Three-Day Course of Oral Azithromycin vs Topical Oxytetracycline/ Polymyxin in Treatment of Active Endemic Trachoma
Ilyas Ozardali,‡ Emel Basar,§ Ahmet Satici* and Sezin Karadede*
Departments of *Ophthalmology, †Clinical Microbiology,‡Pathology, Harran University School of Medicine, Sanliurfa, Turkey; §Departmentof Ophthalmology, Istanbul University, Cerrahpasa School of Medicine, Istanbul, TurkeyPurpose: The aim of this study on endemic trachoma was to carry out a comparison of azithromycin (3-day course, oral dose of 10 mg/kg per day) with conventional treatment (topical oxytetracycline/polymyxin ointment; twice a day for 2 months) in a rural area near Sanliurfa, Turkey. Methods: Ninety-six subjects with active trachoma were randomly assigned conventional or azithromycin treatment. Subjects were examined 1, 2, 3, and 6 months after the start of treat- ment. Clinical findings were recorded for each eye. Swabs were taken from upper eyelids 3 and 6 months after the start of treatment for direct fluorescein antibody test. Results: By six-month follow-up, trachoma had resolved clinically in 43 (89.58%) of the 48 subjects who received azithromycin, compared with 33 (68.75%) of the 48 who were treated conventionally. Microbiological success rates (direct fluorescein antibody test negativity) were 83.33% in the azithromycin group and 62.50% in the conventional therapy group. Compliance with both treatments was good. By 6 months, 14.58% of the subjects in azithro- mycin group and 33.33% of the subjects in the topical treatment group were reinfected. There were significant differences in the efficacy of the treatment effects and the re-emer- gence of disease between the two treatment groups. Azithromycin was well-tolerated. Conclusions: These results indicate that azithromycin may be an effective alternative for pa- tients with active trachoma. As a systemic treatment, a 3-day course oral dose has important potential for trachoma control. Jpn J Ophthalmol 2000;44:387–391 Key Words:
Azithromycin, oxytetracycline/polymyxin, trachoma. Introduction
mographic trends suggest that the burden of both in-fection and blindness is likely to increase.3 There is a
Trachoma, an ocular infection caused by Chlamydia
need for effective intervention to control ocular
trachomatis, is the second leading cause of blindness
Chlamydia trachomatis infections.
worldwide. Active trachoma occurs predominantly in
The currently recommended treatment of trachoma
children in hyperendemic communities, with the risk
is topical tetracycline eye ointment for at least 6 weeks,
of blinding complications occurring in middle-aged
or on 5 consecutive days a month for 6 months.4 It is
and older adults.1,2 Although trachoma has been
suggested that subjects with a severe form of the dis-
controlled in some areas, predictions based on de-
ease should, in some circumstances, receive systemictherapy. There is a wide spectrum of opinion amongtrachoma experts about the effectiveness of these rec-
ommendations, reflecting a scarcity of data from con-
Correspondence and reprint requests to: Mustafa GUZEY,
trolled trials in endemic areas on which rational deci-
MD, Forsa Sok. Guney Apt. No. 21 Daire 1 Senesenevler,Bostanci, Istanbul, Turkey
Jpn J Ophthalmol 44, 387–391 (2000) 2000 Japanese Ophthalmological Society
There are several reasons why this treatment is
less than satisfactory. It is difficult to apply ointmentto the eyes of young children. The ointment cancause discomfort or blurring of vision and melts un-der conditions of high ambient temperature. Manyinfected children have no symptoms and even in cir-cumstances where ointment is given free it can bedifficult to motivate parents to continue treatmentfor the stipulated period. A systemic treatmenteffective in a short period would thus represent asubstantial advance in the chemotherapy of activetrachoma.
Azithromycin is a recently approved azalide anti-
Figure 1. Chemical structure of azithromycin.
biotic with the molecular formula of C38H72N2O12,and a molecular weight of 749.00. It is a derivative oferythromycin, containing an extra methyl-substi-
papillary hypertrophy of the upper tarsal conjunctiva
tuted nitrogen at position 9a in the lactone ring (Fig-
with discharge, redness, irritation and burning-stinging
ure 1). This modification confers good bioavailabil-
ity, with sustained high tissue concentrations after an
Ninety-six patients were randomly assigned con-
oral dose. Azithromycin achieves high concentra-
ventional or azithromycin treatment. Randomiza-
tions in phagocytic cells and in fibroblasts. It appears
tion was by room, all active cases within a room re-
that fibroblasts serve as a reservoir of azithromycin
ceiving the same treatment. Baseline eye swabs were
in tissues, allowing activity against organisms and
taken from all patients before treatment.
