Lethal treatments
fraudulent research
suppressed therapies protected carcinogens
the orthodox cure hoax
cancer survival
second only to the petrochemical industry Animal experimentation underpins the world- wide multi-billion dollar cancer racket.
Table of Contents
Tumours are implanted in animals and swell to grotesque proportions. Animals are MAX FACTOR'S SON CHOOSES THE RIGHT CANCER TREATMENT . 4 subject to massive doses of radiation and chemicals. 250,000 animals suffer anddie in fraudulent UK cancer research each year. "The history of cancer research has been a history of curing cancer in the mouse. for decades - and it simply didn't work in people". Dr Richard Klausrier, head of the National Cancer Institute LA Times May 1998. "If you have cancer and you are a mouse, we can take good care of you." Dr Judah Folkman US cancer vivisector. Time mag. May 1998.
Even that is a lie: artificially implanted tumours in mice are not cancer. Their record of successfully treating real cancer in mice is the same as in any other case of real "The ably exploited fear of this disease, caused mainly by the products issued from chemical and industrial laboratories, has become an inexhaustible source of income for the researchers, for the pharmaceutical industry and the medical establishment. In the course of our century, so-called cancer research and cancer Ascorbate in the control of leukaemia. 18 therapy have become a source of solid gold without precedent." Hans Ruesch, Naked Empress Highly-paid professional liars of the cancer business P.R. dept.,aided correspondents", "science editors", "social affairs/health correspondents" etc.- provide regular Cancer Research Breakthroughs whilst the holocaust worsens Animal-based "cancer research" fund-raisers include
The British Anti-Vivisection Association is infiltration-proof It spends no money on salaries or offices: all monies are used to fight vivisection on moral, ethical, philosophical, medical, scientific, economic and environmental grounds.
British Anti Vivisection
Electromagnetic pollution . 35Geopathic stress . 35 P.O. Box 73
Chesterfield S41 OYZ
ones used, usually, today. Proprietary brands may have substitutes in theirformulae.
Herbs should be bought from a reliable source, with guarantees that they have not The Dark at the End of the Tunnel
In the U.K., at the present time, around one third of general hospital patients are Herb mixtures need to be prepared carefully with regard to the instructions laid suffering from cancer: two out of five of the population have, or will develop, the down by those experienced in their usage. They work slowly, with the inherent disease. The U.K. citizen, born in the year 2010 may well face a situation whereby healing force, to restore harmony within the body.
they are more likely to develop cancer, at sometime, than they are to avoid it. Thetheoretical 100% cancer incidence is due long before the end of the century.
The Outer Layers
The 5-year survival figures, not to be confused with the successful treatment of the Health is multi-dimensional: harmony is needed on all of the planes; physical, disease, for the major cancers are:- stomach-5 percent: trachea, bronchus and mental, emotional and spiritual. Continued stress, whether it be caused by cigarette lung-5 percent: breast-50 percent: oesophagus-5 percent: large intestinjs-22 smoke or memories of childhood unhappiness, will, if the pre-disposition is there, percent: pancreas-4 percent: liver-2 percent. [1] There has been no significant lead to a breakdown of the cancer control mechanism.
increase in survival rates since records began.
Suppressed negative emotions- grief, resentment, jealousy, anger, fear. can The Solid Gold Source
poison just as effectively as junk food or junk medicine or environmental pollution.
Whether through counselling, meditation or healing, the demon must be exorcised: The cancer business is second only, in size, to its big brother, petrochemicals.
In the 20 years from 1970 to 1990, in the USA alone, the cancer business was His cancer personality is a reality: its degree of importance varying from person to worth an estimated 1 trillion dollars ($1,000,000,000,000) [2]. If the same person, as part of the total stress load on the body's inherent capacity to maintain percentage of the overall disease bill applies in Britain as in the US, the current- 2003-expenditure on cancer will be 4 to 8 billion pounds per year.
The difference between what is important and what is less so must be understood: With these kind of amounts involved it is quite understandable why the important things are smelling flowers, talking to cats and dogs, watching insects, drug/radiation/scalpel/vivisection cancer cartel have maintained a constant, ruthless standing in the woodland stream, writing and reading poetry.
campaign to suffocate, at birth, any and all attempts to introduce rationaltherapeutic regimes to deal with the species-threatening plague.
