Wheeling board of health


January 24, 2012


The meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m. by Chairperson Gross.
Commissioners Bieber, Dzierzynski, Ebeling, Gross, Weides, Shannon, Simon. Also present was Health Officer Beverly Slaby.
Commissioners welcomed new Commissioner Ellen Simon to the Board.

Commissioner Ebeling moved, seconded by Commissioner Bieber to approve the minutes dated
November 15, 2011 as presented. The motion was approved by a voice vote.
The next blood drive is scheduled for March 14, 2012. Letters to wheeling restaurants requesting door prizes for this years blood drives will be going out on February 1, 2012. The total number of units collected in 2011 was 130. Number of units collected were down slightly from the previous year. Commissioners Shannon asked if the times were the same this year. Health Officer Slaby stated that the drive is open at 1:30 p.m. for Village employees and is open to the public at 2:00 p.m. The goals remain at 40 units. Commissioner Bieber announced the January collection was quite busy even though there was bad weather. Filled up one containers of medications and one and a half containers of sharps. Several sharps containers were handed out. A new supply will be needed for the next collection. Commissioner Weides announced that a resident brought Albuterol packets that were not opened, and asked if there was place that would accept them and give them to those who have no insurance that needed this medication. Health Officer Slaby stated that she had called around to several pharmacies and clinics and was told that they could not accept unopened medications, lancets or other unused items. Commissioner Bieber stated that we should check into Doctors Without Boarders. Commissioner Gross recommends that residents contact that group or contact churches that have outreach programs that may take those unopened medications. We can recommend these groups to the residents at the collection drop offs but we, as a board, can not give out those medications. The commissioners requested that Health Officer Slaby look into getting the information on a fact sheet on what to do or who to contact if they have unopened medications. We can hand these out at the drop off. Commissioner Bieber stated that this would be just a recommendation not an endorsement of these particular groups. Commissioner Gross suggested that the information can be put on the website or in the Village newsletter. Health Officer Slaby announced that in 2011, 387 pounds of Pharmaceuticals were collected. That increased from 181 pounds in 2010. 447 pounds of sharps were collected, compared to 331 pounds in 2010. Commissioner Weides stated that the residents like getting the free sharps containers. Commissioner Bieber asked if we could put Village labels on the containers. Health Officer Slaby was not sure if there would be some liability or if we were allowed to by SWANCC. She will check into it. Health Officer handed out the volunteer sign up sheet for the drop offs for 2012. Health Officer Slaby announced the date for the 2012 Health Fair is October 20th from 9 a.m. until 12 p.m. Commissioner Gross stated that we will be taking deposits of $50.00 and the participant will get the check back once the fair is over at 12:00 p.m. If they leave early, they forfeit the deposit. Commissioner Gross wants to make sure that the service they put down on the application is the service that will be provided. That happened last year when glucose tests did not arrive. Commissioner Ebeling asked who will be manning the coat closet this year since it was not maintained last year. In response to that question, Commissioner Gross stated that she is looking into volunteer groups from school to have teachers, parents and children man the booth. It will be groups that provide community service. Commissioner Weides asked if there was some way to limit the amount of coats that they take. Commissioner Gross said that we will come up with a ticket or way to limit the amount. Commissioner Shannon stated that last year people collected coats, brought them to their car and came in for more. Health Officer Slaby suggested that once someone takes one coat, they have their hand stamped and then therefore cannot collect more coats. Commissioners agreed to work on this. Health Officer Slaby announced that a total amount of $534.83 was spent for the health fair. Commissioner Gross would like to spend as close to the budget of $1000.00 next year. More handouts, coloring books, stickers etc. Commissioner Bieber stated that we can store items in the BOH closet. Commissioner Gross suggested that one hand sanitizer should be put in each bag so that we do not have people hoarding them. PUBLIC HEALTH EDUCATION - nothing to report OLD BUSINESS – Health Officer handed out the end of the year report of all Board of
NEW BUSINESS – Health Officer handed out the 2012 National Health Observance
Health Officer Slaby gave a synopsis of the Bob Chinn’s foodborne outbreak to the commissioners.
A motion to adjourn the meeting was entered at 8:16 p.m. by Commissioner Bieber. Commissioner
Shannon seconded the motion. The motion received unanimous approval by the Board of Health.
Respectfully submitted,
Sue Weides, Secretary
Wheeling Board of Health
Approved: _____Signed by Commissioner Weides___________ Date:__May 22, 2012________

Source: http://www.vi.wheeling.il.us/ReferenceDesk/AgendasMinutes/BoardOfHealth/120124.pdf

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