Grant Opportunities Eye On: Sexual Dysfunction In both men and women,sexual dysfunc- For psychosocial causes of female SD, cessful penetration in 91% of subsequent
tion (SD) may result from physical or psy-
education and counseling may be effective.
thorough evaluation. Often it is underreport-
levels of estrogen and testosterone affected by
phase III clinical trial of 440 men showed that
ed because of reluctance by both patients and
age, surgery or endocrine dysfunction, but is
Levitra was equally effective in ED related to
physicians to discuss sexual issues.
often ineffective, and hormonal interactions
Nonetheless, SD affects between 10% to 52%
often lead to unpredictable outcomes. Viagra
is currently being tested in women, and it
including headaches, flushing and rhinitis.
Erectile dysfunction (ED), or inability to
may restore libido in women using antide-
Unlike Viagra, Levitra was not associated
obtain and/or maintain penile erection suf-
with visual symptoms such as the perception
ficient for vaginal penetration and satisfac-
tory intercourse, affects 10 million to 30 mil-
that improve libido, sexual performance and
Because of Cialis’ long duration of action,
lion men in the U.S., and 75 million to 100
sexual response in both sexes. CenterWatch
million men worldwide. Incidence increases
has identified a pipeline of 30 drugs in vari-
additional safety testing, and may be con-
ous phases of clinical development for SD.
cerned about its potential for recreational use
These drugs act on different neuroendocrine
pathways and are available in a variety of sys-
trolled trial in 1,112 men, Cialis was consis-
formance anxiety, stress, depression and mar-
tently safe and effective across disease severi-
ital conflict; while organic causes include vas-
ties and etiologies, as well as in patients of all
cular disease, diabetes mellitus, hypertension,
Cialis (tadalafil) are orally administered
ages. Headache and dyspepsia were the most
use of certain medications, multiple sclerosis
phosphodiesterase type 5 (PDE5) inhibitors,
and other neurologic disorders, alcoholism,
which magnify the natural erectile response
Lilly ICOS is also in phase II testing of
heavy smoking, pelvic trauma and prostate
Cialis for female sexual dysfunction.
muscle cells in the penile vasculature and
increasing penile blood flow. Onset of action
penile blood flow is Invicorp, a self-injection
is about one hour for Viagra, 30 minutes for
implants, are typically cumbersome, embar-
Cialis, and 30 to 40 minutes for Levitra.
mesylate and vasoactive intestinal peptide
rassing or uncomfortable. Testosterone and
Duration of action is four hours, three days,
(VIP), a 28-amino-acid peptide found natu-
other hormone injections are indicated only
rally in the urogenital tracts of both sexes.VIP
in patients with documented low testosterone
Bayer has received an FDA approvable let-
causes erection by binding to smooth muscle
levels, and are generally ineffective, with occa-
ter and expects to launch Levitra in Europe in
receptors in the corpus cavernosum, inducing
the first half of 2003. Levitra contains a more
efficient PDE5 inhibitor than do Viagra and
Cialis, making it more potent. On April 30,
approved for marketing in the U.S. But, up to
2002, Lilly ICOS received an FDA approvable
one-third of men find no improvement with
letter for Cialis, which was approved by the
approved in several European countries. In
Viagra. Fears of cardiac adverse events and
European Commission in November 2002.
completed phase III clinical trials in Europe
interaction with nitroglycerin also prevent
In a 26-week phase III trial of Levitra in
effective overall. The most common side effect
In women, SD includes disorders of libido,
persistent improvement in erectile function.
was transient facial flushing. Advantages
arousal and orgasm, as well as dyspareunia
include no known contraindications, onset of
and vaginismus. Chronic medical or gynecol-
Levitra were able to have intercourse on their
erection within two to five minutes, duration
ogical diseases, medication use and psychoso-
first attempt, compared with 45% of those
of action up to 2 1/2 hours after administration,
cial difficulties, including prior physical or
taking placebo. Those men who were success-
natural termination of an erection after ejacu-
ful the first time continued to achieve suc-
Industry Reports Sexual Dysfunction
Corporation is Topiglan, a topical gel formu-
phase II testing of an intranasal spray formu-
lation, and efficacy in the treatment of organ-
lation of apomorphine, which is being tested
ic ED. It uses a novel drug delivery system with
prostaglandin E-1. In earlier studies, Topiglan
pre-filled drug delivery cartridges.