Whatever actions were taken by the authorities, immediately and totally, to rectifythe scenario, all that could be hoped for would be a damage limitation. As it is, not The Enemy Within
only will there be no attempt at this limitation, the cancer-makers are continuing toenjoy the full and enthusiastic approval of the government, the medical trade, the The cancer epidemic has many causative components; virtually all of them either bureaucrats, the media and the rest.
actively promoted by or ignored by the government health departments, themedical trade etc.: the lethal "Dept. of Health balanced diet", vaccination, How much of this is deliberate or through the usual crass incompetence, is of antibiotics, antipyretics, analgesics, steroids, routine X-ray screening, animal- "safety-tested" pesticides, herbicides, solvents, dyes, detergents etc., fluoride-waste dumping in public drinking water, radio/ chemo "therapy", nuclear energy, The cancer wipe-out, scheduled for some time next century, seems inevitable electro-pollution and so on. Ever aware of the need to protect their brethren in the unless some other disaster intervenes first.
petro-pharmaceutical cancer machine, the cancer P.R. boys, aided and abetted by Individualised actions, in the form of personal lifestyle changes and the their on-the-payroll media pals - passing themselves off as unbiased observers - dissemination of currently suppressed information, are the order of the day.
faithfully maintain the line that the whole thing is down to smoking and sun-bathing.
One thing that they need to explain is the canine carnage: in a population of 6million domestic dogs, over a million per year are dying from cancer - or thetreatment [3]. This constitutes a dog cancer death-rate well over 5 0 times that ofthe human rate, due to the regime of vet-approved vaccines. antibiotics, worming Alcoholic drinks, preferably organically produced, in moderation and in the "I confess that I believed in the irradiation of tonsils, lymph nodes and the thymus evenings can be immuno-supportive and a relatively safe, effective soporific, gland. I believed my professors when they said the doses we were using were absolutely harmless. Years later the 'absolutely harmless' radiation. . was reapinga harvest of thyroid tumours." [6] Prof. Aviles, of the Mexican Cancer Biochemistry Dept., saw 7,715 cancer patientsover 15 years: 99% suffered chronic constipation, the degree of malignancy parallel The huge, increasing assault on the immuno-defence systems and the ever- to the intensity of the constipation. Colon cleanliness is fundamentality important to growing deluge of carcinogens will certainly result in a considerable acceleration of the prevention of cancer and other chronic, degenerative diseases: anyone on the rates of cancer incidence and death. The theoretical 100 percent cancer Doctor's Balanced Diet or worse, for decades, might well be carrying 5 to 25 incidence could well be here around the mid 2,000s.
pounds - or more- of rotting waste in the colon; poisoning and robbing the systemof nutrients. A herbal/ nutritional cleansing regime will remove the residue in time.
Try to wear cotton or other natural material next to the skin: expose the eyes tonatural light as often as possible, without spectacles or contact lenses.
The definition of cure in cancer is the restoration of the cancer defencemechanisms and the elimination of cancer through these mechanisms. If this The wearing of a bra for long periods is a major factor in the development of breast restoration is not possible, the next best is the constant support, through safe, cancer. A study on 5,000 US women, showed that 99 percent of the women in the natural means, of the body's attempts to keep the disease at bay.
cancer group had worn a bra for 12 hours or more per day; 80 percent in the non-cancer group: 18 percent of the cancer group slept in their bra; 3 percent in the Neither of these is supplied by orthodox cancer treatment.
non- cancer group: 0.24 of the women in the cancer group were non-bra wearers; 3percent in the non group.
The cancer research fund-raisers' definition of cancer cure is the apparent lack ofsymptoms for five years. If, or when, the patient dies a year or two after the five The study's authors, Singer and Grismaijer, state that the correlation between the years, from the effects of the treatment, they remain in the "cure" statistics: cured wearing of a bra and breast cancer is between 4 and 12 times greater than the correlation between cigarettes and lung cancer.
"Patients may die from secondary growths at any time from a few months to many Wearing a bra continually, 24 hours a day, showed a 125-times greater incidence years after the treatment. Only after a gap of as much as twenty one years does of breast cancer than no bra wearing at all and a 113 times greater incidence than the risk of death from some other cause exceed the risk of death from the original disease." [7] Or from the original treatment.
Constriction of the lymph system is an invitation to toxic build-up: providing that On June 8 1990, at Chelmsford Crown Court, a 42-year old woman was awarded there is no evidence of a malignant tumour, the breasts should be massaged to £155,000 damages. She had suffered seven years of cancer treatment. "She spent increase the detox procedure and the bra should be worn only when considered to 13 months in and out of cancer wards during which she made friends and saw be necessary and certainly no more than 12 hours a day.
