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Microsoft word - yes festival stalls apr 17&18.docv2.doc

Wow! 48 exciting stalls so far! Have a wonderful weekend!
1. Dr David R Hamilton
2. Discoverserenity Holistic Solution
3. Tree of Life - Holistic Community in Midlands
He will be selling and signing his books: ‘It’s the Louise Pardoe & Jason Stansbie
Mind Body &Spirit Festivals, Inspiration Network, Magazine Thought that Counts‘; ‘Destiny vs Free Will’; ‘How Health and wellbeing is your birthright – visit us for for Holistic Wellbeing & Living, Workshops, Parties, Social Your Mind Can Heal Your Body’ & the latest ‘Why courses; workshops; therapies; consultancy; talks; Evenings & much more… www.mindbodyandspirit.eu
Kindness is Good for You‘ www.drdavidhamilton.com visionary art and more… www.discoverserenity.co.uk
4. The Magik Thread
5. Meridian Professional Training In Massage
6. Transformational Breathing - Andria Falk
1 000’s of Mind Body & Spirit Books, Card’s, CD’s Julie Anne Linton & Lorraine Horton
Certified Tranformational Breath Facilitator/Co-Trainer Information about the fully accredited and highly ‘The more we breathe, the more we live.‘ Find out how www.themagikthread.co.uk
regarded Professional Diploma Course in Massage Transformational BreathingTM enhances your wellbeing; Therapy with Meridian. Try a treatment too! www.lhmeridian.co.uk
7. Forever Living Products - Terry Villars
8. The Light Giver - Susan Miller
9. Seraphima Tarot - Sarah Page
A wide range of natural aloe vera products for Healing yourself and others is a natural process of life. For loving guidance, help and healing. Sarah Page is an everyone. www.terryvillars.com
This is what we offer you at the light giver. intuitive, clairvoyant and psychic, oferring tarot reading. www.thelightgiver.com
10. Aura - Some
11. Auraworld - Aura Photographers
12. Emmanuel Nwolisa
Aura-Soma® colour consultations to help you find your Angela Grainger
An international karma yoga organisation providing world life purpose with Robert 01159 291 130 and Barbara The UK’s premier Aura Photographers. Discover your service through spiritual development, prayer, healing, and 0121 353 2442. Also Palmistry with Barbara. aura colours and receive your own personal aura photo [email protected]
13. Avatar Master - Julie Armitage
14. NES Health
15. Mirror Stone Crystals - Adrian Edwards
The Avatar Course and Compassion Project. Nutri-Energetics Systems Ltd - Cleo Moffatt Informationand Books available plus collect your www.neshealth.com
compassion card. www.avatar-london.co.uk
16. Sarita Armshaw
17. Health & Well-Being and Therapy Treatments
18. NFSH / The Healing Trust – Peter Hockley
Raj Fulchand Indian Head Massage Treatments – A
Experience the relaxation of natural healing and learn about www.aylesfordholistictherapies.co.uk
[email protected]
[email protected]
19. Pen Munslow – Wairere Wellbeing
20.The Clinic of Natural Medicine - Stephen Alan
21. Brahma Kumaris
By balancing your energies or the energies of your home/workplace I can improve the quality of your life. www.stephenallen.org.uk
[email protected]
[email protected]
22. Love & Light Presence - Suni Chattercy
23. Midlands Philosophy School
24. Herbalpharm Risca - Dr Gefeiwu
R U feeling lucky? Win an amethyst geode; win (Charity Midlands school of Philosophy / Charity Sound wave technology been applied to check your vouchers. Art in soul, healing energies delivered Number 313115) Inspiring Courses…Wisdom Love and health only through your hand without any information through art created with crystals and herbs. Happiness just some of the subjects we cover in the first from you, to do this acupunctury without needle: fast [email protected]
year [email protected]
result, pleasant treatment. www.h.therapy.com
25. Zara Triconet - Private practitioner
26. Opt2XL training skills for life in NLP, NLP
27. Journey Metropolitan Community Church
Come and have sound therapy with a unique experience Mark Taylor & Nicola Kennedy Coaching, Time Line Journey is a church for people who don’t like church.
