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%LET DATAIN="XXX:\CTUMS2004_C1_PR_Micro.txt"; proc format; /* tProv format applies to: PROV */ VALUE tProv 10 = "N.L." 11 = "P.E.I." 12 = "Nova Scotia" 13 = "N.B." 24 = "Quebec" 35 = "Ontario" 46 = "Manitoba" 47 = "Saskatchewan" 48 = "Alberta" 59 = "B.C."; /* DVURBAN format applies to: DVURBAN */ VALUE DVURBAN 1 = "Urban" 2 = "Rural" 9 = "Not stated"; /* tsize format applies to: HHSIZE */ VALUE tsize 05 = "5 or more" other = [Z2.]; /* tage2F format applies to: AGE0014 AGE1524 AGE2544 AGE45PL */ VALUE tage2F 00 = "None" 01 = "One" 02 = "Two or more"; /* ttype format applies to: HHTYPE */ VALUE ttype 01 = "Household members 18-19" 02 = "Household members 20-24" 03 = "Household members 25-44" 04 = "Household members 45-64" 05 = "Household members 65+" 06 = "Adult / child 0-11" 07 = "Adult / teen 12-19" 08 = "Adult / member 0-19" 09 = "Other composition"; /* tYesNo1F format applies to: HS_Q10 SS_Q40 TP_Q030 TP_Q050 TP_Q070 TP_Q090 TP_Q110 LF_Q10 */ VALUE tYesNo1F 1 = "Yes" 2 = "No" 7 = "Don't know" 8 = "Refused" 9 = "Not stated"; /* HS_Q20F format applies to: HS_Q20 */ VALUE HS_Q20F 00 = "None"
97 = "Don't know" 98 = "Refused" 99 = "Not stated" other = [Z2.]; /* HS_Q30F format applies to: HS_Q30 */ VALUE HS_Q30F 1 = "1-10 cigarettes" 2 = "11-20 cigarettes" 3 = "21-30 cigarettes" 4 = "31-40 cigarettes" 5 = "41+ cigarettes" 6 = "Valid skip" 7 = "Don't know" 8 = "Refused" 9 = "Not stated"; /* tYesNo format applies to: HS_Q40 HS_Q50 HS_Q60A HS_Q60B HS_Q60C HS_Q60D SS_Q20 SS_Q30 PS_Q10 PS_Q20 SB_Q30 SB_Q40 SB_Q50 SC_Q060 SC_Q070 CM_Q10 CM_Q20 CM_Q30 CM_Q40 CM_Q50 CM_Q60 CM_Q70 CM_Q80A CM_Q80B CM_Q80C CM_Q80D CM_Q80E OM_Q010 OM_Q020 OM_Q030 OM_Q040 OM_Q050 OM_Q060 OM_Q070 OM_Q080 OM_Q090 OM_Q100 OM_Q110 OM_Q120 OM_Q130 HP_Q010 HP_Q020 HP_Q030 HP_Q040 HP_Q050 HP_Q060 HP_Q070 HP_Q080 HP_Q090 HP_Q100 HP_Q110 HP_Q120 HP_Q130 HP_Q140 HP_Q150 SP_Q10 SP_Q20 TP_Q020 TP_Q040 TP_Q060 TP_Q080 TP_Q100 TP_Q120 SI_Q10 MU_Q20 */ VALUE tYesNo 1 = "Yes" 2 = "No" 6 = "Valid skip" 7 = "Don't know" 8 = "Refused" 9 = "Not stated"; /* DVAGE format applies to: DVAGE */ VALUE DVAGE 85 = "85 or more" other = [Z2.]; /* AGEGRP5F format applies to: AGEGRP5 */ VALUE AGEGRP5F 1 = "15-19 years" 2 = "20-24 years" 3 = "25-34 years" 4 = "35-44 years" 5 = "45 years & over"; /* AGEGRP7F format applies to: AGEGRP7 */ VALUE AGEGRP7F 01 = "15-17 yrs" 02 = "18-19 yrs" 03 = "20-22 yrs" 04 = "23-24 yrs" 05 = "25-44 yrs" 06 = "45-64 yrs" 07 = "65 years & over"; /* tsex format applies to: SEX */ VALUE tsex 1 = "Male"
