*IMS & SUM Hospital, Bhubaneswar.
**Mental Health Institute, SCB Medical college,Cuttack
has recently been shown to reduce alcohol
intake preferring rats and alcohol consumption
and craving in open studies in humans. AIMS:- The present study was performed in
consumption. (1)-alcohol dependence (also
order to determine the comparative efficacy
of baclofen and acamprosate administration ,
serious alcohol use disorder, affecting nearly
14% of the general population.(2)-in addition
dependent patients. METHODS:The study
was conducted in the Dept of psychiatry ,SCB
disorder such as alcohol abuse and the less
severe but more frequent heavy drinking.(3)-
patients subsequently randomized into two
the high prevalence rate of unhealthy alcohol
groups to receive either open level Baclofen
consumption highlights the importance of this
or Acamprosate.The subjects in each group
issue for public health and socioeconomic
pharmacotherapy together with psychosocial
craving for alcohol.Subjects in the baclofen
interventions (including Alcoholics Anonymous
group was administered baclofen at the dose
of 15mg/day for the first 3 day and 30 mg/
day subsequently for a total duration of 3
maintaining alcoholic patients in remission and
months.The subjects in the acamprosate group
compatible with long-term alcohol abstinence.
However, to date, drugs with proven efficacy
subjects in both the group was followed up
are very few (Garbutt et al., 1999; Swift,
at monthly interval for 3 months.At each follow
1999; Kranzler, 2000) and the discovery of
up visit ,the subjects was rated on the OCDS.
new medications capable of positively affecting
In the present study a significantly higher
syndrome, such as craving and loss of control
symptoms, would represent an important step
experiment were found in the group of patients
forward in the treatment of patients with alcohol problems (Garbutt et al., 1999). SAMPLE OF STUDY
receptor agonist, Baclofen is potent and stereo
selective, used clinically to control spasticity
(Davidoff, 1985). Recent preclinical
,Cuttack as out patients and diagnosed as case
experiments have demonstrated the efficacy
dependent on alcohol and voluntary alcohol
intake in alcohol-preferring rats (Colombo et al., 2000, 2002). Moreover, preliminary INCLUSION CRITERIA
clinical open studies have confirmed the ability
of Baclofen to reduce alcohol craving and
intake (Addolorato et al., 2000b) and alcohol
withdrawal symptoms (Addolorato et al., 2002) in alcohol-dependent patients.
Finally, it is now better recognized that
although abstinence remains the ultimate goal
in treating alcohol-dependent individuals, buteven reducing the frequency of heavy drinking
alcohol-related consequences and improving
The present study, first of its kind in Indian
patients ,was conducted in order to replicate
the findings reported by western studies with
designed to compare the antic raving efficacy
alcohol dependence attending the psychiatry
order to determine the comparative efficacy
schedule based on ICD-10 criteria was used
of baclofen and acamprosate administration
subsequently confirmed by a senior facultymember of the department, after necessary
inducing and maintaining abstinence.
and relevant investigation and work up.
informed and written consent was obtained
from the patient .The relevant data including
recorded in the response sheet of patient taking
Cuttack , during the period between October
After proper diagnosis ,those patients who
satisfy the various inclusion criteria wasprovisionally taken up for study .patients given
written informed consent was subsequently
3 consecutive months.The subjects in both
randomized into two groups to receive either
the group were followed up at monthly interval
open –label Baclofen or Acamprosate. The
for 3 months.At each follow up visit ,the
subjects in each group were administered the
Obsessive Compulsive Drinking Scale to rate
their craving for alcohol.Subjects in the
The results of the study were statistically
Baclofen group were administered Baclofen
at the dose of 15mg/day for the first 3 day
and 30 mg/day subsequently for a total duration
of 3 consecutive months.The subjects in the
about the different aspects of the study.
drug at the dose of 666.66 mg thrice daily for
Socio demographic profile of the study Baclofen Gr (n=25) Acamprosate Gr (n=24) Mean obsessive drinking score
The mean obsessive score for drinking alcohol in both the groups shows significant difference
The mean compulsive score for drinking alcohol in both the groups shows significant
The mean total obsessive compulsive score for drinking alcohol shows significant difference
in both the groups starting from 4wk to 12wks. (Tab-3,4,)shows the craving score in the
alcoholics subjects were initially recruited for
times.Unpaired t -test showed a significant
the study,of which 11 were excluded leading
to 49 patients finally taken up for the study,then
they subsequently divided into two groups .
