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Anabolic signal

Anabolic Signal
[CMI Nutrition]
Anabolic Signal is de meest krachtige anabolische, testosteron-booster en anti-estrogeneformule verpakt in een potje. Anabolic Signal vertegenwoordigt een modelverandering enenige wetenschappelijke vooruitgang in doeltreffende prestatiesupplementatie. Dit is metafstand het sterkste en wettelijke Anabolisch en Testosteron verhogend product die dewetenschap ooit heeft voortgebracht. De kroon op het bereiken van dit topproduct op hetgebied van sportvoeding en bodybuilding vertegenwoordigt een criterium waarnaar alesoortgelijke producten zulen worden gemeten. Andere fabrikanten zulen nu niets aan hettoeval overlaten om hun producten naar deze nieuwe maatstaf te restylen, nieuweingrediënten, nieuwe samensteling, kortom CMI Nutrition heeft de andere fabrikantenwakker geschud met de introductie van de nieuwe Anabolic Signal. De oersterke anabolischeformule zal een beduidende toename in spierkracht, spieromvang en natuurlijke verhoging vanhet testosteron niveau realiseren terwijl het op zijn weg door het lichaam de Oestogenenvernietigt. Bodybuilders en andere atleten worden continu bestookt met een soort geest-verlammendestroom aan informatie van fabrikanten die hun producten aanprijzen alsof ieder product hetzg. ei van Columbus is! Wordt u hiervan ook zo ziek? Natuurlijk zijn er enkele kwalitatiefgoede producten te verkrijgen maar fabrikanten blijven maar gebruik maken van deconventionele ingrediënten waarvan men beweert dat deze wetenschappelijk onderzocht zijn,klopt, maar dat geldt natuurlijk niet voor al deze ingrediënten. Laat staan dat fabrikanten dejuiste samensteling gebruiken voor een product, het komt maar al te vaak voor dat eenproduct veel, heel veel, ingrediënten bevat maar niet in de juiste hoeveelheden. Resultaathiervan is een niet werkzaam of misschien beter gezegd, niet optimaal wewrkzaam productwaarvoor u veel geld heeft betaald en dus niet de gewenste resultaten, toenamespierkracht/toename spieromvang etc. mee zult behalen. U zult momenteel eiwitten,koolhydraten, vitaminen, omega vetzuren, creatine en misschien wat andere supplementenreeds innemen, alemaal prima, maar weet u ook exact welk doel of resultaat iedersupplement heeft! Het lichaam is genetisch voorgeprogrammeerd in het proces vanspiermassa te kweken en te ondersteunen na fysieke arbeid, door de behoefte aan meerspierkracht en energie. Meer spierletsel gebeurt omdat de spieren zonder reserves komen tezitten door de overtraining! Door teveel training en spierweefselschade zal het lichaam dezeschade en spiermassa toename proberen te blijven ondersteunen, maar doordat de vraaghiernaar groter is dan de aanvoer van nutriënten zal dit niet gaan. De gedachte van sporters om spierweefselschade te stimuleren om daarna sneler te kunnengroeien is helemaal niet nodig om het proces van spierkracht en spieromvang toename tesimuleren. Het gaat om de juiste suppletie op het juiste moment, dus meer spierkracht, meerspiermassa in de sterkst verkrijgbare legale vorm; Anabolic Signal. Gebruik
Neem 2 maal daags 4 capsules in met voldoende water, beste tijdstippen om in te nemen zijn
direct na de ochtendmaaltijd en direct na de training met koolhydraten. Op rustdagen neemt
u Anabolic Signal in na de maaltijden met koolhydraten.
DE357 Proprietary Complex from Benz-olive Leaf extract
(3,5,7-trihydroxy-2-(4-hydroxyphenyl)-4H-1-benzopyran-4-one*) (17%):
- Problem: Extreme exertion places extraordinary demands on and can weaken
connective tissue and reducing its recovery potential. Protein is only one component
required for recovery from extreme bouts of performance exertion. There are many
other important components.
- Solution :
DE357 is a rich source of valuable and potent bioflavonoids, flavonols,
their glycoside forms and other phenolic compounds. DE357 offers a high nutritional
value by providing important minerals, a good source of protein, vitamins,
beta-carotene, amino acids and various phenolics. DE357 contains a rich and rare
combination of zeatin, quercetin, beta-sitosterol, caffeoylquinic acid and kaempferol.
DE357 provides antioxidant benefits, promotes healthy immune function and
enhances collagen utilization, particularly following tissue damage.

