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Un Libro Cómico #1 de la Palabra de Dolch Translated by (Traducido por) Pollyanna S. Davis Summary: All of the Dolch sight words for pre-primer, primer, and first grade are in this book. The Dolch wordsinclude forms of the irregular verb, to be.
Learning Abilities Books, 166 Glyndale Circle, Brunswick, GA, USA 31520 Betsy B. Lee 2006 All rights reserved. Thanks for not copying any part of this book. ISBN 978-0-9720267-5-8 Instructions for Teachers
Dolch Words: The Most Often Used Words in English K-3 Books
English Words in Each Story and Usage Notes
Instructions for Teachers
Teach the most often used words in English K-3 books.
This book is for teaching English to Spanish speaking people. The “English only” Dolch books by thisauthor provide additional practice. A translation of Dolch words is difficult, but efforts were made to makethe Spanish as similar as possible to English. Because the book was designed to teach specific Englishwords, the translation does not always represent typical Spanish speech patterns. Usage notes and lists ofDolch words for each story help improve learning.
Teach the English words in each story.
Work on one story at a time. Have students practice until they can read each story smoothly with goodpronunciation and expression of feelings before moving to the next story.
a. Online, multi-lingual verb conjugation and dictionariesb. Memory clues for spellingc. Books about idioms, online English grammar informationd. Tips about ESLe. Other bilingual books for children, parents, and teachersf. Free Dolch sight word flash cardsg. The complete Dolch sight word listsh. A lesson for using music to improve vocabulary and English word flow Let the usage notes provide additional help.
Dolch Words: The Most Often Used Words in English K-3 Books
Dolch sight words are the most often used words in English K-3 books. In this book, 100% of the words are Dolch
words with the exception of names. Edward W. Dolch surveyed numerous books.
He made lists of 220 words and 95 nouns which comprise 50% to 75% of the words in most books which children
read in K-3. A student can read 1/2 to 3/4 of the words in these books by knowing Dolch sight words. This builds
ability, vocabulary, and confidence.
Dolch words are called sight words for two reasons. (1) Many of these words must be known by how they look (onsight) because they do not follow decoding rules, e.g. to, too, two. (2) They need to be known instantly (on sight)in order for reading to flow smoothly.
All 220 words and 95 nouns should be learned in first grade. The lists range from pre-primer through third grade.
This does not indicate level of difficulty. It only means that third grade words were not found as often in first gradebooks.
This book has all of the 133 Dolch sight words for levels pre-primer, primer, and first grade plus some of the 95Dolch nouns. Usually, suffixes Suffixes are often used in the author’s Dolch book, Albert,the Apple Eating Appaloosa. Benefits of having no pictures: 1. Readers can develop creativity by creating their own mental images and making their own illustrations.
2. Remedial use is enhanced because the ages of the children are neither shown by text nor pictures. Some entriescould refer to an adult, e.g. “The Fly.” 3. Pictures can lead to lucky guesses rather than word recognition.
English Words in Each Story and Usage Notes