them die. Her hair fell out and she suffered continual nausea during six spells ofpainful radiological and drug treatment. Surgeons opened her stomach and SYNTHETICS
removed an ovary in an unsuccessful search for breast cancer. Only then was theshattered woman told it had been a mistake." Times 9.6.1990 AH ingestion of synthetics, by mouth, nose or skin - this includes soaking in a bathfull of petro-synthetic shampoo, bath lotion etc - is to be avoided wherever possible The woman, who lost her career and her marriage, had never believed the - food and drink additives, fly sprays, aero sol polishes and ah fresheners, vehicle diagnosis but had allowed herself to be rail-roaded by the white-coated cancer exhausts. Avoid all products of the pharmaceutical industry - pain-killers, fever gods. The precise number of people who have been mis-diagnosed and have then suppressants, antibiotics, vaccines, fluoride products, steroids etc. Garlic, cayenne been killed by the onslaught or who have survived and have been put in the "cure" and cider vinegar, alone, would replace the majority of the prescriptions shelled out statistics cannot be estimated. One anonymous cancer statistician commented "I by GPs. Put the three - organically produced - in a bottle and keep in the fridge.
wouldn't be surprised if they are curing a lot of leukaemia that never existed." [8] In 1940, according to Prof Hardin B.Jones [19] -"Through re-definition of terms,various questionable grades of malignancy were classed as 'cancer'. After that host. The treatment is conducted by teams of specialised professionals using the all, the good doctors wouldn't lie to him,. would they ?. the truth about his real body as a passive battleground. . The old idea that a doctor should 'first do no condition was not revealed to him until my mother accompanied him to the clinic for harm' has been forgotten. No wonder that the public is beginning to revolt against . the prognosis was 'very grim'. my father had less than a month to live. then, Bereaved relatives need to realise that very few patients die from cancer and that and only then, did my father allow us to take him elsewhere for non-toxic those responsible for the painful, premature deaths would, if they were in any other treatment. My husband took him to a cancer help centre where he received field, have been brought into court long ago. The legal profession, not slow to come metabolic therapy. he was one hundred percent more comfortable and relatively forward in other aspects of medical litigation, are strangely reluctant in this area.
free of pain. and he died a peaceful death.
He did not die of cancer, however, but of pneumonia, one of the chemotherapy'sside-effects. Chemotherapy damages if not destroys the body's immune defence In the healthy body, the immune system defences deal with the ever-present, system. had my father been told that chemotherapy would never cure him. he potentially-cancerous cells: there is no element, whatsoever, of bad luck in the would have allowed us to take him elsewhere. much sooner. .
incidence of cancer: it does not strike, like a bolt from the blue, sick and healthy I keep thinking of the Hippocratic oath, in particular, the first line, 'First do no harm' alike. It is an end process of neglected, suppressed ill-health.
and. 'I will never do harm to anyone. To please no one will I prescribe a deadly The ever-increasing immuno-assault, coupled with the out-of-control carcinogenic drug, nor give advice which may cause his death.' I loved my dad very much and to saturation of the environment, drinking water, food, medicines etc. and the medical lose him in this cruel horrible unnecessary manner is certainly the heartbreak of my trade's steadfast refusal to stop the legalised slaughter of consensus cancer treatment; all call for individualised action on prevention. Cancer prevention is "Toxic chemotherapy is a hoax. The doctors who use it are guilty of premeditated divided into two overlapping areas: maintenance of the cancer defences i.e. the murder." [17] "I can't understand why women take chemotherapy and suffer so promotion, cultivation and maintenance of health on all its planes and the terribly for no purpose." Oncologist - Channel 4 TV.
avoidance of the carcinogens - known and suspected.
After radium was discovered it was tried out in various situations: it was inevitable Nutrition
that ". some enterprising medical men started a fad in using it on cancer victims."[13] The tumours were shrinking: cancer was being cured. This led to a price rise of The incidence, severity, and control of cancer depend, more than any other single 1,000 percent and the birth of a multi-billion dollar industry without an atom of Homo sapiens is a frugivore; designed by the Creator, whoever that may be, to live In late 1991 someone at the North Staffordshire Hospital, in Stoke, noticed that the on raw, organically-grown of course, fruit and nuts: man can also do very well on settings on the tumour-burning machine were set too low. Various masterminds, vegetables, rice, peas, beans etc. but is not by any means suited to meat, milk, including the local M.P., went on ah with dire warnings of the consequences to the cheese, butter, eggs, fish etc. We have the teeth Jaw-action, digits, perspiration 1,000 patients who had not received enough of the healing rays. An investigation mechanism, stomach acid strength, intestinal length. of a strict non-animal eater.
The Book of Genesis is quite clear on the subject: the Bible-cells ors slipped upbadly when they missed it.