Duzhong Ext. 40% Chlorogenic:
- Problem: The extreme demands of regular and extreme exertion can exhaust healthy
immune system, reduce Nitric Oxide levels needed for healthy dilation of blood vessels and
strain the production of androgenic hormones needed for optimal muscle growth and
function; al of which reduce performance and recovery potential.
- Solution: An exciting new discovery finds that the Chinese herb Du Zhong is a remarkable
phytoandrogen. Du Zhong (Eucommia ulmoides) contains valuable fatty acids, flavonoids
and flavonol glycosides, and possesses potent male hormone-like effects that interact with
human androgen receptors. Du Zhong provides immune support, is a potent antioxidant and
improves neuronal NO Synthase (the enzyme that triggers the production of NO in the
nerves). Du Zhong also promotes Nitric Oxide formation in the blood vessels which has a
relaxing effect. Furthermore, Du Zhong promotes healthy blood sugar regulation by
enhancing the efficiency of and increasing the breakdown of blood sugar. Healthy blood
lipids are crucial for heart and nerve function, hormone production, and energy production.
Du Zhong is a potent antioxidant that promotes healthy blood lipids.
3-DHPX™ proprietary extract of Magnesium Lithospermate B 70% (Huang Ken
Root extract):
- Problem: Serious and committed athletes are prone to extended bouts of extreme exertion
to achieve their physical objectives. Unfortunately, oxygen deficiencies that can result from
extreme athletic exertion, increase oxygen free radicals that damage cel membranes, distress
cel function, reduce energy production, lead to constriction of vascular tissues, subsequent
vascular tissue damage and ultimately promote the process of cel death (apoptosis)…a very
bad thing for athletes…especialy body builders.
- Solution: 3-DHPX reduces oxygen free radical formation in tissues lining the blood vessels
(endothelium) and increases bioactive Nitric Oxide levels, a potent vasodilator that improves
microcirculation; strongly inhibits oxygen deficiencies in the tissues, particularly important in
the endothelium. Furthermore, 3-DHPX was shown to protect nerves from damage when
subjected to a loss of blood supply (ischemia). 3-DHPX has been shown to promote healthy
immune system function; help maintain healthy bone mineral density; possess potent
antioxidant effects; promote vasodilation and improved microcirculation; provide neuro
protection; and maintain, enhance and prolong healthy cel function…a very good thing for
athletes…especialy body builders.
Benfotiamine (Lipid soluble vitamin B1):
- Problem: Elevated blood glucose is associated with excessive Protein Kinase C, increased
damage to proteins due to glucose (glycation) and increased oxidative stress. It also
promotes catabolism or the breakdown of the body’s own tissues. In addition, high levels of
blood glucose are known to cause unhealthy changes in the smal and large blood vessels,
including the death of cels lining these the blood vessels (endothelium), weakening the
strength of the vascular (blood carrying) system. These weakened endothelial tissues are
now much more susceptible to oxidative free radical damage, accelerated deterioration and a
reduced ability to deliver oxygen and nutrients to needy tissues. Furthermore, high blood
glucose inhibits energy production, actualy increasing free radical production in the
mitochondria of cels; the place where energy is manufactured.
- Solution: Benfotiamine is an advanced biologicaly active, highly effective, and more
bioavailable lipophilic (fat loving) form of thiamine. Benfotiamine was shown to decrease
these occurrences. Lipohilic Benfotiamine was shown to reduce endothelial cel death;
enhance blood sugar utilization and increase energy production; reduce oxidative stress and
the damage it causes. Benfotiamine was also shown to promote healthy nerve structure and
function, such as strong nerve signal conduction.
L-Phenylalanine (LPA):
- Problem: The dopamine system is considered the reward center of the brain and interacts
with most of the other neurochemical pathways including the adrenal system. Deficiencies in
LPA are known to retard concentration and lead to impaired dopamine activity. This can
impair fat & sugar metabolism, increase sugar cravings, increased fat storage, reducing
energy production and performance benefits.
- Solution: Supplementing with LPA promotes healthy dopamine system function, improves
concentration and performance capabilities.
Basella alba L. (Basellaceae) methanol (ext) (BA):
- Problem: The extreme demands of regular and extreme exertion can exhaust healthy
immune system and endocrine (hormone producing system) function reducing recovery