possibly transferring the antibiotic to phagocytic
Expected effects, side effects, advantages, and dis-
cells for activity against intracellular pathogens and
advantages of both treatment methods were ex-
delivery to infection sites.7 The high macrophage
plained to patients who participated in the study
and tissue concentration of the drug and prolonged
and/or their parents, and informed consent was
half-life suggest that azithromycin could potentially
be used in shorter treatment regimens.8,9 The present
Azithromycin suspension (200 mg/5 mL, Zitro-
study compared the clinical and microbiological effi-
max; Pfizer, Istanbul, Turkey) administered as a
cacy and safety of a 3-day course of azithromycin
3-day course (10 mg/kg per day) by mouth; a syringe
with a conventional 8-week course of topical oxytet-
was used for measurement and administration. Sub-
racycline/polymyxin for the treatment of young pa-
jects randomized for conventional treatment were
tients with active ocular Chlamydia trachomatis in-
administered 0.5% oxytetracycline HCl/polymyxin
eye ointment (Terramycin, 5 mg/g oxytetracyclineHCl, 1 mg/g/polymyxin B sulfate; Pfizer) to each eyetwice daily for 8 weeks. Materials and Methods
Possible side effects were investigated in both
In April 1998, an ocular survey was done in four
groups by means of a standard interview, 7 days after
villages of Sanliurfa by a trained observer (MG).
treatment started. The interview protocol contained
The everted upper lids of both eyes were examined
both specific questions about gastrointestinal symp-
with a binocular magnifying loupe. Findings were
toms in the preceding 7 days and open questions
graded according to the simplified World Health Or-
about the general health of the subjects. At subse-
ganization grading system.10 Ninety-six subjects with
quent follow-up, mothers were questioned about the
bilateral active trachoma or showing the symptoms
general health of the subjects and any adverse events
given below were selected. The existence of an ac-
tive trachoma was clinically characterized by the
The following laboratory tests for safety evalua-
presence of at least 5 follicles associated with a papil-
tion were obtained at baseline and at weeks 2 and 4:
lary hypertrophy of the upper tarsal conjunctiva and
complete blood count with differential and platelet
microbiologically characterized by the presence of at
counts, prothrombin time, activated partial throm-
least 5 elementary bodies per direct fluorescein anti-
boplastin time, gamma glutamyl transferase, alanine
body test slide. Clinical signs and symptoms taken
aminotransferase, aspartate aminotransferase, alka-
into consideration were follicular conjunctivitis and
line phosphatase, serum bilirubin, lactate dehydro-
genase, blood urea nitrogen, serum creatinine, se-
Table 1. Baseline Comparisons of
rum calcium and phosphorus, electrolytes, total
protein, albumin, blood glucose, uric acid, serum
Conventional treatment was applied by the pa-
tients’ mothers, supervised by a trained nurse. Com-
pliance with conventional treatment was assessed by
a system of witnessed treatments; the subject’s name
was written on a form each time a treatment was wit-
nessed. More than 95% of scheduled treatments
*Values in parentheses are percentages.
Subjects were examined 1, 2, 3, and 6 months after
the start of treatment. Clinical findings were re-
of 36 (75.00%) subjects in the conventional treat-
corded for each eye. Swabs were taken from upper
ment group had resolved (P ϭ .029). These rates
eyelids 3 and 6 months after the start of treatment. A
were 89.58% and 68.75% at 6 months, respectively
dacron swab was rubbed on the everted upper tarsal
(P ϭ .012) (Table 3). The rate of reinfection by 6
conjunctiva, after which it was rolled on a slide for
months was 33.33% in the conventional treatment
the direct antibody immunofluorescence test. Meth-
group, as opposed to 14.58% in the azithromycin
anol-fixed slides were stained with monoclonal-fluo-
group, and the difference was statistically significant
rescein isothiocyanate antibody conjugate to the
(P ϭ .027). Antigen positivity at baseline and severe
major outer membrane protein. Smears were consid-
or moderate disease were associated with persis-
ered positive if 5 or more elementary bodies per
tence of clinical signs, and there was a tendency for
younger patients to have more persistent clinical
Noticeable symptomatic relief and considerable
resolution of clinical signs (disappearance of papil-
There were significant differences in the preva-
lary hypertrophy, decrease in the number and size of
lence of direct fluorescein antibody test positivity in
follicles) were considered as clinical success, and a
ocular swabs between the therapy modalities (Table 4).
negative direct fluorescein antibody test was ac-cepted as microbiological success. Discussion
In cases where this test was negative in the third
month, a positive test result obtained in the sixth
Trachoma is a common disease that has disap-
month was considered as the establishment of a rein-
peared in many parts of the world because of im-
fection, whether a noticeable re-appearance of clini-
proved living conditions and hygiene. In trachoma-
cal signs and symptoms was present or not. For sta-
endemic areas, severe disease leading to scarring and
tistical analysis of the results, the chi-square test was
blindness may be the result of frequent reinfection
used to compare the treatment groups.
or persistent infection in those whose immune sys-tem does not mount an adequate response to clearthe infection. Trachoma continues to be a serious
public health threat in southeast Turkey.12,13 Chlamy-dia trachomatis is an intracytoplasmic parasite and
There were 96 subjects aged from 2 to 18 years
has a unique, long, life cycle. Chlamydia shows two
(Table 1). The treatment groups did not differ signif-icantly in age or sex distribution.
