Potentially inappropriate medications and functional decline in elderly hospitalized patients
Potentially Inappropriate Medications and Functional Decline inElderly Hospitalized Patients
Andrea Corsonello, MD,Ã Claudio Pedone, MD, Fabrizia Lattanzio, MD,Ã Maria Lucchetti, ScD,ÃSabrina Garasto, ScD,Ã Massimo Di Muzio, ScD,Ã Sergio Giunta, MD,Ã Graziano Onder, MD,zAngelo Di Iorio, MD,§ Stefano Volpato, MD,k Francesco Corica, MD,# Chiara Mussi, MD,ÃÃ and
Raffaele Antonelli Incalzi, MD, ,ww on behalf of the Pharmacosur Veillance in the Elderly Care Study Group
OBJECTIVES: To verify whether the use of potentially in-
95% CI 5 1.50–10.5 for the loss of !3 ADLs), but PIMs
appropriate medications (PIMs) is associated with loss of
independence in elderly in-patients by promoting adverse
CONCLUSIONS: ADRs to any drugs more than the use of
PIMs might be associated with functional decline in elderly
DESIGN: Prospective observational study.
hospitalized patients, but because the power of this study
PARTICIPANTS: Five hundred six patients aged 65 and
was too limited to definitively exclude a direct relationship
older admitted to 11 acute care medical wards.
between PIMs and functional decline, this merits further
MEASUREMENTS: In-hospital loss of one or more activ-
investigation. J Am Geriatr Soc 2009.
ities of daily living (ADLs) and three or more ADLs. PIMswere identified according to diagnosis-independent Beers
Key words: potentially inappropriate medications; Beers
criteria and ascertained by study physicians based on daily
criteria; functional decline; adverse drug reactions
review of medical and nurse records. The relationship be-tween risk factors and outcomes was assessed using logisticregression. RESULTS: Overall, 104 patients (20.6%) were taking atleast one PIM at the time of admission (baseline users), and49 (9.7%) were newly prescribed at least one PIM duringtheir hospital stay. The loss of one or more ADLs occurred
Functional decline is frequent in elderly hospitalized pa-
tients,1 and the loss of physical function predicts wors-
in 9.6% of baseline users, 16.3% of new users, and 8.5% of
ening quality of life and increasing morbidity and mortality
nonusers (P 5.21) and that of three or more ADLs in 7.7%
and has relevant social and economic implications.2 Older
of baseline users, 12.2% of new users, and 4.8% of non-
patients are particularly exposed to the risk of developing
users (P 5.10). The lack of association was confirmed after
new functional deficits during hospitalization;3 thus, the
correction for potential confounders, including ADRs. The
identification of factors contributing to the development of
occurrence of ADRs was strongly associated with both
functional decline during a hospital stay is a relevant goal in
outcomes (odds ratio (OR) 5 7.80, 95% confidence interval
geriatric clinical practice. The use of potentially inappro-
(CI) 5 3.53–17.3 for the loss of !1 ADLs; OR 5 3.98,
priate medications (PIMs, i.e., of drugs with a particularlyhigh risk of adverse drug reactions (ADRs) in frail hospi-talized elderly people)4 might be among these factors. It has
From the ÃItalian National Research Centers on Aging, Ancona and Cosenza,
been demonstrated that in home-dwelling elderly subjects,
Italy; Department of Geriatrics, University Campus BioMedico, Rome, Italy;
chronic use of PIMs is associated with impaired physical
zDepartment of Gerontology, Geriatrics and Physiatry, Catholic University of
performance and greater rate of hospitalization.5,6 Accord-
Sacred Heart, Rome, Italy; §Department of Medicine and Sciences of Aging,Laboratory of Clinical Epidemiology, University G. D’Annunzio, Chieti,
ingly, limiting PIMs might be valuable not only from the
Italy; kDepartment of Clinical and Experimental Medicine, Section of
perspective of preventing ADRs. Criteria identifying PIMs
Internal Medicine and Geriatrics, University of Ferrara, Ferrara, Italy;
in elderly people were developed in 1991 for use in the
Department of Internal Medicine, University of Messina, Messina, Italy;
elderly nursing home population7 and were subsequently
Unit of Geriatric Medicine, S. Agostino Estense Hospital, University of
expanded and made generalizable to the whole population
aged 65 and older in 19978 and revised in 2002.9 Previous
Address correspondence to Andrea Corsonello, Viale della Resistenza Pal,
investigations reported on the extensive use of PIMs in older
Alfa Scala H, I-87036 Rende (CS), Italy. E-mail:
populations in various settings, with a prevalence ranging
from 12% to 40%,10–15 but the clinical relevance of PIM
r 2009, Copyright the AuthorsJournal compilation r 2009, The American Geriatrics Society
