buoni fornitori di medicinali comprare amoxicillina senza ricetta

Microsoft word - handbook west africa - chapter i.pdf.doc

I G N A Z I O M E S S I N A & C. S. p. A.


Here below please find instructions to be strictly followed for shipments from your port destined to West Africa
I a - GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS – valid for all ports of destination

Manifests produced electronically by the port of loading are distributed, officially, exclusively through the
Web server of the Headquarters in Genoa.
Above manifests are produced in PDF format and are the only document on which one has to derive the
information necessary to invoice customers on behalf of the Line.
They must be uploaded/downloaded by the Agencies through Messina’s web site.
By the way, you’ll find in the next pages devoted to each port the numbers of the needed copies.

- Correction notices to freight manifests: all requests must be authorized by West Africa Dept. Manager.
- Cargo loaded on board of vehicles must be manifested and clearly appear on bills of lading. This kind of cargo is
under shippers/receivers responsibility.
- Measurements: always insert, for containers, for all destinations, cbm. 21 x 20’ and cbm. 42 x 40’ - Releases of cargo without original bs/l can be authorized by Genoa Head Office only, following the legal and
safety procedures to avoid any risk.
- In case of bills of lading showing freight prepaid (for credit exigencies) but with freight at destination, a
message must be sent to agency at destination with all the necessary details, in order to recover the freight due.
- Shippers’ own containers, one way only must be clearly indicated on manifests and bills of lading, to avoid
problems with Customs.
- Before submitting documentation to Customs, make sure that all Agencies at port of loading have duly uploaded
it on Messina’s website or have informed in writing that there is no cargo on board.

Effective from January 1st, 2011 the European Customs Advanced Manifests Rule will enter in force for
shipments to the and via EU ports for import/transhipments cargoes.
In order to facilitate the proper meaning of said circular instruction, we would like to highlight the following
- In order to permit our Head Office to submit the ENS to the Customs to the first EU ports, we should receive,
from the port of loading (P.O.L.), the Shipping Cargo Declaration within 48 hrs before vessel departure, if the
departure day will be on working day. In case the departure will be on weekend (Saturday/Sunday) or any Italian
Bank holiday, we must receive it within 72 hrs.
Failure to comply in full with it will result in penalties imposed by EU Member States to Carriers. In such
occurrences fines will be recovered from the faulty Agencies at P.O.L. in case of their liability.
In order to get familiar with the new procedures our Company will strictly implement the same as from November
1st, 2010.
Here below you can find requested data to appear in the EDI file which will be transmitted to us in order to be
compliant with ENS requirements:
-bill of lading number.
-shippers and consignee full name/style, address.
-notify party full name and address where goods are carried under " to order" bill of lading.
-container serial number.
-goods description.
-Ignazio Messina commodity codes (please refer to our Web manual).
-package type.
-number of packages.
-weight GWT.
-UN code for dangerous goods (UNDG).
-seal number.
-freight prepaid or collect or payable elsewhere.
The above is referred to all cargo with final destination EU Countries and in Transhipment via at any EU port of
transit to any destination inside/outside the European Community.
Of course cargo loaded, discharged or T/shipped from/to/via at any no European port, should not be subject to
procedure under reference until further notice.
For good order's sake enclosed (all.5,all.6) the guidelines for the newly implemented ENS upload section of our
corporate Web application for the transmission of PDF manifests and the Data files for the Entry Summary
Declaration (ENS).

Following the entry into force of the EU Advance Cargo Declaration Regime on 1/1/2011, a fee for the issue of the
new advance manifest regulation will be applied as follows:
- USD 25 per b/l for all containerised and non containerised traffic with EU as final destination.
In principle this fee must be debited to the freight payer together with freight as an additional to it and shall be
regularly inserted into manifest.
In such a way it is not subject to VAT or other local taxes in the loading ports outside EU and should not present
problems of transfers in countries with restrictions in remittances.
Moreover being, as said, an additional to freight, this fee shall be credited totally to us as owners.
Code established by our IT Dept. for this fee (on import cargo into EU) is: CDFN
The signature of the said original B/L only by authorized people and the cargo delivery only against presentation
of an original B/L, duly endorsed, that appears “prima facie” to be a reliable one.
1) Each original blank bill of lading has its own serial (identifiable) number, duly printed immediately below 2) Our offices will keep record of any box of these documents forwarded to any party, including serial numbers involved, dates sent, with details of the receiver. 3) The receivers should keep a similar record of the batch received with serial numbers. 4) All original blank bills of lading must be kept in a secure location, with only a limited number of authorized persons permitted to issue the documents. 5) When an original blank bill of lading is released for completion, a record should be kept of the date issued, a reference for its release, which could be the shipping order request. 6) Should an error occur that renders the document ineffective, a record should be duly noted with a cross reference to its replacement. Destruction of the incorrect original bill of lading should be undertaken by an authorized person and duly noted. 7) On completion of an original, it should be signed by an authorized signatory and retained in a safe location until released to the shipper or their authorized party. 8) In principle and with the exception of Principal Offices the original B/L can be issued and signed for cargo actually loaded on vessels having berthed in the port, that is the specific port of reference for the Agency issuing the original B/L. 9) The authorized of each Agency, Branch, Office or Dept. of the Principal are only those contained in the “black book”, where all the authorized signatures are collected. 10) The “black book” has to be kept in a secure location and only the top managers of the Agency, Branch, Office or Dept. should have access to it, to allow any officer charged of cargo redelivery to check the genuineness of the signature on the original B/L presented to get the “delivery order”. 11) The officer charged of cargo redelivery has to pay particular attention not only to the B/L signature, but also to check the whole B/L and possible alterations, modifications etc. of the original B/L declarations; in the event of doubts on the genuineness of the B/L the officer has to make written investigations at the loading port and at the same time has to inform the Principle Claim Dept., so as the Principal Commercial Dept. Cargo can, then, be redelivered only with the written agreement of loading port agency and Principle Claim Dept. E - OPERATIONS

- Overtopped vehicles: are accepted provided they are safely lashed and fit for transportation, inland and
maritime. The must be compulsorily manifested, indicating chassis number on both manifests and bills of lading
It's necessary to send to receivers, on a regular basis, notifications regarding the position of the containers still
lying at the port: after the first arrival notice, these notifications have to be sent every 30 days for the first
three months and every 15 days until a certain and valid justification for non withdrawal is received.
For containers lying since more than 75 days, we shall have to be informed of the release of delivery order to
receiver: the information is necessary because it interrupts our possibility to make shipper responsible.
In case of freight collect, the presence of containers as well as roro or lcl cargo must be communicated to us
after 30 days with the relevant comments on the situation.

