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Francesco purrello

Pofessore Ordinario di Medicina Interna presso l’Università di Catania.
Direttore dell’Unità Operativa Clinicizzata di Medicina Interna dell’Azienda
Ospedaliera “Garibaldi” di Catania, Presidio di Nesima

- Nel Febbraio 1979, e nel Giugno-Luglio 1980 presso l'Hospital of Sick Children,
Londra (UK)
, sotto la direzione del Prof. M.A. Preece.
- Dal Luglio 1981 all’ Ottobre 1983 ha lavorato presso il Mount Zion Hospital,
afferente al Dipartimento di Medicina dell’Università di California, San
Francisco (USA)
, sotto la direzione del Prof. I.D. Goldfine.
- Nei mesi di Luglio 1986, Novembre-Dicembre 1987, Giugno-Settembre 1988,
Maggio-Agosto 1990 ha lavorato presso il Dipartimento di Metabolismo ed
Endocrinologia della Vrije Universiteit di Brussel, Belgio
, sotto la direzione del
Prof. D. Pipeleers.

- 1984: Premio Radim della Società Italiana di Endocrinologia.
- 1987: Premio Novo della Società Italiana di Diabetologia (Sez. Sicilia).
- 1990: Premio “Saverio Signorelli” della Società Italiana di Diabetologia
- 1994: Premio Schering della Società Italiana di Endocrinologia
- 1996: Premio SID della Società Italiana di Diabetologia

Socio delle seguenti società scientifiche:
- Società Italiana di Medicina Interna
- Società Italiana di Diabetologia
- European Association for the Study of Diabetes
- American Diabetes Association
- Società Italiana di Endocrinologia

Membro del Comitato scientifico della Società Italiana di Diabetologia negli anni
1995-96, 1997-98 e 1999-2000
Membro del Consiglio Direttivo della Società Italiana di Diabetologia dal 2002 al

Assistente editoriale
della rivista “Il Diabete”, organo ufficiale della Società
Italiana di Diabetologia fina al 2001.
Componente dell'Editorial Board della rivista "Diabetes, Nutrition and
Metabolism" .
Revisore di lavori scientifici
per la riviste:
“Diabetes Care”
“American Journal of Physiology”
"Diabetes and Metabolism Reviews"
"European Journal of Endocrinology
"Journal of Endocrinological Investigation"
"Acta Diabetologica"
"Diabetes, Nutrition and Metabolism" .

