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Mr. J. Estavoyer, PSA Peugeot
Mr S. Dies, Renault
Mr. M. Missbach, Volkswagen
Mr. G. Thöne, Volkswagen

Subject: China monthly report – June 2013

Please find attached the June 2013 report of the ACEA representative office in
We remain at your disposal should you need any further information.
Best regards,
Erik Bergelin
Ref. ACEA: 20130816
ACEA Beijing Representative Office Monthly Report, June 2013
Environmental Protection, Energy and Fuel Working Group The 2nd MEP/VECC-ACEA Motor Vehicle Environmental Protection Administration Workshop. As the official working mechanism initiated from Nov. 2011, the 2nd MEP/VECC-ACEA Motor Vehicle Environmental Protection Administration Workshop was called in Beihai, Guangxi prov., on June 21st, and about 40 participants from ACEA and members as well as VECC attended the meeting. The objective to organize such an annual workshop with MEP/VECC, from ACEA’s perspective, is to enhance and institutionalize previous cooperative relation with MEP/VECC, and to solve the problems met during the process of MEP/VECC motor vehicle environmental protection type approval. Using the same format as for the annual CCC conference, ACEA summarized and compiled the questions and comments from ACEA members for MEP’s motor vehicle environmental protection type approval and presented this to MEP/VECC before the workshop. VECC provided detailed explanations and discussed the questions and comments with the ACEA members’ representatives. Some hot topics, like national program for improving air quality in China, the homologation process for future China National 5 Emission Standard, transition process from “Beijing 5/national 4” vehicles to National 5 vehicles as well as development of MEP/VECC environmental protection catalogue issues were discussed by participants. On June 6th, a preparative meeting was called in ACEA BO so as to internally prepare the issues to be discussed in the workshop mentioned above with MEP/VECC. Phase IV FC standard WG meeting. On June 18th, NTCAS Phase IV FC standard WG meeting was called in Zhenjiang city. During the meeting, CATARC, as secretariat of the WG, summarized the tasks done by the WG, which include study on international experience, energy cutting technologies and cost-effectiveness, Phase IV energy saving targets etc. MIIT participated in the meeting as well. During the meeting, every participant from manufacturers was required to report on its respective products’ fuel consumption performance planning till 2020 as well as comments on fuel consumption target of Phase IV standard. As a very concrete result, members of the WG were required to make a choice/proposal among the Phase IV standard target options as below: No. Content 1) The standard applies to vehicles of category M1 with the max. designed total mass below 3,500 kg, which include passenger cars powered by gasoline, diesel fuel, alternative fuels (e.g., natural gas), and new energy vehicle (e.g., plug-in hybrid electric, battery electric, etc.); 2) The anticipated energy-saving target of the standard is 5.0 L/100 1) The standard applies to vehicles of category M1 with the max. designed total mass below 3,500 kg, which are powered by gasoline or diesel fuel only, without regard to plug-in hybrid electric and battery electric passenger cars; 2) The anticipated energy-saving target of the standard is 5.2 L/100 According to previous discussions among ACEA members in Beijing, a majority of members prefer scenario No.1, but the precondition is that super credits for NEV and EEV should be enough. But no official conclusion has been made yet in the name of ACEA. The deadline set by CATARC is June 27th. On June 14th, ACEA FC regulation 2016-2020 taskforce meeting was called in ACEA Beijing office to discuss the inputs to be prepared to MIIT. A framework inputs version 1.0 has been prepared accordingly and will be sent to members for review. Safety & Homologation Working Group TS17 Meeting. On May 30th to June 1st, TS 17 of NTCAS held its 9th meeting, which was sponsored by Changhui Auto-Electric (Huangshan) Joint-Stock Company, mainly focusing on the following issues: - The standards developing program of TS 17 in the 12th five-year plan. - Examination of two industry standards (QC/T 662-XXXX Technical specifications on the vehicle door external handle & QC/T 627-XXXX Electric lifter for vehicles windows) and re-examination of one national standard (GB 15085-XXXX Motor vehicles-windscreen wiper and washer systems-Performance requirements and test methods). Around 51 