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1. Product- and Company Name


2. Compsition/Information on ingredients

Registered Office: Stuttgart, Registration Court: Amtsgericht Stuttgart HRB 14000 Chairman of the Supervisory Board: Hermann Scholl; Managing Directors: Franz Fehrenbach, Siegfried Dais; Bernd Bohr, Wolfgang Chur, Rudolf Colm, Gerhard Kümmel, Wolfgang Malchow, Peter Marks; Volkmar Denner, Peter Tyroller Important information
The battery should not be opened, heatened above 120°C or burned since the exposition with the ingredients could be harmful under certain conditions. The product contains neither metallic lithium nor lithium alloy. Composition

3. Possible Risks

Not classified as dangerous according the EC-Guideline 1999/45/EG. 4. First aid measures
The batteries are hermetically closed. A risk of exposure can only occur when the cells are mechanically abused. The following first aid measures therefore only refer to the handling in the case of release of the ingredients and not on the use of the battery General information
In case of contact, take off immediately all contaminated clothing. In case of inhalation
In case of damages possible risk of respiratory irritation. Supply fresh air. If disorders In case of skin contact
In case of damages possible risk of skin irritation. In case of skin contact wash off with water and soap. If disorders persist, contact a doctor. In case of ey contact
In case of damages possible risk of eye irritation. In case of eye contact rinse thoroughly with water. If disorders persist, contact a doctor. 5. Fire-fighting measures
Suitable extinguishing material
Extinguishing material that may not be used for safety reasons
Special exposure hazards arising from the substance, combustible products or
resulting gases
Fire fighting measures, rescue works and clearance works with impact of the smouldering fire fumes or fire gases should only be carried out with suitable Additional information
Residues of fires and chemically contaminated water should be disposed in
6. Accidental release measures

Personal precautions
Use personal protective clothing. Avoid skin contact. Environmental precautions
Dispose damaged batteries according pos. 13 of this safety information. Methods for cleaning up/taking up
Soak up with suitable absorbent material and dispose in compliance with the regulations.

7. Handling and storage

Store in well ventilated cool areas. Avoid Overheating, e.g. through incident solar radiation. Protect from air humidity and water.
8. Exposure controls / personal protection

If handled in a suitable way, no personal protective equipment is necessary.
9. Physical and chemical properties

Compact battery pack with plastic shell. The product neither contains metallic lithium 10. Stability and Reactivity

11. Toxicology

No risk if handled reasonable. In case of damages or improper use irritant or sensitizing ingredients may get released.
12. Ecology

No negative ecologic effects are expected, if the product is used and disposed
13. Disposal

Batteries have to be collected separately from other wastes. Avoid short-Circuits during collecting or storing. If damages occur, batteries have to be packed solitary in a Admit to an approved disposal system (e.g. Bosch). Use only approved Containers for EWC Nr. 16 06 05 Other batteries and accumulators
14. Transport information
Land transport (ADR/RID)
The product fulfils the requirements of Special provision 188 of ADR/RID and is therefore, keeping the prescribed quantity limits, excepted from the application of the The product fulfils the requirements of Special provision 188 of the IMDG-Code and is therefore, keeping the prescribed quantity limits, excepted from the application of the Air transport
The product fulfils the requirements of Special provision A 45 of IATA-DGR and is therefore, keeping the prescribed quantity limits, excepted from the application of the Other appropriate information
Disposal of used Lithium batteries according the Multilateral Agreement M 126 (only in the states, who signed this agreement)
15. Other regulations

The product has not to be labelled/classified according the EC-Guidelines 16. Other information

Data do not refer to the use and the regular employing of the product (in this sense consult information on use and on product), but to liberation of major amounts in case The information describes exclusively the safety requirements for the product (s) and is based on the present level of our knowledge. The delivery specifications are contained in the corresponding product sheet.

Source: http://header.bosch.com.cn/web/download/SafetyInfo_en.pdf


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