
The Regular Meeting of the Board of Trustees of Pembina Hills Regional Division No. 7 was held on September 28, 2011 at the Barrhead Elementary School. In attendance were Trustees S. Allen, A. Bokenfohr, D. Fleming, D. Schaffrick, S. Volorney, S. Watson, and K. Webster. Also in attendance were Superintendent E. Stang and Assistant Secretary Treasurer G. Widdup. Chair Fleming called the meeting to order at 9:30 a.m. The following amendments were made to the agenda: Additions to New Business: d. Moved by Trustee Allen that the Agenda be adopted as submitted and amended. Moved by Trustee Bokenfohr that the Minutes of the Regular Meeting of the Board of Trustees of Pembina Hills Regional Division No. 7 held on September 14, 2011 be adopted as circulated. The following Committee Reports were presented: - Grow th School Expo - Ad m inistrator’s Meeting - Eleanor H all Playground Op ening - N eerland ia Pu blic Christian School Cou ncil - Wetonka School Site Ded ication - PSBAA Governance Session - W.R. Frose School Council - Sw an H ills School Cou ncil - GROWTH Alberta - Bu sby School Cou ncil - Barrhead Elem entary School Cou ncil - PAWS - ASBA Zone 2/ 3 - Barrhead Dru g Coalition - N eerland ia School Cou ncil - Alberta Ed u cation Transform ation Meeting - Barrhead Com p osite H igh School Cou ncil - Com m u nity Matters - Em p loyee and Fam ily Assistance Meeting - Du nstable School Cou ncil - Transform ation Discu ssion - Westlock Elem entary School Cou ncil - Eleanor H all School Cou ncil - Fort Assiniboine Parent Meeting The Board discussed the requirements and based on community feedback obtained, there will be no change made to the Entrance Age Requirements BARRHEAD ELEMENTARY SCHOOL REPORT, SCHOOL COUNCIL Principal, Dale Bujold, and Associate Principal, Ros Rudd, provided the following information in the school report: - PHRD new logo is the “Cornerstone” of Barrhead Elementary - Key Focus: Engaging the Students and Success for all Students - Staff Academic Focus includes Differentiated Instruction, Balanced Literacy, Assessment for Learning, First Steps in Math and Fosnot Math - Teachers meet 30 minutes per week in collaborative grade groups to discuss - Program Assistants meet bi-weekly to discuss programming and - Professional Development focus is on the academic goals of the school - Student Learner Profiles are being developed and individualized instruction focusing on the gifts, strengths and interests of the students - Student Centered focus, respectful teaching with expectation and assistance to help students “Rise to the Challenge” (BES Motto) - Parent Focused with active Parent Advisory Association and Canadian - Parents are provided information through PowerSchool on-line - School Website provides homework reminders, teachers’ pages, calendars, - Student Focus by connecting with students, building resilience, providing a - Kelso Behavior Management System - Kelso, a “green frog” puppet who goes from room to room to assist students with understanding correct behaviour based on nine (9) choices - Counseling Staff include a .60 FTE School Counsellor, .40 FTE FCSS Worker, School Resource Officer, FNMI Worker and Behavioural Consultant - Counselling has shifted from individual to group focused approach - Roots of Empathy encourages empathetic development (English and French) - FRIENDS: an anti-anxiety program originating in New Zealand is utilized - Rainbows Program: addresses divorce and grief - Mentor’s Program - Collaborative Problem Solving gives the students the tools to do better and - Student Recognition Assemblies provide students the opportunity to share things they have done that were “Good” - students incorporate these positive suggestions into the - Extracurricular programs include Lego Robotics, Jasper Challenge (8th Year), Camp He Ho Ha (Health Hope Happiness), Edmonton Journal Indoor Games, Seniors Care Centre visits, Knitting Club and Pumpkin Carving for Pumpkin Walk, - CF Fundraiser ($33,069.78 raised in 3 weeks for 2 vests and 2 Ventolin machines – the operation of the vest was demonstrated) - Snoezellen Room funding provided through community partnerships grants ($65,000+ ) and the room will be accessible to community groups The Barrhead Elementary School students entertained the Board with musical - Mrs. Olson’s Kindergarten class - Mr. Schantz’s Grade 5C class - Mr. Schantz’s Grade 3B class - Madame Bibby’s Grade 1F class - Madame Rayner’s 2F class School Council Chair Vickie Anderson, provided the School Council Report, - Goals are focused on Parent Engagement - “Welcome Back BBQ” after Terry Fox Run for students and families - Family Lunch Hours is an opportunity for parents, once per month, to have - New Outdoor Display sign purchased, in cooperation