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BTEC First Extended Certificate in Science The effects of medical, social and inherited factors on health
Assignment Title: The effects of medical, social and inherited factors on health.
Scenario: You are a researcher for an independent government company ‘Talk to Fred’ who
specialise in informing 12-25 year olds about various different health factors. You have to create a
presentation on your research findings about medical, social and inherited factors that affect
health. You are to create posters and leaflets to show your research findings which will be available
to schools to use in their student support areas. The information needs to be relevant, up to date
and scientifically correct to give a true representation of the factors.
In order to achieve a PASS grade you need to complete the task below:

Task 1 – P5:
Describe the effect of different internal and external factors on human health. In order to meet this
criteria you need to:
Create a leaflet or poster covering the points below:
1. a. Create a list of the four main microorganisms (bacteria, viruses, protoctists and fungi) and the ways in which they are spread. b. In the leaflet state what a vaccine is and why children / people have to have immunisations. 2. Create a table to show these drugs; cannabis, nicotine, alcohol, solvents, heroin and 3. State what a healthy diet is and what the importance of exercise is. 4. State what an inherited disease is and what an autoimmune disease is and give an example 5. State what a carcinogen is. Reference all work taken from websites with the address and any books used also, with page numbers and book titles.
In order to achieve a MERIT grade, in addition to the requirements for a PASS you need to:

Task 1 – M4:
Explain how selected medical, social and inherited factors disrupt body systems to cause ill health.
In order to meet this criteria you need to:
On the poster or leaflet add these points:
1. a. Give an example of a disease and the symptoms of the disease that each of the above microorganisms (task 1 P5 qu1) can cause, include diagrams of the microorganism. b. Describe what the MMR, HPV and BCG vaccines protect against and explain how they work. 2. State what the long-term effects of cannabis, nicotine, alcohol, solvents, heroin and caffeine are, relating to psychological and physical dependence. 3. Describe what would happen if a person is eating an unbalanced diet and not exercising enough. Refer to the calories being eaten versus the calories being used. Too much 4. Create a table with descriptions and symptoms of multiple sclerosis, cystic fibrosis, rheumatoid arthritis and Crohn’s disease. 5. Describe how sunbathing could lead to skin cancer. Reference all work taken from websites with the address and any books used also, with page numbers and book titles.
In order to achieve a DISTINCTION grade, in addition to the requirements to the PASS and MERIT
criteria you need to:
Task 1 – D3:
Describe the social issues which arise as a result of the selected medical, social and inherited
factors and the illnesses they cause. In order to meet this criteria you need to:
On the poster or leaflet add these points
1. Explain how each of the illness described above (task 2 M3 qu1) can affect a person at work, at home and socially. Also explain the effect to society. 2. Explain how taking the drugs mentioned above can affect a person’s life at work, at home and socially. Also explain the effect to society. 3. Explain how obesity can affect a person at work, at home and socially. Also explain the 4. Explain how an inherited / autoimmune disease affects a person at work, at home and socially. Also explain the effect to society. Reference all work taken from websites with the address and any books used also, with page
numbers and book titles.

Student name _________________ Assessors name____________________ Group ______________ Grading Criteria: Learner feedback (before assessment) Date: Signed Assessor: ___________________________ Date_____________


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