T h e n e w e ng l a n d j o u r na l o f m e dic i n e
This Journal feature begins with a case vignette highlighting a common clinical problem. Evidence supporting various strategies is then presented, followed by a review of formal guidelines, when they exist. The article ends with the author’s clinical recommendations. An otherwise healthy 53-year-old woman is seen for routine care after completing treatment several months earlier for stage II estrogen-receptor–positive, HER2-posi- tive breast cancer. The treatment consisted of lumpectomy, irradiation, adjuvant che- motherapy (doxorubicin and cyclophosphamide followed by paclitaxel), and trastu- zumab. Her only current medication is an aromatase inhibitor. She is amenorrheic. She reports fatigue, hot flashes, arthralgias, and sexual difficulties and is concerned about the risk of a recurrence. How would you follow this patient, and what would you recommend for her symptoms?
More than 200,000 women in the United States will receive a diagnosis of invasive From the University of Michigan Compre-
breast cancer in 2007.1 Improved screening and increased use of early local–regional dress reprint requests to Dr. Hayes at the
treatment (surgery and irradiation) and adjuvant systemic therapy (chemotherapy, University of Michigan Comprehensive
antiestrogen treatment, or trastuzumab) have been associated with a marked reduc- Cancer Center, 6312 Cancer Center, 1500 E.
Medical Center Dr., Ann Arbor, MI 48109,
tion in mortality associated with breast cancer.1 Concerns about recurrence and the or at [email protected].
long-term complications of therapy in breast-cancer survivors are increasingly com-
mon and must be recognized and managed appropriately.2
N Engl J Med 2007;356:2505-13. Copyright 2007 Massachusetts Medical Society.Referral for Genetic Counseling A diagnosis of breast cancer is not sufficient reason by itself to perform a genetic
analysis for inherited germ-line mutations in cancer suppressor genes, such as BRCA1
and BRCA2. The risk of carrying such a gene is estimated to be less than 1% in
women whose personal or family history does not suggest a high risk of familial
cancer syndromes (Table 1).5 Genetic counseling is recommended for affected
women who do meet these criteria, and the care of such women is beyond the scope
Screening for Recurrence Metastases The risk of recurrence relates directly to the tumor stage (the size of the tumor and
axillary lymph node status) and grade. This risk is clearly reduced by treatment,
including surgery, irradiation, and systemic adjuvant therapy. Over 25% of all metas-
tases occur more than 5 years after the initial diagnosis, and this percentage may
be even higher among women with estrogen-receptor–positive tumors who re-
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T h e n e w e ng l a n d j o u r na l o f m e dic i n e
ceive adjuvant endocrine treatment.6 In asymp- Local–Regional Recurrence
tomatic patients, testing for tumor markers, other Screening for local recurrences in women who
blood tests, and radiographic imaging are not have had breast-conserving treatment (lumpecto-
recommended for routine screening to detect my and, usually, irradiation) is identical to screen-
the development of metastatic disease.7 The false ing for new primary cancers in the contralateral
positive rates for these tests range from 10 to breast. However, because previous surgery and
50%, resulting in needless and expensive further irradiation may alter breast-imaging findings,
evaluation and anxiety on the patient’s part. Two the radiologist should be aware of the patient’s
randomized trials showed no survival benefit history in this regard. No special screening (be-
from intensive screening for asymptomatic meta- yond history taking and physical examination) is
static disease as compared with routine clinical recommended to detect nonbreast regional re-
evaluation,8,9 and one of the trials showed a de- currences (in the chest wall or regional lymph
creased quality of life in the intensive-screening nodes).
