CYS SERVICES SNAP ALLERGY MEDICAL ACTION PLAN (to be completed by Health Care Provider) Allergies (please list)
____________________________________________ Asthmatic □ Yes* □ No (*Higher risk for severe reaction)
Treatment Plan
If a food allergen has been ingested, but no symptoms: _ observe for symptoms
_ Epinephrine _ Antihistamine _ Albuterol
Observe for Symptoms: Number order of Medication
Itching, tingling or swelling of lips, tongue, mouth
_ Epinephrine _ Antihistamine _ Albuterol
Hives, itchy rash, swelling of the face or extremities
_ Epinephrine _ Antihistamine _ Albuterol
Nausea, abdominal cramps, vomiting, diarrhea
_ Epinephrine _ Antihistamine _ Albuterol
Tightening of throat, hoarseness, hacking cough
_ Epinephrine _ Antihistamine _ Albuterol
Shortness of breath, repetitive coughing, wheezing
_ Epinephrine _ Antihistamine _ Albuterol
Weak or thready pulse, low blood pressure, fainting, pale, blueness
_ Epinephrine _ Antihistamine _ Albuterol
_Epinephrine _ Antihistamine _ Albuterol
(* Potentially life threatening; the severity of symptoms can quickly change)
Medication Protocol
Epinephrine: Inject into thigh (circle one): EpiPen® EpiPen® Jr. Twinject® 0.3 mg Twinject® 0.15 mg
Antihistamine: Give __________________ as directed on prescription label Albuterol: Give__________________ as directed on prescription label may repeat do not repeat
Other: Give _____________________________________________________________________________________
Emergency Response
Administer rescue medication as prescribed above
o Chest and neck pulled in with breathing
o Child is hunched over o Child is struggling to breathe
Stops playing and can’t start activity again
Lips and fingernails are gray or blue
ALLERGY MEDICAL ACTION PLAN ADDITIONAL CONSIDERATIONS (to be completed by Health Care Provider) Medications for Allergy
For children requiring rescue medication, the medication is required to be at program site at all times while child is in care. For youth who self-medicate and carry their own medications, medication must be with the youth at all times. The options of storing “back up” rescue medications at program is available.
Field Trip Procedures
Rescue medications should accompany child during any off-site activities.
The child should remain with staff or parent/guardian during the entire field trip. □ Yes □ No
Staff members on trip must be trained regarding rescue medication use and this health care plan.
This plan must accompany the child on the field trip.
Other (specify)_________________________________________________________________________
Self-Medication for School Age/Youth
□ YES. Youth can self-medicate. I have instructed _______________________in the proper way to use his/her medication. It is my professional opinion that he/she SHOULD be allowed to carry and self administer his/her medication. Youth has been instructed not to share medications and should youth violate these restrictions the privilege of self medicating will be revoked and the youth’s parents notified. Youth are required to notify staff when carrying medication.
□ NO. It is my professional opinion that _______________________SHOULD NOT carry or self administer his/her medication. Bus Transportation should be alerted to child’s condition.
This child carries rescue medications on the bus. □ Yes □ No
Rescue medications can be found in: □ Backpack □ Waistpack □ On Person □ Other_____________
Child should sit at the front of the bus. □ Yes □ No
Other (specify): ________________________________________________________________________
Sports Events
Parents are responsible for having rescue medication on hand and administering it when necessary when the child is participating in any CYS sports activity. Volunteer coaches do not administer medications.
Parental Permission/Consent
Parent’s signature gives permission for child/youth personnel who have been trained in medication administration by the CYS nurse/APHN to administer prescribed medicine and to contact emergency medical services if necessary. I also understand my child must have required medication with him/her at al times when in attendance at CYS programs.
Youth Statement of Understanding
I have been instructed on the proper way to use my medication. I understand that I may not share medications and should I violate these restrictions, my privileges may be restricted or revoked, my parents will be notified and further disciplinary action may be taken. I am also required to notify staff when carrying medication.
Follow Up This Allergy Medical Action Plan will be updated/revised whenever medications or child’s health status changes. If there are no changes, the Allergy Medical Action Plan will be updated at least every 12 months. Printed Name of Parent/Guardian
Printed Name of Army Public Health Nurse
(This signature serves as the exception to medication policy)
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