- Solution: Animal and Ex-Vivo (tissues removed and tested outside the body), and cel
culture studies demonstrate that BA enhances testosterone production and promotes
healthier Vitamin A levels, important for immune and tissue recovery functions. BA is also
high in Calcium, Magnesium, Manganese and Zinc, minerals crucial for energy, tissue
strength, heart function, immune health and testosterone production.
N-Carbamylglutamate (NCG):
- Problem: High output exercise increases ammonia and depletes glutamine, needed for
ammonia detoxification. Excessive ammonia accumulation can easily occur following extreme
exertion. Excessive ammonia can disrupt GH function.
- Solution: NCG helps prevent ammonia buildup, promotes removal and disposal of
ammonia, and therefore helps enhance GH activity. Animal research shows that NCG
increases arginine and Growth Hormone levels, muscle growth rate and improved muscle
protein synthesis from 21% to 30%.
White Button Mushroom ext 30%
- Problem: Everyday we are exposed to enormous amounts of environmental estrogens
(xenoestrogens) from foods, pesticides, plastics, etc. These estrogen species are known to
promote increased fat storage, disrupt healthy hormone and immune function and interfere
with healthy metabolic function, especialy for performance athletes such as body builders.
- Solution: White Button Mushroom contains linoleic acid, alpha linolenic acid, and
conjugated linoleic acid, important fatty acids needed to promote healthy fat metabolism,
antioxidant benefits and cardio output. White Button Mushroom supports healthy immune
function and has been shown to inhibit estrogen synthesis, reducing estrogenic effects while
trying to improve lean body composition and strength.
Zinc (Zinc Monomethionine):
- Problem: Chronic athletic exertion increases oxidative damage to cel membranes and
tissues, can diminish male hormone metabolism and overburden immune system protection
and recovery capabilities and reduces zinc stores. Zinc deficiency leads to impairments in
growth, skin, gastrointestinal function, neurologic and immunologic systems.
- Solution: Zinc promotes antioxidant and immune functions, stabilizes and maintains the
structural integrity of tissue membranes, and plays a pivotal role in connective tissue
metabolism and repair. Zinc is an integral constituent of a large number of enzymes including
antioxidant enzymes, and hormones including glucagon, insulin, growth hormone, and sex
hormones. High concentrations of zinc are found in the prostate gland in men and choroid of
the eye in men and women. Given its superior bioavailability, antioxidant and
immune-enhancing properties, zinc monomethionine can uniquely promote extraordinary
health benefits needed by performance athletes. Zinc monomethionine is a superior source of
zinc and has been shown to increase Insulin-Like Growth Factor 1 (IGF-1) levels and
Overige ingrediënten:
Hydroxypropyl Celulose, Magnesium Stearate, Silicon Dioxide, FD&C Red #40, FD&C
Blue #1, FD&C Yelow #5, Titanium Dioxide.
Geschikt voor
- Vergroot de spierkracht
- Toename spiermassa
- Spierdefinitie
- Meer testosteron
- Doodt oestrogenen
- Sterke androgene werking
Samenstelling (Per serving (4 capsules)
- Hibiscus Rosasinensis Linn. Leaf (Ext)- Zinc (Zinc Monomethionine)Anabolic Matrix (Proprietary); - DE357 Proprietary Complex- Duzhong Ext. 40% Chlorogenic Acid - Tripotassium Citrate - §3-DHPX™ Proprietary Extract Of Magnesium Lithospermate B 70%(Huang Kan Root Extract)Anti-Estrogenic Matrix; - White Button Mushroom Ext 30%Insulin Matrix (Proprietary); - Benfotiamine (Lipid Soluble Vitamin B1)- Lagerstroemia Speciosa L (Ext) (3% Corosolic Acid)Zinc (Zinc Monomethionine) Testosterone Booster Matrix (Proprietary); - Basela Alba L. (Baselceae) Methanol Extract *ADH = aanbevolen dagelijkse hoeveelheid http://www.nutriplaza.nl/index.php?showproduct=show&idee=765

Source: http://stipulae.johnvanhulst.com/DOCS/PDF/Anabolic%20Signal%20met%20Moringa.pdf


Schweizerische Gesellschaft für Pädiatrie (SGP) Société Suisse de Pédiatrie (SSP) Facharztprüfungskommission Commission pour les examens de spécialité Postfach Case Postale 3000 Bern 25 3000 Berne 25 Facharztprüfungen für Pädiatrie / Examen de Pédiatrie 1997 Schriftliche Prüfungen - Examen Ecrit Name/nom: Vorname/prénom: . Fallvorstellung: Ein 2


Annals of Internal Medicine COMMENTS AND RESPONSES Potential Financial Conflicts of Interest: None disclosed. References Is Patient Cost-Sharing the Best Way to Protect the Medical 1. Wharam JF, Galbraith AA, Kleinman KP, Soumerai SB, Ross-Degnan D, Landon Commons? BE. Cancer screening before and after switching to a high-deductible health plan. AnnIntern Med. 2008;148:647-55. [P

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