group.9 These trials were conducted before the re-
cent advances in diagnosis and treatment of
Table 1. Criteria for Referral of a Breast-Cancer Survivor
metastatic breast cancer. However, in the absence
for Genetic Counseling.*
of data showing improved survival or quality of
life with early detection of metastatic disease,
recommendations from professional societies re-
main conservative, calling for routine clinic visits
History of ovarian cancer, or a first- or second-degree
relative with a history of ovarian cancer
but not for any specialized testing for metastases
in asymptomatic patients (Table 2).7,10-12
A first-degree relative with a history of breast cancer diag-
Evaluation is indicated for patients with symp-
Two or more first- or second-degree relatives with a history
toms or signs suggestive of recurrence (new bone
pain, dyspnea, jaundice, or neurologic symptoms),
History of bilateral breast cancer or a first- or second-
since treatment in these cases often provides sub-
degree relative with a history of bilateral breast cancer
stantial palliation and modest prolongation of sur-
A male relative with a history of breast cancer
vival. Patients with HER2-positive breast cancers
may be at particularly high risk for brain metas- * The criteria are adapted from the Preventive Services
tases, although in asymptomatic patients there is Task Force3 and the National Comprehensive Cancer
no role for central nervous system screening.13
Table 2. Recommended Follow-up Care for Breast-Cancer Survivors at Average Risk for Recurrent or New Primary Cancer.* Recurrent or New Cancer Factors Associated with Highest Risk Recommended Screening Organization
* ASCO denotes American Society of Clinical Oncology, NCCN National Comprehensive Cancer Network, and USPHT
U.S. Preventive Services Task Force.
† The screening recommendations for breast and ovarian cancer are different for women with an inherited BRCA1 or
BRCA2 mutation or other high-risk factors (see Table 1).
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Screening for New Primary Cancers
dicated (Table 2). In particular, the false positive
rate for transvaginal ultrasonography in asympto-
Among women with a personal history of breast matic women taking tamoxifen may be as high
cancer, the risk that a tumor will develop in the as 20%, since tamoxifen can cause benign endo-
contralateral breast is approximately twice the metrial thickening, polyps, and other abnormali-
risk of an initial breast tumor among women ties.23 Abnormal uterine bleeding or pelvic symp-
without this history, with an absolute incidence toms do require evaluation in a woman taking
of approximately 0.5 to 1% per year.14 Routine tamoxifen.
annual mammographic screening is recommend-
ed for early detection of new primary cancers in Common Symptoms Associated
women with a history of breast cancer, yet a popu- with Anticancer Treatments
lation survey showed that only approximately 60% Breast-cancer survivors may have several treat-
of such women undergo serial mammography ment-related symptoms and toxicities (Table 3).
The use of more sensitive breast-screening hormone-receptor–positive cancers are the result
techniques, such as high-resolution ultrasonog- of early menopause (due to chemotherapy-induced
raphy or magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), is ovarian failure or surgical or chemical ovarian
controversial because they have a lower specific- ablation) or long-term antiestrogenic treatments,
ity than conventional mammography, with a high including treatment with the selective estrogen-
false positive rate.16 In a recent study, MRI evalu- receptor modulator (SERM) tamoxifen or one of
ation of the contralateral breast at the time of the aromatase inhibitors (anastrozole, letrozole, or
diagnosis detected second, mammographically exemestane). Aromatase inhibitors are now used
occult breast cancers in approximately 3% of pa- at some point in most postmenopausal women
tients17; it is not known whether all these can- with hormone-receptor–positive breast cancer.24
cers would have become clinically apparent. At They should not be used in women with function-
present, neither MRI nor high-resolution ultraso- ing ovaries, since they may paradoxically increase
nography is recommended for routine follow-up ovarian production of estrogen by enhancing the
of women who have had breast cancer, unless negative hypothalamic feedback loop.25
they are considered to be at particularly high risk,
Both SERMs and aromatase inhibitors inhibit
as defined in Table 1.18 Although these techniques estrogen-induced cancer growth, but they have
have been used to screen for cancer in the contra- different mechanisms of action and some dis-
lateral breast in women whose primary cancer tinct nontumoral effects (Tables 4 and 5). SERMs
was not detectable by mammography, there are have tissue-specific estrogenic and antiestrogenic
no data indicating that mammography is more activities, whereas aromatase inhibitors block es-
likely to miss a second cancer in these women trogen production and are therefore completely
than in women whose first cancer was detected antiestrogenic.
