Call.Fr.1.[line] P' etc. Frr. cited with 7) Call.Fr.anon.
(Only those cited by LSJ are given here.
See Scolia Carm.Pop. = CARMINA POPULARIA Corinn. = CORINNA Lyr.
45; GL IV pp.18-69. The revised editionwill be PMGF II.)
LSJ citations marked "Corinn.Supp." are
Corinn.Supp. E. = EURIPIDES Trag. TLG 0006
Most citations in LSJ are from Nauck,and retain the same numbers in TLG (as
passages in Diggle Phaeth. (many ofwhich also appear as TLG work 023). Cypr. = CYPRIA
Some recent frr. are published in Austin. See the complete editions by Kannicht,
who generally follows Nauck numbering,and by Jouan-Looy (who cite the
numbering of Kannicht and Mette E.).
from Nauck to Diggle, Hyps., other
LSJ Authors and Works listing. 1) Frr. from Nauck to page numbers in Epigoni
Allen 115, Kinkel 13-14, Davies,Bernabé, West Ep.Fr. Euripides Fragments Listed in order of Nauck 1889 (and Kannicht 2004) numbers, plus (next to each bold title) volume and order given in these editions: Collard, C., Cropp, M.J., and Lee, K.H. 1995. Euripides, Selected Fragmentary Plays I, Oxford: Aris and Phillips. Collard, C., Cropp, M.J., and Gilbert, J. 2004. Euripides, Selected Fragmentary Plays II, Oxford: Aris and Phillips. Jouan-Looy, Vol. VIII Fragments, 1: Aigeus-Autolukos; 2: Bellerophon-Protesiloas; 3: Stheneboea-Chrusippos; 4: Incert., Dub., Spuria. (Frr. also mapped to M. = H.J. Mette (1982) 'Euripides, Die Bruchstücke', Lustrum 23-24.)
[Satyr. plays marked 'SATYR.', works in Diggle TrGFSel starred *, w. page numbers.]
*Melanipp.Cap. I.9: 489-496 [Ennius, Alexander II.2a: frr.17-26]
*Melanipp.Cap./Sap.: 497-514
*Alexandros II.2: 41a-64 Oedipus II.3: Andromeda II.4: 114-156 Palamedes II.2.b:
*Antiope II.6:
*Archelaus II.7:
*Stheneboea I.3:
*Bellerophon I.4: Sisyphus SATYR.: II.2.c: 673-4
*Telephus I.1:
*Erectheus I.6:
*Hypsipyle II.5:
*Phaethon I.7: Philoctetes II.1:
*Cresphontes I.5: 448a-459 *111-4
*Cretans I.2:
*Melanipp.Sap. I.8: 480-488, 665a-c 2) E.Hyps. is mapped from Hunt to E.Cret. Arnim = Page Select Papyri
Kannicht 472e. (See also CCL I, Jouan-Looy
sometimes column, and line. (See alsoCCL II, Jouan-Looy 3 pp.176-223.)
E.Melanipp.Capt. Arnim Fr.6.11 = Page fr.13, 7 = Diggle TrGFSel p.123 fr.I, 11
= Kannicht 494 (Also CCL I, Jouan-Looy 2pp.384-96.)
E.Melanipp.Sap. Arnim Prol.15 = Page E.Oen. Arnim to Page = Kannicht-Snell adesp. 625 (also Jouan-Looy 2 pp.468-75.)
(Other frr. from Arnim - p.39 fr.6, p.39 fr.5 and
p.40 fr.6 - are collected in TLG as work 030.)
E.Pirith.Oxy.2078 Arnim to Page E.Sthen. Arnim = Page fr.16 = Diggle 3) Other named plays (marked with an asterisk in the LSJ Authors and Works 4) Despite appearing in the Authors and
listing) are cited from Arnim. The letter
Works listing, E.Archel. is not cited by
Kannicht 245. See also CCL II, Jouan-Looy1 pp.292-307. E.Antiop. is usually cited by papyrus
Frr. from E.Phaëth. are collected in
iv respectively) and line number, with 'A',
'Arn.', or 'Arnim' following. Occasionally,
numbers in Diggle. (See also CCL I,Jouan-Looy 3 pp.248-67.)
See Lyrica adespota Hes.Fr. = HESIODUS Epic. comparatio pp.227-229). One fr. is cited
Hes.Oxy.1359.1.17 h.Hom. see HYMNI HOMERICI below Hippon. = HIPPONAX Iamb. h.Hom. = HYMNI HOMERICI
below, though h.Ven. is once referred to
as h.Hom.5, and there is a citation of
'h.Hom.5.19' which actually refers to
h.Hom.6 (for glukumeilichos). h.Hom.1 and 6-33 are cited as such, h.Ap. h.Bacch.
'h.Bacch.17' refers both to Hymn 7
h.Cer. h.Mart.
citation for h.Hom.8 h.Merc.
('h.Merc.4' could also refer to 18)
h.Pan. (ad Panem)
citation for h.Hom.19 h.Ven. (ad Venerem) Ibyc. = IBYCUS Lyr.