use in elderly in-patients has been assessed only with regard
Ninth Revision, Clinical Modification.19 Information
to outcomes such as in-hospital ADRs and mortality but not
about destination at discharge and evolution of the main
with regard to the risk of functional decline.14,15 The ev-
diagnosis was also collected. For drugs taken during the
idence pertaining to home-dwelling elderly people5 and the
stay, to establish the duration of the therapy and which
dramatic effect a hospital stay has on personal capabilities16
drugs were administered simultaneously during hospital-
makes this outcome worthy of assessment in hospitalized
ization, the starting and ending dates of therapy were re-
corded. If the dosage was modified, the name of drug,
It was hypothesized that inappropriate drug use is as-
the new dosage, the initiation and discontinuation dates of
sociated with greater risk of loss of personal independence
the new dosage, and the main reasons that determined the
in elderly hospitalized patients, and the objective of this
modification of the therapy were also recorded.17 The list of
study was to evaluate whether this relationship exists and, if
drugs prescribed at discharge was also collected.17
so, whether a greater incidence of ADRs mediates it.
Part DFComprehensive geriatric assessment: Mini Men-
tal State Examination (MMSE),20 Geriatric Depression Scale(GDS),21 activities of daily living (ADLs) and instrumental
ADLs,22–24 Cumulative Illness Rating Scale (CIRS),25 presence
of pressure sores, urinary incontinence, fecal incontinence, use
The present study used data from a collaborative observa-
of urinary cathether, clinical history of falls, syncope, dizziness,
tional study group, the PharmacosurVeillance in the elderly
blood pressure, heart rate, body temperature, weight, height,
Care, based in community and university hospitals located
waist circumference, weight loss in the previous 3 months.
throughout Italy, aimed at surveying drug consumption,
Part EFADRs: An ADR was defined according to the
occurrence of adverse drug reactions, and quality of
World Health Organization definition, which refers to any
hospital care. The main objective of the study was to in-
noxious, unintended, and undesired effect of a drug that
vestigate the prevalence and correlates of potentially inap-
occurs at doses used in humans for prophylaxis, diagnosis,
propriate prescribing in elderly hospitalized patients and to
or therapy. This definition excludes therapeutic failures,
measure its effect on short-term and 1-year clinical out-
intentional and accidental poisoning (i.e., overdose), drug
abuse, errors in drug administration, and nonadherence.26
All patients consecutively admitted to the participating
The study physicians evaluated the participants on each day
wards (11 acute care medical wards and 3 long-term care
of their hospital stay for new potential ADRs. They were
and rehabilitation units) from April 1 to June 30, 2007,
instructed to check the medical chart and new laboratory
were asked to participate in the study. After obtaining writ-
analyses and to ask the nurse, the attending physician, and
ten informed consent, a study physician with specific train-
the participants themselves for any new event, regardless of
ing completed a questionnaire for each patient at admission
its apparent relation to the drugs prescribed. The decision as
to the hospital and updated it daily. A training session was
to whether to consider the new event an ADR was left to
conducted at the coordinating center, and an instruction
their judgment. For each suspected ADR, the study physi-
manual was delivered to each clinical center. In particular, the
cian coded clinical description, severity, and eventual evo-
training covered all of the components of the assessment (see
lution. In addition, he collected detailed information about
Data Recorded Included parts A–E, below), with special em-
the drug(s) identified as the potential culprit. The attending
phasis on how to detect ADRs (on the logical process under-
physician rated the severity of each ADR as mild (the with-
lying the interpretation of a new clinical event as a potential
drawal of the suspected drug was not necessary), moderate
ADR). Researchers judged simulated clinical cases under the
(the withdrawal of the suspected drug was necessary, but
guidance of two senior researchers (CA, PC). The training
the ADR was not life threatening), or severe (life-threaten-
lasted until the achievement of good interrater agreement in
ing ADR).17 The researcher was not aware of the analysis to
the identification and coding of ADRs and diagnoses.
