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Southern Cross seeks digital head
and best use of the newspaper medium are amongthe other categories. Caxton Ctee chair Justin Drape Radio company Southern Cross Austereo is seeking said: "The Caxton Awards is an opportunity to ac- a digital strategy and innovation head - a new role knowledge and celebrate the best ideas being creat- introduced following business development and digi- ed for newspaper platforms in both Australia and NZ." tal head Jeremy Macvean's departure. Macvean was with the company for eight years. Southern Cross Publicis takes BBH ownership
Austereo CEO Guy Dobson said: "For the new role Publicis has bought out British agency BBH, increas- we are seeking a candidate who can drive our digital ing its stake in the company from 49% to 100%. BBH offerings so that we continue to grow in this ever- founders Nigel Bogle and Sir John Hegarty are ex- pected to snare about £40 million in the £140m deal.
Yahoo!7 amps offline audience
Publicis bought its 49% stake in BBH in 2002. Publiciswill buy Brazilian agency Neogama/BBH as part of the Yahoo!7 has partnered with mktg data and technolo- gy company Acxiom to improve its online advtg ser- vices. Yahoo!7 will merge its existing online data with Rinehart lowers Fairfax stake
Acxiom's offline data to create two products - BT Plusand Advtr Database Match - for clients looking to tar- Gina Rinehart has sold 86.5m shares in Fairfax, re- get both online and offline audiences. Yahoo!7 com- ducing her stake in the company from 18.6% to just mercial dir Damon Scarr said: "We're bridging the gap below 15%. Hancock Prospecting chief development between the online and offline worlds in a way that officer John Klepec said the sale was made to resolve allows advtrs to reach consumers based on their an issue concerning the directors & officers insurance wants, needs, likes and, ultimately their purchase be- policy, in the event of a director having a greater than haviour across both worlds." The deal follows Yahoo! 15% shareholding in Fairfax. Klepec said: "This was Inc and Acxiom partnering up in the US.
one of the key issues recently raised by the chair of Fairfax [Roger Corbett] and needed to be resolved by Caxtons call for entries
either the chair authorising endeavours to raise the The Caxtons Ctee has opened its call for entries for 15% limit, which has been able to be reasonably the 38th Caxton Awards which will be held at Hamilton achieved by other companies, or, as also discussed Island in the Whitsundays from October 12 to 14. En- with the chair, by sale of shares so that the largest tries across 23 Caxtons categories are open until Thursday July 26. The awards recognise creativity in Eye unveils custom mag
brand storytelling through newspaper advtg.
Clemenger BBDO Melbourne ECD Ant Keogh is jury Out-of-home media company Eye has launched an chair. Jurors for the awards include DDB ECD Dylan industry magazine designed by Frost featuring Harrison, Euro RSCG ECD Steve Coll and Whybin trends, technology and innovation in the sector.
Sydney ECD Matty Burton. The awards cover digital Naked Communication's Adam Ferrier, Clemenger work appearing on any newspaper site or property, BBDO Melbourne's Ant Keogh and Melbourne Busi- including tablet, mobile or app. Ads in newspaper-in- ness School's Mark Ritson have contributed to the serted magazines are eligible for entry in the product, title. Frost founder and CEO Vince Frost said: "The craft and campaign categories for the first time this out-of-home advtg industry is at a tipping point - there year. Best topical ad, best cross-platform campaign are new possibilities and thirst for innovation is high." Copyright. Reproduction prohibited. Private and confidential information for subscribers only
Copyright waiver enquiries, email editor [email protected]
People moves
board on health and safety issues, plus violence anddiscrimination. ASB conducted the research to gauge • News Ltd's Herald Sun editor Simon Pristel has
possible shifting community views compared to board resigned after four years in the role. Pristel oversaw decisions. ASB CEO Fiona Jolly said: "In almost all the launch of Herald Sun's digital paywall, iPad app cases tested, the research shows the code applies tougher standards than the community itself would • McCann has hired Justine Marino as digital head
apply. This is information that we are pleased to pro- and Joe Hawkins as associate CD. McCann BTL
vide back to the AANA for their general use and their arm MRM has hired Rod Leviton as front end web
ongoing oversight and development of industry codes." ASB will take the research into acct for a 2013 • Sound Alliance commercial dir Ben Shepherd
public awareness campaign. The research also found has left the company. US Sydney GM Ryan
about 42% of people who had been concerned about Bernal has replaced Shepherd in a wider role as
ads, but chose not to make complaints, did so be- MD and will report to CEO Neil Ackland.