2 = "Female"; /* DVMARST format applies to: DVMARST */ VALUE DVMARST 1 = "Common-law/Married" 2 = "Widow/Divorced/Separated" 3 = "Single" 9 = "Not stated"; /* SS_Q10F format applies to: SS_Q10 */ VALUE SS_Q10F 1 = "Every day" 2 = "Occasionally" 3 = "Not at all" 7 = "Don't know" 8 = "Refused" 9 = "Not stated"; /* trange2F format applies to: PS_Q30 PS_Q40 WP_Q10A WP_Q10B WP_Q10C WP_Q10D WP_Q10E WP_Q10F WP_Q10G SC_Q040 SC_Q050 SC_Q080 SC_Q090 MU_Q40 */ VALUE trange2F 96 = "Valid skip" 97 = "Don't know" 98 = "Refused" 99 = "Not stated" other = [Z2.]; /* trangexx format applies to: DVYRSSMK DVAVCIG7 DVNDSMK DVAVCIGD */ VALUE trangexx 96 = "Valid skip" 99 = "Not stated" other = [Z2.]; /* SB_Q10F format applies to: SB_Q10 */ VALUE SB_Q10F 1 = "5 min" 2 = "6 to 30 min" 3 = "31 to 60 min" 4 = "More than 60 minutes" 6 = "Valid skip" 7 = "Don't know" 8 = "Refused" 9 = "Not stated"; /* SB_Q20F format applies to: SB_Q20 */ VALUE SB_Q20F 1 = "Ultra or extra light" 2 = "Light" 3 = "Ultra or extra mild" 4 = "Mild" 5 = "Regular" 6 = "Valid skip" 7 = "Don't know" 8 = "Refused" 9 = "Not stated"; /* DVLOWTAR format applies to: DVLOWTAR */ VALUE DVLOWTAR 02 = "2 mg or less" 03 = "3 mg" 04 = "4 mg"
05 = "5 mg" 06 = "6 mg" 07 = "7 mg" 08 = "8 mg" 09 = "9 mg" 10 = "10 mg" 11 = "11 mg" 12 = "12 mg" 13 = "13 mg" 14 = "14 mg" 15 = "15 mg" 16 = "16 mg" 17 = "17 mg or more" 96 = "Valid skip" 99 = "Not stated"; /* DVSST1F format applies to: DVSST1 */ VALUE DVSST1F 1 = "Current smoker" 2 = "Former smoker" 3 = "Never smoked"; /* DVSST2F format applies to: DVSST2 */ VALUE DVSST2F 01 = "Current daily smoker" 02 = "Current occasional smoker" 03 = "Former daily smoker" 04 = "Former occasional smoker" 05 = "Experimental smoker" 06 = "Lifetime abstainer" 99 = "Not stated"; /* DVSS1F format applies to: DVSS1 */ VALUE DVSS1F 1 = "Smoked in last 30 days" 2 = "Not smoked 30 days but smoked 100 cigs" 3 = "Not smoke 30 days but smoked <100 cigs"; /* DVSS2F format applies to: DVSS2 */ VALUE DVSS2F 01 = "Smoked daily" 02 = "Smoked non-daily" 03 = "Former daily smoker" 04 = "Former occasional smoker" 05 = "Beginner" 06 = "Past experimental smoker" 07 = "Lifetime abstain" 99 = "Not stated"; /* tragexxx format applies to: DVCIGWK */ VALUE tragexxx 996 = "Valid skip" 999 = "Not stated" other = [Z3.]; /* DVSMKPTN format applies to: DVSMKPTN */ VALUE DVSMKPTN 1 = "Smoked every day" 2 = "Weekdays only" 3 = "Weekend only" 4 = "Did not smoke in last 7 days"