The following IMO classes cannot be accepted: all the classes 1 – 5 – 7
Plus class 2.3 un 1017 and class 4.3 un 1402-1408

In case of shipments of cargo stuffed on mafi, the following wording will be put on relevant shipping documents
(manifests and bills of lading):
"The above mafi N. . has been utilized to stuff the cargo as mentioned in the body of the bill of lading.
Unlashing and unstuffing will be only and exclusively on receiver's account".
The mafi, upon discharge at the port of destination, must be un-stuffed and back-loaded on the same vessel,
informing immediately West Africa Dept.


Bs/l with different shippers and receivers name related to the same container are not accepted.
When a client asks for goods in transit to another country, we have to put on the body of b/l the wording " goods
is in transit to . at care and cost of the receiver".


- The tare of the containers is to be mentioned in the description of the goods. The CBM must not be indicated.

- Bs/l and Cargo manifest : 2 copies of each document
- Time to submit the manifest to customs : 2 days before vessel's arrival
- Amendment to cargo manifest : 2 days after submission to customs.
Thereafter we have to support following penalties :
- From 3 to 5 days : FCFA 50.000
- Up to 5 days : FCFA 100.000
- No restriction on the age of the vehicles/cars

- Vehicles overtopped to other vehicles must be showed on the cargo manifest

- The mentions: household goods, general cargo, marchandises diverses are not accepted by the customs to be put
on cargo manifests.
- The quantity of parcels stowed on the palettes must be compulsorily indicated on manifests:
(ie : 7 palettes stc 21 parcels of shoes is accepted , but 7 palettes of shoes is not accepted)
This is valid for LCL AND FCL containers.
- Chassis number of cars and vehicles must be indicated in full both on manifests and on bills of lading.
- Groupage containers from Genoa :
It’s compulsory that on manifest and b/l, near the serial number of groupage container, it is written “LCL”,
for customs reasons.
For instance: a bill of lading covering 3 pallets stowed into groupage container will show, on b/l description
of goods, the following wording:
"3 pls stowed into LCL container LMCU.".
The word "GROUPAGE" must not absolutely appear.
- Cargo stuffed inside vehicles: it must be compulsorily manifested.

There is are no particular restrictions to discharge hazardous cargo at Abidjan. All dangerous cargo can be
discharged in Abidjan port.
But for some like :1.1/1.2/1.3/1.4/7 a special green light must be required to the head office of the port to have a
special green light before discharging. Thus, the port will appoint a special security gang from discharging till
delivery to the client. Even if cargo is in transit we have to follow up the same procedure.
For any kind of hazardous cargo, the client has 24 hours to have the cargo at his one's disposal but only by
delivery ready for shipping .Once this deadline is over all dangerous cargo containers are stocked in a special area
allocated for them and watched over 24h/24h.

The customs authority has the right to seize the goods and auction them after 60 days from arrival of the vessel.
The devanning and the recovery of our empty equipment is effected without costs at Company’s charge.


With effect fm 1ST January 2006, ISPS (International Ship and Port Security) charges will be levied on all cargo
loaded and/or unloaded in all Ivory Coast’s ports we call.

Effective from 1st October 2001 it is compulsory to indicate on all original bills of lading and manifests covering
cargo destined to Ivory Coast the F.R.I. (fiche de renseignements d'importation) and the B.S.C. (Bordereau de
Suivi de Cargaison).
All the products, goods or group of products not imported in containers (i.e. in break bulk) named “first group”,
will be submitted to a qualitative and quantitative inspection and to a comparison of their price before shipment in
their country of origin, provided their FOB value is higher or equal to CFA 1.500.000.
All the products, goods or group of products imported in containers, including the sensitive goods, named “second
group”, will be submitted to a scanner inspection, as defined in the Circular of the General Management of Ivory
Customs and in the Note to Importers and Forwarders of the mandatory company.
All the products, goods or group of products named “sensitive products” imported in containers listed here below
will be submitted to a compulsory qualitative control, effected before shipment, in the country of origin:
The mentioned sensitive goods are:
Pharmaceutical products – salt for seasoning food – milk and dairy products – juices and soft drinks – tinned and
preserved foodstuffs – other foodstuffs (meat, fish, rice, flour) – electrical materials – iron sheets.
The administrative formalities to be followed will be:
1) get an import/export code and, possible, an occasional import code at the Ivory Board for Commercial Expansion
(Direction de l’Expansion Commerciale du Ministère du Commerce),
2) open an Import Licence at the Ivory Board for Commercial Expansion, for goods for which import is submitted
to some limitation,
3) open an Import Information Form (FRI – Fiche de Renseignement de l’Importation), released by the Ivory
Board for Commercial Expansion for goods under free import or submitted to agreement of all concerned parties.
The cargo in transit is excluded from above obligation.
These certificates are compulsory, and can be obtained at destination by the consignee.
The owners are not responsible if the relevant numbers are missing on bs/l, however, in order not to be penalized
for non declaration, we’ll put on each page of cargo manifest to Abidjan and San Pedro the following clause:
“The carrier is not responsible for any missing or incorrect F.R.I./B.S.C. number and the responsibility remains
with the merchant.
Any fines or penalties levied against the carrier are for account of the merchant”.
BSC (Bureau de Suivi des Cargaisons) – FRI (Fiche de Renseignement à l’Importation) - BIVAC are
compulsory but can be issued in ABIDJAN by the consignee.
I c – GUINEA - C O N A K R Y (temporarily suspended)
- Agents must receive manifests 4 days before vessel’s arrival by e-mail. Un-manifested cargo will not be
- If cargo manifests are not transmitted to Customs at time, there will be penalties which amount will be charged
to Agents at port of loading.
- Needed documents: 2 copies of bs/l and 2 copies of cargo manifests. Lapse of time needed for submitting to
Customs Authorities is 2 days before vessel’s arrival (Sydonia system).

- Cargo stuffed inside vehicles: it must be compulsorily manifested.

Only class 07 cargo is banned in Conakry port.
All others classes are allowed, provided that Entry Certificate is issued by Environment Department.