The team undertaking the investigation faced a considerable problem. If theyaccepted the view of the doctor-in-charge, that the "under-dosed" patients fared no worse than those given prescribed doses, they might have been asked why AU animal foods - meat, milk, cheese, butter, eggs, fish. and the derivatives - patients were, and are, given large doses of immunosuppressive, carcinogenic whey, egg albumen, gelatin. etc. These products are a fibreless mixture of If they decided to preserve the virtue of radiation as a valid therapy by declaring mastitis pus, disinfectant, salmonella, listeria, that the UDs died quicker, they risked litigation from the relatives. If they found, as Campylobacter, E coli 0157, etc., etc. Refined carbohydrates - sugar, white flour, cynics strongly suspected, that the UDs lasted longer, they risked some trouble- bread, biscuits, cakes etc. Synthetic food additives - preservatives, colourants,sweeteners etc. READ As the Laetrile/B17 suppression was demonstrably failing, with the ban being lifted radiation, the symptoms of cancer does nothing for the victim's chances of survival.
in State after State, and as public pressure built up against the cancer fraudsters, Adding gross insult to injury, the treatment involves massive doses of carcinogens the NCI were forced into a two-year, two hundred patient trial of the medicine. The and super-poisons. The patient is subject to a regime diametrically opposed to that official verdict having been already decided, it was paramount that the trial was rigged to confirm the authorised version: this was achieved by a multi-facettedapproach.
Cancer is an acceptable form of suicide for those who have lost the desire to live:this loss being a major factor in the development of the disease in the first place.
"Phase TV" -dying - patients were selected: in normal synthetic drug trials early The great tragedy and scandal is where the victim has a strong determination to stage patients are chosen. His NCI admitted "All patients had proven cancer, live and fight but is then destroyed by the assault from the lethal, useless treatment beyond any hope of cure or therapy known to extend life-expectancy." Laetrile was not used: a Laetrile manufacture by-product was substituted. The The one - and only - thing that can be said for the cancer business is that it is usual junk diet, including animal products, was allowed the patients. The injections classless. George VI, The Shah of Persia, Jackie Onassis, John Wayne, King were discontinued after 3 weeks, not three months. The criterion applied to the test Hussein of Jordan, Bobby Moore, Roy Castle, Marti Caine, Linda McCartney, Dusty was of tumour reduction, not the improvement in well-being, appetite, lack of pain Springfield, John Thaw, George Harrison. all had the finest modern cancer therapy that money can buy and all ended up dead.
Missouri and West Virginia legalised Laetrile after the verdict; reasoning, Early Detection
presumably, that if the American Medical Association, the FDA and the AmericanCancer Society had tried to ban Laetrile, it must be of considerable value in treating A boost to the early detection and cure hoax has been the improved methods used cancer. The Memorial Sloan Kettering Institute sacked one its senior directors, in picking up early cancer - real or imaginary -: this has led to an increase of people Ralph Moss, for blowing the whistle on the cover-up.
lasting five years and being put in the cure statistics. Early stage patients arestronger and more likely to survive the assault: whereas, before the improved "Basically, the results were coming out positive and we in public affairs were told to say the results were negative and this went on for three years" Moss.
disease/treatment before the five years were up.
Dr. Dean Burk, head of cytochemistry at the NCI for 34 years, stated -" Once any of On early detection and orthodox treatment, Prof. H.B. Jones, then the leading US the hierarchy so much as concede that Laetrile anti-tumour efficiency was indeed cancer statistician, with over 30 years experience, stated, in 1975, "IT IS UTTER once observed in NCI experimentation, a permanent crack in the bureaucratic NONSENSE TO CLAIM THAT CATCHING CANCER SYMPTOMS EARLY armour has taken place that can widen indefinitely by further appropriate ENOUGH WILL INCREASE THE PATIENT'S CHANCES OF SURVIVAL: NOT ONE SCIENTIST OR STUDY HAS PROVEN THAT IN ANY WAY. MY STUDIESHAVE PROVED CONCLUSIVELY THAT UNTREATED CANCER VICTIMS LIVE Rene Caisse was a Canadian nurse: whilst working in a northern Ontario hospital, UP TO FOUR TIMES LONGER THAN TREATED INDIVIDUALS. IF ONE HAS in 1922, she noticed a healed scar on the breast of an elderly patient. The woman CANCERAND OPTS TO DO NOTHING AT ALL, HE WILL LIVE LONGER AND explained that thirty years earlier a Toronto doctor had diagnosed cancer and had FEEL BETTER THAN IF HE UNDERGOES RADIATION, CHEMOTHERAPY OR recommended mastectomy. Declining the offer, she took the treatment offered her SURGERY, OTHER THAN WHEN USED IN IMMEDIATE LIFE-THREATENING by an Ojibwa/Chippewa herbalist: the tumour began to shrink and disappeared.