be performed using the recorded data.
Part FFLaboratory parameters: Routine blood anal-
yses performed at the time of admission and at discharge.
Once discharged, patients were followed up every 3
Part AFDemographic and pre-admission data: Age, sex, ad-
mission diagnosis, place of living information, marital status,
Overall, 762 patients were screened in the survey pe-
years of education, number of hospital admission in the pre-
riod, but 72 (9.4%) refused to participate, leaving a final
vious 12 months, family arrangement, alcohol consumption,
sample of 690. Twenty-five patients who died during hos-
smoking habits. For drugs taken before admission, patients
pital stay were excluded from the present study, as were
were asked to display the drug containers and the physician’s
patients enrolled in long-term care or rehabilitation units
instructions. For cognitively impaired patients, this informa-
(n 5 159), leaving a final sample of 506 patients for the
tion and those about adherence were checked through the
analysis. The present study used only data collected from
patient’s relatives or caregivers.17 Drugs were coded accord-
admission to discharge from the hospital. The Ethical
ing to Anatomical and Therapeutical Classification.18
Committee of the Italian National Research Center on Ag-
Part BFSocioeconomic status: Occupation before re-
ing (INRCA) approved the study protocol.
tiring, economic status, need of economic help for healthproblems, formal and informal assistance.
Part CFClinical problems: Diagnoses and diagnostic
procedures performed during stay coded by the trained
The main outcome of the present study was the loss of
physician using the International Classification of Disease,
physical independence in completing ADLs. Overall func-
tional capabilities were rated using a seven-item (transfer-
ADRs could mediate the effects of PIMs on functional sta-
ring, ambulation, dressing, eating, toileting, bathing, and
tus. All drugs causing ADRs in the database were also re-
continence) ADL scale22,24 at admission and discharge.
viewed, and the relationship between increasing number or
Performance on individual tasks was scored according to
severity of ADRs and functional decline was investigated.
the five levels of difficulty recommended by the World
All statistical analyses were performed using SPSS soft-
Health Organization: without difficulty, with difficulty but
ware (version 10.0; SPSS Inc., Chicago, IL).
without help, help for only part of the activity, help for totalactivity, and not able to perform.27 For each ADL item,needing help for total activity or being not able to perform it
was considered to indicate loss of the explored function. To
Overall, 104 of 506 patients (20.6%) were taking one or
investigate the relationship between exposure to PIMs and
more PIMs at the time of admission, and 49 (9.7%) were
different degrees of functional impairment, two different
newly prescribed one or more PIMs during their hospital
outcome variables were defined: loss of one or more ADLs
stay. The prevalence of baseline and newly prescribed drugs
and loss of three or more ADLs from admission to dis-
listed in the Beers criteria is reported in Figure 1. Of them,
the most frequently used at the baseline was ticlopidine,
PIMs were identified according to the diagnosis-inde-
followed by doxazosin, amiodarone, and ferrous sulfate.
