Main print brochure
Recent significant R&D and engineering innovations in energy storage technologies in general and in lithium-ion batteries in particular combined with significant achievements in safety and reliability have propelled the technology into a position in the marketplace far exceeding recent market survey results. Breakthroughs in novel battery chemistries, novel electrode and electrolyte materials, system integration for a vast array of mobile and portable applications, from micro medical devices to high-energy/high-power automotive, have paved the roadmap for an emerging market with unlimited potential.
Annual Conference in our Lithium Battery Power series will guide you from technology and materials development through device packaging and integration to applications and safety in a full spectrum of lithium-ion batteries applications currently on the market by exploring the following topics: • Application driven lithium ion battery development • New lithium chemistries for better electrodes and higher LIB performance • Lithium-air / lithium oxygen batteries • Advanced lithium ion battery technologies for higher safety, reliability and performance • From novel materials and components to systems design and integration • Role of nanotechnology in improving power and energy density • Novel electrode and electrolyte materials and technologies for higher power and energy density and battery safety • Special applications (space, military, medical, emergency, backup) • Challenges for LIB manufacturing – automation and scalability while maintaining safety and reliability LithiumSM
Battery Power Call for Sponsors & Exhibitors November 12-13, 2013 • San Diego, CA USA SPONSORSHIP AND EXHIBIT
These “mini” sponsorships offer representatives of your Attendees at this event represent the very top industry, organization a dedicated opportunity to network with government and academic researchers from around the conference delegates — with your organization clearly world and provide an extremely targeted and well- recognized as the host of the event.
qualified audience for exhibitors and sponsors. Your participation as an exhibitor or sponsor is the most cost effective way to gain high quality, focused exposure to these industry leaders. Among other benefits, WORKSHOP SPONSORSHIPS
sponsorship packages include your logo on marketing materials to promote your participation and expose your company to 10’s of thousands of prospects prior to Your company may sponsor an instructional workshop the program - in addition to the highly targeted (subject to approval) for delegates in conjunction with the audience we deliver at the event itself.
conference. Highlight your organization’s expertise! Delegate feedback indicates that these scientific/technical vehicles enhance retention of your organization’s CONFERENCE SPONSORSHIPS
presence in their minds — increasing the potential for drawing customers long after the conference is over. Cal A variety of conference sponsorships are available Craig Wohlers at (617) 232-7400 ext. 205 or email which offer incremental levels of visibility to conference cwohlers @ today for pricing delegates at the event — as well as opportunities for information and customization options.
marketing exposure prior to the event. Taking advantage of pre-conference options has the added benefit of getting your organization’s name out to a LIVE WEBCAST & CONFERENCE
large group of interested decision makers.
Nothing can substitute the benefits derived from
attending Lithium Battery Power 2013. But if your
schedule prevents you from attending, this invaluable resource is available to you. Note: Documentation is
included with conference fee for registered delegates and live and on demand webcasts are available for download.
Take advantage of attending all three key battery industry events Advanced Energy
Advancements in Systems Design, Integration & Testing for Safety & Reliability Congress
3 Key Industry Events
Conveniently Timed
Next Generation
& Co-Located
November 12-15, 2013 • San Diego, CA USA LithiumSM
Tuesday, November 12, 2013
Corp. While the methodology can be applied to produce nanopowders in other applications such as nano-medicine, structural ceramics and others, the initial focus was the development of a scalable production process for making lithium cathode nanopowders. As an example, high energy layered 1:55 Organizer’s Welcome and Opening
lithium-rich lithium nickel manganese cobalt oxide nanopowders were produced by this proprietary synthetic process. Production costs are reduced significantly because of the elimination of 2:00 Roadmap for Next-Generation Batteries
numerous process steps such as, for example, filtration, Cosmin Laslau, PhD, Analyst, Lux Research Inc.
