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CCS Information Service
Cerebral Palsy
CCS Information Service
Cerebral Palsy Resources
This bibliography has been compiled from resources held by the CCSInformation Service and contains references to a wide range of books andjournal articles on cerebral palsy and parenting a child with a disability.
Books and videos are issued for one month, with a renewal possible if thereis no waiting list. You can request photocopies of indexed articles.
To Order Resources
There is an order form attached to the back of this publication or you canjust email you order.
E-books, E-articles & Websites
Many of the resources in the library are taken from the Internet. They willhave web addresses underneath the author and title details. You can eithergo to the site yourself or, in the case of E-books and E-articles, request theresource from the library.
If you need further information on a subject or a more in-depth search on aparticular topic, please do not hesitate to contact me at the address below.
Michelle Hill - Information ManagerCCS Information ServicePO Box 6349, Marion SquareWellingtonPhone: 0800-227-200 or 04-801-0854Fax: 04-382-9353E-m Section 1
Books & Videos
Annie's coming out - Lindfield, NSW : Film Australia, 1989.
Keywords: Cerebral Palsy; Rights; Australia; Deinstitutionalisation; Australia; Personal
Stories; Videos
Summary: Video based on the true story of Annie McDonald. Jessica Hathaway works
at a hospital for children with disabilities, and among the children in her charge is
Annie, who has cerebral palsy. Discovering Annie's considerable intelligence, Jessica
endeavours to prove this and finds that she must struggle to succeed against the odds
of the establishment and take her case to court. Taken from the book of the same
Break out : finding freedom when you don't quite fit the mold / Hasse, James R. -
Berea, Ohio : Quixote Publications, 1996.
Keywords: Self Image; Attitudes; Cerebral Palsy; Personal Stories
Summary: James Hasse has thirty years of experience as a corporate communication
executive. He also has cerebral palsy. In this book he captures turning points in his
understanding of what it means to be presumed different. "Compassionate, funny,
powerful, and enlightening. A must-read for everyone who leads, manages, or follows."
[263 HAS]
Callum's cure : a triumph of positive parenting / Sykes, Shelley. - Sydney : Simon &
Schuster, 2003.
Keywords: Cerebral Palsy; Visual Impairment; Parenting; Personal Stories; Australia
Summary: When Callum Sykes was born with cerebral palsy and infant blindness,
doctors said he would spend his life in wheelchair, unable to walk or see. His mother
Shelley, refused to accept this prognosis and was determined to give Callum every
chance of having an everyday life.
[203.21 SYK]
Can't you be still? / Yates, Sarah. - Winnipeg, Manitoba : Gemma B Publishing, 1992.
Keywords: Cerebral Palsy; Childrens Literature
Summary: In Can't You be Still? we first meet Ann whose "wild right" and walker
because of cerebral palsy sets her apart on her first day at school. But when her
classmates are afraid to swim, Ann shows her strength in helping the kids to cope.
[203.21 YAT]
Caring for children with cerebral palsy : a team approach / Dormans, John P ;
Pellegrino, Louis, eds. - Baltimore, MA : Paul H Brookes Publishing, 1998.
Keywords: Cerebral Palsy
Summary: Interdisciplinary text for team-based care of children with cerebral palsy.
Includes information on - definitions, epidemiology and aetiology; diagnosis andprognosis; health maintenance and preventative care; orthopaedics and medication;surgical decision making and new treatment options; communication and mobility;feeding and nutrition; assistive technology; daily living skills; family, school andcommunity roles; law and public policy; and social emotional, legal and educationalconcerns.
[203.21 CAR] 6.
Caring for your eyes : eyes and eye care services for people with cerebral palsy
and similar conditions
- rev ed. - Allambie Heights, NSW : Spastic Centre of New
South Wales, 2001.
Web Site:
Keywords: Cerebral Palsy; Eye Disorders
Summary: Looks at how cerebral palsy can affect eyes.
[203.21 CAR]
The cerebral palsies : causes, consequences and management / Miller, Geoffrey ;
Clark, Gary D, eds. - Woburn, MA : Butterworth-Heinemann, 1998.
Keywords: Cerebral Palsy; Nature & Cause; Genetics; Brain Injuries; Infection;
Epilepsy; Feeding; Therapy
Summary: This book deals with the causes, consequences and management of
cerebral palsy.