with the library, to - Accessing funds through grants instead of fundraising activities (Community Spirit Grant for leveled reading, School Life Fund, Alberta Foundation for the Arts, etc.) - Mom’s Pantry is the only school council fundraiser, raising $14,000 last year - Field Trip funds are collected per student for the year - Food Bank drives are held during the year - Community Awareness included a Slave Lake Fundraiser with contributions - Hot Lunch Program, provided by FCSS, with a focus on healthy choices Trustee Volorney presented Barrhead Elementary School Council Chair, Vickie Anderson, with a gift in recognition of her contribution to Pembina Hills’ communities and schools. Moved by Trustee Schaffrick that the meeting recess until 1:00 p.m. Chair Fleming called the meeting back to order at 1:00 p.m. The Board of Trustees distributed student appreciation gifts to all the students in Trustee Schaffrick left the meeting at 2:00 p.m. due to a pecuniary interest in regards to 2011-2012 salary rates for non-union support staff. The April 2010 CPI (Consumer Price Index) was 3.03% and departments and the majority of schools budgeted for a 3% cost of living increase for Non-Union Support Staff. Moved by Trustee Webster that the 2011-2012 Non Union Support Staff grids, inclusive of a 3% general salary increase, be adopted as recommended and Moved by Trustee Volorney that the Board adopt the amendments to the 2011- 2012 Non-Union Support Staff Employment Conditions Handbook as Moved by Trustee Bokenfohr that the Board authorize increasing the maximum number of days of unpaid leave for bus drivers in any given school year, per AP40-23, to twenty five (25) days effective the 2011-2012 school year. Carried Moved by Trustee Watson the Board authorize increasing the plug-in allowance for bus drivers, per AP 70-113, to $115 per school year effective the 2011-2012 Contract Bus Driver operating expenses increase was determined to be higher than the CPI (Consumer Price Index) of 3.03%. The operating expense increase included the higher cost of fuel. Moved by Trustee Allen that the Board approve the 2011-2012 contract rates for contract bus operators, inclusive of a 5.15% increase as recommended and Trustee Schaffrick returned to the meeting at 2:13 p.m. Moved by Trustee Schaffrick that the Board approve the 2011-2012 contract rates for contract caretakers, inclusive of a 3% increase as recommended and attached, forming part of the minutes. Carried Trustee Watson left the meeting at 2:14 p.m. due to a pecuniary interest in regards to 2011-2012 Contract Grasscutter rates. Moved by Trustee Allen that the Board approve the 2011-2012 contract rates for contract grasscutters, inclusive of a 3% increase as recommended and attached, Trustee Watson returned to the meeting at 2:18 p.m. Moved by Trustee Webster that the Board authorize changing the office hours for Regional Office effective October 3, 2011 to 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Monday to Friday, with the office being open to the public from 12:00 p.m. – 1:00 p.m. Carried The construction of a wash bay will improve the space available for maintaining the bus fleet in the Westlock area and an addition to the north side of the Westlock Transportation building will accommodate the Instructional Media Centre. The improvements will increase efficiencies and safety of the operations. No capital improvements have been made to the facility since prior to 1995. Westlock Facilities Moved by Trustee Watson that the Board approve the construction of a wash & Transp ortation bay at the Westlock Transportation Shop and an addition on the north side of the present shop for a total estimated cost of $352,000. GROWTH Alberta will provide Pembina Hills Regional Division No. 7 with a flag to be displayed along with the School Board flag. The Neerlandia Transportation agreement provides student’s transportation to the Neerlandia School on a cost recovery basis. The following were presented as information items: - Alberta Ed u cation Protocol for Release of Provincial Achievem ent - Alberta Ed u cation Consu ltation and Inform ation Sessions for ASBA - Alberta Initiative for School Im p rovem ent Cycle 5 Annou ncem ent - Alberta School Cou ncils’ Association N ew sletter Sep t/ Oct 2011 - Alberta School Board s’ Insu rance Exch ange Risk Managem ent Moved by Trustee Volorney that the meeting convene as an In Camera session - Land, Legal, Labour - 2010-2011 Provincial Achievem ent Tests and Dip lom a Exam inations Trustee Schaffrick left meeting at 3:05 p.m. Moved by Trustee Volorney that the meeting reconvene as a Regular Meeting. Moved by Trustee Watson that the meeting adjourn.


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