Symptoms of diarrhea, vomiting, and abdominal
pain occurred in the azithromycin group (Table 2). Table 2. Adverse Events Survey 7 Days After
There were no serious adverse reactions and both
treatments were well-tolerated. No abnormalities
were determined in the laboratory test results. All
symptoms resolved spontaneously and none required
treatment. Compliance with conventional treatment
was extremely good. Local adverse reactions were
not seen in the conventional therapy group.
At 3 months, the clinical signs of 44 (91.67%) sub-
jects in the azithromycin group and the clinical signs
*Values in parentheses are percentages. Table 3. Clinical Success Rate (Resolution of Clinical Table 4. Microbiological Success Rate (Direct Fluorescein
Signs) in Azithromycin and Conventional Treatment
Antibody Test Negativity) in Azithromycin and
Groups 3 and 6 Months After Start of Treatment
Conventional Treatment Groups 3 and 6 Months After Start of Treatment
*Values in parentheses are percentages. †P ϭ .029.
*Values in parentheses are percentages.
†P ϭ .045. ‡P ϭ .022.
distinctive forms during its life cycle: the elementarybody and the reticulate body. The elementary body
tistically significant differences between the tra-
is an infectious particle that initiates its infectious cy-
choma cure rates of tetracycline eye ointment-, oral
cle by attaching to the surface of a susceptible cell.
doxycycline-, and oral sulfamethoxypyridazine-
Over a period of 6–8 hours, the particle enlarges,
treated groups. Dawson et al17 reported that 1–6
and undergoes reorganization to become a reticulate
doses of azithromycin were equivalent to 30 days of
body. The reticulate body is noninfectious but meta-
topical oxytetracycline/polymyxin ointment and may
bolically active. Anti-chlamydial agents are only ef-
offer an effective alternative means of controlling
fective against reticulate bodies. These agents must
endemic trachoma. Tabbara et al18 reported that sin-
penetrate into the cell, cytoplasmic inclusions, and fi-
gle-dose azithromycin is as effective as a 6-week
nally into the reticulate body itself. Moreover, they
course of topical tetracycline ointment in the treat-
must be maintained at high concentrations in tissues
ment of active trachoma. These findings, when im-
for a long period of time. Effective anti-chlamydial
plemented, may help establish high compliance in
agents include tetracyclines, macrolides, and some of
treating trachoma and could contribute to the con-
Recent advances in diagnostic and screening tech-
Bailey et al19 reported that there were no sig-
nology and azithromycin therapy will likely have a
nificant differences in treatment effect, baseline
significant impact on the efficacy of disease control
characteristics, and re-emergent disease between tet-
programs and the opportunity for eventual disease
racycline eye ointment and single oral dose azithro-
eradication. Azithromycin, with a half-life of 5 to 7
days, has excellent pharmacokinetic characteristics,
Malaty et al20 suggested that there may be an ex-
such as increased bioavailability, lower incidence of
traocular reservoir of Chlamydia trachomatis infec-
gastrointestinal tract side effects, and increased con-
tion in trachoma-endemic communities, for example,
centration in mucus, macrophages, and tissues.15
in the gut or nasopharynx of infected children, which
These characteristics allow for short course or single
may contribute to ocular infection. Systemic therapy,
dosing, which alleviates the problem of patient non-
such as oral azithromycin, would be more likely to
compliance with multi-day regimens. The difficulty
eradicate such a reservoir than would topical tetracy-
of applying ointment to the eyes of young children,
the discomfort associated with its use, and the fre-
Our finding of a significant difference between
quency of symptomless infection are other reasons
azithromycin and conventional treatment indicates
for the failure of control programs based on topical
that the two treatments have unequal efficacy.
In our study, reinfection rates were different for
In this study, the 3-day course oral dose of azithro-
azithromycin and conventional treatment. The high
mycin cured 83.33% of subjects with active trachoma
rates of reinfection probably reflect the treatment
by 6 months and was more effective than the con-
strategy we adopted, the treatment of only active
ventional treatment. Possible adverse effects of the
cases. It has been shown that subclinically infected
treatment were not serious and compliance was good
individuals are an important source of reinfection in
in azithromycin-treated subjects. These observations
a rural area. Mass treatment of the whole commu-
have important implications for the control of
nity, which would be feasible with single-dose
azithromycin could reduce the rate of reinfection
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through elimination of the reservoir of infection.
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TEMOIGNAGE BPCO J'ai été fumeur pendant 45 ans à raison d'un paquet par jour pendant très longtemps pour arriver progressivement à trois paquets quotidiennement. Diagnostiqué atteint de BPCO depuis une dizaine d'années, j'ai été mis sous oxygénothérapie depuis novembre 2004 et classé BPCO stade 4. Malgré le diagnostic de la maladie, j'ai continué à fumer un peu jusqu'au momen
• Anyone with autoimmune disease or connective tissue disorders • Recently sun tanned skin ( including tanning beds and tanning foams) • History of Accutane / Isotretinoin treatment over the past 6 months • Acute herpes Episode at time of treatment. • Short term discomfort - or a stinging sensation similar to a wind burn • Redness and mild swelling that may last from 2 -48 hours.