Caisse's first patient was her aunt, with advanced stomach cancer and six months One person who, before the reality hit him, may well have smiled at Jones' to live: the aunt lived for another twenty years. Caisse treated thousands of patients statement was US Senator Hubert Humphrey. Former vice-president Humphrey, a over the years, mostly those who were diagnosed "incurable" and damaged by true believer - until it was too late - in the cancer boys and their early detection was orthodox treatment. Grateful patients and friends presented a 5 5,000-signature told that he was suffering from bladder cancer. This was duly "cured" with radiation: petition to the Canadian authorities to allow the treatment to be available to anyone later, in May 1976, the prognosis was that there was no reason for any further without persecution from the cancer establishment or their government lackeys.
treatment. Six months later Humphrey was operated on for the removal of a The parliamentary vote was lost by three votes due to the behind-the-scenes bladder tumour. His surgeon, Willard Whitmore, declared "As far as we are activity of the College of Physicians and Surgeons.
dressed her lesions and sent her home. the little girl-as well as her parents- were By 1989 four random-controlled mammography trials had taken place: in the USA, greatly upset by the threatening presence of police officers. The child died three UK and two in Sweden. In the final, and most sophisticated, trial, in Malmo, it was days later and there is no doubt in my mind that this death could have been found that for one woman to have a cancer avoided or delayed it would need postponed or avoided altogether if it hadn't been for the raid" 68,000 women to be screened [23]: as such a figure is completely meaningless, thegrave dangers of mammography are entirely without any possible counter- The concerted campaign, which was to last for years, to ruin Dr. Richardson; physically, mentally, financially, professionally and legally had begun.
"Breast scanning increases cancer risks for women. .middle-aged women who The authorities revoked his medical licence and he was ordered to attend meetings have regular mammograms are more likely to die from breast' cancer than those 600 miles away in San Diego, with many of the hearings cancelled at the last minute; a procedure kept up at weekly intervals for six months.
The largest ever trial of mass breast cancer screening was the Canadian National The threat to the cancer business from effective therapies was taken very seriously Breast Screening Study, involving 50,000 women and directed by Prof. Anthony from the beginning: by the 1940s the Syndicate had 300,000 names on its "quack" Miller. Half of the women were given X-ray screening every year or 18 months and files. Vitamin B17, being a unique threat due to its simplicity, attracted more half were given just a physical examination. Within the X-rayed group the cancer concentrated attacks than all the other treatments put together: fraudulent test death-rate was "significantly higher." reports; hired, banner-carrying pickets outside clinics; rigged juries; newspapercharacter assassinations; dismissal of heretic employees, etc.
His danger, according to Miller, was from the fact that mammograms lead tosurgery for tiny lumps, encouraging secondaries to grow. Also, according to Miller The FDA, orchestrating the onslaught, sent out 10,000 posters and hundreds of ". one potential problem was that surgery, the anaesthetic and radiotherapy, thousands of leaflets warning about the dangers of the toxicity of the non-toxic involved in treating women with breast cancer, were interfering with immunity." No substance. Earlier, a Congressional Accounting Office had found that 350 FDA employees had shares in, or had refused to declare an interest in, thepharmaceutical industry.
Dr. Irwin Bross, Director of Biostatistics, Roswell Park Memorial Institute, had hisfunding stopped by the National Cancer Institute when he released his figures After much searching, geographically and historically, the FDA came up with three linking X-rays with cancer and leukaemia. Bross said that the mammography stunt alleged cases of deaths from Laetrile poisoning: this in a country where hundreds would cause four or five cancers for every one detected, leading to ".the worst are killed daily by FDA-approved treatments.
epidemic of iatrogenic breast cancer in history. In my view. the NCI would bebetter off putting the money allocated for future screenings into a trust fund for the Two were women who had swallowed vials of Laetrile which were for injection only victims of the programme who will develop cancer in 10 to 15 years time." and one was an eleven month old baby girl, one of whose parents was taking themedicine for cancer.
According to Prof Jones -"With every patient that. boosts his health to build up hisnatural resistance, there's a high chance that the body will find its own defence According to the FDA, the child had become ill after she had ". accidentally against the cancer". Prof Jones warned against ".being made into a hopeless ingested up to 5 (500mg) tablets of Laetrile" This was doubted by many including invalid through radical medical intervention which has zero chance of extending his ".I was lecturing in Buffalo, New York and. after I had made some strong None of which has made any impression on the screeners or the knife/drug/ ray statements - a man stood up and said 'Dr. Manner, how in the world can you make tumour-zappers: or on the ever-willing multitude of females, following the camp and statements like that when the FDA is making these other statements.' I reiterated determined to be the next sacrifice, virgin or otherwise, at the feet of The Great He said 'Look at this little girl in upstate New York, she took her father's Laetrile tablets and died of cyanide poisoning.' Just then a little lady stood up 'Dr. Mannerlet me answer that question. I think I am entitled to because I am that little baby's In June 1986, a study, financed by the Cancer Research Campaign and the mother.' That baby never touched her father's Laetrile tablets. The doctor.