The majority of women with breast cancer expe-
Breast-cancer survivors who do not have deleteri- rience hot flashes in association with treatment.26
ous mutations in cancer-susceptibility genes do Although estrogen therapy is a highly effective
not appear to be at increased treatment-indepen- treatment for hot flashes, it is generally contrain-
dent risk for nonmammary cancers.19 Routine dicated in breast-cancer survivors, especially if
age-appropriate screening recommendations for the women have estrogen-receptor–positive tu-
colon and cervical cancers are applicable.12 Treat- mors.27-29 Randomized trials involving patients
ments slightly increase the risks of some cancers, with breast cancer have shown that certain se-
including angiosarcomas (after irradiation), mye- lective serotonin-reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) and
loid leukemias (after chemotherapy), and uterine the selective serotonin- and norepinephrine-reup-
carcinomas (as a result of the estrogen-agonistic take inhibitor (SSNRI) venlafaxine, as well as the
effects of tamoxifen).20-22 However, the incidence anticonvulsant gabapentin, reduce the frequency
of these cancers is low (<1% over a period of and severity of hot flashes by approximately 50%.26
5 years), and routine screening for them is not in- One SSRI, paroxetine, may prevent the metabolic
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T h e n e w e ng l a n d j o u r na l o f m e dic i n e
Table 3. Common Symptoms and Problems in Patients after Treatment for Breast Cancer. Factors Associated Symptom or Problem with Highest Risk Recommended Screening Recommended Interventions*
Paroxetine (avoid if patient is receiving
Dyspareunia due to Chemotherapy-induced meno-
History (rule out features suggestive of
persistent and progressively more se- NSAIDs
Evaluate for Alzheimer’s disease or other
Rule out or treat psychiatric or biologic
Chemotherapy-induced meno- Bone densitometry before initiation of
Adequate intake of calcium (1200–1500 mg
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Table 3. (Continued.) Factors Associated Symptom or Problem with Highest Risk Recommended Screening Recommended Interventions*
Monitor left ventricular function during
Appropriate medical management if present
Thrombosis (deep vein, Treatment with tamoxifen
Appropriate medical management if present
* Representative examples of effective interventions are shown; the list is not exhaustive. SSRIs denotes selective serotonin-reuptake inhibitors,
SSNRIs selective serotonin- and norepinephrine-reuptake inhibitors, and NSAIDs nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drugs.
† The FDA has not approved these drugs for this indication.
‡ Side effects or complications from these drugs are as follows: SSRIs — sweating, constipation, diarrhea, flatulence, anorexia, insomnia,
somnolence, tremor, anxiety, blurred vision, loss of libido; bleeding, hyponatremia (rare), seizure (rare), mania (rare), and suicidal thoughts
or behavior (rare); SSNRIs — same as above plus hypertension, hepatitis (rare); gabapentin — peripheral edema, myalgia, dizziness, hyper-
activity, nystagmus, somnolence, tremor, mood disorder, fatigue, Stevens–Johnson syndrome (rare), and seizure (rare).
§ Intravaginal estradiol preparations may slightly increase systemic estrogen levels (with concern about increased risk of breast cancer recurrence).
¶ Some authorities recommend 1000 IU of vitamin D daily.