Elenco delle pubblicazioni più rilevanti
Purrello F.,Trischitta V.,Runello F.,Vigneri R.
Phenformin has opposite effects on insulin and growth hormone binding Metabolism 31: 1073-76, 1982
Pezzino V.,Trischitta V.,Purrello F.,Vigneri R.
Effect of metformin on insulin binding to receptors in cultured human Diabetologia 23: 131-135, 1982
Purrello F.,Vigneri R.,Clawson GA.,Goldfine ID.
Insulin stimulation of NTPase in isolated nuclear envelope. Science 216: 1005-1007, 1982
Goldfine ID.,Purrello F.,Clawson GA.,Vigneri R.
Insulin binding sites on the nuclear envelope: potential relationship to J. Cell. Biochem. 20: 29-32, 1982
Goldfine ID.,Clawson GA.,Smuckler E.,Purrello F.,Vigneri R.
Action of insulin at the nuclear envelope. Molec. Cell. Biochem. 48: 3-14, 1982
Purrello F.,Burnham D.,Goldfine ID.
Insulin regulation of protein phosphorylation in isolated rat liver nuclear envelopes: potential relationship to mRNA metabolism. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 80: 1189-1193, 1983
Purrello F.,Burnham D.,Goldfine ID.
Anti-insulin receptor antibody and plant lectins mimic the direct effects of insulin on nuclear envelope phosphorylation. Science 221: 462-464, 1983
Sava L.,Delange F.,Belfiore A.,Purrello F.,Vigneri R.
Transient impairment of thyroid function in newborns from an area of J. Clin. Endocrinol. Metab. 59: 90-95, 1984
Goldfine ID.,Iwamoto Y.,Pezzino V.,Trischitta V.,Purrello F.,Vigneri R.
Effects of biguanides and sulphonylureas on insulin receptors in Diabetes Care 7: (54-58, 1984
Goldfine ID, Purrello F, Vigneri R, Clawson GA, Insulin and the regulation of isolated nuclei and nuclear subfractions: potential relationship to Diabetes Metab Rev 1: 1-2, 119-37, 1985.
Purrello F.,Gullo D.,Brunetti A.,Buscema M.,Italia S.,Goldfine ID.,
Direct effects of biguanides on glucose utilization in vitro. Metabolism 36: 774-776, 1987
Purrello F.,Gullo D.,Buscema M.,Pezzino V.,Vigneri R.,Goldfine ID.
Metformin enhances certain insulin actions in cultured rat hepatoma cells. Diabetologia 31: 385-389, 1988
Purrello F.,Vetri M.,Gatta C.,Gullo D.,Vigneri R.
Effects of high glucose on insulin secretion by isolated islets and purified rat beta cells and possible role of glycosylation. Diabetes 38: 1417-1422, 1989
Purrello F., Vetri M., Vinci C., Gatta C., Buscema M., Vigneri R.
Chronic exposure to high glucose and impairment of K+ -channels function in perifused rat pancreatic islets. Diabetes 39: 397-399, 1990
Diabetes Epidemiology Research International (DERI) Study Group. The epidemiology and immunogenetics of IDDM in Italian-heritage Diabetes Metabolism Reviews 6: 63-69, 1990
WHO multinational project for childhood diabetes. Diabetes Care 13: 1062-1068, 1990
Purrello F.,Buscema M.,Vetri M.,Vinci C.,Gatta C.,Forte F.,Rabuazzo MA.,
Glucose regulates both glucose transport and the glucose transporter gene expression in a hamster-derived pancreatic Beta-cell line (HIT). Diabetologia 21: 366-369, 1991
Gullo D.,Rabuazzo A.M.,Vetri M.,Gatta C.,Vinci C,Buscema M.,Vigneri R., Purrello F.
Chronic exposure to glibenclamide impairs insulin secretion in isolated rat J. Endocrinol. Invest. 14: 287-291, 1991
Buscema M.,Vinci C.,Gatta C.,Rabuazzo M.A.,Vigneri R.,Purrello F.
Nicotinamide partially reverses the interleukin-1ß inhibition of glucose-induced Metabolism 41: 296-300, 1992
Rabuazzo AM, Buscema M, Vinci C, Caltabiano V, Vetri M, Forte F, Vigneri R, Purrello F.
Glyburide and tolbutamide induce desensitization of insulin release in rat pancreatic
islets by different mechanisms.
Endocrinology 131: 1815-1820, 1992
Incidence of childhood-onset insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus: the Eurodiab Ace
Study. Lancet 905-909, April 11, 1992
Purrello F, Buscema M, Rabuazzo AM, Caltabiano V, Forte F, Vinci C, Vetri M,
Glucose modulates the glucose transporter affinity, the glucokinase activity, and the secretory response in rat pancreatic islets. Diabetes 42: 199-205, 1993
Buscema M, Rabuazzo A. M., Vinci C., Caltabiano V., Vigneri R., Purrello F..
Different effects of glucose and glyburide on insulin secretion in rat pancreatic islets
pre-exposed to interleukin-1ß. Possible involvement of K+ and Ca2+ channels. Diabetologia 36:
Rabuazzo A, Buscema M, Vinci C, Caltabiano V, Anello M, Vigneri R., Purrello F.
Inhibition of the high-affinity glucose transporter Glut-1 affects the sensitivity to
glucose in a hamster-derived pancreatic beta cell line (HIT).
Diabetologia 36: 1204-1207, 1993
Purrello F, Buscema M.
Effects of inteleukin 1ß on insulin secretion by pancreatic beta cells. Diab Nutr Metab
Vinci C, Caltabiano V, Santoro AM, Rabuazzo AM, Buscema M, Purrello R,
Rizzarelli E,Vigneri R, Purrello F.
Copper addition prevents the inhibitory effects of interleukin-1ß on rat pancreatic
Diabetologia 38:
Rabuazzo AM, Davalli A, Buscema M, Socci C, Caltabiano V, Pontiroli AE, Di
Carlo V, Pozza G, Vigneri R, Purrello F.