pendent 2003 revision of the Beers criteria.9 Patients who
The most frequently newly prescribed PIMs were ticlopi-
were already taking a PIM at admission (baseline users) and
dine, long-acting benzodiazepines, ferrous sulphate, and
those who started a PIM during their hospital stay (new
Baseline users of PIMs were younger but had greater
cumulative comorbidity and clinical severity scores andwere more frequently affected by hypertension, stroke, and
chronic cerebrovascular disease than nonusers. New users
According to the basic hypothesis, the occurrence of any
had a greater prevalence of depression and a lower prev-
ADR during hospital stay was considered as a potential
alence of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease than non-
correlate of the outcomes. Based on the available literature,
users. ADRs occurred in 14.4% of baseline users and in
the following potential correlates were also considered:
16.3% of new users (Table 1). The loss of one or more
anthropometric and sociodemographic data (age, sex, body
ADLs occurred in 9.6% of baseline users, 16.3% of new
mass index, smoking habit, alcohol consumption), history
users, and 8.5% of nonusers (P 5.21), and that of three or
of falls during the previous year and occurrence of falls
more ADLs in 7.7% of baseline users, 12.2% of new users,
during the hospital stay, health status indexes (level of per-
sonal independence in ADLs at admission, cognitive im-
In the logistic regression analysis, the use of PIMs was
pairment as ascertained based on an age- and education-
not independently associated with loss of one or more or
adjusted MMSE score o24, and depressed mood (GDS
three or more ADLs. After also adjusting for the occurrence
score 45)), selected comorbid conditions (diabetes melli-
of any ADR during the hospital stay, the association be-
tus, hypertension, coronary artery disease, atrial fibrilla-
tween baseline or new use of PIMs and functional decline
continued to be nonsignificant (Table 2).
pulmonary disease, peripheral vascular disease, stroke or
According to the fully adjusted model, the following
transient ischemic attack, chronic cerebrovascular disease,
variables qualified as independent correlates of the out-
renal failure, and malignancies), and CIRS comorbidity and
comes or were close to the threshold of significance: the
severity scores. The overall number of drugs, excluding
occurrence of ADRs (odds ratio (OR) 5 7.80, 95% CI 5
PIMs, and the length of hospital stay were calculated and
3.53–17.3 for the loss of !1 ADLs; OR 5 3.98, 95%
CI 5 1.50–10.5 for the loss of !3 ADLs), age (for each 1-
First, the prevalence of the use of PIMs in the popu-
year increase: OR 5 1.11, 95% CI 5 1.05–1.18 and
lation studied was calculated, and baseline users of one or
OR 5 1.11, 95% CI 5 1.03–1.18, respectively), CIRS
more PIMs and new users were compared with nonusers.
comorbidity score (OR 5 1.21, 95% CI 5 0.98–1.50 and
Contingency tables with chi-square were used for categor-
ical variables and one-way analysis of variance for contin-
number of drugs excluding PIMs (OR 5 1.05, 95%
uous variables. Age, sex, and variables significantly
CI 5 0.99–1.11 and OR 5 1.07, 95% CI 5 0.99–1.15, re-
distinguishing users from nonusers at Po.1 were entered
spectively). Chronic cerebrovascular disease (OR 5 2.82,
into the multivariable logistic regression model to identify
95% CI 5 1.18–6.77) was significantly associated with the
independent correlates of the outcomes. Functional status
loss of one or more ADLs, whereas the number of lost ADLs
at admission was also considered as a potential confounder.
at admission was negatively associated with the loss of three
The number of drugs used during the hospital stay exclud-
or more ADLs (OR 5 0.76, 95% CI 5 0.60–0.97).
ing PIMs was also entered into the final multivariable mod-
Patients experiencing an ADR during their hospital
els, given that polypharmacy is known to be associated with
stay were more likely to be female (72.4% vs 52.0%,
ADRs.28 The presence of collinearity between variables en-
P 5.003) and cognitively impaired (62.1% vs 49.1%,
tered in the final regression model was excluded by assess-
P 5.06), used a greater number of drugs (15.2 Æ 7.9 vs
ing the effect of individual variables on the standard error of
9.9 Æ 4.8, P 5.001), had greater overall comorbidity (CIRS
regression coefficients, as reported by Hosmer and Leme-
comorbidity score 4.5 Æ 1.8 vs 3.6 Æ 1.9, P 5.001), and
show.29 This analysis was repeated including the occurrence
more frequently had congestive heart failure (37.9% vs
of any ADR during the hospital stay to verify whether
20.3, P 5.002) and renal failure (27.5% vs 14.5%,
Baseline use
Figure 1. Prevalence of baseline (upper panel) and new (lower panel) use of potentially inappropriate medications. ÃExcept when usedto control atrial arrhythmias. ÃÃExcept phenobarbital when used to control seizures.