Frr. cited as 'Ibyc.Oxy.1790' and '2081
The revised edition, citing the same fr.
conspectus pp.335-6), including frr. Ibyc.Oxy.[1790, 2081] Ibyc.Oxy.1790Fr.1.[line],
'Ibyc.Oxy.1790.1.[line]', '1790i[line]', or
just as 'Ibyc.Oxy.1790.[line]'.) 2081(f)Fr.4 1 (c) 282(c) fr.4 S165 Il.Parv. = ILIAS PARVA Il.Pers. = ILIU PERSIS Ion.Eleg. = ION Poeta et Phil.
to IEG II pp.79-82; GL IV pp.360-369. 2) TLG 0235, 001 Iambica adespota IEG (Bergk III, 692-696, to IEG II, 16-
Ion.Lyr. = ION Poeta et Phil. 3) TLG 0297, 001 Lyrica adespota PMG (Bergk III pp.689-745, Fragmentaadespota, to PMG pp.483-551; GL V
(Inc.auc.= Incertum utrius auctoris frr.,
LP pp.292-7; GL I pp.438-455; = TLG0387 Sapphus vel Alcaei fragmenta.)
1) TLG 0234, 001 Elegiaca adespota IEG
(Bergk III, 689-692, to IEG II pp.7-15,Adespota elegiaca).Men. = MENANDER Comic. Per.
Plays are collected in Sandbach (whose2nd edition gives an appendix of recent
Phasm. Pk.
individual plays include Jacques (Aspis,
Dyscolos, Sam.) and Martina (Epit.). 1) Men.Epit.[etc., line.] = Passages of Sam.
TLG work numbers (note thatnumbering is from Koerte, not Koerte I). 2)Men.Epit.[etc.]Fr. = Frr. from named
plays in Koerte, collected in Sandbach. Epit. Epit.Fr. (pp.97-8, TLG 008), Kith.Fr.
(pp.162-4, 018), Kol.Fr. (pp.171-3, 020), Kon.Fr. (p.178, 022), Pk.Fr. (p.221,
026) and Sam.Fr. (p.265, 030). Georg. Georg.Fr. Her. Inc. I Her.Fr. Inc. II Kith. Kol. Mis.Fr. Kon. Mis. Per.Fr. 5) Men.Fr. . D. (= Demia´n czuk) 6) Men.Mon. (= monostichoi); Meineke
the edition by Jaekel (comparatio withMeineke pp.153-165). 3) Men.Fr. = Book fragments from Kock III, which retain the same Nosti = Nostoi
(concordance with Koerte II pp.433-5). 4) Some frr. from Kock (and Koerte II) are also included in Sandbach pp.303-24
(TLG work 036) as Frr. longiora. Philox. = PHILOXENUS Lyr. 3) Pi.Dith.Oxy. = DITHYRAMBI from POxy.1604 to Maehler Pi., pp.74-78.
(TLG 1601, 001, Philoxenus Epigr.)
LSJ also cites fr.1 as 'Pi.Dith.Oxy.1604Fr.1 i'; and fr.2 as '1604 ii' and also as
TLG 0033, 005 Frr. cited from Schroeder as 'Pi.Fr.' Praxill. = PRAXILLA Lyr.
retain the same numbers in Maehler Pi. 1) Pi.Pae. = PAEANES. Diehl Supp.
pp.52-71, to Maehler Pi. pp.16-71; andRutherford (2001). S. See Sophocles (below). Sapph. = SAPPHO Lyr.
TLG 0009, 001Citations are given here in three groups:
1: Frr. cited as 'Sapph.', from Bergk to
Voigt (1971) follows LP (seecomparatio pp. 463-6; Inc.auc. 473). 2) Pi.Parth. = PARTHENIA. Diehl Supp. pp.72-77 to Maehler Pi. pp.90-95
2: Frr. cited as "Sapph.Supp."
and 122-6 (Incertorum librorum).
3: Frr. cited as "Sapph.Oxy."
More recent frr., from POxy. 2506, 2637,2878 and P.Colon. 5860, are collected in
TLG 1815, 001; and 98-102, TLG 0387,002. The revised edition will be PMGF
'Parth.2 Fr.1' or 'Parth.Fr.13', lines 22-54, = Maehler Fr.140 (a), 48-80. 1) Sapph.: Bergk III pp.82-140 pp.29- Inc.auc.= Incertum utrius auctoris frr.,
0387, 001 Sapphus vel Alcaei fragmenta. 2) Sapph.Supp. 3) Sapph.Oxy.[1231, 1787, 2076] Scol. = SCOLIA (LSJ) Simon. = SIMONIDES Lyr.
Bergk elegeia (frr.81-88) are mapped to
IEG II and TLG 1-17 (=GL III, 507-18).
Bergk epikedeia (89 to 188) to AG andother authors cited by TLG, and also to
136 FGE 19 (a) Plu.Malig.Hdt. 869C137 FGE 14
146 IEG II p.137, 89, TLG eleg. 14
= IEG II p.117, Simon. 8, TLG eleg. 2
242 Coll.Alex., Simias Gram. fr. 12
Simon. adn. 47(a) (Michael Psellus)
Stesich. = STESICHORUS Lyr. Sol. = SOLON Lyr.
The revised edition, citing the same fr.
conspectus pp.333-4), including frr. S.Fr. = SOPHOCLES Trag.
Fr.314, also cited as Ichn. (Ichneutai):
Frr. from Radt IV are matched here withpage numbers in Diggle TrGFSel:
Theoc. = THEOCRITUS Bucol. Thgn. = THEOGNIS Eleg. Timocr. = TIMOCREON Lyr. Tim. = TIMOTHEUS Lyr. Titanomach. = TITANOMACHIA Tim.Pers. Tim.Fr. Tyrt. = TYRTAEUS Eleg.
TLG 0266, 001(Bergk II - IEG II pp.169-184, GEP
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