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Clerk: T Watson
8 Ring Street, Stalbridge, Sturminster Newton, Dorset, DT10 2LZ.
Tel 01963 364276.
Email: [email protected]
Approved minutes of Town Council Meeting held in the Town Council Office
On Wednesday 9th June 2010.

Present Councillors: G Carr-Jones (Chair), B Alexandre, J Cox, J Cowley, W Batty-
Smith, P Ashcroft, J Wardell, J Smith, & B Penfold.
T J Watson (Clerk)
In attendance
There were 2 members of the public in attendance.
Apologies had been received for D Fox (County Councillor)


To receive apologies.
Apologies had been received in advance of the meeting from K Garland & D Hine.

Declarations of interest.
To approve the minutes of the meeting - held on 12th May 2010.
Amendment – Item 16. K Garland is a member of the planning advisory group.
RESOLVED: The minutes of the meetings having previously been circulated to
Councillors were approved including the above amendment and signed by the

4. Finance.
a) To approve the accounts as presented in annex 1b. For payment.
Mileage attendance of Town Clerks meeting Additions to annex 1b.
RESOLVED: In accordance with S O No.13 a. it was proposed by J Wardell, seconded
by W Batty-Smith and agreed that the presented cheques be signed.

b) Retrospective approval of invoices as presented in accordance with Financial
Regulation 6.4.

Line rent 01.05-31.07& call charges 17.02-8.05 RESOLVED: In accordance with financial regulation 6.4 retrospective approval of the
above payment was made.
Arising from the need for day to day running expenses the Clerk requested approval of a
transfer of £12,000.00 from the deposit account to the current account.
Clerk: T Watson
8 Ring Street, Stalbridge, Sturminster Newton, Dorset, DT10 2LZ.
Tel 01963 364276.
Email: [email protected]
RESOLVED: It was proposed by B Alexandre, seconded by W Batty-Smith and
agreed to transfer the funds as specified and the transfer request was signed.

To receive the internal auditors report.
Members were very please with the detail and findings of the internal auditor. Thanks were
expressed to the Clerk who committed to working through the items raised during the year.

6. Correspondence:

as detailed in annex 1a.
The Clerk was instructed to reply and ask Street lighting had been dealt with my SEC. Peggs'office in future and to clarify the TC role at the Town Meeting. answered members’ questions.
RESOLVED: There was general
agreement that the planning advisory
group and HACC representative
review the document and make a
report at the next planning meeting,
when the TC will make a response.

A proposal that the Town Council facilitate a volunteer bank.
G Carr-Jones
The chairman welcomed Mr Forward. Members discussed the issue of volunteering in
Stalbridge and potential tasks were discussed, including the re-launch of Home Watch.
RESOLVED: It was proposed and resolved that that the Town Council facilitate a
volunteer bank.

Clerk: T Watson
8 Ring Street, Stalbridge, Sturminster Newton, Dorset, DT10 2LZ.
Tel 01963 364276.
Email: [email protected]
To consider the use of the section 106 monies on highways works in
Stalbridge and give further instruction.

G Carr-Jones
As the Town Council had been previously unsuccessful in obtaining a pedestrian crossing it
was felt that the consideration needs to be given to making best use of the section 106
monies rather than loose them.
RESOLVED: There was general agreement to instruct the Clerk to invite a member of
Highways team to the July Council meeting to advise members.

To approve the criteria for provision of grit bins in Stalbridge as presented and
specify locations. (Deferred from 17.02.10)

Members discussed the issue.
RESOLVED: There was general agreement to delegate investigating the issue of
provision of grit bins to a Woking party to make a report at the next meeting.
(Working party members: G Carr-Jones, B Alexandre & J Wardell)

To consider the short term management of the Land at Pond Walk and give
further instruction.

Having had the area mowed the Clerk advised that there appears to quite a lot of litter and
debris in the grass and hedges. She asked for members input on the way to maintain the
area in terms of litter picking and general maintenance. Members considered several
RESOLVED: There was general agreement that the Planning advisory group will view
the area and report back at the next meeting.

To review and specify the Inspection / risk assessment of Play equipment for

RESOLVED: There was general agreement to instruct ROSPA to carry out the
inspections on both playgrounds if Jarvis Field re-furbishment is not underway
before the summer holidays.

To receive a report on the progress of the Jarvis way play area refurbishment.
The Clerk reported that subsequent to a meeting of the working group an order will be placed with Wicksteed, pending final confirmation of playbuilder funding. Consultation on toddler equipment has taken place and the scheme presented by Wicksteed based on this approved by the working group. The quote for the scheme is £49,000 exc. VAT, The working group are now looking at funding options for this along with arrangements for the official opening and the play ranger scheme. To review and approve the front page for the new web site.
Members reviewed a draft opening paragraph for the front page and the Clerk committed to
completing the top 6 services section as soon as possible.
RESOLVED: There was general agreement to accept the opening paragraph as
presented with a minor amendment.

Clerks report on matters arising.
Clerk: T Watson
8 Ring Street, Stalbridge, Sturminster Newton, Dorset, DT10 2LZ.
Tel 01963 364276.
Email: [email protected]
Virus protection for the PC & community office - Virus protection was in place on the
Community Office PC . The virus probably by passed the virus protection as it was via
activation of a link on an e-mail.
Street light Jarvis way/ path - R Mainstone has been advised that the TC are in the process
of having the footpath adopted.
Strip of land Jarvis way to bridleway 71.- Received solicitors advice regarding ownership of
the land. The Clerk will contact Wessex Water in order to find out if they own the land.
Litter on paths leading from the top corner of Jarvis play area - The TC has received replies
from WM Hughes and Hunts advising the actions they have taken to deal with the issue.
Letter of thanks for donations under section 137 - Received from CAB, Disability Action
Group and Dorset & Somerset Air Ambulance.
SturQuest - The Town Council are now receiving copies of minutes of meetings which are
in the correspondence file. The Group have asked if the TC can reciprocate and send
copies of our minutes.
Inventory inspections - Reminder to members that inspection information needs to be back
by 25th June.


To receive :-

Items for the next agenda from members.
J Wardell - A proposal that the TC review the seating layout for meetings.
Town Councillors reports.
There was general discussion regarding the editorial in the ring, members were concerned
and upset by its content. The Clerk was instructed to send an informational note advising
the roles and responsibilities of the Town Council for the next issue. The need for a Town
Council newsletter was discussed.
J Cox- The youth club had been broken into again.
J Cowley – The old yellow plate needs to be removed from Manchester House.
J Wardell – Had reviewed the new DAPTC method of calculating the subscriptions.
J Smith – Issues of speeding on Church Hill.

To receive North Dorset District Councillors reports.
Graham Carr-Jones advised that kerbside re-cycling is being further extended and provided
a map.

To receive the Dorset County Councillors report.
No report
Date of the Next meeting - The next Town Council meeting will be held on
Wednesday 7th July 2010. All items for inclusion on the agenda must be received by
the Clerk by 9.00am on Tuesday 29th June 2010.
The meeting Closed at 9.01pm Date 07/07/10 Signed………………………………….


Notification no

Notification No. 61/2006 - Customs Whereas the designated authority vide notification No. 15/9/2003-DGAD, dated the 8th April, 2005, published in Part I, Section 1 of the Gazette of India, Extraordinary, had initiated review in the matter of continuation of final anti-dumping duty on import of Metronidazole (hereinafter referred to as the subject goods) originating in, or exported from, the P

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