cause they thought nothing would happen or it was • Fairfax has promoted Melbourne CEO and pub-
not worth complaining, while 24% believed the pro- lisher David Hoath to COO of its metro divn. The
cess of complaining was too bureaucratic.
COO role will be responsible for the mastheads' day-to-day running. Operations dirs for Sydney, Holden repositions branding
Melbourne and Canberra will be apptd to manage General Motors car brand Holden has launched a day-to-day masthead sections. Fairfax has hired TVC promoting its Volt electric car model that hits the Gautam Mishra as digital media COO for its metro
mkt later this year. Holden mktg dir Simon Carr said the company would move beyond its "Go Better" um- • Experiential agency Chieftan Communications
brella brand positioning used to unify its car advtg has added former G1 Productions event mgr since 2008. Carr said: "We're not just about large cars Michael Frydrych as activations mgr, while former
and as a brand we've got some work to do with the G1 Productions producer David Twyman has
next generation of car buyers to get into their consid- eration set. We're more than the Commodore car • Dubsat has hired former Beam.TV's US VP and
company. Volt offers new technology that buyers may retail head Jake Sharpe as sales dir.
not associate with the Holden brand." • OMD Australia has hired Initiative UK's Tristan
Bentall as direct head, following Sabino Petruc-
Greater targets loyal customers
celli's departure. He starts on October 2.
Great Building Society has launched a campaign cre- Digital agency Komosion has hired former M&C
ated by Loud highlighting its relationship with its cus- Saatchi London technical project mgr Mihir
tomers. The campaign runs across TV, radio, cinema, Rughani to its Sydney team and former Amnesia
online and outdoor. The TVC features key moments Razorfish acct dir Tony Featherstone to snr acct
in people's lives including buying a first car or starting dir in Melbourne. Anton Chemerys joins as tech-
a business. Greater Building Society mktg head Peta nical dir while Stuart Lawrence will oversee project
Davies said: "Our brand has always been profession- al but down-to-earth and fun-loving. Through this FutureBrand Australia has hired Colin Jowell as
campaign we are showing we want to be a close com- MD. Client services dir Sally McNeill has been
panion of our customers, devoted to them and their Snakk Media has apptd Trent Silins as Melbourne
Goodoil launches digital storytelling
• Design and director collective The DMC Initiative
(DMCI) has hired Anne Miles as GM.
Production company Goodoil Films has launched dig-ital production shop Goodstuff, which will house di- rectors and digital specialists. The company will Ad watchdog: differing views
deliver storytelling and digital services under one roof.
The Advertising Standards Bureau (ASB) has found Goodstuff MD Sam Long said: "There is a lack of good its views on certain issues have shifted from that of stories being told in the digital space. Goodstuff has the wider community. The ad watchdog commis- combined storytelling talent with digital specialists sioned research that found the community was more and production expertise to produce new and engag- conservative on strong language matters than ASB ing narrative work." Goodstuff will deliver content board members who adjudicate on complaints. How- through interactive, augmented reality, live action and ever, the community was less conservative than the Copyright. Reproduction prohibited. Private and confidential information for subscribers only Copyright waiver enquiries, email editor [email protected] Leos strengthens Maccas grip
mgmt system for sporting clubs and bodies. Sport-ingPulse CEO and founder Nick Maywald said linking McDonald's has apptd Leo Burnett Sydney to handle with BellvueIT would round out the company's offer- its McCafé and Family accts, previously held by DDB Sydney, which had been the chain's lead agency for "SportingPulse's current strengths lie in the winter more than 30 years. In October 2011, Leo Burnett months when our local sporting portals receive over picked up summer projects for McDonald's. It also three million visits from local sporting participants worked on McDonald's retail business in 2004, before searching for information and advice regarding their the acct was consolidated with DDB in 2007.