After 90 days, the Customs have the right to seize goods and auction them.
Devanning and recovery of empty are not at Company’s charge.
It is not possible to speed up devanning and recovery of empties.

Starting from 19th May 2008 any cargo will be imported only after presentation of the Pre Shipment Inspection
(“Fiche de Demande d’Inspection”), submitted by the importers to Bureau Veritas BIVAC BV, and released by this
office of “Attestation de Verifiction”.
The carrier is not responsible for any missing or incorrect Bivac number.
Any fines levied for non fulfilment of above directions will be at the charge of the faulty party.

Import of used tyres (considered as dangerous residual products) will have to be submitted to an inspection.
The only entitled body to effect this control, to which importers will have to apply for all import operations is the
Ministère des Mines, de la Géologie et de l’Environnement
Direction Nationale de l’Environnement
Route du Niger – Quartier Lanseboundji
Conakry – République de Guinée
No restriction on Import .
Restrictions on export : Foodstuffs, forest ,farming ,fishing and petroleum products.

- The needed numbers of manifest and b/ls copies are :

- The following standard cbm. have to be indicated:
for 20’: cbm 21 and for 40’: cbm 45.
- Cargo manifest to be submitted to customs 24 hours after vessel’s departure, and the customs
manifest called ''GAINDE'' to be submitted 72 hours after vessel’s departure.

- Mentions on manifests like general goods or personal effects are forbidden by customs.

Concerning the cargo manifest, it’s delivered upon reception to stevedoring agents and to Customs office of the
terminal for discharge operations of goods.
Agents at destination are obliged to deliver cargo manifest to Senegal Customs Office ( SECTION
NAVIGATION ) not later than 24 hrs after vessel’s departure.
D'ECHANGES. It’s drawn up by the agent on the basis of cargo manifest through a customs informatic system.
It’s compulsory to physically and finally deliver it to concerned customs office within 72 hrs. after vessel’s
It’s meant that these information are inserted in the computer as soon as Agents receive them.

In case of shipments of handicraft from Dakar to Europe, we request freight payment in advance and a bank
guarantee from the party who pays the freight (i.e. the receiver in case of freight collect, the shipper in case of
freight prepaid), in our favour.


As per customs authorities regulations, you must advise Dakar Agency 72 hours before vessel’s arrival, the details
of dangerous cargo either loco or in transit to other ports. All agents are kindly requested to send above
information, to avoid any customs fines.
If dangerous cargo will be loaded after Dakar, it will be necessary to send to this Agency two copies of the
extract of relevant cargo manifest, indicating any unloading port.
It’s compulsory to indicate on documents the precise number and kind of packages contained in a pallet or in a
container, otherwise fines will be levied.

Vehicles overtopped to others: they must be compulsorily indicated on manifests and bills of lading with relevant
chassis numbers.
In case of personal effects, general goods etc. stuffed inside cars/lorries/trucks or vehicles they must not be
compulsorily manifested and are at shippers/receivers risks.
We must not forget that the mention “general goods” on documents is forbidden in Dakar.

The customs authority has the right to devan the container, seize the goods and keep them in a warehouse after
40 days from arrival of the vessel.
After four more months customs can auction these goods.
The only costs (upon our request) for our company are Euro 45,73/20’ and Euro 60,97/40’ for cargo stockage in
customs warehouses.

As far as compulsory certificates are concerned, they are under the responsibility of the importer and his
supplier and are issued through the surveillance companies such as SGS, COTECTNA, BUREAU VERITAS and
others. They are employed for customs declaration and don’t concern ship owners.
The destination of goods to Senegal must not be changed into other countries outside the free zone, therefore of
UEMOA and CEDEAO countries.

Compulsory import certificate is DPI ( déclaration préalable d'importation) is required if cargo value is
over Euro 1525 and less than Euro 4573.
An A.V ( attestation de vérification ) is required if cargo value between Euro 4573 and Euro 7622.
An A.I ( attestation d'importation ) is required if cargo value over Euro 7622.
PRE SHIPMENT INSPECTION As a result of a regulation issued by the Senegalese Ministry of Economy and Finance, all cargo destined to Senegal will have to be submitted to pre-shipment inspection. The body charged to inspect the cargo is Cotecna.
Effective from 1/11/08 a BSC is required for all cargo destined to Senegal.

Restrictions are essentially concerning age of vehicles: Vehicles for transport of persons up to 8 seats over 8 years old are banned. Trucks weighing more than 3T5 over 10 years old are banned too Are concerned also cycles and motos less than 50 m3 Change of manifest are banned for goods initially for Senegal to other countries out of UEMOA. This concerns also new cars. I e – CAMEROUN - D O U A L A (temporarily suspended)


- The following documents are needed for each vessel’s call:
03 Sets cargo manifests
02 Sets freight manifests
02 Sets copies blading
02 Sets origin service b/l
03 Sets dangerous cargo
03 Sets cargo in transit
01 List of BLD
01 Enveloppe BLD'S dcts (Invoices + Package list + copy b/l)
02 Sets container's list.

- Shipper's own containers, one way only, destined to Douala, must be clearly indicated on bills of lading and
manifests, to avoid problems with Customs.
- Time for submitting to customs Authorities : Three days before vessel arrival.

No particular restrictions at Douala; only transmission to Port Authorities - dangerous cargo manifest- before
vessel’s arrival.
About removal, the responsibility rests at the receiver.

Cargo stuffed inside vehicles: it must be compulsorily manifested but at the responsibility of shippers/receivers.

After 90 days that containers are lying unclaimed, the Customs have the right to seize goods and auction them.
Devanning and recovery of empty are at charge of buyers.
To speed up devanning, the only system is to constantly write to Customs’ General Management, but requests are
often un-replied.

BESC Certificate (Bordereau Electronique de Suivi des Cargaisons) : Compulsory , even for a single parcel.
It can be issued at destination at receiver’s care, provided we have the full address of receiver and Douala
Agency can inform the receiver that cargo is arriving and BESC is requested.
BESC does apply as well to cargo in transit to Central African Republic.


No restrictions about import & export cargo : ban lists, overage vehicles., except export of iron scraps which is

- Documents required: 3 sets of hard copy manifest as well as 2 copies of each b/l.
- Vessel Stowage Plan/Crew list/Last Port of Call list.