5 = "Other pattern" 6 = "Valid skip" 9 = "Not stated"; /* SC_Q010F format applies to: SC_Q010 */ VALUE SC_Q010F 1 = "Less than 1 yr" 2 = "1 - 2 yrs" 3 = "3 - 5 yrs" 4 = "More than 5 yrs" 6 = "Valid skip" 7 = "Don't know" 8 = "Refusal" 9 = "Not stated"; /* SC_Q020F format applies to: SC_Q020 */ VALUE SC_Q020F 01 = "January" 02 = "February" 03 = "March" 04 = "April" 05 = "May" 06 = "June" 07 = "July" 08 = "August" 09 = "September" 10 = "October" 11 = "November" 12 = "December" 96 = "Valid skip" 97 = "Don't know" 98 = "Refused" 99 = "Not stated"; /* SC_Q030F format applies to: SC_Q030 */ VALUE SC_Q030F 01 = "Health" 02 = "Pregnancy/baby" 03 = "Less stress in life" 04 = "Cost of cigarettes" 05 = "Smoking less socially acceptable" 06 = "Some other reason" 96 = "Valid skip" 97 = "Don't know" 98 = "Refused" 99 = "Not stated"; /* SC_Q100F format applies to: SC_Q100 */ VALUE SC_Q100F 01 = "To control body weight" 02 = "Stress, need to relax" 03 = "Boredom" 04 = "Addiction / habit" 05 = "Lack of support or information" 06 = "Going out more" 07 = "Increased availability" 08 = "No reason / felt like it" 09 = "Family or friends smoke" 10 = "Other" 96 = "Valid skip"
97 = "Don't know" 98 = "Refused" 99 = "Not stated"; /* STOPSMK format applies to: STOPSMK */ VALUE STOPSMK 18 = "1-2 years" 48 = "3-5 years" 60 = "More 5 years ago" 96 = "Valid skip" 99 = "Not stated" other = [Z2.]; /* SP_Q30F format applies to: SP_Q30 */ VALUE SP_Q30F 1 = "Yes" 2 = "No" 3 = "Not applicable" 6 = "Valid skip" 7 = "Don't know" 8 = "Refused" 9 = "Not stated"; /* tyesno1F format applies to: TP_Q010 */ VALUE tyesno1F 1 = "Yes" 2 = "No" 7 = "Don't know" 8 = "Refused" 9 = "Not stated"; /* tallow1F format applies to: OS_Q10 OS_Q20 */ VALUE tallow1F 1 = "Not allowed" 2 = "Only in enclosed" 3 = "Smoking section" 4 = "All sections" 7 = "Don't know" 8 = "Refused" 9 = "Not stated"; /* LA_Q10F format applies to: LA_Q10 */ VALUE LA_Q10F 1 = "English" 2 = "French" 3 = "Both English & French" 4 = "Other" 7 = "Don't know" 8 = "Refused" 9 = "Not stated"; /* DVEDUC format applies to: DVEDUC */ VALUE DVEDUC 1 = "Less than secondary" 2 = "Completed secondary" 3 = "Completed community college" 4 = "Completed university" 9 = "Not stated"; /* GPL_Q20F format applies to: GPLA_Q20 */ VALUE GPL_Q20F
01 = "No schooling some elementary" 02 = "Completed elementary" 03 = "Some secondary" 04 = "Completed secondary" 05 = "Some community college" 06 = "Completed community college" 07 = "Some university" 08 = "Completed university" 09 = "Other education" 97 = "Don't know" 98 = "Refused" 99 = "Not stated"; /* LF_Q50F format applies to: LF_Q50 */ VALUE LF_Q50F 1 = "Restricted completely" 2 = "Allowed in designated areas" 3 = "Restricted only in certain places" 4 = "Not restricted at all" 6 = "Valid skip" 7 = "Don't know" 8 = "Refused" 9 = "Not stated"; /* DVSOC10F format applies to: DVSOC10 */ VALUE DVSOC10F 01 = "Management" 02 = "Business, Finance & Administrative" 03 = "Natural & Applied Sciences & Related" 04 = "Health" 05 = "Social Science, Educ. Gov. & Religion" 06 = "Art, Culture, Recreation & Sport" 07 = "Sales And Service" 08 = "Trades, Transport & Equip Operators" 09 = "Primary Industry" 10 = "Processing, Manufacturing & Utilities" 96 = "Valid skip" 99 = "Not stated"; /* SI_G20F format applies to: SI_G20 */ VALUE SI_G20F 01 = "$000 to $009" 02 = "$010 to $024" 03 = "$025 to $049" 04 = "$050 to $099" 05 = "$100 to $199" 06 = "$200 or more" 96 = "Valid Skip" 99 = "Not Stated"; /* MU_Q10F format applies to: MU_Q10 */ VALUE MU_Q10F 1 = "Yes, just once" 2 = "Yes, more than once" 3 = "No" 7 = "Don't know" 8 = "Refusal" 9 = "Not stated"; /* MU_Q30F format applies to: MU_Q30 */ VALUE MU_Q30F
1 = "Less than once a month" 2 = "1 to 3 times a month" 3 = "Once a week" 4 = "More than once a week" 5 = "Every day" 6 = "Valid skip" 7 = "Don't know" 8 = "Refused" 9 = "Not stated"; run; data DATA1; infile &DATAIN LRECL=196 MISSOVER PAD; input @00001 PUMFID 5. @00006 REFYEAR 4. @00010 REFMONTH 2. @00012 PROV 2. @00014 DVURBAN 1. @00015 HHSIZE 2. @00017 AGE0014 2. @00019 AGE1524 2. @00021 AGE2544 2. @00023 AGE45PL 2. @00025 HHTYPE 2. @00027 HS_Q10 1. @00028 HS_Q20 2. @00030 HS_Q30 1. @00031 HS_Q40 1. @00032 HS_Q50 1. @00033 HS_Q60A 1. @00034 HS_Q60B 1. @00035 HS_Q60C 1. @00036 HS_Q60D 1. @00037 DVAGE 2. @00039 AGEGRP5 1. @00040 AGEGRP7 2. @00042 SEX 1. @00043 DVMARST 1. @00044 SS_Q10 1. @00045 SS_Q20 1. @00046 SS_Q30 1. @00047 SS_Q40 1. @00048 PS_Q10 1. @00049 PS_Q20 1. @00050 PS_Q30 2. @00052 PS_Q40 2. @00054 DVYRSSMK 2. @00056 WP_Q10A 2. @00058 WP_Q10B 2. @00060 WP_Q10C 2. @00062 WP_Q10D 2. @00064 WP_Q10E 2. @00066 WP_Q10F 2. @00068 WP_Q10G 2.
@00070 SB_Q10 1. @00071 SB_Q20 1. @00072 SB_Q30 1. @00073 SB_Q40 1. @00074 SB_Q50 1. @00075 DVLOWTAR 2. @00077 DVSST1 1. @00078 DVSST2 2. @00080 DVSS1 1. @00081 DVSS2 2. @00083 DVCIGWK 3. @00086 DVAVCIG7 2. @00088 DVNDSMK 2. @00090 DVAVCIGD 2. @00092 DVSMKPTN 1. @00093 SC_Q010 1. @00094 SC_Q020 2. @00096 SC_Q030 2. @00098 SC_Q040 2. @00100 SC_Q050 2. @00102 SC_Q060 1. @00103 SC_Q070 1. @00104 SC_Q080 2. @00106 SC_Q090 2. @00108 SC_Q100 2. @00110 STOPSMK 2. @00112 CM_Q10 1. @00113 CM_Q20 1. @00114 CM_Q30 1. @00115 CM_Q40 1. @00116 CM_Q50 1. @00117 CM_Q60 1. @00118 CM_Q70 1. @00119 CM_Q80A 1. @00120 CM_Q80B 1. @00121 CM_Q80C 1. @00122 CM_Q80D 1. @00123 CM_Q80E 1. @00124 OM_Q010 1. @00125 OM_Q020 1. @00126 OM_Q030 1. @00127 OM_Q040 1. @00128 OM_Q050 1. @00129 OM_Q060 1. @00130 OM_Q070 1. @00131 OM_Q080 1. @00132 OM_Q090 1. @00133 OM_Q100 1. @00134 OM_Q110 1. @00135 OM_Q120 1. @00136 OM_Q130 1. @00137 HP_Q010 1. @00138 HP_Q020 1. @00139 HP_Q030 1. @00140 HP_Q040 1. @00141 HP_Q050 1.
