Many women, especially those of childbearing age, are
Moderate caffeine consumption does not
concerned about consuming too much caffeine. From
affect a woman's chances of getting
reproductive effects to osteoporosis, scientists
worldwide have studied the effects of caffeine on
A 2003 review of the research on caffeine and
women’s health. Below are some facts about caffeine
fertility showed that consumption of caffeine at or
that address common concerns and misperceptions
about caffeine and women’s health. When taken
together, the collective research supports moderate consumption of caffeine (up to 300 mg/day or three
For women who are pregnant or trying to
cups of coffee) for women, including those who are
become pregnant, consuming moderate amounts of caffeine does not affect chances of miscarriage. Caffeine is safe.
The nausea commonly seen in pregnancy may create
Caffeine is a naturally occurring substance found in
an erroneous association between caffeine
the leaves, seeds or fruits of at least 63 plant
consumption and miscarriage. In fact, nausea due to
species worldwide. In 1958, the U.S. Food and
pregnancy leads to coffee aversion by some women,
Drug Administration (FDA) classified caffeine as
Generally Recognized As Safe (GRAS). In 1987,
the FDA reaffirmed its position that moderate
Several women’s health organizations agree that
caffeine intake produced no increased risk to
moderate caffeine consumption is safe for pregnant
health. In addition, both the American Medical
Association and the American Cancer Society have
Information Specialists (OTIS) states in
statements confirming the safety of moderate
informational resources on their Web site that
consuming up to 300 mg/day of caffeine does not affect miscarriage. The March of Dimes recently
Consuming caffeine in moderate amounts
revised their recommendation for caffeine during pregnancy to 200 mg/day. In addition, in 2010 the
during pregnancy is safe.
Gynecologists (ACOG) published a position
(approximately two to three cups of coffee) has been
statement which states that moderate caffeine intake
shown to have no adverse effects on pregnancy. A
(less than 200 milligrams a day or one cup of coffee
2010 review of epidemiologic literature on caffeine and
per day) does not increase a pregnant woman’s risk
reproductive health published between January 2000
and December 2009 found that the weight of evidence
does not support a cause-and-effect relationship
Maternal caffeine consumption is not
between caffeine consumption and adverse reproductive or perinatal outcomes. (Peck, et al., 2010)
associated with increased risk of or birth
However, it is wise for pregnant women to monitor
their caffeine consumption and talk to their OB/GYN
Studies have not found a relationship between
or physician about consuming caffeine during
caffeine intake and low birthweight. However,
pregnancy as individual sensitivities may vary.
pregnant women are advised to keep caffeine
Osteoporosis is not caused or worsened by caffeine consumption.
Studies have shown that osteoporosis risk is
Moderate consumption of caffeine is safe
affected by calcium consumption. Adequate
for breastfeeding women.
calcium consumption offsets potential negative
The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP)
effects on bone density. According to research, as
Committee on Drugs has reviewed the research on
caffeinated coffee consumption increases,
caffeine and recommends that women who are
consumption of milk, a major source of calcium,
nursing limit their caffeine consumption to the
decreases. However, calcium that might be
equivalent of 1 to 3 cups of coffee per day, which
displaced from consuming one cup of coffee per
would be about 100 to 300 mg caffeine. Dietary
day can be offset by adding just two tablespoons
caffeine can permeate into breast milk; however
nursing mothers can safely consume some caffeine without passing on a significant amount to the
baby. Higher amounts could potentially be associated with increased wakefulness and poor
For more Information about Caffeine: IFIC Review: Caffeine and Health: Clarifying the Fibrocystic Breast Disease (FBD) is not Controversies caused or worsened by caffeine consumption.
Fibrocystic breast disease (FBD) is a condition
(All references contained in this fact sheet
characterized by multiple cysts that can be felt
can be found in the IFIC review)
throughout the breast and are usually associated with pain and tenderness. Approximately 50 to 90
Everything You Need to Know About Caffeine
percent of women experience symptoms of FBD.
Both the National Cancer Institute and the
American Medical Association's Council on Scientific Affairs have stated there is no association
A Review of the Epidemiologic Evidence Concerning
between caffeine intake and FBD. In addition,
the Reproductive Health Effects of Caffeine
research has shown that caffeine does not cause or
Consumption: a 2000 – 2009 Update, Peck et al, Food and Chemical Toxicology, June 2010. There is no association between caffeine consumption and the development of breast or ovarian cancer. Results of several studies have found no association between caffeine consumption and breast cancer. Interestingly, a 1986 study on breast disease noted
that coffee drinkers actually had a slightly lowerInternational Food Information Council
incidence of breast cancer. Several reviews have
also found no evidence of caffeine consumption as a
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