‖ Side effects or complications from bisphosphonate include esophageal irritation or ulcer; myalgias, rash; hypocalcemia, and osteonecrosis
activation of tamoxifen and should not be used known popularly as chemobrain or tamoxifen
brain.35 Chemotherapy has been associated with
a transient decline in cognitive function, but
most patients return to the same level as women
Sexual dysfunction in breast-cancer survivors may who did not receive chemotherapy.36 The effects
result from psychological and body-image factors of endocrine treatments are less well document-
related to the diagnosis of breast cancer or its ed, but at least one small study suggests that
treatment, including effects of antiestrogen ther- anastrozole causes similar changes.37 Nonhor-
apy, such as dyspareunia related to vaginal dry- monal agents used to treat hot flashes, includ-
ness. Intravaginal estrogenic preparations and ing the SSRIs, the SSNRIs, and gabapentin, may
estradiol vaginal rings are effective in relieving contribute to cognitive difficulties.38,39 These
vaginal dryness and associated symptoms, includ- symptoms should not be disregarded without
ing dyspareunia and frequent urinary tract in- considering other causes of cognitive impair-
fections. Randomized trials in postmenopausal ment, such as Alzheimer’s disease, especially if
women without breast cancer who used the es- they occur in an older woman and are severe and
trogenic ring have shown marginally increased progressive. Currently, no therapy has been prov-
(though still postmenopausal) circulating levels of en effective for cognitive dysfunction, but women
estradiol and estrone.31 However, there is indirect should be reassured that therapy-associated cog-
evidence of systemic estrogenic effects in these nitive symptoms are rarely progressive. Given the
women, which might increase the risk of breast survival benefits of antiestrogen therapy, discon-
cancer recurrence.32 Although not strictly contrain- tinuation is not generally recommended for these
dicated, use of intravaginal estrogen preparations, symptoms.
especially in women with estrogen-receptor–
positive breast cancer who are taking aromatase Miscellaneous Symptoms
inhibitors, must be used with caution and after Other common problems among women with a
careful discussion of risks and benefits with the history of breast cancer include myalgias and
patient. Over-the-counter nonhormonal vaginal arthralgias, depression, fatigue, and weight gain.
moisturizers and lubricants appear to be modestly Recommendations for management of these symp-
Long-Term Risks of Breast Cancer Treatment
Many patients report cognitive problems after Osteoporosis
diagnosis and treatment of breast cancer, espe- Breast-cancer survivors who undergo an early
cially during active adjuvant therapy, a condition menopause as a result of therapy or who are tak-
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T h e n e w e ng l a n d j o u r na l o f m e dic i n e
Table 4. Effects of SERMs and Aromatase Inhibitors on Breast Cancer and Breast Tissue. Clinical Setting Effects on Breast Tissue
Antiestrogenic, decrease new breast cancers and recur-
rent breast cancers, improve survival, palliative
Aromatase inhibitors
Antiestrogenic, decrease recurrent breast cancers,
Table 5. Effects of SERMs and Aromatase Inhibitors on Nonbreast Tissue. Aromatase Inhibitors
Estrogenic or anti- Increases vaginal secretions
* The effects of SERMs or aromatase inhibitors on depression or cognitive function have not been fully documented.
ing aromatase inhibitors are at increased risk for lished breast cancer. Raloxifene should not be
osteoporosis and fractures.24 In contrast, post- substituted for tamoxifen in the adjuvant setting,
menopausal women taking tamoxifen have a re- nor should it be used with tamoxifen, given their
duced risk of osteoporosis.40 Recommendations similar effects. Moreover, because data from ran-
for preventing and treating bone loss in breast- domized trials suggest that the optimal duration
cancer survivors are consistent with those for of tamoxifen therapy is 5 years and that longer
women without a history of breast cancer (Table use may be associated with an increased risk of
3).41 Measurement of bone mineral density is rec- recurrence,36,43 raloxifene is not recommended
ommended annually or biennially for all breast- for women who have previously been treated with
cancer survivors and should be performed before tamoxifen for 5 years. Neither should raloxifene
the initiation of treatment with an aromatase in- be used in patients being treated with an aroma-
tase inhibitor, since a randomized trial has shown