Imperial Cancer Research Fund, began at the Bristol Cancer Help Centre. His knowing the father was on Laetrile. marked down 'possible cyanide poisoning'. At BCHC had approached the Syndicate with a view to the evaluation of the Centre's the hospital they used a cyanide antidote and it was the antidote that killed the In 1952 the American biochemist Ernst Krebs PhD proposed that cancer was a His report found itself under a deluge of criticism, mainly in the pages of the Lancet, deficiency disease: the deficiency being the factor linked for so long with cancer and a couple of months after the report publication one of the reporters, T.J.
therapy. He identified the substance as part of the nitriloside group, specifically, McElwain, committed suicide. None of which caused the others involved: Chilvers, amygdalin, a cyanogenic glycoside, first isolated from the bitter almond, prunus Bagenal etc. to eau for official withdrawal of the report: a report which had amygdalus amara, in 1830, by the French chemists Robiquet and Boutron- concluded "OTHER ALTERNATIVE PRACTITIONERS SHOULD HAVE THE COURAGE TO SUBMIT THEIR WORK TO THIS TYPE OF STRINGENT glucoside as recorded in the Merck Index, 1976.
Toxicologically, amygdalin falls between Class 1 and Class 2. [36] which means it Tamoxifen
is virtually non-toxic: this compares with saccharin, between Class 3 and Class 4and most "chemotherapy" - Class 6 - super toxic.
Tamoxifen is a drug which is related, structurally, to the infamous DES and is usedin the treatment of breast cancer. It is now being promoted as abreast cancer The Hunzas, a cancer-free society in the Himalayas, consume up to forty apricot preventative in the UK, despite serious reservations on both sides of the Atlantic.
kernels as an after-dinner snack: coupled with the rest of their amygdalin-rich diet Women are being asked to take a tablet of the drug every day for five years with this constitutes an ingestion of 50 to 70 milligrams of the substance per day.
regular X-rays throughout the period. According to Professor Samuel S. Epstein of According to Krebs "There are many of us in the western world who do not ingest the School of Public Health, University of Illinois - "As relatively few breast cancer this amount. in the course of an entire year." patients have taken the drug for more than five years tamoxifen may be a ‘ more potent human carcinogen than is currently recognised." Traditional Eskimos, the Hopi and Navajo tribes, the Abkhasians of the CaucasusMountains and other notably cancer-free groups have amygdalin-rich diets.
Studies have suggested an increased risk of uterine cancer, 6.4 times higher forthose women taking tamoxifen [27] The literature, sent out by the promoters states After taking into account the required factors, Krebs allocated his substance the - "Liver tumours develop in rats given large doses of tamoxifen, but not in mice so it next available number on the vitamin B index: 17. He named his concentrated is difficult to be sure about the effects in humans." This has not deterred some ladies from signing up: presumably, having reasoned As many of the world's cancer-free societies are outside of the polluted that they are more like mice than rats.
environment and distinctly advantaged in the quest to remain healthy, a group ofAmericans began, in the 1950s, to test Krebs' theory.
"Drug maker may quit cancer trial - Healthy women taking part in a clinical trial toprevent breast cancer might have been put at a risk of developing other tumours.
"For over two decades there has been a steadily-growing group of people who the drug may increase the risk of tumours in the womb, liver and bowel. The have accepted the vitamin theory of cancer and who have altered their diets disclosure, on the eve of the launch. has led to the manufacturer threatening to accordingly. They represent all walks of life, all ages, both sexes, and reside in almost every advanced nation of the world. It is estimated that there are manythousands in the United States alone. It is significant, therefore, that after starting Hamish Cameron, head of medical affairs at Zeneca, the drug's makers, stated - and maintaining a diet rich in vitamin B17, none of these people have ever been "Should the benefit/risk balance shift adversely, we reserve the right to withdraw that drug supply. If the evidence is quite clear I would hope the trialists themselveswould realise that the game is up." Dr. Richard Bulbrook, one of the original Dr. Dean Burk, then head of the NCI, said he had been contacted, during the space proposers of the tamoxifen enterprise, voiced his concerns - "Things have of 12 months, by at least 750 people /'.including many MD physicians most of changed. There are now so many side-effects reported - there were 41 at the last whom were ". using it (B17) merely with prevention of development of cancer in count - and some of these are fatal." The USA abandoned the tamoxifen prevention scam on safety grounds: all in sharp One of the first doctors to use Laetrile in the control of cancer was Dr. Maurice contrast to Gordon McVie "scientific director" of the "Cancer Research Campaign" - Kowan: this landed him in court in Los Angeles.