Late last year, the FDA placed a temporary
achieving erection, or 40% response rates in
transdermal testosterone, including a patch in
hold on all clinical trials involving phento-
lamine mesylate because of carcinogenicity in
response rate to placebo gel. As expected from
Pharmaceuticals; Tostrelle gel in phase II/III
its first-pass metabolism, systemic effects
claims this has no relevance in humans.
were minimal, allowing safe use in men with
LibiGel, in phase II development by BioSante
cardiovascular disease. Trials are now on clin-
ical hold because phase III testing showed a
positive trend but not statistical significance
tion may not change significantly with testos-
lamine mesylate which blocks alpha recep-
in the ability to maintain erection to comple-
terone, although subscales for sexual pleasure
tors. A 1998 study showed that Vasomax was
and orgasm show selective improvement.
effective in 25% to 40% of men with ED, with
required for approval of an ED drug.
Transdermal testosterone delivery does not
onset of action within 20 to 30 minutes.
Topical alprostadil may also be useful in
appear to alter estrogen levels, interfere with
hormone replacement therapy, increase acne
phentolamine product for female SD. Phase II
increasing genital blood flow. Vivus is in phase
or hirsutism, or change blood lipid levels.
testing was completed in Mexico for this vagi-
IIb testing of Alista, while NexMed is in phase
nal suppository, which improves clitoral and
II development of Femprox, which utilizes the
vaginal blood flow, lubrication and sensation.
NexACT platform drug delivery technology.
breast cancer, heart disease and hepatocellu-
NDA application for Alibra in ED, but is now
peripherally to stimulate genital blood flow,
administered hormones such as Estratest, an
receptor agonist working centrally in the
estrogen/methyltestosterone formulation for
prazosin HCl is a urethral microsuppository
brain and spinal cord to stimulate release of
which Solvay Pharmaceuticals has completed
designed to deliver effective drug levels to
dopamine. This neurotransmitter is involved
erectile tissues while limiting systemic expo-
in pleasure sensations and in the erection
sure and potential for adverse effects.
response. TAP Pharmaceuticals has submit-
had its share of setbacks. Furthest along the
Alprostadil is a vasodilator, which increases
ted an NDA for Uprima, a novel sublingual
penile blood flow, and prazosin is an adrener-
Viagra, which may be partially limited by
gic receptor antagonist. In clinical trials
In phase II/III clinical trials in 5,000 men,
unwanted cardiovascular and other systemic
involving more than 1,000 men at 44 U.S.
an Uprima dose of 2-3 mg offered the most
sites, Alibra has been safe and effective within
favorable risk/benefit ratio. The proportion
5 to 10 minutes of application, with a dura-
approval due to safety concerns. Hormonal
enough for intercourse was 49.4% with 3 mg,
manipulation or use of central agonists such
compared with the baseline value of 24.3%.
as apomorphine are alternative approaches
NexMed, is a topical preparation containing
which offer promise, as of yet unfulfilled. In
alprostadil for transdermal delivery. In two
within 10 minutes, and 71% within 20 min-
an area such as SD where the placebo effect is
randomized, parallel, double-blind, placebo-
utes. Adverse reactions included headache in
considerable, demonstration of efficacy is
controlled, phase II studies in the U.S., up to
7%, nausea in 7%, dizziness in 4%, and vaso-
another obstacle to approval of many drugs
83% of 300 subjects reported satisfaction
vagal syncope in less than 0.2%. Despite its
with treatment. Most side effects were tran-
sient and only mild to moderate in severity.
NATIONAL INSTITUTE FOR HEALTH AND CLINICAL EXCELLENCE Guideline title Hip fracture: the management of hip fracture in adults 1.1 Short title The remit The Department of Health has asked NICE: ”to prepare a clinical guideline on the management of fractured neck of femur”. Clinical need for the guideline 3.1 Epidemiology About 70–75,000 hip fractu
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