P 5.011). Of the 58 patients experiencing one or more
with the loss of three or more ADLs. Although, as expected,
ADRs during their hospital stay, 29 had a single ADR, 17
ADRs were strongly correlated with the outcome, drugs
had two ADRs, and 12 had three or more ADRs. The di-
considered inappropriate caused few of them (6/106), in-
agnosed ADR was judged to be moderate to severe in 22 of
dicating that the ADRs, more than PIMs, could be associ-
58 patients (37.9%). The greater the severity of ADRs, the
greater likelihood of experiencing a functional loss during
These data are in contrast with others showing an as-
the hospital stay, whereas having two or more ADRs was
sociation between use of PIMs and disability.5,30 The most
associated only with loss of three or more ADLs (Table 3).
likely explanation for this discrepancy lies in the fact that
When reviewing drugs causing ADRs in the database, it
those studies were cross-sectional, and some of the Beers
was found that only a minority of ADRs could be ascribed
drugs might simply be more frequently used in frail patients.
In the current sample, for example, patients prescribedBeers drugs were more frequently affected by stroke andother cerebrovascular diseases. Furthermore, ticlopidine,
the most used of the Beers drugs in this study, was usually
This study shows that the use of PIMs, as ascertained based
prescribed to patients with a greater atherosclerotic burden;
on Beers criteria, is not associated with decline in personal
two or more cardio- or cerebrovascular conditions were
capabilities in elderly patients in acute care medical wards,
found in 86.8% of ticlopidine users, versus 60.3% in non-
even if the data suggest that some correlation might exist
users, (Po.001). This further supports the possibility that,
Table 1. Sociodemographic and Clinical Characteristics of Patients According to the Use of One or More PotentiallyInappropriate Medications (PIMs)
Alcohol consumption 40.5 L wine equivalent, %
Number of lost activities of daily living at admission,
mean Æ SDGeriatric Depression Scale score 45, %
Mini-Mental State Examination score o24, %
Cumulative Illness Rating Scale score, mean Æ SD
History of falls during the previous year, %
Number of drugs during stay (excluding PIMs),
mean Æ SDAny adverse drug reaction during stay, %
in previous studies, Beers drugs might be associated with
Table 2. Relationship Between Use of Potentially Inap-
disability as a marker of an at-risk condition rather than
propriate Medications (PIMs) and Functional Decline
The strong association between ADRs and functional
decline adds to the knowledge of the spectrum of ADR-
related negative outcomes. Although ADRs might also be a
marker of frailty, as suggested by the clinical profile of
patients experiencing ADR in the current study, the analysisof individual ADRs suggests that more than one-third were
judged moderate to severe (were severe enough to affect the
level of personal independence). ADRs were the main
correlate of severe functional decline in a logistic model
Additionally adjusted for occurrence of any adverse drug reaction during stay
corrected for the global number of drugs used and the use of
Beers drugs. Furthermore, ADRs were frequently multiple
( !2 in 50% of the patients experiencing them) and impor-tant, such as gastrointestinal bleeding, respiratory failure,
Adjusted for age, sex, number of lost activities of daily living at admission,
and delirium, thus, seeming severe enough to affect
Geriatric Depression Scale score 45, Cumulative Illness Rating Scale co-
personal capabilities. Further supporting this view is the
morbidity score, hypertension, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, stroke
fact that disability and mortality share most of their
or transient ischemic attack, cerebrovascular disease, and number of drugsexcluding PIMs.