[203.21 MIL]
Cerebral palsy / Mecham, Merlin J. - 2nd ed. - Austin, TX : PRO-ED, 1996.
Keywords: Cerebral Palsy; Communication; Speech & Language Disorders
Summary: Looks at the developmental motor speech disorders that are found in people
with cerebral palsy. In five chapters, Chapter 1 offers a description of various
developmental problems facing children with cerebral palsy; Chapter 2 looks at the role
of the multidimensional team of professionals required to deal with cerebral palsy;
Chapter 3 describes the communication problems commonly encountered and their
neurolinguistic and neuromotor concomitants; Chapter 4 describes assessment
problems and procedures; and Chapter 5 addresses current issues and procedures in
communication intervention.
[203.21 MEC]
Cerebral palsy / Peacock, Judith. - Mankato, MA : Lifematters, 2000.
Keywords: Cerebral Palsy; Childrens Literature
Summary: Discusses the causes, diagnosis, symptoms and treatment of cerebral palsy,
as well as research and possible ways of preventing cerebral palsy.
[203.21 PEA]
Cerebral palsy / Gold, John Coopersmith. - Berkeley Heights, NJ : Enslow Publishers,
Keywords: Cerebral Palsy; Childrens Literature
Summary: Austin Robertson is four-years-old and has cerebral palsy. He finds it
difficult to do many of the things that other children do easily and talking, walking and
feeding himself are a challenge. This is Austin's story and that of Jennifer, a young
woman with cerebral palsy.
[203.21 GOL]
Cerebral palsy : a complete guide for caregiving / Miller, Freeman ; Bachrach,
Steven J.[at al.] - Baltimore : John Hopkins University Press, 1995.
Keywords: Cerebral Palsy; Nature & Cause; Hemiplegia; Diplegia; Carers; Seating;
Aids & Equipment; Toileting
Summary: Written by a team of experts associated with the Cerebral Palsy Program at
the Alfred I duPont Institute, this book addresses the complexities and uncertainties of
cerebral palsy while providing information about everything that anyone might ever
need to know about the condition. It is aimed at parents and family, caregivers and
health professionals as well as adolescents and adults with cerebral palsy. Part One
provides an overview of cerebral palsy, describing the specific patterns of involvement
(hemiplegia, diplegia, quadriplegia), explains the medical and psychosocial
implications of these conditions, and shows parents how to be effective advocates for
their child. Part Two provides advice about caregiving, including wheelchair
maintenance, toothbrushing, toileting, back care and lifting techniques. Part Three is
an extensive encyclopedia which lists, defines and describes medical terms and
diagnoses, medical and surgical procedures and orthopaedic and other assistive
[203.21 MIL]
Cerebral palsy : a medical dictionary, bibliography and annotated research guide
to internet references
/ Parker, James ; Parker, Philip. - San Diego : Icon Health
Publications, 2003.
Keywords: Cerebral Palsy; Bibliographies
Summary: Collection of resources on cerebral palsy under such headings as nutrition,
alternative medicine, clinical trials, patents, multimedia, patient resources and
researching medications.
[203.21 PAR]
Cerebral palsy : a survival kit for parents - part one: the early years, 0-5 years -
Allambie Heights, NSW : Spastic Centre of NSW, 1994.
Keywords: Cerebral Palsy; Early Intervention; Education; Therapy; Nature & Cause;
Australia; Videos
Summary: Information package providing practical assistance to parents of children
with cerebral palsy. The video - "Cerebral Palsy : A Disorder of Movement" - provides
insights into cerebral palsy whilst focussing on the positive aspects of early
intervention and the advantages of therapy. It depicts various aspects of cerebral palsy
and shows typical treatment and management strategies. Note: The same video is
used for Part Two of this kit - "Cerebral Palsy : a survival kit for parents : part two - theprimary years, 5 to 12 years".
[VIDEO] 14.
Cerebral palsy and ageing : a review / Cox, Diane. - Lancaster : Centre for Health
Research & Practice Development, St Martin's College, 2002.
Keywords: Cerebral Palsy; Ageing
Summary: Literature review on cerebral palsy and ageing.
[203.21 COX]
The cerebral palsy handbook : a practical guide for parents and carers / Stanton,
Marion. - 3rd ed. - London : Random House, 2002.