"What we want to know is can we get more mileage out of tamoxifen, possibly by The prosecutor told the jury "This is not a kindly old man. This is the most thoroughly evil person the imagination can concoct. This man has to be stopped.
present naturopathic, biochemical regime has been in operation for 5 years and A mother, writing in a women's magazine, said - "BY THE TIME YOU READ THIS has treated almost 500 patients: currently, 250 patients are under treatment. Over MY SON MICHAEL, WHO IS JUST FIVE, WILL BE ALMOST AT THE END OF A 30 "terminal" cases have been restored to "outstanding health" and the rest are YEARS COURSE OF TREATMENT FOR CANCER. TO SHOW FOR IT progressing. "Over ninety percent of our patients have been declared "terminal" in conventional terms but, provided they are able to start the full therapy and maintain OTHER.WHERE DOCTORS REMOVED A HUGE MALIGNANT TUMOUR AND it, none have been lost through cancer.
nutritionists. ages have ranged from children to the very elderly, those patients.
who received no conventional treatment will have the speediest and most trouble-free progress." NCTT HIS FACE IS SMALL AND MOSTLY PALE: HIS EYES ARE DARK AND SULLENAND SHADOWED, THE WAY A CHILD'S EYES SHOULD NEVER BE." Whilst the Trust recognises that on occasions where a tumour is an immediatethreat to life - a blocked bowel, oesophagus etc - physical intervention may be Whilst it is unknown how long this child stood up to his tormentors, before being necessary, "Chemotherapy is entirely negative to our therapies and cannot be used killed, it is certain that none of the medical inquisitors were hung, jailed for life, thrown into a padded cell or struck off any medical register.
It is also certain that anyone approaching the torturers with a suggestion that aregime of metabolic, herbal, nutritional, etc. treatment might effect a safe, effective The standard macrobiotic diet consists of 50/60% whole grain cereals, 20/15% approach to the illness would have been ignored or ridiculed. In the USA, Food and vegetables, 5/10% beans and sea vegetables, 5% soups.
Drug administrator Robert Young admitted - "In Boston, a hospital tested a newNCI drug. on children. Their kidneys were lost within days Macobiotics is a holistic approach to cancer - and life -, including the cultivation of a deal because new. NCI drugs are given out with literally no safeguards for people calm, harmonious approach to society and nature.
who will receive them." Having killed one child too many for litigatory safety, thecancer boys finally decided to tone down the assault: this led, inevitably, to longer ‘DIET CURED MY KILLER CANCER’
survival times, which became "great progress in childhood cancer treatment. " . as a doctor I'd never referred any case of cancer to an 'alternative' practitioner.
Whilst any reduction at all in the level of the drug/radiation lunacy is to be greatly Late in January, I started getting diarrhoea and some intestinal discomfort. an welcomed, the idea that these longer survival times were due to anything other ultrasound scan revealed that I had cancer of the pancreas. We both knew the than less lethal treatments is merely wishful thinking. The Autumn 1997 edition of diagnosis was, more or less, a death sentence. l knew the prognosis for my case - the Leukaemia Research News reported the views of some LRF scientists - " The it was two to four months survival from the date of diagnosis. We'd found a intensive therapy given to children to ensure their survival (!). can result in longer hospice in Hampstead and made a booking." Dr. Hugh Faulkner, then aged 74. On term side effects such as intellectual impairment, heart damage, growth disorders the advice of Shiatsu masseuse he decided to have a consultation at the and even second cancers." When the second cancers - first cancers if the original Community health Foundation to see if macrobiotics ".would improve the quality of leukaemia diagnosis was wrong - and the treatment, kill the patient, the original the months remaining to me. Michio Kushi, the leader of the international "leukaemia cure" still stands in the statistics - cured and dead.
macrobiotic movement. took any pulse very carefully and spent a long timeexamining my skin. I said /well, can macrobiotics cure my cancer?' 'Your body CANCER RESEARCH – ULTIMATE FRAUD
can, he said.' low. I am feeling fit and well. I've had full blood counts and there isno evidence of cancer. they asked me to talk to some GPs on a refresher course.
". still the money pours in for ‘ Cancer Research' from kind-hearted, well-meaning One of them said 'I don't believe you ever had cancer.' So I showed them my people in spite of the fact that the much-advertised 'cures' and 'discoveries' biopsy report and introduced them to my surgeon. they said 'spontaneous invariably turn out, year after year, to be no cure at all but rather an aggravation of regression'. " Dr. Faulkner was still alive seven years later.
the trouble, the proof of this being the steady increase of the disease on all sides. "My conclusion after a quarter a century of medical practice is that truly Surely there should be some result to show as a partial excuse for the torturing of spontaneous remissions are almost as rare as chickens' teeth. such cases as do so many animals. the public still does not realise that nothing is likely to happen, Alaska, Mexico, Hawaii, the Central Zone and elsewhere. We find as a fact that the common to all mankind, therefore chronic hypo- ascorbemia is now our most Hoxsey Cancer Clinic in Dallas, Texas, is successfully treating pathologically proven cases of cancer, both internal and external, without the use of surgery,radium or X-ray. . It is possible that the chronic sub-clinical scurvy, existing in the victim since infancy,may be a factor in initiating the leukaemia.