predictors in different epidemiological models and clinical
contexts.31–33 Accordingly, the repeatedly reported link
Table 3. Relationship Between Number or Severity of
Table 4. Summary of Beers Listed (Upper Panel) and All
Adverse Drug Reactions (ADRs) and Functional Decline
Other Drugs (Lower Panel) Causing Adverse Drug Reac-
Adjusted for age, sex, number of lost activities of daily living at admission,
Geriatric Depression Scale score 45, Cumulative Illness Rating Scale
comorbidity score, hypertension, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease,
stroke or transient ischemic attack, cerebrovascular disease, number of drugs
excluding potentially inappropriate medications (PIMs), and use of PIMs.
between ADRs and mortality makes it reasonable that
ADRs also mark frail patients at risk of disability.34 This
has been proved in selected populations; ADRs such as hy-
poglycemia in people with diabetes mellitus or hypotension
in populations with and without hypertension (e.g., patients
with heart failure) are associated with accelerated func-
tional decline.35,36 Moreover, ADRs are associated with
longer stay, and longer stay, in turn, might per se carry a
greater risk of functional decline,28 given that the acute care
hospital frequently poses several barriers to mobility.37 Fi-
nally, ADRs are more common in patients with renal or
tachycardia (1), bradycardia (2),atrioventricular block (2)
liver impairment, which are important indicators of im-
paired homeostatic mechanisms.38 Renal dysfunction fre-
quently remains unrecognized in elderly people and predicts
the risk of developing ADRs to hydrosoluble drugs.28 Thus,
several reasons support the hypothesis that ADRs might
contribute to functional decline. Accordingly, prevention of
in-hospital ADRs is expected to preserve personal capabil-
phlebitis (3), renal failure (1), tremor(1), vomiting (1)
ities. These findings seem robust, because a wide set of
potential confounders was taken into account, and the
study was a prospective one, although definitive proof of
the relationship between ADRs and functional decline
would require that interventions preventing ADRs also
The fact that 42 of 506 patients lost more than three
ADL deserves consideration. Only a detailed analysis of
individual case histories would allow disease-related func-
tional decline to be distinguished from procedural-related
functional decline. Among procedural-related disabilities
should be considered those attributable to ADRs, inade-
quate or improper therapy, lack of nutritional support, and
other factors suggesting a poor-quality process of care, al-
though only one disease with a recognized disabling po-
tential, chronic cerebrovascular disease, was among the
independent correlates of the outcome, whereas ADRs (a
procedural-related factor) emerged as the main correlate.
This finding seems consistent with an important role of
procedural factors as potential determinants of functional
needed to assess the respective role of individual ADRs and to
decline of hospitalized elderly people. Previous reports
verify to what extent ADRs mediate the reported disabling
about highly prevalent inadequate nutrition and hydration
potential of selected diseases24,48 in the acute care setting.
of elderly hospitalized patients are in keeping with this hy-
Furthermore, the present results suggest that disability should
pothesis.39,40 Furthermore, the positive effect of in-hospital
be included with mortality and length of stay among the po-
comprehensive geriatric assessment and intervention pro-
tential consequences of ADRs for clinical and epidemiolog-
grams41 and of strategies designed to prevent functional
ical purposes, as well as among the modifiable outcomes in
decline42 are consistent with a concurrent disabling role of
programs designed to prevent ADRs in elderly in-patients.
practice-related modifiable factors. These findings and con-siderations might improperly depict the acute care hospital
as a disabling setting. It is worthy to observe that 9.7% ofpatients showed improvement in one or more ADLs, and
The PharmacosurVeillance in the elderly Care study was
77.5% had ADLs unchanged with regard to preadmission
partially supported by a grant from the Italian Ministry of
levels. Nevertheless, the risk of in-hospital functional de-
cline increases markedly with age,3 and the results of the
current study reinforce the message that clinicians should
closely monitor the functional status of elderly hospitalized
A. Corsonello, M. Lucchetti, M. Di Muzio, G. Gioia
Lobbia, S. Giunta, S. Garasto, C. Carbone, C. Greco, P.
