Third: highlights on the classification and estimation plan of the Anti Corruption
Commission’s jobs.
The bases and starting points of setting the plan:
A classification and estimation plan of the commission has been established according to 1 - Considering the authorized administrative structure of the commission in order to achieve the flexibility in applying the plan and running the administrative operations related to the classification and facilitating its application by the specialists in the field of human resources. The chief functional groups have been determined according to the common wide properties that bind the jobs which work in a unified general yield. The subgroup of the supervising jobs has been put on top of each major group for being jobs that need a deep and specialized knowledge in the field of the group’s work in addition to the field of administrative supervision. 2 - Inventory of the job titles to be included in the plan from the reality of the needs assessment plan of the human resources of the commission which contains all the authorized job titles of the commission. 3 - Collecting the entire job titles that are working in a unified general and that are bound together common general features in major groups, and the determination of the subgroups that are derived from the major groups and what they include from the functional 4 – Encoding the major groups, subgroups, the categories chains and the job titles that enable the acquainted to deduce the job title, categories chain, subgroup or the major group that includes the job once the encoders of them are known. As it also participates in the input and recovery of classification and jobs' information easily. Besides it achieves the flexibility in adding any new job titles according to the needs of the commission and canceling some job titles inserted in the plans. Or raising or dropping the degree of some titles according to the needs and requirements of the job with out defecting the general 5- Achieving the balanced presidential gradient by forming functional chains that enable finding a clear functional pathway for the commission figures 6- Adoption of full objectivity in the job classification and evaluation by focusing on the job and the nature of its functions and duties and the degree of difficulty and responsibility in it and the requirements of scientific training, years of experience, and functional 7- Guided by the classification plan of the civil service to determine the qualifications and functional experiences for the job functions of the commission and positioning them in the authorized salaries staircases and allowances. B. Classification rules:
- What is classification?
Classification is known as the process of characterization, analysis, evaluation, arrangement, the collection and sorting of tasks, activities, and works to be completed in the organization, then to put them into categories and then chains categories, each category includes the jobs with similar nature of work, level of duties, responsibilities and qualifications required to be filled in order that every category includes the name that indicates its degree and a description of the duties and responsibilities, and minimum qualifications. Then grouped into sub-groups and major groups and adding functional And is gaining importance as of being one of four corners of the function establishment (system – organization - classification – employee ), which contributes to the facilitation and development of activities and human resources when contracting, promoting, transferring, assignment, training, and estimating the actual requirement of employees, and what comes as a result of finding a link between names of employees and their jobs and what they receive from the financial benefits (salaries, allowances, incentives, bonuses and classification plan of the functions of the national Anti Corruption Commission has been prepared according to the supporting way by factors and points, which is one of modern methods in the field of job classification, and the plan has been put in accordance with the framework of systems based on an analyzing the function to its initial factors which determines the level of difficulty and responsibility for each job’s category, and in order to clarify the way by which the classification process had been processed, there must be a clear description about the way of installing the plan and concise definitions about the classifying idioms that were used in classification scheme. - Building classification scheme:
Classification scheme requires the construction of three basic taxonomic structures and they are the structure of occupational and career structure and the structure of the encoding, and here is the explanation for these three structures: 1. Occupational structure:
The classification process requires collecting similar tasks and activities in categories then categories chains that every category includes the name that indicates its degree and a description of the duties and responsibilities, and minimum qualifications then grouping them into sub-groups and major groups. The construction of the occupational structure is based on the identification of major groups, sub-groups and chains. Here is the explanation Major group:
A general or major occupational division contains a wide range of functions that belong to the professions or fields of work including the general properties in common, such as the main group of the functions of advisory, legal tasks , and the main group of the functions of the administrative, financial, and may be a larger group than a group, for example, the general group of administrative and financial functions is bigger than general set of assistant in terms of the number of subgroups and categories chains Sub-group:
Is the occupational division of the main group and contains a set of functions that specializes in one field but differs in some aspects, as the subgroup of various specialized function contains categories chains that are similar in being specialized, but differ in the exact specialization and the nature of the work. Categories chains:
Is the professional division within the sub-group includes a number of categories that are similar in nature of the work but they differ in level of difficulty and responsibility. The category:
It is the smallest division of professional sub-classification process and contains functions similar in type of work, level of difficulty and responsibility, and treated taxonomically as a single transaction in terms of putting it in one degree and giving occupants the same financial advantages, and the minimum limits of qualification and requirements are the A work consisting of a set of duties and responsibilities that are assigned to one person to Is a gradation in the level of difficulty and responsibility for a particular job to be a series of classes ranging in qualification requirements. - Elements of occupying the job:
Is the minimum knowledge, abilities and skills necessary for the job occupation, and without them it’s not possible to do the job properly. And elements of the job occupation Knowledge: is the information and the theoretical facts required that should be provided to