- For the vessels which call at Nigeria it is necessary to send, together with the manifests relevant to each port
of loading, also a copy of cargo manifest covering goods destined to next Nigerian ports.

- For cargo loaded in West African Ports for Nigeria discharge, we must supply the Manifest within 2 days prior
ships arrival.
All must be supplied in once / no supplementary manifest accepted without any fine for late supply
Regarding Tema cargo which is loaded only a few hours prior ships arrival in Lagos, will kindly ask for Tema to
issue a draft Manifest with containers numbers + seals.
Same will be confirmed (amended if required) upon arrival of the ship in Lagos
- The tares of the containers must be indicated in the column “weight”.
- Should shipper fail to indicate the cubage, it will be inserted as follows: for 20’: 21 CBM - for 40’: CBM 45.
- A set of “Captain’s Copy” will be sent by ship’s bag to the Agency, and a copy of cargo manifest will be delivered
to the Master.
- Cargo manifests for Nigeria have to be issued separately according to kind of goods: containers, cars, industrial
vehicles, goods stowed loose, goods stuffed into groupage container.
- Customs will no longer accept vague addresses e.g P.O.Box number. The consignee address must be fully stated
showing consignee name, full address including street number etc
- Both manifests and bills of lading must compulsorily be drawn in English.
- Customs will no longer accept corrections made at destination on manifest prior to submission.
- The character type must be the same on a manifest from a particular port.
- Cargo on transhipment at Genoa must show final receiver's details in the consignee field except if "To Order" or
consigned to a Bank. The Customs will no longer accept "EXAF PARIGI/ CROSS MARINE LAGOS" as consignee
for such cargo as is presently the case.
- Consignee with foreign address is not acceptable. The address must be in Nigeria for Nigeria bound cargo.
- Please note that the deadline for supplying the Electronic Manifest to Customs is maintained at 7 days prior
ships arrival for Europe or Cross trade manifest.
Courier copies should reach the Lagos Agency minimum 2 weeks before arrival of the vessel.
- Effective from 1st April 2012 it will be compulsory to show on manifest and b/l the chassis number and the
year of manufacture.
Due to the charges applied by Italian banks onto any transfer of money from foreign countries, an increase of
Euro 50 on the basic freight is requested on freights paid in Lagos through bank swift in favour of Messina Genoa
for coastal and northbound traffic.

Before accepting any chemical related hazardous cargo, we have to ask to our Agent in Lagos to check and get the
green light to proceed with booking.

Restrictions for discharge of hazardous cargo:

CL. 1
(Explosives) all kinds on direct delivery ONLY (from vessel to truck and out of terminal)
CL 2.1
(Flamable Gases) can be discharged on direct delivery ONLY

CL 5.2
on Direct delivery ONLY
CL 6.2
Only on Direct Delivery
CL. 7


Overtopped vehicles and cargo stuffed inside vehicles: cargo it must be compulsorily manifested with general
description, i.e. spare parts or used electronics etc.
For vehicles carrying other vehicles, the chassis number of the one laid upon the other must be indicated.

Cargo cannot be transferred from Tin Can Port to Apapa port.
All cargo to Tin Can need to go through customs formalities, all duties paid, shipping line and NPA charges will also
need to be paid before the containers leave the port by truck.
Unless the cargo is export cargo, it cannot enter Apapa port by truck.
Should you need for cargo to get between ports you will need to re-export the containers from Tin Can by sea and
find a vessel/line that calls Apapa port directly to tranship the container onto.

Imported containers to Nigeria are allowed an official period of 28 days from vessel’s sailings from Lagos.
Any container over 28 days may be transferred at any time at Ikorodu Terminal (Customs Offdock Terminal) for
further action (auctioning cargo).
The Line or its agent is NOT entitled for devanning these units once seized or placed on auction. The beneficiary
of the auction is responsible for the cost of devanning such units. No extra charges for the Line, but on the
other side, demurrage cannot be collected once cargo auctioned.
The agent has no authority to press for the release or speed up the process of devanning seized or auctioned

All imported cargo require a Form M number (MF ………….) duly approved by accredited bank in Nigeria and
processed through destination inspection agents Cotecna. This Form M number must be shown clearly on import
manifest and bills of lading.
Diplomatic cargo, used cars and personal effects are exempted from the Form M requirement.

The following clause will be compulsorily mentioned on the bills of lading :
The Carrier is not responsible for any missing or incorrect "FORM M" number.
The Merchant will be the liable party, any fines and/or penalties levied against the Carrier are only on
Merchant's account.


As per government regulations, cars, industrial vehicles, trucks with right hand drive steering will not be allowed
to be discharged in any Nigerian ports.
Concerning restrictions on vehicles, the Nigerian Government still has a ban on cars older than 15 years of age.
Buses and trucks imported to Nigeria no age restriction.
Cargo destined to Nigerian Army is not accepted without their own preventive written authorisation.

Please find here attached (from page 14 to page 18) the complete list of goods whose importation has been banned
by Nigerian federal government.

As you know, shipping lines are responsible for import of overage cars (more than 8 years old) and for this there
is an explicit circular of Nigerian port authority.
You are therefore requested to:
- refuse bookings for such cargo, when declared by shippers or it’s possible to check it in useful time;
- inform shippers about these new limitations, stating that we will consider them responsible for any damage or
problem deriving from eventual shipments of these commodities.
Finally note that in the list you see the mention "vehicles above 8 years old". we confirm to you that as "vehicles"
are intended only cars, buses and other vehicles carrying passengers, while we have been informed that other
vehicles (such as trucks, trailers, etc) are at the moment exempted from the ban.
Effective from19/11/10 are:
lifted the ban placed on the importation of textile materials, furniture, toothpicks and cassava products.
raised the age limit placed on importation of vehicles into the country, from 10 to 15 years [1995].
In removing the items from the import prohibition list, the government introduced a 20% duty on the products
and a 15-20% surcharge as a new levy.
The government has also introduced 10% duty rate and 10% levy on health and energy drinks.
Please find here attached (page 19) the revised Nigeria Import List
It’s compulsory to effect fumigation on containers destined to Lagos, at time of loading in Italy.