1st Story: "Three Funny Birds" (nouns) bird, birds
and, away, big, blue, can, come, down, funny, go, I, in, it, jump, look, play, red, run, said, see, the,
three, to, up, we, yellow, you
(primer) do, no, yes
Usage Note for “Three Funny Birds” Point out that Red Bird, Yellow Bird, and Blue Bird are proper names. In English, they are capitalized anddon’t have “the” with them. If they weren’t proper names, “the” would be before them and they wouldn’t beginwith capital letters. In English, “the” in the title is optional.
In the sentence, “You can jump up and down,” the words, hacia arriba y hacia abajo are not used in typical,standard Spanish. If you jump, it is implied that you go up and down. However, these words help teach Dolchwords and their use is typical of Spanglish (a combination of Spanish and English) which is spoken in SouthernTexas and California.
Talk about the difference in “look” and “see” for English, e.g. see something (casually) or look (moreclosely) at something. Use the online dictionary on the publisher’s website for details. 2nd Story "My Can"
find, for, help, here, is, little, make, me, my, not, one, two, where
(primer) with
Usage Note for “My Can”
Point out the use of the English word “can” as a noun and as a verb. Enjoy the play on words in English. Clarify
that the phrase, “One, two, three, go!” uses the verb in the imperative (command) tense. In the phrase, “Jump
the can,” the word “over” is implied but not stated which is typical in English unless they want to emphasize
“over the can” instead of “near,” or “on” the can. Discuss this. Use the online dictionary on the website for
3rd Story "Where is the Cat?" (noun) cat
ate, came, eat, into, our, out, ran, saw, so, there, this, under, was
(1st grade) asked
Usage Note for “Where is the Cat?”
In the sentence, “Did you see him go into the house,” the Spanish word for “enter” is used rather than “go
into.” In English, it is more typical to say “go into” instead of “enter.” However, “enter” would be on signs.
In the sentence, “¿Puede él estar debajo de la cama?” the word “él” is used for emphasis.
4th Story "Jump Puppy" (noun) name, puppy
a, jump
(primer) am, at, black, brown, but, four, get, good, have, now, on, please, say, she, that, too, white, will
(1st grade) her, how, take
Usage Note for “Jump Puppy” In the sentence, “Jump on the box,” English speakers do not use “on top of the box” unless they want toemphasize “on top of the box” instead of “near,” “over,” or “on” the box. In English, we could also say “onto”meaning to the top surface of the box. Discuss this. Use the online dictionary on the website for details.
In the sentence, “Take a big jump,” the word “hacer” (to do or to make) expresses the idea better than“tomar” (to take). In English, we would not say, “Do a big jump or make a big jump.” In English, the sentence, “She will come, but she will not jump,” is in future tense because the word “will”is being taught. The story is in present tense so the future tense “will” is acceptable. More typical English speechwould continue in present tense, “She comes, but she does not jump.” The word “do” is in this book, but “does”is not in this book. It is on the second grade list which is in A Funny Dolch Sight Word Book #2. All Dolchwords are on the first grade reading level.
5th Story "New and Old" (noun) dog
all, are, be, he, like, must, new, want, well
(1st grade) after, as, had, him, just, know, of, old, once, round, walk, were, when
Usage Note for “New and Old” For “brown,” the word “café” is used here rather than “marrón” because it on an easier reading level.
“After” implies “behind” in the sentence: “She can run after me.” “Behind” could be a better word in Englishbut the context makes it clear. “After” is the Dolch word being taught. “Run after” means to chase, follow, etc.
Talk about después and atrás. Use the online dictionary on the website for details.
6th Story "Giving"
(1st grade) any, ask, could, give, let, live, them
Usage Note for “Giving” Rhyming words are fun and helpful: you (yü), blue (blü), new (nü), see (s‘), and me (m‘) [InternationalPhonetic Alphabet].
for memory cues for spelling homonyms and other English words which areoften misspelled. English poetic style rather than typical speaking style is used. In prose, it should be one of these choices.
“Could I give you a blue box?” “May I give you a blue box?” Many people would say, “Can I give you a bluebox?” but this is not good English. In this question, “can” means “to be able.” “May” means “to havepermission.” “Could” is subjective suggesting permission.
7th Story "Joe, Sam, and Albert" (noun) horse
pretty, ride, soon, they, went, what, who
(1st grade) every, giving, has, his, open, put, some, thank
Usage Note for “Joe, Sam, and Albert”Joe is teasing Sam. He wants Sam to think Albert is a person. We would not typically say, “Ride with a horse.”We would say, “Ride on a horse.” We would not typically say, “He is pretty.” We would say, “He is handsomeor she is pretty.” 8th Story "The New Red Box" (noun) apple, box, toys
did, say(s)
(1st grade) an, ask(s), giving
9th Story "The Fly"
(1st grade) again, by, fly, from, may, over, stop, then, think
Usage Note for “The Fly” Enjoy the play on words in English with the verb “fly” and the noun “fly.” Sometimes readers reverse “was” and “saw for help correcting reversals.
Discuss the difference in “entonces” and “después” as the story describes the quick movement of the fly.
In English, we use “he” or “it” to refer to an animal when we don’t know the gender. The word “horse” isreferred to as “he” or “it.” A mare is “she.” A stallion is “he.” The fly is a good example. In English, the fly is “he” or “it” unless we examine the fly under a microscopeand learn it is female. In this little tale of the fly, help students understand this reason for translating “ella” as“he” instead of “she.” “La” is translated as “him” instead of “her.”

Source: http://www.gate.net/~labooks/Instructions.pdf


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