Charlatan: Americas Most Dangerous
Huckster, the Man Who Pursued Him,
and the Age of Flimflam by Pope
“An extraordinary saga of the most dangerous quack of al time.entrancing” –USA Today In 1917, John R. Brinkley–America’s most brazen con man–introduced an outlandish surgical method for restoring fading male virility. It was al nonsense, but thousands of eager customers quickly made “Dr.”
Brinkley one of America’s richest men–and a national celebrity. The great
quack buster Morris Fishbein vowed to put the country’s “most daring and
dangerous” charlatan out of business, yet each effort seemed only to spur
Brinkley to new heights of ingenuity, and the worlds of advertising,
broadcasting, and politics soon proved to be equal y fertile grounds for his
potent brand of flimflam.
Culminating in a decisive courtroom confrontation, Charlatan is a
marvelous portrait of a boundlessly audacious rogue on the loose in an
America ripe for the bamboozling.
Personal Review: Charlatan: Americas Most Dangerous
Huckster, the Man Who Pursued Him, and the Age of Flimflam by
Pope Brock
Goat Nut Stew (Dr. Brinkley and his false cure)
Big story here for a simple postcard. One of the hospitals built by John R.
Brinkley after he was hounded out of Del Rio, Texas. "Doctor" Brinkley
invented a technique of implanting, I kid you not, goat testicles into men
who were experiencing what is now advertised on TV more than
soap.Erectile dysfunction. That's right. Big-time quack Brinkley charged
thousands of pre-depression era men $750 to fix their lagging libidos by
injecting them with actual goat nuggies. He is rumored to have given the
goat nut cure to one of our Vice-Presidents, not to mention hundreds of
poor farmers who had the unfortunate curse of being born before Viagra.
He ran for Governor of Kansas and apparently won, but the election was
stolen from him by legal maneuvers. As his lucrative radio advertising was
being banned in the US, he opened the huge airwave busting XERA radio
station in Mexico simply to promote his cure, thus bringing us border radio.
No less than the Carter Family were played on his station. THOUSANDS
of folk fell for his scams, including women who paid top dollar for medicine
made of colored water, false fixes for STD's and more. The recent book by
Pope Brock, "Charlatan" (linked on the right here) is literally one of the
most incredible books I have ever read. My jaw dropped on nearly every
page! Photography col ectors can also collect his real photo post cards
which he spread over the country like his radio broadcasts. Here is a link to
a nice article by Lewis Baer from the Antique Trader which illustrates many
of the RPPC images.
Brinkley Hospital Postcard by Curteich mailed from Little Rock 194 4.
Collection Jim Linderman
Posted by Jim Linderman at 7:14 PM
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