score,p<0.05,starting from week0-week12 the
The groups taking the drug baclofen were 25
score in the baclofen group Constantly lower
and the groups taking the drug acamprosate
were 24. (Ref Tab -1) (Tab-5,)shows that the total OCDS
The age distribution (Ref Tab-2) of both
score in the baclofen group was constantly
the groups taking baclofen and acamprosate
showed that there is no significant difference
regarding age on drinking of alcohol .similar
A significantly higher number of patients
findings were reported by Giovani Addolorato et al 2006 in comparison
throughout the experiment were found in the
difference between the two groups Fischers
event leading to drug cessation was reported
exact test,(p>0.05) (Addolorato et al.,)
and no patient discontinued the drug. Tolerability was fair in all patients; as previously
reported (Addolorato et al., 2000b), the most
with other substances of abuse, particularly
cocaine in cocaine users (Ling et al., 1998).
tiredness, vertigo ,pedal edema found in (3-4
The anti-craving effect of baclofen may depend
patients) in the baclofen group and abdominal
on its ability to interfere with the neuronal
pain (one patient ) in the acamprosate group,
substrates mediating the reinforcing properties
which resolved within 1–2 weeks of drug
of ethanol. GABA receptors located in the
treatment and did not recur. No patient reported
euphoria or other pleasant effects caused by
reported to control the activity of mesolimbic
dopamine neurons, a major neural pathway in
baclofen. At drug discontinuation, neither drug
the regulation of the reinforcing properties of
withdrawal syndrome nor side-effect due to
addictive drugs, including alcohol (Di Chiara, 1995; Koob et al., 1998; Spanagel and DISCUSSION Weiss, 1999). Accordingly, pharmacological
Recent preclinical (Colombo et al.,
stimulation of VTA GABA receptors has been
2000 , 2002) and preliminary clinical data
found to inhibit the firing activity of these
(Addolorato et al., 2000b, 2002) suggest
neurons (Kalivas, 1993) as well as basal
that the GABA receptor agonist, baclofen, may
(Yoshida et al., 1994) and alcohol-stimulated
be effective in the treatment of patients with
(Carta et al., 2001) dopamine release from
alcohol problems. However, to date, no double-
their terminals in the nucleus accumbens.
blind, randomized placebo-controlled study has
been conducted. In spite of the limitation due
suppressing effect of baclofen on alcohol
to the low number of patients evaluated, the
withdrawal symptomatology (Addolorato et
results of the present study indicate that
al., 2002) may have helped the patients to
administration of relatively low doses of
achieve and maintain alcohol abstinence.
baclofen to alcohol-dependent patients is more
effective than acamprosate in inducing and
Krupitsky et al. (1993) that baclofen
maintaining abstinence from alcohol ( in terms
ameliorates affective disorders in alcoholics,
in the present study baclofen was found to be
effective in reducing state anxiety, but not
current depression. It may be hypothesized that
‘obsessive’ and ‘compulsive’ features.
the decrease in state anxiety found in the
present study and the decrease in depression
observation by (Addolorato et al., 2000b),
observed by Krupitsky et al. (1993) in
abstinence from alcohol or reduction in alcohol
intake was achieved within the first week of
baclofen were secondary to the ability of
baclofen to achieve both a rapid detoxification
throughout the treatment period. The increased
(Addolorato et al., 2002) and decrease in
efficacy of baclofen over acamprosate may
craving, resulting in a rapid reduction of
be related to its suppressant effect on craving;
physical and psychological symptoms.
indeed, the drug produced a rapid decrease in
the ‘compulsive’ and ‘obsessive’ components
of craving, as indicated by the immediate
subscales. It is noteworthy that an anti-craving
effect of baclofen has already been observed
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Krupitsky, E. M., Burakov, A. M., Ivanov, V. B.,Krandashova, G. F., Lapin, I. P., Grienko, A. J.
Addolorato, G., Caputo, F., Capristo, E., Janiri,
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baclofen.American Journal of Medicine112, 226– 229. Address for Correspondence : Dr. Suvendu Narayan Mishra Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of MentalDisorders, 4th edn. American Psychiatric
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