
Health & Wellness
ADHD Medication:
CPR: Lay Rescuer
Focusses on core material regarding respira- Health Care Professional
tory emergencies and how to give first aid for a cardiac emergency as a lay rescuer. If you are a concerned parent of a child on Learn CPR and relief of choking in adults, ritalin, or other psychoactive drug, then this workshop is a MUST for you! Ritalin devices or all ages. Class will include all
and it’s family of drugs is one of the most curriculum updates. Prevention and recogni-
controversial drugs of our time. In the U.S., tion are emphasized as it relates to adults, children and infants. Receive a Certificate
of these drugs than the rest of the world of Participation at the end of class. This
class is NOT designed for the Health Care Professional. This is an American Heart
Class II controlled substance, in the same Association program equal to all other
category as cocaine, methadone and speed. Learn more facts and possible alternatives to recent updates. Receive a Completion Card
Tues, Nov 10th 6:30-8:30
at the end of class. Prevention and recogni- Wed, Sept 30th
tion are emphasized and it relates to adults, children and infants. Basic Life Support for the Professional Rescuer is required Thurs, Jan 14th 6:30-8:30
by health care providers and other profes- sional rescuer positions. This is an American
Heart Association program equal to all other
CPR courses. Min. 5/Max. 20
Hormones Naturally
Learn easy steps to help you balance those hormone surges and the battles that go with Tues, Oct 6th 6:00-9:00
them. We will discuss the following: meno- pause, menstrual cramps, infertility, irregular cycles, hot flashes, night sweats, lack of Tues, Dec 8th 6:00-9:00
change your life! Min. 3/Max. 15Sec. 540585A: Mon, Oct 19th 7:00-8:30
CPR: Infant & Child
First Aid
Focusses on the prevention of injuries, rec- Having Trouble
ognition of emergencies and what to do until help arrives. Include all updates from the Getting or Staying
American Heart Association, including a dis-
tures, strains, sprains, seizures, diabetes, etc. cussion on SIDS and options for parents and Pregnant?
Includes all recent updates from the American caregivers. It is more in-depth, as it relates to Are you angry, depressed, and frustrated Heart Association. Receive a Completion young people and is ideal for those who care about not getting pregnant? Have you had Card at the end of class. Student book is for children/infants, both as parents and/or numerous miscarriages or do your in vitro day care providers. Receive a Certificate of
fertilizations not “take”? Many are told Participation at class end. Min. 5/Max. 20
that their eggs are not fully developed, that Tues, Oct 27th
sperm count is low, or the egg can’t make Thurs, Nov 19th 6:00-9:00
it to the uterus and many other diagnosis; but no one told you WHY these things are (or aren’t) happening in your body. Join us Tues, Jan 12th 6:00-10:00
for a discussion of the reasons why infertil- ity exists and the options that can provide a solution for you. Min. 3/Max. 15 Mon, Nov 2nd 6:30-8:30
Register On-line Now! www.hastings.k12.mn.us/ce
Health & Wellness 651-480-7670
Ear Infection
Prescott (WI) Partnership
Exercise Ball Toning
Come have a ball and feel the results using Some classes in this section are offered in partnership with an exercise ball, resistance bands and hand- P Prescott (WI) Community
weights to strengthen and tone your major muscles, target core strength (abdominals, Then this workshop is for you. Are you hips, glutes and thighs.those problem areas) aware of a study done by the American Register through Hastings Community
and improve balance. Please come to the first Medical Association that states that class dressed to move, wear athletic shoes Amoxicillin is NOT effective in the and bring your own exercise ball and a mat or treatment of middle ear effusion? In Prescott Middle School
thick towel/blanket. You will also eventually 125 Elm St N, Prescott, WI 54021
need a pair of your own hand-weights (3-5 pounds each). (We’re sorry, we are unable to
Prescott. Cross the bridge. RT at stoplights. provides discounts with our Partner classes.)