Nigerian Prohibitive Import List – 09/03/2012

As there has been many announcements circulated recently about Nigerian prohibitive imports this
comprehensive list should highlight all recent revisions:

1. Live or Dead Birds including Frozen Poultry – H.S. Codes 0105.1100 – 0105.9900, 0106.3100 – 0106.3900, 2. Pork, Beef – H.S. Codes 0201.1000 – 0204.5000, 0206.1000 – 0206.9000, 0210.1000 – 0210.2000. 4. Refined Vegetable Oils and Fats – H.S. Code 1507.1000 – 1516.2000.29 [but excluding Linseed, Castor
and Olive oils. Crude vegetable oil are however NOT banned from importation].
5. Cocoa Butter, Powder and Cakes – H.S. Codes 1802. – 1803.2000, 1805.0000, 1806.1000 – 1806.2000 and 6. Spaghetti/Noodles – H.S. Codes 1902.1100 – 1902.3000. 7. Fruit Juice in Retail Packs – H.S. Codes 2009.110012 - 2009.110013 – 2009.9000.99 8. Waters, including Mineral Waters and Aerated Waters containing added Sugar or Sweetening Matter or Flavoured, ice snow – H.S. Codes 2202.1000 – 2202.9000, other non-alcoholic beverages H.S. Code
2202.1000 - 2202.9000.99 [ but excluding energy or Health Drinks {Liquid Dietary Supplements} e.g.
Power Horse, Red Ginseng etc
] H.S. Code 2202.9000.91 and Beer and Stout (Bottled, Canned or
Otherwise packed) H.S. Code 2203.0010.00 - 2203.0090.00
9. Bagged Cement – H.S. Code 2523.2900.22. 10. Medicaments falling under Headings 3003 and 3004 as indicated below:  Paracetamol Tablets and Syrups  Cotrimoxazole Tablets Syrups  Metronidazole Tablets and Syrups  Chloroquine Tablets and Syrups  Haematinic Formulations; Ferrous Sulphate and Ferrous Gluconate Tablets, Folic Acid Tablets, Vitamine B Complex Tablet [except modified released formulations].  Multivitamin Tablets, capsules and Syrups [except special formulations].  Aspirin Tablets [except modified released formulation and soluble aspirin].  Magnesium trisilicate tablets and suspensions.  Piperazine tablets and Syrups  Levamisole Tablets and Syrups  Clotrimazole Cream  Ointments – Penecilin/Gentamycin  Pyrantel Pamoate tablets and Syrups  Intravenous Fluids [Dextrose, Normal Saline, etc.] 11. Waste Pharmaceuticals - H.S. Code 3006.9200 12. Soaps and Detergents – H.S. Code 3401.1100 – 3402.9000 in retail packs 13. Mosquito Repellant Coils – H.S. Code 3808.9110.91. 14. Sanitary Wares of Plastics – H.S. Code 3922.1000 – 3922.9000 and Domestic Articles and Wares of Plastics H.S. Code 3924.1000 – 3924.9000.00 [but excluding Baby Feeding bottles 3924.9020.00] and
flushing ceinstern and waterless toos toilets.
15. Rethreaded and used Pneumatic tyres but excluding used trucks tyres for rethreading of sized 11.00 x 20 16. Corrugated Paper and Paper Boards – H.S. Code 4808.1000, and cartons, boxes and cases made from corrugated paper and paper boards H.S. Code 4819.1000, Toilet paper, Cleaning or facial tissue - H.S. Code 4818.1000 - 4818.9000 excluding baby diapers and incotinent pads for adult use 4818.4000.41 and Exercise Books - H.S. Code 4820.2000. 17. Telephone Re-charge Cards and Vouchers – H.S. Code 4911.9900.91 18. Textile Fabrics of all types and articles thereof and Yarn falling under the following H.S. Codes remain  African print [Printed Fabrics] e.g. Nigeria wax, Hollandaise, English Wax, Ankara and similar Fabrics under the following H.S. Codes – 5208.5110 – 5208.5900, 5209.5100 – 5209.5900, 5212.5100, 5212.5100, 5212.2500, 5407.4400, 5407.5400, 5407.7400, 5407.8400, 5407.9400, 5408.2400, 5408.3400, 5513.4100 – 5513.4900, 5514.4100 – 5514.4900, 5516.1400, 5516.2400, 5516.3400, and 5514.4900.00  Carpets and Rugs of all types falling under H.S. Codes 5701.1000 – 5705.0000. But excluding the Following:
 Lace Fabrics, Georges and other embroided Fabrics falling under H.S. Codes 5801.2100 – 5801.9000,  Made-up Garments and other Textile articles falling under H.S. Codes 6101.2000 – 6310.9000.99 19. All types of Foot Wears and Bags including Suitcases of leather and plastics H.S. Codes 6401.1000.11 – 6405.9000.99 and 4202.1100.10 – 4202.9900.99 [but excluding Safety Shoes used in oil industries,
Hospitals, Fire fighting and Factories, Sports Shoes, canvass shoes all Completely Knocked Down
(CKD) blanks and parts
20. Hollow Glass Bottles of a capacity exceeding 150mls (0.15 litres) of a kind used for packaging of
beverages by breweries and other beverage and drink companies – H.S. Code 7010.9021.29 and
21. Used Compressors – H.S. Code 8414.3000, Used Air Conditioners – H.S. Codes 8415.1000.11 – 8415.9000.99 and Used Fridges/Freezers – H.S. Codes 8418.1000.11 – 8418.6900. 22. Used Motor Vehicles above fifteen (15) years from the year of manufacture – H.S. Codes 8703.1000 –
23. Furniture – H.S. Codes 9401.1000.00 – 9401.9000.99 and 9403.1000 – 9404.9000, but excluding Baby
walkers, laboratory cabinets such as microscope table, fume cupboards, laboratory benches (9403),
Stadium Chairs, height adjustments device, base sledge, seat frames and control mechanism, arm
guide and headguides. Also excluded are; skeletal parts of furniture such as blanks, unholstered or
unfinished part of metal, plastics, veneer, chair shell etc. Also excluded are Motor Vehicle seats
(9401.2000.00) and Seats other than garden seats or camping equipment, convertible into beds