delegates (some of them are members of TS17) from vehicle manufacturers, suppliers and test institutes attended the meeting. Mr. Guo Maolin of FAW (Chairman of TS17), Mr. Sun Zhendong representing CATARC (NTCAS), Mrs. Yu Boying of Dongfeng Motor, and Mr. Li Hongguan of CATARC attended the meeting. The meeting was moderated by the TS17 secretary-general Ms. Li Zaihua. Ms. Li Zaihua pointed out in her introduction about the 12th five-year plan that the future standards development will focus on the aspects of new energy, safety, environment protection and energy efficiency. She also mentioned some changes in the standardization policy that patents might be involved in standards and the amendment of some standards might be shortened to 3 years from the previous 5 years. The adoption of international standard will be continuously increased and more national advanced and/or international advanced standards will be formulated. Mr. Sun Zhendong remarked afterwards that developing the industry standards should be the main tasks of TS17 and industry should be cautious to propose standards adopting international advanced standard and better to formulate national advanced standards, as there is relative simpler examination and approval process for local advanced standards. Regarding standard GB 15085 which is of concern to member companies, the requirements on the “adjustable nozzle” was deleted under the agreement of all participants after discussion about the comments raised by Dongfeng Peugeot Citroen Automobile Co. Ltd. and ACEA relating to the adjustable nozzle. QC/T662 & QC/T627 passed examination with some amendments based on the comments from participants. EV post crash safety requirements. On June 5th-6th, the WG EV collision held its meeting on discussing the improved proposal about the EV post crash safety requirements. Around 40 representatives from vehicle manufacturers etc. attended the meeting. The meeting was chaired by Mr Sun Zhendong. Mr. Liu Guibing attended the meeting and introduced the status of the WP29 EVS informal working group and its working plan in the future. The next EVS meeting has been scheduled to be held in China (on October 14th-16th, 2013, in the Beijing Friendship Hotel) and participation of manufacturers is encouraged. The amended proposal on EV post crash safety based on the previous comments from industry was discussed in detail and there are still some open points, such as below, that need feedback from industry: - Whether is it necessary to consider the side collision in this standard? - Should the total energy TE on high voltage buses be less than 2.0 Joules or 0.2 WG members were required to submit their comments (if any) within one month (deadline July 6th). The proposal will be put onto the internet for public comments in July. IFAL. On June 19th-21st, the First International Forum on Automotive Lighting, which was organized by China Lighting Association, and co-organized by Lighting Research Institute of Fudan University, was held succesfully in Kunshan. More than 200 representatives from overseas and local vehicle manufacturers, lamp producers, light source makers as well as test institutes attended the forum. President Liu of Fudan University and Ms. Xu Huai, the CIES Chairman, gave welcome addresses. Mr. Marcin Gorzkowski, the Chairman of the United Nations’ Working Party on Lighting and Light Signalling (GRE) attended the forum and gave a keynote speech with the title of “Roles of the vehicle lighting community in regulation development – is harmonization really desirable?” and presentation about “Overview and Trend of UN Regulations on Lighting and Light Signaling”. Prof. Yandan Lin (the actual promoter of the first IFAL) and Mr. Ad de Visser chaired the first welcome session. Later Mr. Taiming Zhou, Mr. Bart Terburg (the vice-president of GTB), Mr. Rongqing Liang, Mr. Rainer Neumann, Mr. Jinlong Ao, Mr. Wildfried von Laarhoven, Mr. He Yuntang, Mr. Christian Ziel, Mr. Shijun Zhang and Mr. Kirchenbauer chaired the following sessions with the presentations contributed by overseas and local experts with repect to the harmonization of regulations, new technologies in light source, lamp design, LED source and lighting design as well as relevant standard development. S & H WG Meeting. On June 24th, the Safety & Homologation Working Group (safety issues) met on subjects of C-NCAP, EV post crash safety standard, EV safety (Requests from Mr. Qian Minghua of MIIT for our suggestion on China EV safety related regulation/administration), parts marking, GB 15085 windscreen wiper and washer, Airbag