@00142 HP_Q060 1. @00143 HP_Q070 1. @00144 HP_Q080 1. @00145 HP_Q090 1. @00146 HP_Q100 1. @00147 HP_Q110 1. @00148 HP_Q120 1. @00149 HP_Q130 1. @00150 HP_Q140 1. @00151 HP_Q150 1. @00152 SP_Q10 1. @00153 SP_Q20 1. @00154 SP_Q30 1. @00155 TP_Q010 1. @00156 TP_Q020 1. @00157 TP_Q030 1. @00158 TP_Q040 1. @00159 TP_Q050 1. @00160 TP_Q060 1. @00161 TP_Q070 1. @00162 TP_Q080 1. @00163 TP_Q090 1. @00164 TP_Q100 1. @00165 TP_Q110 1. @00166 TP_Q120 1. @00167 OS_Q10 1. @00168 OS_Q20 1. @00169 LA_Q10 1. @00170 DVEDUC 1. @00171 GPLA_Q20 2. @00173 LF_Q10 1. @00174 LF_Q50 1. @00175 DVSOC10 2. @00177 SI_Q10 1. @00178 SI_G20 2. @00180 MU_Q10 1. @00181 MU_Q20 1. @00182 MU_Q30 1. @00183 MU_Q40 2. @00185 WTPP 12.4; LABEL PUMFID = "PUMF ID"; LABEL REFYEAR = "Survey year"; LABEL REFMONTH = "Survey month"; LABEL PROV = "Province of the selected respondent"; LABEL DVURBAN = "Characteristic of community"; LABEL HHSIZE = "# of people in the household"; LABEL AGE0014 = "# of children in the hhld age 0-14"; LABEL AGE1524 = "# of hhld members age 15-24"; LABEL AGE2544 = "# of hhld members age 25-44"; LABEL AGE45PL = "# of hhld members age 45+"; LABEL HHTYPE = "Type of hhld based on age"; LABEL HS_Q10 = "Any in hhld smoke cigarettes"; LABEL HS_Q20 = "# of people that smoke inside the home"; LABEL HS_Q30 = "# of cigs. smoked inside home";
LABEL HS_Q40 = "Is smoking cigs. allowed in your home"; LABEL HS_Q50 = "Is smoking cigs. restricted in your home"; LABEL HS_Q60A = "Smoking restricted-in certain rooms only"; LABEL HS_Q60B = "Smoking restricted-presence of children"; LABEL HS_Q60C = "Smoking restricted-windows open"; LABEL HS_Q60D = "Smoking restricted-other"; LABEL DVAGE = "Age of respondent"; LABEL AGEGRP5 = "Age of respondent - 5 groups"; LABEL AGEGRP7 = "Age of respondent - 7 groups"; LABEL SEX = "Respondent's sex"; LABEL DVMARST = "Grouped marital status of respondent"; LABEL SS_Q10 = "Smoke cigs. daily/occasional/not at all"; LABEL SS_Q20 = "Past 30 days, smoked any cigarettes"; LABEL SS_Q30 = "Past 30 days, did you smoke EVERY day"; LABEL SS_Q40 = "Smoked at least 100 cigarettes in life"; LABEL PS_Q10 = "Have you ever smoked a whole cigarette"; LABEL PS_Q20 = "Have ever smoked cigarettes daily"; LABEL PS_Q30 = "Age smoked first cigarette"; LABEL PS_Q40 = "Age began to smoke cigarettes daily"; LABEL DVYRSSMK = "# of yrs the respondent smoked"; LABEL WP_Q10A = "# of cigarettes smoked-Monday"; LABEL WP_Q10B = "# of cigarettes smoked-Tuesday"; LABEL WP_Q10C = "# of cigarettes smoked-Wednesday"; LABEL WP_Q10D = "# of cigarettes smoked-Thursday"; LABEL WP_Q10E = "# of cigarettes smoked-Friday"; LABEL WP_Q10F = "# of cigarettes smoked-Saturday"; LABEL WP_Q10G = "# of cigarettes smoked-Sunday"; LABEL SB_Q10 = "How soon after you wake up do you smoke"; LABEL SB_Q20 = "What strength cigarettes do you smoke"; LABEL SB_Q30 = "Reduce the risks without quitting"; LABEL SB_Q40 = "Believe reduce amount of tar you inhale"; LABEL SB_Q50 = "Believe reduce the risk to your health"; LABEL DVLOWTAR = "Lower tar value of cigarettes"; LABEL DVSST1 = "Type 1 smoking status"; LABEL DVSST2 = "Type 2 smoking status"; LABEL DVSS1 = "Type 1 smoking status"; LABEL DVSS2 = "Type 2 smoking status"; LABEL DVCIGWK = "# of cigs smoked per week"; LABEL DVAVCIG7 = "Avg. # of cigs