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Microsoft word - frequently used compounds - hospice.doc
“Customized, Patient Specific, Compounded Medications”
Frequently Used Compounds HOSPICE
*The following are examples of compounded medication options frequently used in the care of hospice patients. This list is not all inclusive of compounding capabilities. Strengths and dosage forms can be modified to meet patient-specific needs. Please contact Town & Country Compounding pharmacists for a formula consultation.
Problem Options
Chronic Severe Pain
Transdermal Gel, Suppository, or SR Capsule
Morphine Hydromorphone Oxycodone Dextromethorphan plus opiate*
*Addition of dextromethorphan may reduce the need for fentanyl or morphine use by 1/3 to ½.
Acute/Break-through Pain
Hydromorphone 2mg, 5mg or 10mg per spray Morphine 5mg per spray Fentanyl 50mcg, 100mcg, 200mcg or 250mcg/ml
Bone Metastases
Suppository or Transdermal Gel- alone or in combination Ibuprofen 600mg/Prednisone 10mg Suppository Ibuprofen 10% - 40% Ketoprofen 10%-20% Piroxicam 1%-2% Diclofenac 5%-8%
Nerve Pain
Transdermal Gel- alone or in combination Ketamine 2%-10% Gabapentin 6%
Transdermal gel, suspension or suppository ABHR (Ativan®, Benadryl®, Haldol®, Reglan®) or ABH
Proclorperazine 25mg/ml TD gel Promethazine 10mg-25mg/ml TD gel
Transdermal Gel, Suppository or Oral Solution Lorazepam 1-2mg Alprazolam 0.25mg-2mg Diazepam 2mg-10mg
106 Prospect Street, Ridgewood, NJ 07450 Ofc: 201-447-2020 Fax: 201-447-3253
www.tccompound.com [email protected]
“Customized, Patient Specific, Compounded Medications”
Frequently Used Compounds HOSPICE
Bedsores/Skin Wounds
Topcial gels Skin protectorants, e.g., zinc, A&D, w/wo nystatin Calcium Channel Blockers- improves blood flow and
vascularization, reduces scarring by interfering with collagen production
Pentoxifylline 5%-10%, penetration enhancer when used in
with Calcium Channel Blockers, improves circulation by reducing blood viscosity
Phenytoin 2%-5%, stimulates wound repair Metronidazole 2% – antimicrobial to control odor Misoprostol 0.0024%, accelerates wound healing
Magic Mouth Wash (tetracycline, nystatin, lidocaine,
Excessive salivation
Hyoscamine 0.5mg/ml oral drops (0.125mg/dose) Scopolamine 250mcg/0.1ml transdermal gel
Morphine sulfate for inhalation 5mg-10mg/3ml
Rectal gels, suppositories or oral solutions Levetiracetam (Kepra®) 250-750mg suppositories Phenytoin 300mg suppositories Midazolam nasal spray Diazepam 5mg/ml rectal gel Lorazepam 2mg/ml oral solution Valproic Acid 500mg suppositiories
106 Prospect Street, Ridgewood, NJ 07450 Ofc: 201-447-2020 Fax: 201-447-3253
www.tccompound.com [email protected]
Source: http://www.tccompound.com/Information/Frequently_UsedCompounds-Hospice.pdf
(Generic) Opioid Analgesics 3 – Tiered Prescription Drug Formulary July 2011 This formulary listing is to serve as a reference guide for the selection of cost-effective medications and does not guarantee coverage or imply therapeutic equivalence. Please use this formulary with your Anesthetics medical practitioner to be sure that
Informationen zu MRSA für niedergelassene Ärzte Stand: Juli 2013 1. Allgemeine Informationen zu MRSA Eigenschaften von Staphylococcus aureus Etwa 30 bis 40 % al er Menschen sind ständig oder vorübergehend mit Staphylococcus aureus besiedelt, vorwiegend im Nasen- und Rachenraum. Diese Besiedlung hat zunächst keinen Krank- heitswert, da S. aureus nur unter best
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