This study has several limitations. First, some propor-
Fabbietti, R. Firmani, M. Nacciariti, F. Lattanzio (Italian
tion of patients who died might have experienced functional
National Research Center on Aging (INRCA), Ancona and
decline before dying. Thus it is likely that the analytical
procedure underestimates the incidence of the outcome and
the strength of its relationship with ADRs and Beers drugs,
INRCA AnconaFG. Cadeddu, R. Ganzetti.
although it was judged that, an intermediate functional
INRCA AppignanoFE. Giannandrea, A. Marrocchi,
assessment lacking, using the composite outcome ‘‘death
or disability’’ might have provided an unreliable estimate
University of ChietiFA. Di Iorio, M. Abate, A. Leon-
of true correlates of incident disability. Second, the Beers list
of PIMs is questionable for several aspects.43,44 For in-
INRCA CasatenovoFE. Guffanti, E. Marchi, P. Castel-
stance, although amiodarone has limited effectiveness in
maintaining sinus rhythm in older adults, together with
INRCA CosenzaFB. Mazzei, L. Pranno, C. Zottola,
greater risk of QT interval prolongation and torsades de
E. Feraco, A. Madeo, R. Gallo, G. Nicotera, P. Scarpelli, A.
pointes,9 it is among recommended drugs for the treatment
of atrial fibrillation in patients with heart failure.45 Addi-
University of FerraraFS. Volpato, C. Maraldi, M. Cav-
tionally, the Beers list does not address several other issues,
alieri, G. Guerra, F. Sioulis, L. Testoni, S. Postorivo, R. Fellin.
such as duplicate drug class prescriptions, drug–drug inter-
INRCA FermoFD. Postacchini, G. Cruciani, R. Bru-
actions, inappropriate duration of therapy, and underuse of
nelli, F. Sorvillo, M. Francavilla, R.L. Marzullo, C. Giuli.
lifesaving drugs, such as warfarin to prevent cardioembolic
University of MessinaFF. Corica, C. Nicita Mauro, G.
events in patients with atrial fibrillation or beta-blockers in
patients with coronary artery disease.46 Accordingly, Beers-
University of ModenaFC. Mussi, R. Scotto, G. Salvioli.
listed PIMs refer to truly inappropriate medications only to
some extent. Third, changes in functional status from ad-
University Campus Biomedico, RomaFC. Pedone,
mission to discharge were recorded; thus, some patients
might have experienced functional decline before the onsetof ADRs. Thus, it cannot be definitively concluded that the
Conflict of Interest: The editor in chief has reviewed the
observed relationship between ADRs and functional decline
conflict of interest checklist provided by the authors and has
was a causal one. Furthermore, the use of physician-re-
determined that the authors have no financial or any other
ported ADRs probably underestimated the extent of ADRs.
kind of personal conflicts with this paper.
In addition, only one assessor assessed ADRs for the center,
Author Contributions: Corsonello, Pedone, and Anto-
although based on the good interrater agreement achieved
nelli Incalzi: study concept and design, acquisition of sub-
in the training session, it is likely that this is a minor lim-
jects and data, analysis and interpretation of data, and
itation. Given the low incidence of ADRs to PIMs, the
preparation of manuscript. Lattanzio, Lucchetti, Di Muzio,
effect, if any, of ADRs to PIMs rather than that of ADRs as a
and Giunta: study concept and design, analysis and inter-
whole on functional decline could not be assessed, although
pretation of data, and preparation of manuscript. Garasto,
it should also be considered that PIMs may increase the
Onder, Di Iorio, Volpato, Corica, and Mussi: data collec-
generic risk of ADRs by interacting with other drugs not
tion and analysis and interpretation of data.
considered inappropriate.47 Finally, because of its limited
power, this study may lack precision in estimates of theassociations observed.
In conclusion, this study shows that ADRs more than
PIMs, as codified by the Beers criteria, might be associated
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