smoked/day"; LABEL DVNDSMK = "# of days smoked in last seven days"; LABEL DVAVCIGD = "Avg. smoked on the days they smoked"; LABEL DVSMKPTN = "Current smokers' smoking pattern"; LABEL SC_Q010 = "When did you stop smoking"; LABEL SC_Q020 = "Month stopped smoking"; LABEL SC_Q030 = "Main reason to quit smoking"; LABEL SC_Q040 = "# of attempts before you quit smoking"; LABEL SC_Q050 = "Avg. cigs. smoked per day before quit"; LABEL SC_Q060 = "Seriously considering quit next 6 months"; LABEL SC_Q070 = "Seriously consider quit next 30 days"; LABEL SC_Q080 = "# of attempts stop smoking for 24 hrs"; LABEL SC_Q090 = "# of attempts stop smoking for 1 week"; LABEL SC_Q100 = "Why did you begin to smoke again"; LABEL STOPSMK = "# of mths. quit before survey"; LABEL CM_Q10 = "Tried quitting in last 2 years"; LABEL CM_Q20 = "Did you use the nicotine patch"; LABEL CM_Q30 = "Was the nicotine patch useful?";
LABEL CM_Q40 = "Did you use nicotine gum"; LABEL CM_Q50 = "Was nicotine gum useful?"; LABEL CM_Q60 = "Did you use a product like Zyban"; LABEL CM_Q70 = "Was a product like 'Zyban' useful?"; LABEL CM_Q80A = "Reason no patch, nic, Zyban: side effect"; LABEL CM_Q80B = "Reason no patch, nic, Zyban: believe"; LABEL CM_Q80C = "Reason no patch, nic, Zyban: no info"; LABEL CM_Q80D = "Reason no patch, nic, Zyban: cost"; LABEL CM_Q80E = "Reason no patch, nic, Zyban: other"; LABEL OM_Q010 = "Did you use hypnosis/acupuncture?"; LABEL OM_Q020 = "Was hypnosis/acupuncture useful?"; LABEL OM_Q030 = "Did you make a deal with friend/family?"; LABEL OM_Q040 = "Was making this deal useful?"; LABEL OM_Q050 = "Did you take part in quit smoke contest?"; LABEL OM_Q060 = "Was the contest useful?"; LABEL OM_Q070 = "Did you reduce number of cigarettes?"; LABEL OM_Q080 = "Was this strategy useful?"; LABEL OM_Q090 = "Did you use a 1-800 quit phone line?"; LABEL OM_Q100 = "Was this phone line useful?"; LABEL OM_Q110 = "Did you use an internet web-site?"; LABEL OM_Q120 = "Was this web-site program useful?"; LABEL OM_Q130 = "Did you try to quit smoking on your own"; LABEL HP_Q010 = "Have you seen a doctor"; LABEL HP_Q020 = "Advised to quit-by doctor"; LABEL HP_Q030 = "Did the doctor provide information"; LABEL HP_Q040 = "Have you seen a dentist"; LABEL HP_Q050 = "Advised to quit-by dentist"; LABEL HP_Q060 = "Did the dentist provide you information"; LABEL HP_Q070 = "Have you seen a nurse for treatment"; LABEL HP_Q080 = "Advised to quit-by nurse"; LABEL HP_Q090 = "Did the nurse provide you information"; LABEL HP_Q100 = "Have you talked with a pharmacist"; LABEL HP_Q110 = "Advised to quit-by pharmacist"; LABEL HP_Q120 = "Did the pharmacist provide information"; LABEL HP_Q130 = "Have you talked with a resp. therapist"; LABEL HP_Q140 = "Advised to quit-by respiratory therapist"; LABEL HP_Q150 = "Did the therapist provide information"; LABEL SP_Q10 = "Have you been pregnant in last 5 yrs"; LABEL SP_Q20 = "During recent pregnancy, smoke regularly"; LABEL SP_Q30 = "Recent pregnancy, spouse/partner smoke"; LABEL TP_Q010 = "Tried smoking a cigar"; LABEL TP_Q020 = "Past 30 days smoked cigars"; LABEL TP_Q030 = "Tried smoking a pipe"; LABEL TP_Q040 = "Past 30 days smoked a pipe"; LABEL TP_Q050 = "Tried chewing tobacco, pinch or snuff"; LABEL TP_Q060 = "Past 30 days used chewing tobacco"; LABEL TP_Q070 = "Tried smoking bidis"; LABEL TP_Q080 = "Past 30 days, smoked bidis"; LABEL TP_Q090 = "Tried smoking kreteks"; LABEL TP_Q100 = "Past 30 days, smoked kreteks"; LABEL TP_Q110 = "Ever made cig. with tobacco sticks"; LABEL TP_Q120 = "Past 30 days, smoked tobacco sticks"; LABEL OS_Q10 = "Your opinion on smoking in restaurants"; LABEL OS_Q20 = "Your opinion on smoking in bars"; LABEL LA_Q10 = "What language speak most at home"; LABEL DVEDUC = "Highest level of education attained";