Glucose transport, phophorylation and utilization in isolated porcine pancreatic islets. Metabolism 44: 261-266, 1995
Rabuazzo AM, Buscema M, Caltabiano V, Anello M, Degano C, Patanè G, Vigneri R, Purrello F.
Interleukin-1ß inhibition of insulin release in rat pancreatic islets. Possible involvment
of G-Proteins in the signal transduction pathway.
Diabetologia 38:
Purrello F., Pipeleers D.
Transplantation in diabetes: A cell biological problem. J Endocrinol Invest 18: 311-319, 1995
Anello M, Rabuazzo AM, Degano C, Caltabiano V, Patanè G, Vigneri R, Purrello F.
Fast reversibility of glucose-induced desensitization in rat pancreatic islets: evidence
for an involvement of ionic fluxes.
Diabetes 45: 502-506, 1996
Morano S, Sensi M, Pugliese G, Di Gregorio S, Pozzessere G, Valle E, Caltabiano V,
Vetri M, Di Mario U, Purrello F.
Peripheral but not central nervous system abnormalities are reversed by pancreatic transplantation in experimetal diabetes. Eur J Neurosc 1117-1123, 1996
Rabuazzo A M, Patanè G, Anello M, Piro S, Vigneri R, Purrello F.
Hexokinase shift to mitochondria is associated to an increased sensitivity to glucose in
rat pancreatic islets.
Diabetes 1997, 46: 1148-1152, 1997
Pugliese G, Pricci F, Romeo G, Sensi M, Morano S, Pesce C, Lenti E, Caltabiano V,
Vetri M, Purrello F, Di Mario U.
Early but not advanced glomerulopathy in experimental diabetic rats is reversed by
pancreatic islets transplants.
Diabetes 1997, 46: 1198-1206, 1997
Sensi M, Morano S, Morelli S, Castaldo P, Saagratella E, De Rossi MG, Andreani D, Caltabiano V, Vetri M, Purrello F, Di Mario U.
Reduction of advanced glycation end-products (AGE) levels in nervous tissue proteins
of diabetic Lewis rats following islet transplants is related to different durations of
poor metabolic control.
Eur J Neurosc 10: 2768-2775, 1998
Sensi M, Morano S, Valle E, Petrucci AFG, Pozzessere G, Caltabiano V, Vetri M,
Purrello F, Andreani D, Di Mario U.
Effect of islet transplantation on neuroelectrophysiological abnormalities in diabetic
Lewis rats: comparison of primary versus secondary prevention
Transplantation, 68: 1453-59, 1999
Patanè G, Piro S, Anello M, Rabuazzo AM, Vigneri R and Purrello F.
Exposure to glibenclamide increases rat beta cell sensitivity to glucose
British J Pharmacol, 129: 887-892, 2000
Patanè G, Piro S, Rabuazzo AM, Vigneri R and Purrello F.
Metformin restores insulin secretion inhibited by chronic exposure to free fatty acids
or high glucose.
Diabetes, 49: 735-740, 2000
Variation and trends in incidence of childhood diabetes in Europe Lancet 355: 873-876, 2000
Purrello F and Rabuazzo AM.
Metabolic factors that affect beta cell function and survival.
Diabetes Nutrition and Metabolism, 13: 84-91, 2000
Anello M, Ucciardello V, Piro S, Patane G, Frittitta L, Calabrese V, Giuffrida Stella
AM, Vigneri R, Purrello F, Rabuazzo AM.
Chronic exposure to high leucine impairs glucose-induced insulin release by lowering
the ATP-to-ADP ratio.
Am J Physiol Endocrinol Metab. 281: E1082-7, 2001.
Marselli L, Dotta F, Piro S, Santangelo C, Masini M, Lupi R, Realacci M, del Guerra
S, Mosca F, Boggi U, Purrello F. Navalesi R, Marchetti P.
Th2 cytokines have a partial, direct protective effect on the function and survival of
isolated human islets exposed to combined proinflammatory and th1 cytokines. J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 86:4974-8, 2001.
Marchetti P, Lupi R, Federici M, Marselli L, Masini M, Boggi U, Del Guerra S, Patanè
G, Piro S, Anello M, Bergamini E, Purrello F, Lauro R, Mosca F, Sesti G, Del Prato
Insulin secretory function is impaired in isolated human islets carrying the Gly972-Arg IRS-1 polymorphism. Diabetes Diabetes 51:1419-24, 2002
Patane G, Anello M, Piro S, Vigneri R, Purrello F, Rabuazzo AM.
Role of ATP Production and Uncoupling Protein-2 in the Insulin Secretory Defect Induced by Chronic Exposure to High Glucose or Free Fatty Acids and Effects of Peroxisome Proliferator-Activated Receptor-gamma Inhibition. Anello M, Spampinato D, Piro S, Purrello F, Rabuazzo AM.
Glucosamine-induced alterations of mitochondrial function in pancreatic beta-cells: possible role of protein glycosylation. Am J Physiol Endocrinol Metab. 287: E602-608, 2004
Anello M, Lupi R, Spampinato D, Piro S, Masini M, Boggi U, Del Prato S, Rabuazzo
AM, Purrello F, Marchetti P.
Functional and morphological alterations of mitochondria in pancreatic beta cells from type 2 diabetic patients. Diabetologia 48: 282-289, 2005
Cellular and molecular effects of protons: Apoptosis induction and potential implications for cancer therapy. Apoptosis, 2005 Dec 20
Genovese S, Bazzigaluppi E, Goncalves D, Ciucci A, Cavallo MG, Purrello F, Anello
M, Rotella CM, Bardini, G, Vaccaro O, Riccardi G, Travaglini P, Morenghi E, Bosi E,
Pozzilli P.
Clinical phenotype and {beta}-cell autoimmunity in Italian patients with adult-onset Eur J Endocrinol. 2006 Mar;154(3):441-7.