Go 2 blocks and turn LEFT. The school is on top of the hill (2 blocks) on the left. Cafe- can do for your child to help prevent the teria is just inside the front doors off of preventing most ear infections. Save
M, Oct 12-Nov 30th 7:40-8:30
your family a lot of sleepless nights! It’s simple and fun! Min. 3/Max. 15 Drums Alive!
What do exercise balls and drumsticks have {Plan ahead &
Mon, Nov 16th 7:00-8:30
in common? A rhythmical, total body cardio-
vascular workout. The time flies by because
you are having so much fun moving to the
music. Some core and muscle work will be
Pay just $56/class if pre-registering.
included to work your total body! Great
Plus, save an additional $12 when you
for brain and memory development. The
instructor will demonstrate both high and low classes at one time! Fees are non-refund- impact options so you can work at your own able for “Drums Alive” and “Exercise
fitness level at all times. Bring an exercise Ball Toning” once classes begin.
ball (55 or 65 cm size) and a mat or thick towel/blanket to the first class. Dress to work out and wear comfortable athletic shoes. 30-Minutes
(We’re sorry, no discounts for this class.)
Not sure this class is for you? Try the first
to Core Strength
CINDY DURHMAN, taught in the
Live 100 Years!
As medical advances are evolving, our life- & Health, and is nationally certified as style must change too -- since we are living longer and longer. Learn some simple tools which can really help you live a longer, higher quality of life. The fastest growing
segment of the population is the 85 and
M, Oct 12-Nov 30th 6:45-7:30
older group. They are alert, interested and
interesting, active and fit. Most belong to clubs, play cards, and travel on senior’s trips, developing your “core muscles.” Twenty-nine dance, do Tai Chi, or bowl. These people are muscles make up the core. Expect to chal- INCLEMENT
aging “successfully”. So, how can the rest of lenge your abdominal strength and control. Improve your balance, body awareness and us age successfully? Min. 3/Max. 12 posture. Enjoy a fusion of muscular strength, Sec. 540772A: Hastings Sr. High #A206 length and balance exercises from top to When Prescott & Hastings Schools
Mon, Nov 16th 6:30-7:30
bottom, but mostly the middle! Bring your are closed
own fitness ball or let the instructor know classes held in Prescott/Hastings are can- if you need one by calling 651-437-6778. celed. Check in with our offices on ques- CAUTION: Be sure to check with
Sec. 540858A: Hastings Sr. High #A206 Mon, Oct 5th
Class Cancellation: If a class is cancelled due to inclement weather, early school closing,
or other emergency, the session will be cancelled. Please listen to KDWA Radio AM 1460 for news updates.
Health & Wellness
Weight Loss & Food
Addiction Workshop
Omega Three
Discover this protocol which has helped many people not only lose weight perma- Fatty Acids
Come hear my story. “Those close to me nently, but also has helped over 46 different Most people don’t realize how one little know how severely allergies once affected disorders and health conditions. The intent
supplement could change and impact their my life. I used to be hospitalized due to my of this is a lifelong permanent weight loss
lives and health forever. Learn how Omega intense allergies. I got rid of my allergies coupled with increased awareness of your
Three’s restore your memory, normalize over 10 years ago now and I know you can mind-body connection. Learn:
too.” Let me teach you what I did and how • Why some get those late night cravings cholesterol, decrease joint degeneration, and I was able to stop the medications, misery • Why some don’t lose weight with exercise, so much more. Turn on your body’s natural and hospitalizations. I got my life back and healing power. Learn how to choose a good right one for you. Samples provided from a Mon, Oct 1st 7:00-8:30
Understand why habits of thought and brain chemistry could be preventing you from los- Thurs, Oct 8th 7:00-8:30
Tues, Jan 19th 7:00-9:00
Health Care Costs
Sick & Tired of
Fundamentals of
Health care costs are out of control. No
Being Sick & Tired?
