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Ddl 15

Drug Delivery to the Lungs 21
8th – 10th December 2010
Wednesday 8th December 2010
Coffee & Registration

12.00 – 13.30
Networking Buffet Lunch in Exhibition Hall
Welcome and opening remarks: Georgina Fradley, Chair, DDL Committee
Session 1: Probing in vivo drug delivery - potential applications to bio-

Chairs: Omar Usmani, Gary Pitcairn, DDL Committee
Development of Idealized Throat Replicas for Inhaler Testing
Warren H. Finlay, University of Alberta
The highs and lows of pharmacokinetics in determining the equivalence of inhaled medicinal products Professor Glyn Taylor, Welsh School of Pharmacy, Cardiff University

15.10 – 15.50

Posters, Exhibition & Coffee
Utilizing In Vivo Lung Imaging Techniques to Assess Pulmonary Drug Delivery Professor Beth, L. Laube, The Johns Hopkins University School of
Medicine, Baltimore, Maryland USA
Regulatory Perspective on Bioequivalence Studies for Inhaled Products Dr S Dissayanake, Mundipharma Research Ltd
Chairmans’ comments
A system for efficient and dose-controlled delivery of liquid substances to in vitro cell models of the lung epithelium Otmar Schmid, Institute of Lung Biology and Disease, Germany
Application of a Respiratory PBPK Model for Simulating Pulmonary Administration of Fluticasone Propionate in Humans Dr S Ray Chaudhuri, Simulations Plus, Inc

18.00 – 20.00
Exhibitor Drinks Reception with Entertainment sponsored
by Vectura Group plc

Thursday 9th December 2010 - AM
Registration and Coffee and Poster Viewing

Dr Stephen Newman, Scientific Consultant, UK
Session 2: Advances in formulation and analytical science
Chair: Craig Davies-Cutting, Ph.D, Director R&D, Catalent Pharma
Ventilator Aerosol Delivery System (VADS): Concept for Rapid Delivery of Aerosolized Bronchodilators to Adult Patients on Mechanical Ventilation Dr Jolyon Mitchell, Trudell Medical International, Canada
Electrostatic charge: we can measure it but does it really influence dry powder inhalation formulations Dr Daniela Traini, Advanced Drug Delivery Group, Faculty of Pharmacy,
The University of Sydney, Australia

The use of NMR in pMDI Development
Dr Dave Martin, AstraZeneca, UK

10.35 – 11.20
Posters, Exhibition & Coffee
Widening the lens: Re-evaluating the Influence of Size and Morphology of DPI Carrier Particle Performance Assistant Professor Hugh Smyth, Ph.D., College of Pharmacy, The
University of Texas at Austin, USA

Novel Engineered Particle Formulation For Inhaled PYY(3-36) and Demonstration of Appetite Suppression In A Mouse Model Mr D Vodak, Bend Research Inc, New Mexico, USA
What on Earth
Singing For BreathingTM - Effects of singing lessons in patients with COPD
A Randomised Control Trial
Victoria Lord, Specialist Physiotherapist, Royal Brompton & Harefield
NHS Foundation Trust, UK

Thursday 9th December 2010 – PM

12.30 – 14.00

Lunch plus Exhibition and Posters
Session 3: The Pat Burnell New Investigator Award
Chairs: Phil Haywood, Ben Forbes, Omar Usmani, Ketan Sharma,
DDL Committee

Effect of lactose fines on fluidization properties and in vitro performance
of Handihaler
Hanne Kinnunen, University of Bath, UK

Optimisation of Dry Powder Inhalers through Robust CFD Simulation of
Air Classifiers
Sean Cheng, University of Cambridge

Surface modification of mannitol inhaler carrier particles via spray drying
Eva Littringer, Research Center Pharmaceutical Engineering GmbH,

Comparison of in vitro methods to determine nasal versus lung deposition of
a protein formulation
Regina Scherliess, Christian Albrecht University, Germany

Evaluation and modelling of the aerosolisation and break-up of agglomerated systems in dry powder inhalers William Wong, University of Sydney, Australia
Ultrafast Analysis of Pressurised Metered Dose Inhaler (pMDI) by Direct Spray Mass Spectrometry (Direct Spray-MS) Hitesh Raghvani, University of London, UK

15.30 – 16.00
Posters, Exhibition & Coffee
What on Earth
Pioneers of Inhalation II; French kisses and steamy salons!
Mark Sanders UK

Session 4: Exploring the World of Dry Powder Inhalers

Chair: Alex Bell, 3M
Non-destructive examination of inhalation blisters using X-ray computed micro-tomography K. Lien Nguyen, GlaxoSmithKline, UK
What factors dominate the performance of conventional dry powder inhalation
Associate Professor Paul M Young, Advanced Drug Delivery Group,
Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Sydney, Australia

Direct observation of particle dispersion mechanisms in DPI using particle
image velocimetry technique
Dr. M. Teresa Carvajal, Purdue University, Germany
Engineering of Dry Powder Inhaler Formulation: The Colloidal Science
Jag Shur, University of Bath, UK

17.45 – 19.30

Poster Drinks Reception sponsored by The Technology Partnership
Friday 10th December 2010

Registration and Coffee
Chair: Phil Haywood, DDL Committee
Karen Pickering, MBE, Asthma UK Ambassador
Session 5: Increasing chances of success in early inhaled developments
Introduction of Session 5 Speakers
Chair: Georgina Fradley, DDL Committee
How does Airflow Resistance Affect Inspiratory Characteristics as a Child
grows into an Adult?
Mr D Harris, Sagentia Ltd, UK
Inhaled nanoparticle toxicity assay optimization: dose, size and oxidative potential Abhinav Kumar, King’s College London, UK
What on Earth
Mucociliary Transport & the “Unusually Thick” Paradox
Mr R Hall, Mucokinetica Limited, UK

10.50 – 11.50
Posters, Exhibition and Coffee
Beyond FEV1 - Assessing 'small' airways
Dr. Omar S Usmani, MBBS MRCP FHEA PhD, Clinical Senior Lecturer &
Consultant Physician, National Heart and Lung Institute, Imperial College
London & Royal Brompton Hospital

The development of a new rapid screening test for evaluating the non-stick
performance of MDI canisters
P A Jinks, 3M Drug Delivery Systems, UK

Monitoring Systems for Inhaled Medication Mr Tony Dyche, Respironics Respiratory Drug Delivery (UK) Ltd, UK
Collaborative efforts to understand the fate of drugs delivered to the lungs
Dr Ben Forbes, King’s College London
Concluding Remarks and Conference Close
Georgina Fradley, Chair, DDL Committee


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