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Informational bulletin no

Date: March 15, 2011

Bob Buster, Riverside County Board of Supervisors- District 1 John Tavaglione, Riverside County Board of Supervisors-District 2
Jeff Stone, Riverside County Board of Supervisors-District 3
John Benoit, Riverside County Board of Supervisors-District 4
Marion Ashley, Riverside County Board of Supervisors-District 5
California Department of Fish & Game, Region 6 (Inland)
Caltrans District 8
California Department of Pesticide Regulations
California Regional Water Quality Control Board Region 7,8,9
Army Core of Engineers
Riverside County Agricultural Commissioner
Riverside County Regional Parks & Open Space District
Riverside County Registrar-Recorder
Riverside County Clerk of the Board
Riverside County Flood Control District
Eastern Municipal Water District
Metropolitan Water District
City of Beaumont
City of Banning
City of San Jacinto
City of Hemet
City of Temecula
City of Murrieta
City of Moreno Valley
City of Perris
City of Menifee
City of Wildomar


Riverside County Department of Environmental Health Notice of
Intent to continue to apply Aquatic Larvicides and Adulticides for Vector Control
as part of the Integrated Vector Management Program

Pursuant to the provisions stated in the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System
(NPDES) Permit (Order No. 2011-*****-DWQ) [General Permit No. CAG*****] adopted on
March 1, 2011, by the State Water Resources Control Board, notice is hereby given that
the Riverside County Department of Environmental Health intends to continue to perform
mosquito larvicide, ultra low volume (ULV) adulticide, as well as barrier adulticide
applications as part of its Integrated Vector Management Program.
The Department's activities are conducted year-round within a 4500 square mile area
contained within Riverside County and cover a population of approximately 850,000. The
areas that will be actually or potentially impacted by the Program’s activities include the
The incorporated cities of Banning, Beaumont, Hemet, Menifee, Moreno Valley, Murrieta, Perris, San Jacinto, Temecula, and Wildomar as well as surrounding unincorporated areas of Riverside County. Treated areas may be under the jurisdiction of the Riverside County Flood Control District, Regional Parks and Open Space District, Cal Trans, Army Corp of Engineers, California Department of Fish and Game, Eastern Municipal Water District, and Metropolitan Water District. Applications are conducted to protect the public from vector-borne diseases such as West Nile Virus and are based on key surveillance indicators in strict compliance with pesticide label requirements. The following materials may be used: Larvicides:
Agnique MMF
Poly (oxy-1,2-ethanediyl), -(C16-20 branched and linear alklyl)- -hydroxy Bacillus thuringiensis, subsp. Israelensis Bacillus thuringiensis, subsp. Israelensis Bacillus thuringiensis, subsp. Israelensis Bacillus sphaericus Serotype H5a5b, strain 2362 Adulticides:
Aqualuer 20-20
If you should have any questions regarding this Notice, please contact our main office at 4065 County Circle Drive, Riverside, California, 92503; (951) 358-5172. Steve Van Stockum, Director of Environmental Health Keith Jones, Deputy Director Dottie Merki, Program Chief Doug Osborn, Supervising Environmental Health Specialist

Source: http://www.rivcoeh.org/opencms/system/galleries/download/Environmental-Health/DEH/NPDES_Notice_of_Intent_to_apply_pesticides_2011.pdf


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