washing, mil ing and classifying, as wel as repeated calcinations used in traditional preparation routes. Contaminations, metal ic Next-generation battery technologies such as lithium-air, or ceramic, are eliminated. Environmental y, the Perfect Lithium lithium-sulfur, and solid-state threaten to disrupt the growing methodology is benign since there is no need for treatment of $20 bil ion Li-ion market. However, advancing Li-ion itself wil neither wastewaters nor exhaust from firing. Furthermore, the present a moving target, as high-voltage cathodes and results from battery cycling tests showed increased performance improved anodes move the performance needle. Lux Research over commercial y available lithium materials. The looked at transportation, consumer electronics, and military nanostructures formed early in the preparative step are retained applications to assess cost, performance, and outlook, and built over 1000 cycles at a high C-rate which indicate structural a roadmap to show which next-generation energy storage stability of the cathode nanopowder. Therefore, these technologies have the best chance of adoption, in which nanopowders produced by the Perfect Lithium methodology have a value-added advantage in cycle life, charge and cost over commercial materials. Physical characterization results such as 2:30 Global Lithium-Ion Battery Market –
surface area, X-ray powder diffraction, porosity, scanning Charging or Discharging
electron microscopy, and tap density wil be presented. Battery Vishal Sapru, Research Manager, Energy & Power
cycling tests wil be given for more than 1000 cycles at high C rate. Five patents have been filed on the process, application, Systems, Frost & Sullivan, Inc.
products, and apparatus; additional patents are underway.
The presentation wil focus on market opportunities for lithium- Achievement of 50% reduction in $/kWh is realizable from ion batteries, with an end-user focus on consumer, industrial, nanopowders produced by this methodology derived from automotive, and renewable energy / grid storage applications.
process cost reductions plus the value-added performance.
The presentation wil highlight the impact of the hybrid and 4:30 Development and Optimization of a Process
electric vehicle slowdown on the lithium-ion battery market, and its potential impact on the renewable/grid storage battery for Producing the Battery Grade LiOH:
business. The presentation wil focus on key chal enges, drivers Optimization of Water and Energy
and restraints, potential market size, and trends, among others.
3:00 The Lithium Ion Battery Market From a
Wilson Alavia, PhD, Researcher, Center for Advanced
Supply and Demand Perspective
Research in Lithium and Industrial Minerals-Celimin,
Universidad de Antofagasta, Chile*
Sam Jaffe, Senior Research Analyst, Navigant
To satisfy the current and future energy demand in Chile, the government is investing in ERNC and energy storage Navigant Research wil launch an advanced battery tracker in the technologies, and specifical y in lithium battery technologies.
third quarter of 2013. The tracker wil fol ow Li-Ion shipments The components of our lithium batteries are fabricated from from factory gate to end use application. It wil cover the LiOH, which is produced from Li CO . In this presentation we automotive, stationary, consumer electronics and other markets.
This presentation wil reveal initial results of the tracker, including wil discuss development and optimization of a process for fabrication of LiOH battery grade from Li market sizing and forecasting for each major sub-market.
metal urgic process simulator Metsim. We have determined the 3:30 Networking Refreshment Break, Exhibit/Poster optimal conditions to produce the battery grade LiOH and to reduce water and energy consumption. *In col aboration with: 4:00 High Performance Lithium Cathode
5:00 Coupling Lithium Ion Battery Thermo-
Nanopowders Prepared by a Novel
Electrochemical Models with Orbital-
Thermal Analysis Software for Space
Teresita C. Frianeza-Kullberg, PhD, Co-CEO, CTO,
Perfect Lithium Corp., Canada
William Walker, Researcher, NASA Johnson Space
A novel universal methodology suitable for large scale industrial production of nanopowders was invented by Perfect Lithium Lithium-ion batteries (LIBs) are replacing some of the Nickel 1998-2013, The Knowledge Foundation. Program and Speakers subject to change as warranted by market circumstances LithiumSM
Metal Hydride (NiMH) batteries on the International Space Wednesday, November 13, 2013
Station. Knowing that LIB efficiency and survivability are highly influenced by the effects of temperature, this study focused on coupling orbital-thermal analysis software, Thermal Desktop 8:00 Exhibit/Poster Viewing, Coffee and Pastries (TD) v5.5, with LIB thermo-electrochemical models representing the local heat generated during charge/discharge 9:00 Outlook for Li-Ion Batteries in
cycles. Before attempting complex orbital analyses, a simple Transportation
sink temperature model needed development to determine the Ralph Brodd, PhD, President, Broddarp of Nevada
compatibility of the two techniques. LIB energy balance equations solved for local heating (Bernardi’s equation) were The talk wil summarize the recent NRC publication "Transitions used as the internal volumetric heat generation rate for native to Alternative Vehicles and Fuels." The time line for introduction geometries in TD. The sink temperature, various environmental and the main factors control ing the transitions electrified parameters, and thermophysical properties were based on transportation wil be discussed. The study included a those used in a previous study for the end of 1, 2, & 3 Coulomb comparison of fuel cel , battery powered and hybrid vehicles as wel as alternative fuels, such as ethanol, etc.