of healing, from sounds of Hymalian bowls, voice and
Therapy™ and Hypnosis in Birmingham and the www.journeymcc.com
crystal bowls. [email protected]
Midlands. www.opt2xl.co.uk
28. Pure Incense - Adi-Guru das
29. Sarah Taylor, Janet Dobson & Karri Harpshire
30. Meredith Candlin - Church of Scientology
We have beautiful incense and a range of Ghakti-Yoga Psychic Artist/Medium/Angel Card Reader and Crystal Book stall, delivering free personality tests and stress tests. books and beads. www.pure-incense.com
etc Sales [email protected]
[email protected]
31. Birmingham Centre for Inclusive Living
32. FWBO Midlands Come and find out about
33. Lifebulb Social Enterprise Connect with your
Inspired Personal Poems by Shirley P Cooper Buddhism and meditation classes and courses, and yoga creativity, try taster laughter sessions, book an incredible www.shirleycooper.blogspot.com
classes, at Birmingham Buddhist Centre in Moseley alternative holiday in the Scandinavien Summer Sunlight www.birminghambuddhistcentre.org.uk
34. Orb and Sceptre Healing Ltd. - Paul Harrison /
35. Healing Art Visions - Jerrold Donington
36. CNM – College of Naturopathic Medicine - Shaf
Lancy’s Crystals Crystal skulls nord healing wands.
Jerrold is a psychic artist and draws your spirit guide or Khan Part time Nutritional Therapy Courses leading to
Headachereleif crystals orb&sceptre haling kits Angel guardian angel – with clairvoyant interpretation professional quaification – Natural Medicine Healing of Light – Pendants www.orbandsceptre.com
37. Healthy Body and Mind - Katherie Stanton
38. Positive Inpact - Susan Tappe
39. Karen Dowling / Nikken – Solutions for a wellness
Health products, books, ornaments, stones, jewellary. Positive Inpact aims to integrate Natural Psychological home. Our home should be an oasis of wellness, Nikken has [email protected]
and complementary therapies for positive health & the solution. Sleep, Air, Fitness, Nutrition and LIVE water wellbeing. www.positiveinpact.org
products. www.nikkenwellbeing.co.uk/info/karendowling
40. Violetzen - Stephen Yates
41. Mayan Shift
42. Mike Earl - itdoesthejob.com
Crystal & Reiki Healing taster treatments. Crystal Jacqueline Blakeway & Rachel Harrold Ticking the right boxes for sustainable living – solar heating therapy is a way of using the natural minerals from the Individually handcrafted Pendants/WallPlagues/Cards of – water treatment – L.E.D. lighting and more. earth, by placing them on or near our seven main chakra the Mayan Cosmic oracle signs & introducing the Mayan www.itdoesthejob.com
centres. [email protected]
Galactic Prosperity Game. www.mayanshift.com
43. Joshna Patel - Dru UK
44. Miracles in the Midlands
45. Sally Rosemary / Escential Health – Primrose Cottage
Dru Yoga courses, classes, retreats And holidays. Retreat Near Lichfield, a haven of peace and tranquillity in a DruHealth And Nurturing Therapies. For all ages And Miracles in the Midlands for A Course in Miracles beautiful countryside setting. Holistic retreat days, specialist www.awakentothelight.org
therapies and transformational workshops. www.drumidlands.com
46. Myra Evans
47. Carolyn Withington - Pictures from the Heart
48. Laura Boyle - International Spiritual Medium,
International spiritual medium & tarot consultant – Tarot Reader & Astrological Consultant. Consultant to authentic ecuadorian music & hand made jewellary. www.carolynwithington.co.uk
British Astrological & Psychic Society, columnist to [email protected]
CoastRider newspaper Spain www.lauraboyle.com

Source: http://www.treeoflifemagazine.co.uk/FestivalStallsApr17and18.pdf

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School Name: __________________________ ASTHMA ACTION PLAN Student Name________________________________ Date of Birth ____________School___________________________ Student ID Number________________________ Grade ____Medication Allergies__________________________________ Activities student participates in at school: ________________________________________________


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