Keywords: Cerebral Palsy
Summary: Guide for parents and caregivers of children with cerebral palsy. The author
highlights the positive experiences and emphasises the common wish of parents to
raise bright, confident, happy children. Covers the early stages of cerebral palsy,
choice of therapy and treatment, management of everyday life, education, informal
support and social factors, legal rights and benefits (UK) and planning for adulthood.
[203.21 STA]
Cerebral palsy : on the positive side : a story about affliction, hope and joy. /
Sharp, May. - Taree, NSW : May Sharp, 2001.
Keywords: Cerebral Palsy; Personal Stories; Australia
Summary: May is the grandmother of seven-year-old Cameron, who has cerebral
palsy. She tells the story of his birth and the first years of his life.
[203.21 SHA]
Cerebral palsy : the child and young person / Cogher, Lesley ; Savage, Elizabeth ;
Smith, Michael F., eds. - London : Chapman & Hall Medical, 1992.
Keywords: Cerebral Palsy
Summary: Looks at the issues surrounding the diagnosis, assessment, treatment and
management of cerebral palsy. In three main sections - Part One covers classification,
prevalence and aetiology ; Part Two covers development (infants to young adults) ;
Part Three covers assessment and therapy (sensory assessment, mobility, epilepsy
and cerebral palsy, seating, eating and drinking, cognitive abilities, communication).
[203.21 CER]
Children with cerebral palsy : a parents' guide / Geralis, Elaine, ed. - 2nd ed. - New
York : Woodbine House, 1998.
Keywords: Cerebral Palsy; Nature & Cause; Parenting; Therapy; Assessment; Siblings;
Child Development; Self Esteem; Parent Professional Relations; Treatment; Early
Intervention; Special Education
Summary: Information for parents of children with cerebral palsy. Includes information
on the nature and cause of cerebral palsy, adjustment to a disability, medical concernsand treatment, daily care, family life, self-esteem, child development, physical andother therapies, early intervention and special education, and advocacy.
[203.21 CHI] 19.
Children with severe cerebral palsy : an educational guide / Rye, Hennning ;
Skjorten, Miriam Donath, eds. - Paris : Special Education, UNESCO, 1989.
Keywords: Cerebral Palsy; Children; Education
Summary: Addresses issues related to the education of children with severe cerebral
palsy. Covers early learning experience, flexible school curriculum and integrated
[552 CHI]
Children with special needs : cerebral palsy - rev. ed - Annerley, QLD : Low
Incidence Support Centre, Department of Education, 1995.
Keywords: Education; Cerebral Palsy; Children
Summary: Series of resource manuals for schools supporting students with physical
disabilities, in this case, cerebral palsy. In 4 sections the manual looks at the student,
nature and cause of cerebral palsy, educational implications and people and resources
who can help.
[552 CHI]
Compilation video 15
Keywords: Cerebral Palsy; Art; Personal Stories; USA; Spinal Cord Injuries; Surgery;
Functional Electrical Stimulation; Videos
Summary: Two documentaries shown on National Geographic Channel and Discovery
Coping with cerebral palsy / Gilman, Laura Anne. - New York : Rosen Publishing,
Keywords: Cerebral Palsy; Young People
Summary: Aimed at young people, this is a practical guide to living with cerebral palsy.
[203.21 GIL]
Coping with cerebral palsy : answers to questions parents often ask /
Schleichkorn, Jay. - 2nd ed. - Austin, TX : Pro-Ed, 1993.
Keywords: Cerebral Palsy
Summary: Answers the questions many parents of children with cerebral palsy have
when they are given their child's diagnosis. Subjects include information on the nature
and types of cerebral palsy; causes, premature infants and prevention and diagnosis of
cerebral palsy; handling the baby, reflexes; and, medical and surgical problems -
common illnesses, surgical procedures, scoliosis, seizures and epilepsy and
classification of conditions.
[203.21 SCH] 24.
Development of friendships between children with and without cerebral palsy in a
conductive education environment
/ Harper, Wendy. - Hamilton : University of
Waikato, 1999.
Keywords: Conductive Education; Cerebral Palsy; Friendship; NZ
Summary: Results from a study examining whether a 'special unit' where children with
cerebral palsy were segregated and grouped together, would impair social learning
and the formation of friendships, especially with children without disabilities.
[556.5 HAR]
Disabilities, dragons and other magical discoveries : a kid's guide to
understanding and living with disabilities
/ Enright, Rick. - Sparta, Ont : Devinjer
House, 1998.