(C) discharge cycles of a 185 Amp-Hour (Ah) capacity LIB. The TD model successful y replicated the temperature vs. depth of 9:30 Intelligent Battery Design Toolbox
discharge (DoD) profiles and temperature ranges for al Bor Yann Liaw, Hawaii Natural Energy Institute,
discharge and convection variations with minimal deviation. In University of Hawaii at Manoa
this study, we successful y developed the capability of programming the logic of the variables and their relationship to We have recently developed a mechanistic model as a battery DoD into TD. This coupled version of orbital thermal analysis design toolbox that can emulate “what if” scenarios to predict software and thermo-electrochemical models provides a new battery performance and life under various duty cycle generation of techniques for analyzing thermal performance of requirements. Based on half-cel data, we can compose metrics for cel performance by matching electrode loading and loading ratio batteries in orbital-space environments.
to construct different configurations for performance and life 5:30 Power Conversion System Architectures for
prediction. This unique capability wil al ow the user through simple Grid Tied Energy Storage
design panel to estimate various “what if” criteria to design the cel with the performance and life in mind. The presentation wil explain Kyle B. Clark, Engineering Manager,
the approach and utility offered by this model and toolbox.
Advanced Systems, Dynapower
10:00 Charging Li-Ion Batteries with Wireless
The Power Conversion System (PCS) for Grid Tied Energy William von Novak, Principal Engineer, QUALCOMM
Storage applications is an integral component to system performance. The PCS provides the function of control ing the Wireless charging for portable devices is becoming more power flow and conversion of AC to DC and DC to AC electrical popular, with several competing technologies currently on the power between the storage medium and the grid. Currently market. Each has its drawbacks and benefits, and each presents different chal enges for charging of lithium ion there are various fundamental conversion topologies employed batteries. Integration of the battery with common PMIC's including, single-stage and multi-stage converters, standard (power management IC's) and portable device chipsets three-legged IGBT based inverters, line commutated inverters presents design chal enges to the power system designer, and multi-level inverters. Each of these wil be reviewed and the including issues during dead battery startup and charge efficiency, cost drivers and merits examined. Specific termination. This talk wil provide an overview of the various application topics wil include: single phase systems, three types of wireless charging, along with their relative benefits and phase systems, low voltage and medium voltage drawbacks, and wil present some specific test results for interconnection, islanding methods, battery string voltage, charging on a loosely coupled system. It wil also present some output power quality assurance, protection mechanisms, general guidelines for designing wireless power systems to be isolated and non-isolated systems, IEEE1 1547 and UL1741 compatible with lithium ion battery systems.
requirements and PCS controls. This presentation provides an overview of various PCS topologies and control structures 10:30 Networking Refreshment Break, Exhibit/Poster employed in energy storage applications with associated advantages and disadvantages. The audience is expected to understand the basic purpose of the PCS; a prior detailed 11:00 Presentation title to be confirmed
technical knowledge is not necessary. In closing the Rachid Yazami, PhD, Professor, School of Materials
presentation wil discuss recent trends in the development of Science and Engineering, Nanyang Technological
grid tied energy storage PCS technology.