24. Ball Point Pens – H.S. Code 9608.1000

Absolute Prohibited Import List - Other than trade
3. All counterfeit/pirated materials or articles including Base or Counterfeit Coin of any Country. 4. Beads composed of inflammable celluloid or other similar substances. 6. Coupons for Foreign Football pools or other betting arrangements. 8. Exhausted tea or tea mixed with other substances. For the purposes of this item, "exhausted tea" means any tea which has been deprived of its proper quality, strength, or virtue by steeping, infusion, decoction or other means. 9. Implements appertaining to the reloading of cartridges. 10. Indecent or obscene prints, painting, books, cards, engraving or any indecent or obscene articles. 12. Matches made with white phosphorous. 13. Materials of any description with a design which, considering the purpose for which any such material is intended to be used, is likely in - the opinion of the president to create a breach of the peace or to offend the religious views of any class of persons in Nigeria. 14. Meat, Vegetables or other provisions declared by a health officer to be unfit for human consumption. 15. Piece goods and all other textiles including wearing apparel, hardware of all kinds' crockery and china or earthenware goods bearing inscriptions (whether in Roman or Arabic characters) from the Koran or from the traditions and commentaries on the Koran. 18. Silver or metal alloy coins not being legal tender in Nigeria. 19. Nuclear Industrial waste and other Toxic waste  Alcoholic bitters, liqueurs, cordials and mixtures admitted as such in his discretion by the Comptroller- General and which are not deemed to be injurious spirits within the meaning of any enactment or law relating to liquor or liquor licensing.  Brandy, i.e. a Spirit Distilled in Grape-growing countries from fermented grape juice and from no other materials and Stored in wood for a period of three years;  Drugs and medicinal spirits admitted as such in his discretion by the Comptroller-General.  Gin, i.e. Spirit- Produced by distillation from a mixed mash of cereal grains only saccharified by the diastase of malt and the Flavoured by redistillation with juniper berries and other vegetable ingredients and of a brand which has been notified as an approved brand by notice in the Gazette and in containers labeled with the name and address of the owner of the brand; or Produced by distillation at least three times in a pot-still from mixed mash or barley, rye and maize saccharified by diastase of malt - and then rectified by re-distillation in a potstill after the addition of juniper berries and other vegetable materials.  Methylated or denatured spirit, i.e. - Mineralized Methylated spirit mixed as follows: - To every ninety parts by volume of spirits nine and one-half parts by volume of wood naphtha and one-half of one part by volume of crude pyridine and to every 455 litres of the mixture 1.7 litres of mineral naphtha or petroleum oil and not less than 0.7 grammes by weight of powdered aniline dye (Methyl violet) and so in proportion for any quantity less than 455 litres; and Industrial Methylated spirit imported under license from the Comptroller-General and mixed as follows: - To every ninety-five parts by volume of spirits five parts by volume of wood naphtha and also one-half of one part by volume of the mixture; and Spirits denatured for a particular purpose in such manner as the Comptroller-General in any special circumstance may permit;  Rum i.e. a Spirit - Distilled direct from sugar-cane products in sugar-cane growing countries; and Stored in wood for a period of three years.  Spirits imported for medical or scientific purposes, subject to such conditions as the Comptroller-General  Spirits totally unfit for use as portable spirits admitted to entry as such in the discretion by the  Whisky, i.e. a Spirit- Obtained by distillation from a mash or cereal grains saccharified by diastase of malt; and Stored in wood for a period of three years.  Containing more than forty-eight and one-half per centum of pure alcohol by volume except denatured, medicated and perfumed spirits, and such other spirits which the Comptroller-General, in his discretion, may allow to be imported subject to such conditions as he may see fit to Impose.  Weapons of any description which in the opinion of the Comptroller-General are designed for the discharge of any noxious liquid, gas or other similar substance and any ammunition containing or in the opinion of the Comptroller- General or adapted to contain any noxious liquid, gas or other similar substances I g – TOGO - L O M E’ (temporarily suspended)

Non negotiable b/l copies:

Dangerous cargo manifest must be submitted to port authority 72 hrs. prior to vessel’s arrival.
Manifest will show full description of the cargo with IMO class, code ….
Same for transit cargo.


Please be advised that from 02/02/01, Togo's shippers' council, the CNCT, requires shippers to produce a
completed cargo tracking form (Bordereau de Suivi de Cargaison - BSC).
A BSC is required for each B/L. This document must be obtained from CNCT's local agents and each BSC must
accompany its corresponding B/L.
The BSC must be mentioned in the Bill of Lading and manifest, and is also applicable for transit cargo to
hinterland destinations.
For foodstuffs, phytosanitary certificate is required.


Banned/Prohibited Goods:
arms and ammunitions, explosives, toxic cargo
Effective from 1/02/2011 Togolese Customs banned the importation of used vehicles with cargo stuffed inside.
In case receiver does not withdraw his cargo after 3 months of arrival date, Port Authority is obliged to start
procedures for selling the goods by auction.
The container will be transferred into customs’ warehouse, the goods will be sold by auction and the empty
container to be returned to the empty depot for repatriation.
Anyway, the line could recover his empty container within 5 months after the discharging date .

ECTN (Electronic Cargo Tracking Note) is required for all cargo destined to Burkina Faso, for cargo covered by
TBL and/or for cargo in transit, discharged in Lomé, Tema or Abidjan.
ECNT number must be mentioned on b/l and manifest.
I i – GHANA - T E M A
TAKORADI (temporarily suspended)
It’s needed to send by ship’s mail one set of “Captain’s Copies” to the Agency and one copy of cargo manifest and 1
set of n/n bills of lading to the Master.
The following documents are needed, both for Tema and Takoradi:
2 copies of BL
2 copies of cargo manifest
- Documents must be submitted to all authorities at least 3 days prior vessels' arrival.
- Late submission of Cargo Manifest to CEPS and Port Authority attracts fines.
There are no particular restrictions on hazardous cargo, except that all such cargo must be delivered direct on
arrival. Also, importantly, Takoradi Port Authorities should be notified of the IMO class of hazardous cargo 72
hours prior to arrival of vessel.


The port of Tema has categorised the dangerous goods into two groups viz. dangerous goods group I and
dangerous goods group II.
Dangerous goods group I consist of goods classified under the following IMDG classes: 1 – 2 – 5 – 7 and
Dangerous goods group II consist of goods classified under the following IMDG classes: 3 – 4 – 6 – 8 – 9
All dangerous goods under group I, whether or not containerised, will be subject to immediate direct delivery.
All dangerous goods under group II where items are containerized, will be received and stored in the port for 5
days only, then will be subject to direct delivery.
Transhipment of group I goods through the port is strictly prohibited.
The importation of IMDG class 7 (group II) into Ghana require special permits issued by the Ghana Atomic Energy
Commission and the Environmental Protection Agency.
All dangerous goods arriving in the port shall be properly manifested. In addition carriers/shippers shall provide
advance notification of all Dangerous Goods arriving at the port using the proper form, which will be filled and
delivered to Fire and Safety Department at least 72 hours ahead of the arrival of the vessel at anchorage.
All dangerous goods delivered to or from the port shall be packaged, marked, labelled and placarded in accordance
with the IMDG goods. All packages should be in sound and safe condition without any risk of leakage or spillage.
Non compliance of above rules will attract fines.


