You’re invited to join
the Southeastern CT Women’s NETWORK and Safe Futures in building a Pathway to a Safe Future An endowment campaign for Safe Futures in honor of Millie Devine, NETWORK Founder
Ten years ago, the NETWORK sold inscribed
bricks to create a pathway to the entrance of
Safe Futures’ walk-in counseling center in New
London. Funds raised were used for the interior
of the counseling center, as the facility was
undergoing renovaƟon. This pathway conƟnues
to inspire and comfort those entering Safe
Safe Futures saves lives, restores hope and changes the future for
A decade later, Pathway to a Safe Future is an
exciƟng way the NETWORK is honoring its past and
giving hope for the future to women in need. This year’s
brick campaign will raise endowment funds for Safe For more informaƟon: Emma Palzere-Rae, Director of Futures through the purchase of inscribed bricks. The
Development & CommunicaƟons 16 Jay Street, New London, CT 06320
fund will honor NETWORK founder Millie Devine and
create a lasƟng legacy of women helping and empowering women—and everyone— in southeastern Southeastern ConnecƟcut Women’s Network Spark. Ignite. Empower! Pathway to a Safe Future ORDER FORM
Take this opportunity to create your own lasƟng memorial by dedicaƟng a brick to a loved one, honor a
friend, recognize your company, or send an inspiraƟonal message to someone coming to Safe Futures for
help. Your brick will join others on the path to supporƟng and helping a very special cause. Bricks make an
excellent giŌ for any special occasion, to remember or to celebrate. Proceeds will go toward an endowment
fund and will provide ongoing support for Safe Futures. Your tax-deducƟble contribuƟon will provide a per-
manent brick engraved with the message of your choice.
Y s! I would like to honor Millie Devine’s legacy and support Saf
Name: ______________________________________________________________________
City, State, Zip: _______________________________________________________________
Preferred Phone: _____________________________________ Home Work Cell (circle one)
Email: _______________________________________________________________________
(Please print all upper case leƩers, maximum 17 characters per line including spaces and punctuaƟon)
12/31/14 and fulfill your pledge by 12/31/15.
⃝ My check is enclosed, made payable to Saf
⃝ Please charge my Visa/MC, Discover or American Express: # ______________________________________Exp._______CVD/CVV______ (security code)
Signature:_________________________________ Date: _______
: Safe Futures, 16 Jay St., New London, CT 06320 n ? Contact: 860.447.0366 x203 or
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