LABEL GPLA_Q20 = "Highest level of education attained"; LABEL LF_Q10 = "Past 12 months work: job or business"; LABEL LF_Q50 = "Smoking restrictions at work"; LABEL DVSOC10 = "Broad occupational category"; LABEL SI_Q10 = "Currently: school, college, university"; LABEL SI_G20 = "Student's weekly spending money"; LABEL MU_Q10 = "Used or tried marijuana"; LABEL MU_Q20 = "Used marijuana in the past 12 months"; LABEL MU_Q30 = "How often did you use marijuana"; LABEL MU_Q40 = "Age first used marijuana"; LABEL WTPP = "Pumf weight"; FORMAT PROV tProv. DVURBAN DVURBAN. HHSIZE tsize. AGE0014 AGE1524 AGE2544 AGE45PL tage2F. HHTYPE ttype. TP_Q010 tYesNo1F. HS_Q20 HS_Q20F. HS_Q30 HS_Q30F. HS_Q40 HS_Q50 HS_Q60A HS_Q60B HS_Q60C HS_Q60D SS_Q20 SS_Q30 PS_Q10 PS_Q20 SB_Q30 SB_Q40 SB_Q50 SC_Q060 SC_Q070 CM_Q10 CM_Q20 CM_Q30 CM_Q40 CM_Q50 CM_Q60 CM_Q70 CM_Q80A CM_Q80B CM_Q80C CM_Q80D CM_Q80E OM_Q010 OM_Q020 OM_Q030 OM_Q040 OM_Q050 OM_Q060 OM_Q070 OM_Q080 OM_Q090 OM_Q100 OM_Q110 OM_Q120 OM_Q130 HP_Q010 HP_Q020 HP_Q030 HP_Q040 HP_Q050 HP_Q060 HP_Q070 HP_Q080 HP_Q090 HP_Q100 HP_Q110 HP_Q120 HP_Q130 HP_Q140 HP_Q150 SP_Q10 SP_Q20 TP_Q020 TP_Q040 TP_Q060 TP_Q080 TP_Q100 TP_Q120 SI_Q10 MU_Q20 tYesNo. DVAGE DVAGE. AGEGRP5 AGEGRP5F. AGEGRP7 AGEGRP7F. SEX tsex. DVMARST DVMARST. SS_Q10 SS_Q10F. PS_Q30 PS_Q40 WP_Q10A WP_Q10B WP_Q10C WP_Q10D WP_Q10E WP_Q10F WP_Q10G SC_Q040 SC_Q050 SC_Q080 SC_Q090 MU_Q40 trange2F. DVYRSSMK DVAVCIG7 DVNDSMK DVAVCIGD trangexx. SB_Q10 SB_Q10F. SB_Q20 SB_Q20F. DVLOWTAR DVLOWTAR. DVSST1 DVSST1F. DVSST2 DVSST2F. DVSS1 DVSS1F. DVSS2 DVSS2F.
DVCIGWK tragexxx. DVSMKPTN DVSMKPTN. SC_Q010 SC_Q010F. SC_Q020 SC_Q020F. SC_Q030 SC_Q030F. SC_Q100 SC_Q100F. STOPSMK STOPSMK. SP_Q30 SP_Q30F. TP_Q010 tyesno1F. OS_Q10 OS_Q20 tallow1F. LA_Q10 LA_Q10F. DVEDUC DVEDUC. GPLA_Q20 GPL_Q20F. LF_Q50 LF_Q50F. DVSOC10 DVSOC10F. SI_G20 SI_G20F. MU_Q10 MU_Q10F. MU_Q30 MU_Q30F.; run;
Source: http://www23.statcan.gc.ca:81/imdb-bmdi/pub/document/4440_DLI_D4_T22_V16-eng.pdf
Third-Party Opinion Impact of the Great East Japan Earthquake and Our Efforts I understand finalizing the business restructuring without exceptions was as I mentioned above, CSR due diligence from the perspective of human Here we report on the situation and efforts of the company (as of July 2011) concerning the earthquake off the coast painful. You also had to respond to the Grea
Medical Problems, Treatments, and Professionals Fred R. Volkmar, M.D. Raising a healthy child is one of the most difficult - and rewarding - challenges any parent can tackle. For parents of children with autism, the rewards are just as great as for other parents. The difficulties, however, can be more daunting because you have to take autism into account in almost all decisions you make
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