Raloxifene, a SERM with pharmacologic prop- that the combination of tamoxifen and an aroma-
erties similar to those of tamoxifen, is approved tase inhibitor (anastrozole) was less effective in
for the prevention and treatment of osteoporosis reducing breast-cancer–related events than an
but is generally not used in women with breast aromatase inhibitor alone.44
cancer. Although raloxifene and tamoxifen have
Bisphosphonate therapy should be initiated if
similar efficacy in the prevention of breast can- osteoporosis is present, and it should be consid-
cer,42 raloxifene has not been shown to be equiv- ered in patents with osteopenia who are taking
alent to tamoxifen for the treatment of estab- an aromatase inhibitor, particularly if they have
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other risk factors for bone loss or evidence of pro- Trastuzumab diminishes cardiac function, as de-
gressive bone loss during treatment (Table 3).41 tected by echocardiography or cardiac scintigra-
The early results of a randomized trial involving phy, in approximately 5% of patients during treat-
women taking an aromatase inhibitor have sug- ment, but only 1% are symptomatic.50,51 Short-term
gested that zoledronic acid given every 6 months, follow-up suggests that trastuzumab-induced con-
as compared with delayed initiation of the drug, gestive heart failure is often reversible, but data
significantly improves bone mineral density and on long-term follow-up — over the course of 5 or
decreases biochemical evidence of bone turnover.45 more years — is lacking. No special monitoring
However, given the potential adverse effects of is currently recommended after completion of
bisphosphonates in patients with cancer, includ- these therapies, but past exposure should be kept
ing osteonecrosis of the jaw, more data are need- in mind when one is evaluating a patient for symp-
ed before prophylactic intravenous bisphospho- toms that might suggest congestive heart failure.
nate therapy can be routinely recommended in
Venous ThromboembolismTamoxifen increases the risk of deep venous throm-
bosis and cerebrovascular disease by a factor of
Cardiovascular disease is a particular concern in approximately 3.40 A history of these conditions is
women with breast cancer. Radiation therapy to a relative contraindication to its use. For women
the left chest wall is associated with an increase who do not have such a history, the small absolute
of approximately 20 to 30% in the long-term risk increase in thrombosis risk does not justify any
of cardiovascular events. However, the reduction particular screening. No studies have investigated
in breast-cancer recurrence and mortality due to whether antithrombotic or antiplatelet aggregation
radiation therapy outweighs the risk of cardio- agents are effective in reducing the risk. Although
vascular toxicity for patients in whom such ther- there are no data to support doing so, it is reason-
able to suspend SERM therapy for approximately
The risk of cardiovascular disease associated 2 weeks before elective surgery in order to reduce
with adjuvant systemic therapies depends on the the risk of postoperative thrombosis.
particular therapy. Early menopause (before 40
years of age) has been associated with an increased
risk of cardiovascular disease, raising concern
about antiestrogenic therapeutic strategies for Three sets of evidence-based guidelines address-
breast cancer.48 Randomized trials have suggest- ing the follow-up of patients with a history of breast
ed that tamoxifen, as compared with placebo, may cancer 4,7,10 recommend periodic history taking
reduce the risk of cardiovascular events. In con- and physical examination (every 4 to 6 months
trast, there is concern that the profound reduction during the first year, then annually if the patient
in estrogen levels induced by aromatase inhibi- is no longer receiving therapy), yearly mammo-
tors may increase the risk, although early data grams, and education of the patient about symp-
from the randomized trials of aromatase inhibi- toms of breast-cancer recurrence and, for patients
tors include too few events to generate solid con- taking tamoxifen, signs and symptoms of uter-
clusions about cardiovascular risk.24 It is prudent ine cancer. The American Society of Clinical On-
for patients to follow standard guidelines for re- cology has also issued guidelines for the detec-
ducing cardiovascular risk, such as engaging in tion and management of osteoporosis but not for
regular moderate exercise, avoiding tobacco, and monitoring or treatment of patients for other
controlling blood pressure and lipid levels.
Congestive heart failure can result from chemo-
therapy with anthracyclines or from trastuzumab.
