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1.: Rob P.M., A. Lebeau, R. Nobiling, H. Schmid, N. Bley, K. Dick, I. Weigelt, J. Rohwer, Y. Göbel, K. Sack,
H.-G. Classen: Magnesium metabolism: Basic aspects and implications of cyclosporine toxicity in rats.
Nephron 72, 59-66 (1996).
2.: Bley N., K. Dick, P.M. Rob, K. Sack: Follow-up measurements of serum, lymphocyte and red blood cell
magnesium concentrations after renal transplantation and cyclosporin treatment with or without magnesium
supplementation. Magnesium Research, im Druck, (1996).
3.: Rob P.M., N. Bley, K. Dick, J. Rohwer, K. Sack: Magnesium deficiency after renal transplantation and
cyclosporine treatment despite normal serum-magnesium detected by a modified magnesium-loading-test.
Transplantation Proceedings 6, 3442-3443 (1995).
4.: Dick K., N. Bley, P.M. Rob, K. Sack: Magnesium deficiency after renal transplantation and cyclosporin
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1.: Bley N., K. Dick, P.M. Rob, K. Sack: Follow-up measurements of serum, lymphocyte and red blood cell
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supplementation. 5th European Magnesium Congress, Wien, 15.-18. 6. 1995.
2.: Bley N., K. Dick, P.M. Rob, J. Rohwer, K. Sack: Verlaufsuntersuchungen der Magnesiumkonzentrationen
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1.: Bley N., K. Dick, P.M. Rob, K. Sack: Follow-up measurements of serum, lymphocyte and red blood cell
magnesium concentrations after renal transplantation and cyclosporin treatment with or without magnesium
supplementation. Magnesium Research Vol. 8 Supplement 1, S. 13 (1995).
2.: Dick K., N. Bley, P.M. Rob, K. Sack: Magnesium deficiency after renal transplantation and Cyclosporin
treatment despite normal serum magnesium concentrations detected by a modified magnesium loading test.
Magnesium Research Vol. 8 Supplement 1, S. 22 (1995).
3.: Rob P.M., N. Bley, K. Dick, K. Sack: Magnesiummangel nach Nierentransplantation und
Ciclosporintherapie bei normalem Serummagnesium. Nieren- und Hochdruckkankheiten 24, 498 (1995).

1.: Rob P.M., N. Bley, K. Dick, R. Nobiling, K. Sack: Einfluß der Magnesiumzufuhr auf das
immunhistochemisch nachweisbare Renin, Natriurese und relatives Herzgewicht bei ciclosporinbehandelten
Ratten. Nordwestdeutsche Gesellschaft für Innere Medizin, 3.2.1995, Hamburg.
2.: Rob P.M., K. Dick, N. Bley, J. Vormann, T. Günther, K. Sack: Magnesium transport in erythrocytes of
patients under peritoneal dialysis compared to haemodialysis treatment. 7th Congress of the International
Society for Peritoneal Dialysis, 18. - 21-6-1995, Stockholm.


P h a s e I I E v a l u a t i o n o f T e m o z o l o m i d e a n d 1 3 - c i s - R e t i n o i c A c i d f o r t h e T r e a t m e n t o f R e c u r r e n t a n d P r o g r e s s i v e M a l i g n a n t G l i o m a : A N o r t h A m e r i c a n B r a i n T u m o r C o n s o r t i u m S t u d y By Kurt A. Jaeckle, Kenneth R. Hess, W.K. Alfred Yung, Harry Greenberg, Howard Fine, David Schi

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District Hospital, Banda (U.P.) email [email protected] Tel. No-05192-220415 Fax No.-05192-220415 Sl. No. Name of Drug Strength Pack Form 1 ANESTHETICS 1-1 General Anaesthetics 1-2 Local Anaesthetics 11 Bupivacaine Hydrochloride in Dextrose Injection 1.3 Pre-Anaesthetic Medication 2 ANALGESIC, ANTIPYRETIC & ANTI-INFLAMMATORY DRUGS 2-2 Non-Steroidal Ant

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