misuse, GB 4094, TPMS, GB XXXX-XXXX towing device with respect to various concerned points. Commercial Vehicles Working Group HDV Fuel Consumption. The WG on the fuel consumption standard for HDVs called a meeting on June 6th in Zhengzhou, Henan prov.; this was the seventh meeting since the establishment of the WG, and also the first meeting after the draft standard was submitted to SAC. Six domestic enterprises introduced respectively their investigated results concerning the relationship between actual fuel consumption and the test fuel consumption; in general, there is a big difference due to different specification on speed ratio based on different driving cycles for the same type of vehicle, in particular on heavy-duty freight vehicle, while actual and test fuel consumption results for coaches were more consistent. The enterprises suggested that it’s better to introduce the concept of present European HDV’s five kinds of driving cycles to amend C-WTVC. The issue that emission and fuel consumption be tested in same tested cycle on vehicle chassis dynamometer was discussed again, representatives from manufacturers said that they still hope to be on engine’s bench rather than chassis dynamometer to do emission test, because of lot of problems, such as design, cycle and family, etc. Ms. She Weizhen from MIIT expressed that the logo of HDV fuel consumption should be drafted as soon as possible as a prerequisite for implementing a subsidies policy for vehicles of lower fuel consumption. But participants don’t believe that this will be any easier than it has proved to be for passenger cars. Longer and Heavier Vehicles. The revision of standard GB 1589 has entered the substantive stage, June 4th to 7th ACEA BO received an invitation from MOT together with some experts from CIMC, CNHTC and RIOH, to discuss the principle and details of a revised standard in accordance with MOT’s ideas. Very fortunately, MOT hopes that the EMS concept will be reflected in the new standard and that some dimension parameters also will be made consistent with EU Directive 96/53/EC and 97/27/EC. On June 9th, MIIT called a meeting to coordinate all options with MPS, MOT and CNCA; they agree to refer to the EU Directive on axle load and dimension limits, but MIIT also want to give long nose vehicle the privilege on length, although this is a stupid idea to get some support from enterprise. Finally, MIIT proposed that three departments should form a drafting team together to complete the work. In the meantime, ACEA is advising MOT to run the demonstration project of long and heavier vehicles. Noise. In the meeting on June 20th, the noise working group updated the standard draft concerning acceleration noise method and limits for soliciting comments internally only; the noise limits on category of N2 and N3 seem same to the comments from ACEA to EU regulation, category of M2 and M3 are slightly looser than the comments, although their subcategory is different. Besides, for vehicles with more than two axles of M2, M3, N2, N3 and multi-axles drive (off-road), the limits also allow to add 1 dB (A) respectively. Other The following translations have been distributed in June: - GB T XXXX- XXXX, General Requirements of Traction Battery Box of Electric - GB T XXXX- XXXX, General Requirements of Battery System for Electric - GB T XXXX- XXXX, Electrically Propelled Road Vehicles – Test Specification for Lithium-Ion Traction Battery Packs and Systems – Part 2: High Energy Applications - GB T XXXX- XXXX, Electrically Propelled Road Vehicles – Test Specification for Lithium-Ion Traction Battery Packs and Systems – Part 3: Safety and Reliability Performance - EU China EV energy consumption guideline draft - GBXXX-XXX, Towing Devices for Light-Duty Vehicle – Description of - GB/T 18384, Electric Vehicles – Safety Specifications - GB/TXXX-XXX, Safety Requirement of Electric Vehicle Post Crash - GB/T XXX-XXX Performance Requirements and Testing Methods for Electronic Stability Control System (ESC) for Light Vehicles Production of Passenger Car, Trucks and Buses in May 2013
1647562 1570856 1531302 1437071 1501436 1660875 1586969 1762381 1784897 Note:
Passenger Cars covers: basic passenger car, MPV, SUV, Crossover passenger car
Trucks and buses calculates the chassises.
Sales of Passenger Car, Trucks and Buses in May 2013
Passenger Cars covers: basic passenger car, MPV, SUV, Crossover passenger car
Trucks and buses calculates the chassises.
Production and Sales of Car, Light Bus, MPV and SUV (by Model) in May 2013 15495240


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