
Chaitanya Bharathi Institute of Technology, Gandipet, Hyderabad Professor, Sri Krishnadevaraya Institute of Management, Srikrishna Devaraya University, Anantapur.
promote the brand names as thecompany’s name to create a market discover or patent the drug, now youcan give your name to the medicine it is more expensive than generics, still before the most popular brand recalls.
counterfeiting and knock offs. Whatshould be done to minimize the work of the product brand beforelaunch – it builds a reputation. That’swhy people are doing it.”2 The branding felt that corporate brandingwould work well with doctors, since company’s most valuable asset, as itnot only ensures repeat sales for the differentiation and to the patentsystem. Additionally, the intellectual molecule contribute to the ‘productbrand on a pedestal’ approach to & Drug Administration (USFDA)mentioned that the drug, when taken annually to Eli Lilly’s sales. Eli Lilly dysfunction (also called impotence).
drug. In 2004, Viagra’s sales touched$ 1.87 billion.
Similarly, ‘Aspirin’ is more popular than ‘Bayer.’ Many of P&G’s individual products such as Pampers, Crest, Head & Shoulders, Mr. Clean, Old Spice,Lacoste, Oral-B, Pantene, etc., are identified better by their brand names thanthe company that produces them. Brands evoke feelings of trust, integrity, andvalue for money, association, and pride in the consumer.
SALES OF ELI LILLY’S POPULAR DRUG BRANDS were indeed prescribed by the doctor.
cholesterol elicits the name of Lipitor;and hay fever (also called pollinosis) sells its fertilizer products directly tothe consumers. In this scenario, their product is fully tested and ready.
between buying a known brandedproduct and an unknown, new also its corporate value (See Table-4).
TOP TEN BRANDED DRUGS BY SALES DOLLARS (2001-2004) a loss of $512 billion globally. Stealing the $5 billion global sales. In 2001,General Motors bought Prilosec worth $55 million for its employees.
mark protection teams to haveconstant market vigilance. Thecompanies committees to protect their brandidentity and to sue the infringers for have always been on the rise, cashingin on the popular drug brands. As per RECENT KNOWN CASES OF MISUSE OF TRADEMARKS Source: Compiled from www blonnet.com, www.lexorbis.com,www.paultan.org and other sources Counterfeiting is prevalent in different countries across the world (See Table 6). The best way to counterattack counterfeiting is to protect it byregistration and keep a vigil in the market to pre-empt infringement. The costof registering a trademark is very less as compared to the cost of litigation.
Counterfeiting not only results in loss of sales revenue but also results indamaging the reputation of the global brands.
LEADING GLOBAL PRODUCERS OF COUNTERFEIT DRUGS Source: Center for Pharmaeconomics Studies, University of Texas, Austin.
alternative for continuous andconstant progress of the companies.
extending its product line andproduct lifecycle. Whenever the w w w . b r a n d c h a n n e l . c o m , Management Consultancy, “Withoutthe presence of a valuable brand, line of an extendable brand, a franchiseis able to capture the minds and Reality?” www.nhionline.net,January 13, 2003.
necessary time to plan and executeits strategies to counterattack its many pharma companies to bebenefited and how counterfeiting can w w w . b i o t e c h m e d i a . c o m , Office for Approval to LaunchSildenafil Citrate Despite Gloomy Market,” www.pharmabiz.com,September 22, 2000.
to Hear Copycat-Products Case,”www.news.com.com, June 18, www.brandchannel.com, March31, 2006.
“Pharmaceuticals: Where is theUpper?”

Source: http://www.ou-mba.ac.in/i/16.pdf


Le muscle Sa représentation classique nous montre un corps musculaire renflé en son milieu, qui se poursuit aux extrémités par deux tendons . Il est formé de plusieurs fibres , fines, longues (certaines font la longueur du muscle), disposées parallèlement, groupées en faisceaux et séparées par du tissu conjonctif. Toutes ces fibres musculaires vont se fondre les unes dans les au


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