do the job, such as knowledge of systems and regulations, knowledge of bases and concepts in one field, knowledge of trends and public and private policies, knowledge of Capacity: is the qualities of mind and physical characteristics (innate and acquired), which
when provided represent the minimum limit for the job such as the ability to supervise others, ability to pay attention or memorize, or the strength of observation, capability of reasoning, the ability of the measurement and the development of the verdicts, the ability Skill: is an application of his knowledge and capacity along with ability and ingenuity,
which means putting knowledge into practice, as the talent in the supervision and in Practical experience:
Is the sum of years of practice in the field of the job that provides the appropriate degree (or minimal) of elements of job’s occupying. The practical experiences are considered a major source of knowledge, abilities and skills required, especially in the ranks or degrees of certain jobs as the jobs of supervisory nature, and placed in the plan in order of priority, which is built on the proximity and the similarity of the nature of the chain with the nature of the work in the job in which the experience was gained. Is a specific financial engagement including the functions that are equal in degree of difficulty and responsibility, even if differed in the nature of the work, and at the same time a specific degree of difficulty and responsibility in which a set of functions are equal even - Evaluation of Job:
Determine the relative importance of the job regarding its elements or components and thus - Components of Job:
It consists of a number of elements and factors (such as duties, responsibilities, supervision, control, decision-making, financial responsibility, difficulties, problem solving, communication, work environment, physical exertion, and the minimum requirements of the job, knowledge, abilities, and skills). 1. Functional structure:
functional structure has been prepared by preparing the salary scale of the body, which contains grades ( vertical gradient ) and levels ( horizontal gradient ) contains (annual increment) obtained by the employee through the insert horizontal years of experience, and the vertical gradient through promotions, where the building the structure of wages and salaries is considered the most important requirements of the job classification process, in order to get the salary to be on the amount of work, and similar wages to be for the similar jobs, to achieve justice between the employees, Salaries and wages were identified regarding the level of difficulty and the degree of responsibility and what is needed by that to find a link between the work of employees and their job titles and what they receive from the financial benefits (salaries allowances incentive bonuses, etc. .), and determine the extent (number of degrees). 2. Career encoding structure:
Includes the development of specific, accurate and sequenced numbers, and classified for the divisions of professional major and minor, and aims to put numeric codes for the occupational divisions included in the occupational structure, in order to achieve ease of distinction between them and ease their knowledge and easily accessible once you figure out the code, and can thus locate the category once you know the taxonomic symbol for them, and it distinguishes the categories that may resemble in the name as using the encode we can identify to which sub-group it belongs and to which major groups as well. The functional encoding links between the type of work, and the level of difficulty and responsibility. The encoding structure is being built through: - the occupational structure of the main groups is encoded by using the taxonomic encoder of double-digit (two digits), starting with the symbol (01) on the left of the first major group, and the symbol (02) for the following major group, and so - Followed by two symbols (two digits) of the subgroups within each major group, so the encoding of the first subgroup becomes (01) in the first major group thus the code of this subgroup becomes (0101) and the following sub-group (0102) and so on - Then the categories chain is encoded by to two digits (two numbers), so the symbol of the third series of categories, for example becomes (03) in the second sub-group (02) of the fourth main group (04) so the symbol of this series becomes (040 203). - Within the categories chain each category is placed and awarded the degree symbol assigned to them according to the career range, for example, the category of a secretary encoded (0501213) because it is mainly 13 among series of classes and functions of the General Secretariat of code (02) within the subset of the functions of administrative assistance with the symbol (01) within the core group of assistant functions (05). C. Classification scheme:
A - Groups of functions in the commission:
Major groups of commission’s functions consist of five main groups as follows: - 1 - The main group of the advisory and legal functions. 2 - The main group of specialized functions. 3 - The main group of administrative and financial functions. 4 - The main group of the operational functions. 5 - The main group of assistance functions. The following is a definition for each of them and their characteristics and what it includes of sub-groups and chains of categories, functional categories: - 1 / the major group for advisory and legal functions:
1/1 group definition:
This group includes all the functions that their incumbents work in the provision of advisory services in the commission, investigation and legal advice and discuss issues, and the package includes the functions of advisers, specialists and researchers 1/2 the group properties:
the functions of this group are characterized by focusing on performing legal studies and presenting legal advices in the field of the commission’s work through the collection, tabulation, study and analysis of information, and study the laws and regulations in order to provide legal advices, and doing research issues and conducting the investigation in the facts that reach the commission and link to the related field of work, and preparing reports and annual plans for the work of the Commission and its various sectors and monitor their implementation, and the administrative and legal study of international conventions and agreements projects in the field of fighting against corruption and the protection of integrity, and follow up the implementation of the Kingdom's obligations to international conventions , regional and bilateral agreements signed and in force and forming systems and follow up the application of them, and submit periodic and advisory reports and handing them to the President of the Commission, or the holder of the authority, in addition to the preparation of annual reports to the commission, and reports required to be submitted to the king, and studying all the issues referred to it from the administrative units in the commission in the field of protecting the integrity and anti- corruption, and giving opinions about it , and the preparation and submission of recommendations to the parties concerned. 1 / 3 sub-groups and chains of categories in the group:
*Subset of the functions of legal advice: - A series of categories of supervisory positions on the jobs of legal advices. - A series of classes of functions of legal advisors. - A series of classes of functions of researchers and legal specialists. * Subset of the functions of legal investigation and issues researchers: - A series of categories of supervisory positions on the work of legal investigation and - A series of classes of functions of legal investigators. - A series of classes of functions of the issues researchers. - A series of classes of functions of regular inspectors. 2 / the main group of specialist functions:
2/1 the definition of the Group:
This group includes all functions that their incumbents work in fields specialized with the commission work including the work of the supreme supervisory functions of the commission and senior supervisory positions as well as Central and supervisory positions on the work of branches, also includes functions that are specific to the commission such as the protection of integrity and combat corruption. 2/2 Group properties:
- the functions of this group are characterized by focusing on the work of supreme management, middle and branches, and their supervision on the work of the Commission, and regulatory decision-making, and preparation of strategic plans, and future prospecting in the development of the commission and increasing its efficiency. - Also the functions of this group are characterized by focusing on following-up of the systems’ applications that ban corruption, and follow the regular course of the proceedings taken therein. (As the functions of the group focus on following up, monitoring and auditing contracts for government agencies’ projects, institutions and companies within the jurisdiction of the Commission) that have been reported, or projects where there is uncertainty, and conduct office and field investigations needed on the extent of irregularities and abuses in those contracts, and receive reports about possible cases of corruption received from members of the community, as well as follow-up to execute the orders of public affairs and interests of the citizens to ensure compliance. - In addition to that the functions of this group are characterized by focusing on studying and analyzing the rules, regulations and procedures applied to the devices covered by the terms of reference for the Commission to identify weaknesses and gaps in it , and suggesting the necessary amendments to it and focusing on the development of a sense of the importance of protecting the integrity and combating corruption, and the preparation and implementation of training courses, seminars and conferences, in cooperation and coordination with public and private sectors. As well as the focus of this group to conduct studies and research about the causes of corruption and its levels, and its social and economic impacts, and its positions, and the fields of promoting and encouraging agencies, research centers and researchers to carry out such studies to develop appropriate solutions to eliminate corruption, and provide them with information and data available to the Commission, and to summarize and transmit the results to the relevant agencies in relation whether inside or outside the commission. 2/3 sub-groups and functional categories in the group:
* Sub-Group of the supervisory functions of the Commission: - A series of supreme supervisory positions categories. - A series of Central supervisory job categories - A series of categories of supervisory positions on the work branches. * Subset of the functions of Engineers standards and follow-up projects: - A series of functions of standards Engineers. - A series of functions of projects follow-up engineers. * Subset of the functions of Anti-Corruption and Safeguarding Integrity: - A series of classes and functions of researchers and professionals to fight corruption. - A series of classes and functions of researchers and professionals to protect integrity. * Subset of the functions of communications and inquiries: - A series of supervisory positions on the categories of communications and inquiries. - A series of classes and functions for future communications. * Sub-Group to review the functions of the contracts: - A series of job categories on the work of the supervisory review of contracts. - A series of categories and review contracts specialist posts. * Sub-Group of the various specialized functions: - A series of classes and functions of specialist economists - A series of classes and functions of social workers. - A series of classes and functions of various specialists. 3/ The main group for the functions of Administrative and Financial affairs.
3/1 Definition of the group:
This group includes all the functions that their incumbents work in administrative areas such as human resources and administrative services, and in the fields of finance and accounting such as procurement and contract management, internal audit, and financial control, including supervisory positions on business support and functions of the directors of administrative departments as General Manager of Human Resources and Services Director administrative, and general manager of financial management and directors of departments of accounting and budget. The group also includes the functions of planning and development of human resources processes and functions of human resources, specialists, accountants, budget, finance and functions of the assistants and also who like 3/2 Group properties:
characterized by the functions of this group focus on the provision of administrative services and support, development, to collect and analyze information on the needs of human resources at the level of the body, and the preparation of annual plans for the recruitment, training and implementation after adoption, and follow-up evaluations of job performance in the body as a whole, the study results, and recommend it. We also characterized the functions of this group to focus on the preparation of budget estimates the Commission's annual and follow-up implementation after adoption, and implementation of regulations and financial rules and procedures and accounting adopted by the Commission, and preparation of operations and financial transactions and daily accounting and periodic constraints and reports and periodic financial statements and final 3/3 --sub-groups and categories in the group:
* Sub-Group of the supervisory functions of the Support Services: - A series of classes and functions of Assistant to the President of Support Services. - A series of categories of supervisory positions on the administrative affairs. - A series of classes and functions of the department heads administrative affairs. - A series of categories of supervisory positions on the financial affairs. * Subset of the functions of Human Resources.