sporting season. The addition of BellvueIT's client McDonald's chief mktg officer Mark Lollback said: "As base extends our reach through the summer months a member of our global roster of agencies, we look providing us a strong year-round proposition for our forward to leveraging the Leo Burnett knowledge of customers - participants and advtrs." Yachting Aus- McDonald's to drive these areas of our business.
tralia, Baseball Australia, Gymnastics Australia and We're equally pleased to be continuing work with Equestrian Australia are among BellvueIT's clients.
DDB." 'Inner Child' and 'Name it Burger' are among News Ltd recently increased its share in Sporting- the campaigns Leo Burnett has produced for McDonald's. DDB NZ created the recent McDonald's Olympic campaigns, which centered on the idea Aus- Drug scandal: GSK fined US$3bn
tralians would have to stay up late to watch the British pharmaceutical giant GlaxoSmithKline (GSK) Games when they kick off from July 27. DDB ANZ has been ordered to pay US authorities $US3bn for chair and CEO Marty O'Halloran said: "They promoting drugs fraudulently, in the largest health- [McDonald's] have always been able to tap into the care fraud case in US history. GSK admitted to global roster for specific projects or pillars, as they charges it had promoted antidepressants Paxil and have in the past. We will continue to be the lead agen- Wellbutrin for uses not approved by US regulators, cy for McDonald's and will continue to work with them including treatment of children and adolescents. The in developing great output that drives their business company also conceded it held back data and made unsupported safety claims over diabetes drug Avan- Microsoft writes off online arm
dia, plus cheated the govt's Medicaid program. Paxilis sold in Australia as Aropax. It is illegal for pharma- Technology company Microsoft has written down its ceutical companies in Australia to mkt products di- online advtg unit by $US6.2bn. Microsoft in 2007 paid rectly to consumers via advtg. A GSK Australia $US6.3bn for online advtg business aQuantive, whichsits in its online services divn. Microsoft said aQuan- spokesperson said the local arm endorsed GSK glob- tive would continue to provide tools for its online advtg al CEO Andrew Witty's statement that the company efforts but was unlikely to attract future profitability.
was deeply regretful and had learnt from its mistakes.
The company said it did not expect the write down to Witty said: "Today brings to resolution difficult, long- affect its ongoing business. Microsoft will unveil its standing matters for GSK. Whilst these originate in a latest quarterly results on July 19.
different era for the company, they cannot and will not be ignored. We have a vital role to play in bringing Chrysler plugs 300 model
innovative medicines to patients and we understand Car manufacturer Chrysler has launched a TV spot how important it is that our medicines are appropri- highlighting its American heritage to promote its 300 ately promoted to healthcare professionals and that car model arriving to the Australian mkt. The cam- we adhere to the standards rightly expected by the paign runs across online, TV and outdoor activity. It links to original Chrysler 300 advtg from the 1950s Huggies jointly promotes brands
and 1960s. Fiat Chrysler Grp Australia mktg dir SamTabart said: "The 300 was an American icon devel- Kimberly-Clark this Sunday (July 8) will launch a cam- oped in the 50s and remains iconic today. It's time- paign promoting for the first time both its Huggies less, classic design that's otherwise missing from the nappies and Huggies baby wipes brands together in segment in this mkt." The Chrysler 300 will be avail- an effort to get customers using both products. Cre- able in Australia from September. CumminsRoss cre- ated by Ogilvy, the campaign features 30-second and 15-second TV ads. Print advtg in New Idea and Woman's Day plus baby and parenting magazines SportingPulse ties with BellvueIT
supports the TVCs. Facebook, Twitter, Google+ and Community sporting network SportingPulse has ac- Pinterest are among the social media channels used.
