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Microsoft word - tonsillectomy instructions.doc

1. Avoid aspirin or aspirin-like products for three weeks before and two weeks aftersurgery. These include ibuprofen (Advil, Motrin, Nuprin), naproxen (Aleve, Naprosyn),and Celebrex. Tylenol (acetaminophen) is acceptable if you need a pain reliever.
2. Do not eat or drink anything after midnight prior to the morning of surgery. Thisincludes water and sucking candy. You may brush your teeth. If you take medicationregularly, ask us first if you should take it the morning of surgery.
3. After discharge from the hospital, go home immediately. Children should remain inbed for the first day and out of school for one week. Adults should remain home andquiet for one week. Most patients do not feel fully recovered for about two weeks.
5. Diet. In general, start with liquids and progress to soft foods as tolerated. Avoid veryhot or spicy foods as well as food with hard edges (potato chips, pretzels, dry toast).
Avoid tomatoes, citrus juices, and vinegar as these may cause burning in the throat.
A sample diet is attached.
6. Pain and discomfort. Tylenol or Tylenol with codeine or hydrocodone is encouragedfor the first few days after surgery. I will provide you with a prescription for this, as wellas for an oral antibiotic. Ear pain is common after surgery, and may be helped bychewing gum and drinking plenty of fluids. Nausea and vomiting due to the anesthesiaare common for a day or so. If it persists or gets worse, call the office. Bad breath iscommon, and can be relieved by drinking lots of fluids. It is common to run a low feverafter surgery. If the temperature reaches 101.5, call the office.
7. Bleeding. If there is any bleeding, try gargling gently with ice water. If the bleedingdoes not stop immediately, call the office. If bleeding is severe, get to the nearestemergency room or call 911. In order to avoid bleeding, try not to sneeze, cough, blowyour nose hard, or forcibly clear the throat. If you must sneeze, do so with your mouthopen.
8. There may be a voice change associated with removal of tonsils or adenoids. Usuallythis is temporary, but occasionally it is permanent.
9. If there are any questions after the operation, call the office at (914) 686-3950.
1. Drink several glasses of water (lukewarm is less irritating than cold).
2. Encourage other fluids by frequently offering jello, ice pops, lukewarm broth or creamsoups, and non-citrus fruit juices (pear, apple, grape).
3. Milk, pudding, and ice cream are acceptable in small quantities, as long as they don’tproduce too much coughing and throat clearing due to phlegm.
4. Refined cereal (farina) and eggs (boiled, poached, or scrambled) are okay.
1. Add strained vegetables (pureed or soft), mashed potatoes, cottage cheese.
2. Finely ground beef or chicken, spaghetti without tomato sauce.
1. Gradually resume normal diet as tolerated.
2. Avoid citrus juices (orange, lemon, grapefruit) and tomato sauces - they make thethroat burn.
3. Avoid hot or spicy food, potato chips, nuts, dry toast, pretzels and crackers.


Levitra 5 mg/10 mg/20 mg comprimidos recubiertos con película . COMPOSICIÓN CUALITATIVA Y CUANTITATIVA: CYP3A4, como por ejemplo, eritromicina o claritromicina, puede ser necesario un ajuste de la dosis de vardenafilo. La Cada comprimido contiene 5/10/20 mg de vardenafilo (como hidrocloruro). FORMA FARMACÉUTICA: Comprimido cimetidina (400 mg dos veces al día), un inhibidor inespecíf

Microsoft word - in france.fall2011.doc

UC Center Program Courses - Fall 2011 PCC 117. Media in France and the European Union Prof. Joav Toker email: [email protected] Office Hours By appointment COURSE DESCRIPTION The course will explore and critically analyse major institutions, actors and trends in contemporary French Media and attempt to situate them in the larger contexts of “unifying” Europe and “global

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