Cargo stuffed inside vehicles:
It must be compulsorily manifested and clearly appear on b/L. Chassis numbers must be clearly indicated.
The responsibility is of receivers.

At Tema port, officially, customs can seize containers after 21 days from discharge from vessel and auction the
Charges are not for Shipping lines, unless they insist to pick up the container and consequently ask for destruction
of goods with the authorization of Port Authorities.
If goods have a strong value, of course Port Authority do not wait for Agents’ request and auction the goods. The
problem appears for poor value of cargo.
For what concerns Takoradi, full import containers have Customs statutory stay of 60 days in port, within which
period importer/consignee is mandated or required to complete the documentation process and clearance.
Since Takoradi Customs has no adequate space, devanning will only be done to the limited state warehouse if
content of units are vehicles, otherwise, items/cargo remain in container till auctioning.
Devanning however is done without cost to Line.

Effective from 1st October 2001 it is compulsory to indicate on all original bills of lading and manifests covering
cargo destined to Ghana (Tema e Takoradi) the I.D.F. (Import Duty Form) number.
Personal effects are not subject to I.D.F.
It will be at Ghanian importer's care to communicate this number to their suppliers/forwarding agents who, in
their turn, will indicate it on bills of lading instructions.
Failing this number, it will not be possible to proceed to shipment.
In order not to be penalized for non declaration of the I.D.F. number, the following clause will be put on each page
of cargo manifest to Tema and Takoradi the following clause:
“The carrier is not responsible for any missing or incorrect I.D.F. number and the responsibility remains with the
Any fines or penalties levied against the carrier are for account of the merchant”.


Imports of cars and vehicles (also if containerised) to Ghana are allowed only if they don’t exceed 10 years of age. It’s possible to import to Ghana overage vehicles (older than 10 years) against payment of a fine by receiver, varying from 2,5 pct. to 50 pct. of the value of the means. In case of doubts, do ask your customers any documents that proves the above, as well as guarantee letters where they relieve from whatsoever responsibility arising from overage vehicles imported to Ghana and engage to pay possible customs fines. The year kept into consideration is the one of construction, not the one of matriculation. To avoid any risk arising from the above, the following clause will be inserted on bills of lading covering cars, vehicles and containers containing cars and vehicles destined to Tema and Takoradi: “Shippers declare that the Line, Ship, Shipping Agent and their Agents are not responsible for fines, penalties and/or any other consequence that may result from erroneously shipping overage vehicles” Import and export restrictions here after attached (from page 20 to page 23). Effective from November 1st 2007 also the importation to Ghana of tomato paste and concentrate are banned. This ban is only valid for import to Ghana and not applicable for inland countries. In case of on-carriages to Niger please note the maximum authorized payload is 2x20’ with total weight 30 tons. 1 - ABSOLUTE IMPORT PROHIBITIONS TO GHANA
Under the laws of Ghana, certain import or export items are either prohibited or restricted. These are: Narcotic Drugs Ammunition imported by post Medicated soap containing Mercuric Iodide Toxic waste Contaminated goods Animals and carcasses infected with disease Plants and seeds infected with pests or disease Foreign soil Beads of inflammable celluloid or other similar substances Raw coffee imported overland or by inland water-ways Counterfeit notes and coins of any country Defamatory, obscene/pornographic materials and similar articles or publications Knuckle dusters Goods bearing fraudulent trademarks or infringing any copyright law Dangerous weapons such as flick and paper knives Drugs imported overland or by inland water ways Goods prohibited by any law in Ghana Importation by containers overland is absolutely prohibited 2 - IMPORT RESTRICTIONS (CONDITIONAL IMPORTS)
With these imports, one needs a permit, licence or certificate from the appropriate organization prior to the importation of the items. Gold Coins, current in the United Kingdom (Licence from Minister of Finance) Rough or uncut diamonds (Licence from Minister of Finance) Arms and ammunition (Permit from Ministry of Interior) All Communication Equipment (National Communication Authority Permit) Drugs (Ministry of Health Certificate/Food and Drugs Board Licence) Cinematography films through any port of entry other than Tema, Takoradi or Accra Airport (Apply to Commissioner of CEPS) Goods bearing designs in imitation of money. (Licence from Minister of Finance) Handcuffs (Licence from Minister of Interior) Machines for duplicating keys (Licence from Minister of Interior) Condensed or evaporated milk containing less than 8% by weight of milk fat and dried or milk powder containing less than 26% by weight of milk fat ( Apply to Commissioner of CEPS) Gambling machines (Ministry of Finance Permit) Live plants and animals (Ministry of Agriculture Permit) Nets and traps for animals (Ministry of Agriculture Permit) Mercury (Permit from Ministry of Trade, Inspector of Mines) African Prints (Wax prints) - to be imported ONLY through the Port of Takoradi. (Permit from Ghana Standards Board) Poultry products (from certain countries) : Ministries of Trade/Agriculture Human remains: (Cause of Death Certificate, Embalmment Certificate and Pathologist Certificate from country of death - To be imported only in a hermetically sealed casket) Textiles (to be imported through Takoradi Port) 3 - PENALTIES ON IMPORTATION OF OVERAGE VEHICLE TO GHANA