one person/group has all the answers. It will Holistic Living
When was the last time you felt your very take the conscience effort of every health best? Do we even know what health is any- care consumer to influence health care and Intensify your understanding of the basics more? When randomly asked if they are contribute to controlling costs. The consum- of maintaining and optimizing your physi- healthy, many people say yes, yet are taking er must be knowledgeable of their ability to cal, mental and spiritual well-being. Topics an average of 6 medications on a regular influence health care delivery and costs, by included will be stress reduction techniques, basis (sleep aids, pain relievers, digestive understanding and assuring their information mind-body-health, weight and nutritional aids, anti-depressants, allergy medications, is recorded accurately. Each time the health management, ergonomic wellness, pediatric blood pressure and cholesterol medications, care system is accessed, data is recorded health, environmental sources of stress, and etc). If the body is truly healthy and func- meditation for relaxation. Min. 4/Max. 15 tioning at it’s very best, you should not need payers. The accuracy of this data is critical DR. PATRICK SUGLIA is the owner of
to efficient and cost-effective processing of The Sufletesc Center, a wellness center, made our health deteriorate in the U.S. and payment of services. We’ll explore ways how to get back to that optimal function and the consumer contributes to, and can benefit energy that we all deserve. Min. 3/Max. 20 from, the accuracy and completeness of this information. Min. 4/Max. 30 MONICA McCOLLOM has a lifetime
Wed, Oct 21st 6:30-9:30
Wed, Jan 20th 7:00-8:30
ment, spanning roles in hospitals, clinics, consulting. She aims to unlock the black UCare members may take up to a $15 discount/
class on most classes. If a class is less than $15, the member may take the class free of charge. UCare for Seniors members
are limited to one $15 discount per year. Members must be on UCare at the time of registration and throughout the duration of the class. Members must include their
UCare ID number when registering. Does not apply to the following types of classes: Tues, Oct 27th 7:00-8:30
homeopathy, personal trainers, and high risk activities such as rock climbing, etc. The discount is available for unlimited annual use with the following memberships: Prepaid Medical Assistance Program (PMAP), Prepaid General Assistance Medical Care (PGAMC), MinnesotaCare, Minnesota Senior HealthOptions (MSHO), UCare Complete, UCare Connect, and Minnesota Senior Care Plus. *** For more information, or to check eligibility, please call (612) 676-3351. ***
Register On-line Now! www.hastings.k12.mn.us/ce
Health & Wellness 651-480-7670
Living with an
Hatha Yoga
Gut Reaction:
Yoga is an ancient system of health care, thought to have begun thousands of years Spectrum Disorder
ago in India. Since coming to the U.S., it Are you able to recognize the symptoms of Do you suffer from heartburn, gas, bloating, has undergone many adaptations. This class Autism? Autism is a complex developmental indigestion, constipation or diarrhea -- or offers a more traditional approach, taught in disability that causes problems with social do you have an autoimmune disorder, sugar a quiet, meditative setting. Each pose is held or bread cravings or depression? These are long enough to allow for deep breathing, usually start before age three and can cause all indications of digestive problems. You relaxation and release of tension, before mov- delays or problems in many different skills may be surprised that the cereal or bagel ing on to the next pose. Each student’s abili- that develop from infancy to adulthood. Dr. that you eat for breakfast causes heartburn ties and limitations are considered and hon- Suglia will share his personal experiences as all day and that big glass of milk gives you ored. A regular practice of yoga, even once a person with an Autism Spectrum Disorder. gas and diarrhea. Learn how the right foods a week, can help your body work and play and selected supplements can restore intes- more easily, more efficiently, more joyfully. tinal health. After this class, you may not If you think of your body as your vehicle to caregivers of people with Autism Spectrum need those digestive products advertised on move through this lifetime, think of yoga as Disorder. Dr. Suglia will share a personal TV. This course qualifies for 2.4 continuing
just good vehicle maintenance. If you have rendering of the book, “Unwritten Rules education credits for registered nurses. RNs
questions, feel free to contact the instructor at of Social Relationships” by Dr. Temple are responsible for determining whether this 651-698-3277. Bring a blanket, bare feet and an empty stomach. Wear loose or stretchable clothing. The make-up date for the school NUTRITION EDUCATOR of Nutritional
year is: May 25th for any missed sessions. Wed, Oct 7th
nutritionist with 30 years of experience DR. JANICE JOHNSON is a practicing
and host of the popular Dishing Up Nutrition radio show, FM 107.1.