quired BellvueIT, an online membership and content Copyright. Reproduction prohibited. Private and confidential information for subscribers only Copyright waiver enquiries, email editor [email protected] Outdoor advtg revenue up 3%
Melbourne Central hires Naked
The out-of-home advtg mkt attracted 3% growth in the Melbourne shopping centre Melbourne Central has first half of 2012, with sales revenue up from $229m hired Naked Communications Melbourne to handle to $233.5m. Roadside billboards pulled in the largest strategic and creative duties in a two-year contract.
amount of revenue at $86.6m, according to OMA fig- Jane The Agency was Melbourne Central's incum- ures. Street furniture attracted $85.7m, while trans- bent. Melbourne Central GM Justin Shannon said: port gained $35.8m and retail assets brought in "Naked's pitch demonstrated a great strategic ability $27.4m. In the second quarter, the outdoor sector balanced with some unique ideas that will help us saw a 2% revenue increase to $118.1m. OMA CEO achieve our objectives over the next 24 months." Charmaine Moldrich said: "Growth in the second Neo@Ogilvy handles media for Melbourne Central.
quarter of 2012 is a reflection of the industry's ability to weather the vagaries of the mkt. OOH continues to ASIC slams RAMS ad
maintain its position as a channel that is in a space of Financial services regulator ASIC found a RAMS Fi- its own, growing while other mainstream media chan- nancial Grp advtg campaign promoting its online sav- nels are experiencing revenue downturns." ings acct was misleading. The ad, which ran across Apple 'most-loved' brand
online, TV and outdoor, claimed its 5.75% interestrate saver acct included a 0.8% per annum bonus.
Technology giant Apple has trumped Sony asAustralia's most-loved brand, according to mkt re- The campaign failed to disclose customers could not search agency Square Holes. Apple rose from num- make any withdrawals from their accts during the ber two position to first place, while Sony dropped five month in order to achieve the monthly bonus rate.
places to sixth. Cadbury and Holden were second and RAMS has since amended the ad and taken steps to third respectively. Qantas, Toyota, Sony, Ford, Sam- clarify product information with customers. ASIC com- sung, Virgin and Coca-Cola rounded out the top 10.
missioner Peter Kell said: "Ads should give balanced Telstra and Optus, which previously appeared in the information to ensure the overall effect creates real- top 10, are no longer on the list. The research was istic expectations about a financial product or ser- based on an online survey of 1,000 Australians aged 18 to 65. Square Holes MD Jason Dunstone said well- Projects hits LA
loved brands typically carried authenticity and rele-vance as key traits. Dunstone said: "The research Australian creative agency The Projects has found brands with these traits sit most comfortably launched an LA office led by partner Nicholas Ingate.
within the context of Australians' busy lives and pas- In Australia, The Projects has worked with Westfield, sions. There's a world of difference between brands Subway and Network Ten show MasterChef since that just create awareness and those which achieve launching three years ago. Ingate said: "We have a real connection and affinity with people. It's inter- been requested to pitch creative treatments for AT&T, esting to note that each of the top 10 brands were Intel, Walmart, Kia and Paramount. We are excited perceived to have better products than their competi- about growing the business and looking to add to our tors but their communication, service and advtg are viewed as being the same standard. The things driv- ing Australians are a love of their families, and a Editorial team
desire for new experiences, closely followed by a de- Editor: Heather Jennings. Email:
sire for socialising and networking." The research [email protected]. Managing
found people were most likely to engage with brandsdirectly through their websites, followed by Facebook.
Editor: Helen Jones. Product code: 404001950
After initial online research, 78% said they looked tobuy products directly in-store.
Adbrief is published weekly by Thomson Reuters (Professional) Australia Limited and is available by subscription only.
Editorial Enquiries: PO Box 3502, Rozelle NSW 2039 phone 02 8587 7685 fax 02 8587 7876 Subscription Enquiries: phone 1300 304 195 fax 1300 304 196 email [email protected] website Thomson Reuters (Professional) Australia Limited (ABN 64 058 914 668). ISSN 0311-2225 Printed by On Demand Pty Ltd, Southbank Melbourne Vic.
Copyright. Reproduction prohibited. Private and confidential information for subscribers only.


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