- A series of categories and specialist posts the planning and development of human - A series of classes and functions of human resources specialists. * Sub-Group of the functions of Finance:
- A series of classes and functions of accountants. - A series of classes and functions of accounting costs. - A series of classes and functions of financial analysts. - A series of categories and budget specialist posts. - A series of classes and functions of financial inspectors. - A series of classes and functions of auditors. - A series of functions of internal auditors. - A series of classes and functions of trustee’s warehouses. - A series of classes and functions of delegates of purchases. * Subset of administrative functions:
- A series of classes and functions of specialists and management consultants - A series of classes and functions of specialists planning and administrative development - A series of classes and functions of researchers and specialists Quality - A series of classes and functions of inspector’s administrators 4 / the main group of the functions of operations:
4/1 the definition of Group:
This group includes all the functionality that works incumbents in the provision of technical services in the field of information technology, and public relations services, media and TV cameras and photography and the field of statistics and research 4/2 Group properties:
Characterized by the functions of this group to focus on providing IT services to all organizational units in the commission. It also includes the work of this group to provide information services and public relations services, statistics and scientific research of 4/3 sub-groups and categories in the group:
* Sub-Group of the supervisory functions of the Information Technology:
- A series of job categories, supervisory information technology. - A series of classes and functions Engineers Computer. - A series of classes and functions of network engineers. - A series of classes and functions of systems analysts. - A series of classes and functions programmers. - A series of classes and functions of computer maintenance technicians. - A series of classes and functions of networking technicians. * Subset of the functions of awareness and education:
- A series of job categories supervisory awareness and education. - A series of classes and functions of researchers and specialists awareness and education. - A series of classes and functions television photographers. - A series of classes and functions photographers. * Subset of the functions of public relations:
- A series of categories of supervisory positions on public relations. - A series of classes and functions of researchers and public relations specialists. * Subset of the functions of the Statistics and Research: A series of groups of
researchers and specialists of statistics.
- A series of classes and functions of researchers and specialists of scientific research. 5 / main group of functions to help:
5/1 the definition of Group:
This group includes all the functionality that works incumbents in the provision of technical services and administrative and support in the body, including the functions of office managers, and secretaries of public and private, and administrative assistants, in addition to communications staff and archives, copying, reception and switchboard and their supervisors. The group also includes the functions of support services such as drivers, 5/2 Group properties:
Characterized by the functions of this group to focus on the provision of ancillary services to the staff of the Authority and administrative units, also includes the work of this group to provide reception and switchboard services, preservation and copying and miscellaneous 5/3 sub-groups and categories in the group:
* Sub-Group of the functions of administrative assistance:
- A series of classes and functions of office managers - A series of classes and functions of the General Secretariat - A series of classes and functions of the Special Secretariat - A series of classes and functions of administrative assistants - A series of categories and front office functions and the central Series of classes and functions of Reporters
- A series of classes and functions translators * Sub-Group of the functions of technical assistance:
- A series of classes and functions of security and safety - A series of categories and maintenance functions - A series of classes and functions aide service - A series of classes and functions of drivers


Microsoft word - ohpd media report 02-27-13.docx

CALLS FOR SERVICE ‐ 02/27/13  Following is the Oak Harbor Police Department Calls for Service for the period of 6:00 a.m. on 02/26/13 to 6:00  a.m. on 02/27/13.  02/28/13 OAK HARBOR POLICE 592 08:23 Law Incident Media Summary Report, by Date Page: 1 Number Nature Date -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 13-O01869 Alarm C

Utente e-GdP: camera - Data e ora della consultazione: 2 febbraio 2011 11:13 GIORNALEdelPOPOLO G.D.P. DEL 02.02.2011 NEWS CANTONE SAN GOTTARDO Formigoni esprime solidarietà al Consiglio di Stato 2010 Tribunale penale Più processi «Senza raddoppio rimane per i reati isolata anche la Lombardia» contro la vita L’incontro di ieri Anche nel 2010 non è mancato il lavoro

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