Thurs, Nov 5th 7:00-9:00
Nutritional Weight & Wellness 1 Ses. - $29 Easy Beginners: 4:30-5:45 pm
All About Senior
Gentle class for new beginners and on-going Health Care
Alexander Technique
students who prefer working at this level.
Government program Part A, B, C & D - Intermediates: 6:00-7:30 pm
what are they and how do they work? When Expands on the Beginners class and is for does a person enroll? What gets covered? What if the same movements that cause you students with at least 1 year of yoga practice.
What doesn’t? What is Long Term Health pain and fatigue now could be done in a way Care and Insurance? What is the govern- that not only lets you heal, but also improves Sec. 540854A: Easy Beginners
ment spend down? Discussion includes Tues, Sept 29-Nov 17th 4:30-5:45
Medicare & Supplement Insurance, Medigap Alexander Technique, recently featured in O policies, Advantage plans and HMO plans, Magazine and Minnesota Monthly! If you’re resources to help decide what’s best for the interested in reducing unnecessary tension Sec. 540855A: Intermediates
person, The Partnership Act and how it can and using your body with greater ease, check Tues, Sept 29-Nov 17th 6:00-7:30
affect long term planning and asset protec- out this class. Whether it’s working at your desk, carrying your child, swinging a golf club or climbing stairs, this technique can ESA KATAJAMAKI is employed with
help you discover and change the tension Sec. 540854B: Easy Beginners
John Hancock and Medica, specializing in Tues, Nov 24-Jan 19th 4:30-5:45
senior health care products and achieving patterns that affect everything you do. You financial goals in life and retirement. Esa may wish to bring a yoga mat or thick towel, has been in this field for two years and as you’ll be learning a ‘constructive rest’ Sec. 540855B: Intermediates
has a Series 6 & 63 Securities License. Tues, Nov 24-Jan 19th 6:00-7:30
TULLY HALL is certified by the American Soc-
Mon, Oct 12th 6:30-8:00
iety for the Alexander Technique, and has been teaching since 1990. She also teaches for the Alexander Technique School of New England. Sat, Nov 1st 9:00-10:30
Thurs, Dec 3rd 7:00-9:00
Class Cancellation: If a class is cancelled due to inclement weather, early school closing,
or other emergency, the session will be cancelled. Please listen to KDWA Radio AM 1460 for news updates.

Source: http://ce.hastings.k12.mn.us/sites/3f796a89-56f7-41a3-891d-46dd9fc934e9/uploads/Health-Wellness_2.pdf

2014 fourpagehealthform

SPROUT CREEK FARM 34 Lauer Road Poughkeepsie, NY 12603 845.485.8438 Student’s Name ____________________Session: ____________ Birthdate ________________ Home Address _________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________ Telephone _____________________ Father’s name - Business/Address _________________________________


Maßnahmen beim Auftreten einer Influenza-Pandemie im Landkreis Güstrow (Influenza-Pandemieplan Gü) Stand: November 2008 Inhaltsverzeichnis Ziel, Zweck Influenza-Pandemiephasen Surveillance und Meldeweg Zusätzliche Surveillance in der Pandemiephase Sachverständigengruppe Einzuleitende Maßnahmen Allgemeine seuchenhygienische Maßnahmen Schut

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