Some of those presented before us have been free of symptoms as long as twentyfour years and the physical evidence indicates that they are all enjoying exceptional It is a hard clinical fact that leukaemics have pathologically low levels of ascorbic health at this time. We are willing to assist this clinic in any way possible in acid in their blood plasma. what kills most leukaemics is. haemorrhage and bringing this treatment to the American public. We are willing to use it. on our own infection. Both. are pathognomonic symptoms of scurvy. In the one case where complete remission was achieved and maintained in myelogenous leukaemia, thepatient took 24 to 42 grams of ascorbic acid per day.
The above statement represents the unanimous findings of this Committee. Intestimony, thereof, we hereby attach our signatures." It is inconceivable that no-one appears to have followed this up. in any of thethousands of cases of leukaemia which appear each year.
S. Edgar Bond MD, Willard G Palmer MD, Hans Kalm MD, AC. Timbs MD, Frederick H. Thurston MD DO, E. E. Lofler MD, H B Mueller MD., R. C. Bower What is wrong with the public-supported charities for cancer and leukaemia. ?.
MD, Benjamin F. Bowers MD, Roy O. Yeats MD.
without the scurvy, leukaemia may be a relatively benign, non-fatal condition.
After the endorsement of the ten independent, medically qualified doctors, a group I wrote… a paper… in attempt to have the therapy clinically-tested… I sent the of AMA medical businessmen offered to buy the formula from Hoxsey, who agreed, paper to three cancer journals and three blood journals. It was refused by all.
providing that his promise to his father, to always treat patients who could not afford I cannot help wondering how many lives could to pay, was in the deal. His doctors would have none of this and the campaign to have been saved and how much suffering could have been avoided had the brand Hoxsey as a quack was born: later, in the same year as the doctors' report, editors. permitted publication. " Dr. Irwin Stone.
the Journal of the American Medical Association conducted an investigation "from Dr. Stone could have hardly expected the fraudsters of the multi-billion dollar/pound behind our desk" which concluded that the remedy was a "cough medicine. without "Leukaemia Research" empire to abandon their solid gold source and admit that any therapeutic merit in the treatment of cancer." the disease responded to a simple, inexpensive, non-patentable regime of vitamin Repeated attempts by Hoxsey to have the therapy evaluated were refused by the C or fruit and vegetable juices allied to simple herbs: as was demonstrated by cancer industry, whilst the media and political battle raged for decades.
One assistant District Attorney arrested Hoxsey over one hundred times within two Nor are the pseudo-researchers interested in pointing the finger at the deluge of years: Hoxsey merely paid the bail and returned to the clinic. The official changed sides when his brother was successfully treated for terminal cancer at the Hoxsey laboratories. The antibiotic chloramphenicol (Chloromycetin) ".was tried out for long periods on dogs and found to produce only a transient anaemia, but fatalresults have followed its use in human disease. [31] ". even one capsule of The campaign against Hoxsey vicious even by AMA standards, was aided by the Chloromycetin could cause. leukaemia. I remember a child dying of aplastic Hearst newspaper empire which published a feature that was, in Hoxsey's words ".
anaemia after a general practitioner had prescribed Chloromycetin for a cold. .For taken up by a lurid drawing, in colour, of a poor woman on a couch of pain, a cold - a virus infection!. The parents were crying, the kid was bleeding. I was surrounded by sorrowing children and a mournful dog. She was handing out her warned by several physicians that grave consequences would befall me if I told the last few dollars to a beaming caricature of a quack, decked out in a swallow-tail parents that their beautiful child was dying because of a doctor's mindless coat, razor-sharp trousers, fancy scarf and a big diamond stick-pin and white prescription." Lasko - The Great Billion Dollar Medical Swindle.
spats." The text began 'All the other wicked medical fakes, firing hope anddarkening it to despair, pale beside the savagery of the cancer charlatans. They Not content with merely keeping quiet about the carcinogens pouring from the look like men, they speak like men, but in them, pervading them, resides a quality medical/petrochemical industry, the "Imperial Cancer Research Fund" went out of so malevolent that it sets them apart from others of the human race." their way to protect their close brethren in the cancer machine "One of the biggestmyths in recent years is that there is a cancer epidemic caused by exposure to


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