The risk of anthracycline-induced congestive heart
failure is directly related to the cumulative dose. In addition to preventing and controlling osteo-
Even with standard cumulative doses of adjuvant porosis, bisphosphonates may reduce the risk of
anthracyclines (e.g., 240 to 360 mg per square recurrent breast cancer. Two randomized trials
meter of body-surface area), congestive heart fail- showed that an oral bisphosphonate, clodronate,
ure occurs in approximately 0.5 to 1% of patients reduces recurrence rates and may even improve sur-
during the first 1 to 5 years after treatment.49 vival, as compared with no bisphosphonate treat-
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T h e n e w e ng l a n d j o u r na l o f m e dic i n e
ment, but a third trial did not.53-55 Pending fur- new primary breast cancers, but no specific screen-
ther data from trials in progress, the cost of these ing is recommended for occult metastatic disease
agents and the possible risk of osteonecrosis of or rare treatment-related cancers in asymptomat-
the jaw argue against their routine use in the ab- ic patients. The consequences of premature meno-
pause, antiestrogen therapy, and other adjuvant
The extended use of adjuvant antiestrogen therapies should be recognized and treated if in-
therapy is gaining popularity. At least one ran- dicated, and estrogen therapy avoided. Medica-
domized trial demonstrated a reduction in recur- tions, including SSRIs, SSNRIs, and gabapentin,
rences when women with estrogen-receptor–posi- may be effective in treating hot flashes (although
tive cancers were treated with a 5-year course of they have not been approved by the Food and Drug
letrozole after receiving a 5-year course of tamox- Administration for this indication), and SSRIs and
ifen, as compared with a 5-year course of tamoxi- SSNRIs may also alleviate depression. Sexual dys-
fen alone.56 An extension of this study is examin- function can be addressed through sexual coun-
ing the benefits of continuing letrozole for more seling and treatment of vaginal dryness with non-
than 5 years. Since these studies involve women hormonal preparations or with cautious use of
who, by definition, have a favorable prognosis, estrogen ring preparations, with the recognition
the benefits must be weighed against the poten- that there is the potential for slight systemic ab-
tial long-term complications of profound estrogen sorption. Bone mineral density should be assessed,
adequate intake of calcium and vitamin D and
regular weight-bearing exercise encouraged, and
bisphosphonate treatment initiated, if indicated.
Supported by Fashion Footwear Charitable Foundation of
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With increased survival of patients with breast
Dr. Hayes reports receiving research funding from Novartis,
cancer, more breast-cancer survivors who have Pfizer, AstraZeneca, Wyeth, and GlaxoSmithKline and consult-
been treated with surgery, irradiation, and adju- ing fees from Precision Therapeutics, Abraxis, American Biosci-
ences, AviaraDx, Cytogen, Monogram Sciences, Siemens Medical
vant systemic therapy, like the woman in the vi- Solutions Diagnostics, StemCapture, and Veridex. No other po-
gnette, receive follow-up care from a primary care tential conflict of interest relevant to this article was reported.
physician. Annual mammographic screening and
I thank Jennifer Griggs, Catherine Van Poznak, Sanjay Saint,
Anne Schott, and Thomas Schwenk for their thoughtful reviews
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Field, temperature, and concentration dependences of the magnetic susceptibility of bismuth–antimony alloys B. Verkin Institute for Low Temperatures Physics and Engineering, National Academy of Sciencesof Ukraine, pr. Lenina 47, 310164 Kharkov, Ukraine ͑Submitted April 9, 1999; revised August 11, 1999͒ Fiz. Nizk. Temp. 26 , 54–64 ͑January 2000͒ In the framework of the McClure model,
ANEXO TÉCNICO Las Fallas son las fiestas mayores de la ciudad de Valencia en España, no obstante que manifestaciones de esta fiesta se pueden encontrar en otras ciudades de la Comunidad Autónoma de Valencia como Denia, Alzira, Gandía, Játiva y Orihuela, entre muchas otras. La fiesta se realiza entre el 15 y el 19 de marzo, la llamada “semana fallera”, pero ya a partir del 1