University, Singapore
Abstract not available at time of printing. Visit for the latest Program updates 1998-2013, The Knowledge Foundation. Program and Speakers subject to change as warranted by market circumstances LithiumSM
11:30 Microfiber/Nanofiber Battery Separators
(primary, secondary, aqueous, non-aqueous). In this talk, I wil Brian Morin, President and COO, and Justin Pardi,
discuss our latest discovery, a copper fluoride-based conversion Dreamweaver International
electrode with excel ent rate capability (95% capacity at 1C, 20 µm electrode), energy density (3,000 Wh/L), voltage hysteresis Current stretched porous film battery separators for lithium ion batteries are thin, strong, and provide a good barrier between electrodes, at the cost of having very high internal resistance 2:30 Laser-Induced 3D Structures in Laser-
and low ionic flow. In this work, linear nanofibers and Printed LiFePO4 Cathodes for Highly
microfibers are combined in wet laid nonwoven processes to Flexible Production of Li-Ion Batteries
give separators that are strong and thin, but have higher porosity (60%) and much higher ionic flow. Batteries made with Johannes Proell, Researcher, Laser Material
these separators are able to give similar performance at much Processing Group, Institute for Applied Materials
higher electrode coat weights, reducing the surface area of both (IAM-AWP), Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT),
current col ectors and separator and also the volume of electrolyte needed. Total mass reduction can be as high as 20% Since LiFePO is a promising cathode material due to its high (1.3 kg/kWh), with raw material cost savings of over 25% ($55/kWh). Volume savings are 0.5 liters/kWh. Batteries made safety issues and specific capacity, it suffers from poor Li-ion with similar construction show much higher charge and diffusion. In order to overcome these drawbacks, LiFePO has discharge rate capability. Temperature stability is also been laser-printed onto aluminum foil. This process enables improved, from a current stability temperature of about 110˚C highly porous structure and intrinsic active surface area. Further up to 175˚C. Applications include al power source applications improvement of the cycling behavior is achieved by 3D surface that require high energy density, high power, high temperature structures formed by a laser structuring process. The stability, including cel phones, laptop and tablet computers, combination of both techniques al ows for novel cathode power tools, and electric and hybrid vehicles.
architectures with flexible design and improved lifetime.
12:00 Lithium-Ion Battery Formation Process
3:00 Development of LiFePO Cathode Materials
Development through Novel Thermal
with High Quality and Consistent
Jeff Xu, PhD, Principal Scientist, Powertrain Controls,
George Ting-Kuo Fey, PhD, Bettery Energy
Engine & Vehicle R&D Department Southwest
Technology Inc., Taiwan R.O.C.
Research Institute
The work team of Battery Energy Technology (BET) Inc. combined An important step often overlooked or rarely investigated in a number of modification techniques in the fabrication processes for lithium-ion battery manufacturing is the formation process. The high quality lithium iron phosphate. The sources of raw materials formation process is the first ful charging cycle of a lithium ion and the synthesis procedure were careful y control ed for the mass battery, which activates the cel s before the lithium-ion cel s can production of LiFePO with good reproducibility. In this work, the be used. The presentation wil focus using novel thermal ef ects of purity and stoichiometric compositions of iron raw measurement tool to monitor heat profile during the first materials on the electrochemical performance are presented. We charging/discharging cycle of new cel s. The novel formation wil show our latest work in the consistency of performance of 1.5 protocol can thus be developed to determine the impact of the tons of LiFePO cathode materials by measuring the capability Lithium-ion battery formation process on battery performance process of key characteristics (C ).
such as capacity, cycle life, and safety.
3:30 Requirements for the Transportation of
Lithium Batteries
2:00 Discovery of High Power and High Energy
Rich Bysczek, Global Technical Lead for Electric
Conversion Electrode for Lithium-Ion
Vehicle and Energy Storage, Intertek
New United Nations (UN) regulations regarding the Steven Kaye, PhD, Chief Scientific Officer, Wildcat
transportation of lithium batteries recently went into effect and Discovery Technologies
were adopted by other global regulatory bodies. To avoid product launch delays and begin earning revenue faster, Wildcat Discovery Technologies has developed a high throughput manufacturers must be aware of these requirements and how synthesis and screening platform for battery materials. Wildcat’s they affect their business. During this presentation we wil system produces materials in bulk form, enabling evaluation of its discuss the updated national and international standards properties in a standard cel configuration. This al ows required for transporting lithium batteries.
simultaneous optimization of al aspects of the cel , including the active materials, binders, separator, electrolyte and additives.
4:00 Site Visit to
Wildcat is using this high throughput system to develop new Wildcat Discovery Technologies, Inc.
electrode and electrolyte materials for a variety of battery types 1998-2013, The Knowledge Foundation. Program and Speakers subject to change as warranted by market circumstances


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