Penalties have been introduced and imposed on some category of overage vehicles in addition to any applicable
duties and taxes as follows:

i) Where the age does not exceed 10 years
ii) Where the age exceeds 10 years but does not exceed 12 years
iii) Where the age exceeds 12 years but does not exceed 15 years
iv) Where the age exceeds 15 years

i) Where the age does not exceed 10 years
ii) Where the age exceeds 10 years but does not exceed 12 years.
iii) Where the age exceeds 12 years but does not exceed 15 years.
iv) Where the age exceeds 15 years but does not exceed 20 years
v) Where the age exceeds 20 years

i) Where the age does not exceed 10 years
ii) Where the age exceeds 10 years but does not exceed 12 years.
iii) Where the age exceeds 12 years but does not exceed 22 years
iv) Where the age exceeds 22 years
The age of a motor vehicle shall be calculated from the year in which the vehicle was first manufactured. No person shall import a right-hand steering motor vehicle into the country unless otherwise authorized by the Minister of Finance. Under the current Law (Act 634) any vehicle that remains un-entered and un-cleared within 60 days after discharge or in the case of overland vehicle, from the date it crossed the national border into Ghana shall still be forfeited to the state. 4 - REGULATIONS REGARDING THE IMPORTATION OF NEW VEHICLES TO
With immediate effect, any of the following documents will be required as EVIDENCE OF BONAFIDE OWNERSHIP before vehicles can be cleared from the Port. The documents are: Certificates of Title, Certificates of Origin Certificates of Retail Sales Bills of Sales Any other officially authorized evidence of bonafide ownership. The documents mentioned are easily obtainable in any normal car or truck transaction in most countries. The Customs, Excise and Preventive Service (CEPS) entreats the general public, particularly importers of vehicles and their Clearing Agents to cooperate in this national exercise to salvage the image of our dear Ghana which is being gradually labelled as a DESTINATION POINT FOR STOLEN CARS AND INSURANCE FRAUD ACTIVITIES WITHIN THE INTERNATIONAL COMMUNITY 5 - REGULATIONS ON TREATMENT OF UNMANIFESTED VEHICLES

1. All vehicles that arrive at the ports/entry points un-manifested shall be seized forthwith as mandated by law.
The seizure shall also apply to vehicles that are in transit or transhipment so long as they are unmanifested.
2. Upon seizure, the Service shall carry out thorough investigations in close liaison with other security agencies,
especially Interpol Ghana and international partners.
3. The investigations shall, among other things, establish the following:
a) the make/model of the vehicle
b) the chassis number
c) country of origin/manufacture
d) certificate of title
e) other documentary proof of ownership or possession of the consignor or the exporter. This may include
valid/original invoice, bill of sale, valid insurance document (for used vehicles), duly notarized document of sale or
ownership, etc.
It should be noted that during the period of investigations the importer or consignee would NOT be permitted to
apply to the master of the carrier or its agent to amend the manifest unless the Commissioner specifically allows
4. Where it is established at the end of the investigations that the importer or consignee is entitled to clear the
vehicle, he/she would be permitted upon written application to amend the manifest subject to payment of
pecuniary penalty before clearance of the vehicle.
PART A – ABSOLUTE PROHIBITION 1. Goods prohibited by any law: All goods the exportation of which is prohibited by any law in Ghana. PART B – CONDITIONAL PROHIBITIONS 1. Goods exported contrary to customs laws: All goods not exported in an aircraft or in a steamship except such as may be exported in accordance with any regulations relating to the control of boats or to the exportation of goods overland or by inland waters. 2. Goods regulated by any law: All goods the exportation of which is regulated by any law in Ghana except in accordance with such law. I i – REPUBLIQUE DU BENIN - COTONOU (Temporarily suspended)

Manifests must be presented to Customs one week prior to vessel arrival.
Un-manifested cargo will attract fines and lines will be obliged to load goods back to origin at cost.
Import of used vehicles - The Customs office requires that the first-year-of-use of the vehicle be indicated on
the manifest. This is applicable immediately for all type of used vehicles. This also includes vehicles in transit.
Penalties will apply if these details are omitted.

In case of a Hazardous cargo Agents have to inform port authorities and stevedores by indicating type and
dangerous class (IMO).,
According to the provision of article 2 of the Ministerial Order of the Republic of Benin year 2000, n
004/MTPT/DC/SG/CNCB/SA, and a Ministerial Decree dated 4/1/2010, a cargo tracking note (BSC) has been
established for all cargo unloading in the Cotonou/Benin harbour whatever the final destination.
It can be obtained at destination by receivers.
It is imperative that this note accompanies the cargo, notwithstanding the customs procedure. A penalty shall be
applied at the destination for any cargo that is not covered by this document.
Please note that shippers and forwarders are entirely responsible at destination. The loading of a cargo that is
not covered by a BSC constitutes an offence that exposes them to paying penalties fixed by the regulation in
force in Benin.
For containers: 1 BSC per container is required (previously it was 1 per b/l)
For ro/ro: 1 BSC per vehicle (previously it was per combination of vehicles)
For breakbulk: 1 BSC per 300 tons.
For any further information you can visit the web site: www.phoenix-europe.fr
PRE SHIPMENT INSPECTION A Bivac inspection is compulsory for all cargo loaded for Cotonou discharge except used vehicles. Regarding containers, only cargo exonerated of duties at destination like personal effects are not to be inspected before shipment.
Among many other prohibited products run as follows:
- Millet
- Sorghum
- Arms and Munitions (except if exempted by Ministry of defence)
- Turkey
- used cars (less than 2 ton) of more than 10 years old
- Cigarettes (except if in transit)
- Lydia Ludic (Machinery)


After 4 months stay on terminal, container will pass under custom control for auction without any official notification. For the moment at Cotonou there is no official procedure to get back empty box. Our local Agency is working closely with customs officer to get formal procedure for cargo abandon and empty recovery.

Source: http://www.messinaline.it/wps/wcm/connect/bf957f804ffea7f5968bff60bcf300ba/Handbook+West+Africa+-+Chapter+I.pdf?MOD=AJPERES&CACHEID=bf957f804ffea7f5968bff60bcf300ba


Material Safety Data Sheet for Lithium coin battery Document Number: MCRA100 Note : Blank spaces are not permitted if any item is not applicable or no information is available, the space must be Section II - Hazardous Ingredients / Identity Information Hazardous Components: Description: Section III - Physical / Chemical Characteristics Boiling Point Section IV – Hazard Classifica


ANTRAG Zusammenfassung und HTA-Literatur ASA Assoziation Schweizerischer Ärztegesellschaften für Akupunktur und Chinesische Medizin Sekretariat: Postfach, CH-8575 Bürglen Telefon 071 634 66 19, Telefax 071 634 66 18 E-MaiInterne Zusatzinformationen im Schlussbericht Programm Evaluation Komplementärmedizin PEK: Summary Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) was reimbursed by th

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