Keywords: Physical Disabilities; Spina Bifida; Muscular Dystrophy; Cerebral Palsy;
Spinal Cord Injuries; Nature & Cause; Children; Grief
Summary: "This book is about helping you to understand disabilities better. It will not
make a disability go away or solve all the problems it causes. But a disability can make
you feel like it controls your life. The more you learn about it, the more power you have
to control your own life". Symptoms is about some of the physical symptoms or affects
caused by disability, like mobility or contractures. Social Stuff is about how disability
affects other parts of life, like education, independence and friendships.
[263 ENR]
Don't stop the music / Perske, Robert. - Nashville, TN : Abingdon Press, 1986.
Keywords: Cerebral Palsy; Fiction
Summary: Joe and Jessica, two teens with cerebral palsy, become key elements in
cracking an auto-theft ring.
[203.21 PER]
Equal chances - Heathcote, Vic : Training Health and Educational Media, 1992.
Keywords: Cerebral Palsy; Inclusive Education; Attitudes; Films & Videos
Summary: This video shows the experience of mainstreaming several children with
cerebral palsy into an ordinary school. Topics covered: causes and types of cerebral
palsy, and demonstrates how teachers and therapists work together to achieve positive
outcomes. It also discusses the enriching experience that the children bring to the
Everything you need to know about cerebral palsy / Pincus, Dion. - New York :
Rosen Publishing, 2000.
Keywords: Cerebral Palsy; Young People
Summary: Describes the causes and consequences of cerebral palsy as well asoffering coping strategies and resources for teens with cerebral palsy.
[203.21 PIN] 29.
Flying colors : the story of a remarkable group of artists and the transcendent
power of art
/ Lefens, Tim. - Boston : Beacon Press, 2002.
Keywords: Arts; Cerebral Palsy; Personal Stories
Summary: In the early '90s, Lefens, a painter, goes to the Metheny School for students
with cerebral palsy and other disabilities to show slides of his work. As this intensely
moving memoir shows, he becomes obsessed with finding ways to help students, who
are in wheelchairs and have no use of their arms or hands, learning to express
themselves, devising methods that allow them the freedom to paint. Carefully
manoeuvring wheelchairs over tinted acrylic produces excellent results, they find, and
a laser attached to a welder's helmet can direct a surrogate precisely where to apply
the paint to a canvas. His students thrive: some begin speaking more frequently; others
experience improvements in their physical well-being.
[664.5 LEF]
Focusing on cerebral palsy : reviewing and communicating needs for services /
Parkes, Jackie ; Donnelly, Michael ; Hill, Nan. - London : Scope, 2001.
Keywords: Cerebral Palsy; Nature & Cause; Service Delivery; Life Expectancy;
Prevalence; Children; England
Summary: An overview of the research literature regarding the prevalence of cerebral
palsy, risk factors, trends and the likely future needs of people with cerebral palsy.
Includes information about needs and services for children only.
[203.21 PAR]
From where I sit : making my way with cerebral palsy / Nixon, Shelley. - New York :
Scholastic, 1999.
Keywords: Cerebral Palsy; Personal Stories
Summary: "I have lived with cerebral palsy all my life. I have limited use of my hands. I
use an electric wheelchair. My speech is slow but people can understand me if they
take the time.". This is the story of Shelley Nixon, a young woman who loves to write
essays and poems and has lived with cerebral palsy her whole life.
[203.21 NIX]
A guide for swimming teachers - Mount Lawley, WA : Cerebral Palsy Association of
Western Australia, 1999.
Keywords: Cerebral Palsy; Swimming
Summary: Guide for swimming teachers providing examples of learning outcomes for
students with disabilities who are learning to swim, particularly those with cerebral
[687.1 GUI]
A guide to cerebral palsy / Colledge, Nan. - 3rd ed. - Alberta : Cerebral Palsy
Association of Canada, 1999.
Web Site: Keywords: Cerebral Palsy; Nature & Cause
Summary: Brief introduction to cerebral palsy.
[203.21 COL]
Handling the young child with cerebral palsy at home / Finnie, Nancie R. - 3rd ed. -
Oxford : Butterworth-Heinemann, 1997.