48. Papa G, Fedele V, Rizzo MR, Fioravanti M, Leotta C, Solerte SB, Purrello F, Paolisso
Safety of type 2 diabetes treatment with repaglinide compared with glibenclamide in elderly people: a randomized, open-label, two-period, cross-over trial. Diabetes Care.;29(8):1918-20, 2006
Piro S, Spampinato D, Spadaro L, Oliveri CE, Purrello F, Rabuazzo AM.
Direct apoptotic effects of free fatty acids on human endothelial cells. Nutr Metab Cardiovasc Dis. 2007 Jun 7
Brancato F, Purrello F, Rabuazzo AM.
Molecular determinants of insulin resistance, cell apoptosis and lipid accumulation in
non-alcoholic steatohepatitis.
Nutr Metab Cardiovasc Dis. 2007 Dec 4. [Epub ahead of print]
Effects of n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids in subjects with nonalcoholic fatty liver disease. Dig Liver Dis. 2008 Mar;40(3):194-9. Epub 2007 Dec 4
Therapeutic options for elderly diabetic subjects: open label, randomized clinical trial of insulin glargine added to oral antidiabetic drugs versus increased dosage of oral antidiabetic drugs. Acta Diabetol. 2008 Mar;45(1):53-9. Epub 2008 Jan 8.

Source: http://www.medicina.unict.it/Public/Uploads/links/CV%20F.Purrello%202008(1)(1).pdf


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