Keywords: Cerebral Palsy; Child Rearing; Child Development; Motor Skills; Therapy;
Early Intervention
Summary: Guide for parents on caring for children with cerebral palsy in the home.
Includes information on communication with health professionals, medical aspects of
cerebral palsy, basic principles of movement and development, hand function, learning
including speech, music therapy, play and communication plus information on sleeping,
toilet training, bathing and dressing, feeding and aids to mobility.
[203.21 FIN]
Health options : complementary therapies for cerebral palsy and related
/ Vickers, Andrew. - Shaftesbury, Dorset : Element Books, 1994.
Keywords: Therapy; Alternative Medicine; Nervous System Disorders; Cerebral Palsy
Summary: Introductory guide to complementary therapies for cerebral palsy and other
conditions - such as Down's syndrome, learning disability, tuberous sclerosis and
autism - which arise from the improper functioning of the nervous system. Includes
information on a range of complementary therapies including - massage,
aromatherapy, shiatsu, reflexology, Metamorphic technique, osteopathy, chiropractic,
Alexander technique, Feldenkrais, homeopathy, acupuncture, herbal healing and
natural medicine.
[250 VIC]
"Help me grow" : nutrition for children with cerebral palsy / Whitney, Deanne. -
Fortitude Valley, Qld : Cerebral Palsy League of Queensland, 2001.
Keywords: Cerebral Palsy; Nutrition
Summary: Discusses the importance of good nutrition for children with cerebral palsy.
[203.21 WHI]
Here's what I mean to say. / Yates, Sarah. - Winnipeg, Manitoba : Gemma B
Publishing, 1997.
Keywords: Cerebral Palsy; Augmentative Communication; Childrens Literature
Summary: In Here's What I Mean to Say. Ann's dad brings home a computer. With its
help, she uncovers the magic of literacy. But she wonders: is it her? is it an angel or is
it her computer?
[203.21 YAT]
How soon will we prevent neurodisability in childhood? : a report sponsored by
the United Cerebral Palsy Research and Educational Foundation, the Novartis
Foundation and the Little Foundation
- London : Mac Keith Press, 2003.
Keywords: Neurodevelopmental Disorders; Cerebral Palsy; Autism; Epilepsy;
Prevention; Conferences
Summary: Collection of papers from a meeting held in February 2002 on the prevention
of neurodisability in childhood.
[203 HOW]
Hyperbaric oxygenation for cerebral palsy and the brain injured child : a
promising treatment
/ Neubauer, Richard A. - Flagstaff, AZ : Best Publishing
Company, 2002.
Keywords: Cerebral Palsy; Brain Injuries; Children; Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy
Summary: Information about the use and value of hyperbaric oxygen therapy in the
treatment of children who have experienced near-drowning, traumatic brain injuries,
cardiac arrest and cerebral palsy.
[203.21 NEU]
I have cerebral palsy / Mair, Peter ; Mair, Catherine. - Petone : Gilt Edge Publishing,
Keywords: Cerebral Palsy; Childrens Literature; NZ
Summary: Katie was born with cerebral palsy and she tells us what it is like to live with
cerebral palsy.
[203.21 MAI]
I raise my eyes to say yes / Siekiewicz-Mercer, Ruth ; Kaplan, Steven B. - London :
Grafton Books, 1989.
Keywords: Cerebral Palsy; Institutionalisation; Independent Living; Personal Stories
Summary: Ruth Sienkiewicz-Mercer was born with severe cerebral palsy - she
communicates by means of display boards and uses facial expressions to show when
the right word is indicated. She has written her autobiography, with the help of Steven
Kaplan, telling her life story from institutionalisation to living with her husband in her
own home.
[203.21 SIE]
The inclusion of children with cerebral palsy - including hemiplegia - in early year
- London : Scope, 2005.
Web Site: Keywords: Cerebral Palsy; Early Childhood Education; Hemiplegia; England
Summary: Practical guidelines for including children with cerebral palsy in early
childhood settings.
[203.21 INC]
Introduction to communicative disorders / Hegde, MN. - 2nd ed. - Austin, TX : Pro-
Ed, 1995.
Keywords: Speech & Language Disorders; Hearing Impairment; Language; Stuttering;
Voice Disorders; Cleft Lip & Palate; Cerebral Palsy; Culture
Summary: Comprehensive guide to communicative disorders. Includes chapters on
communication and its disorders; anatomy and physiology of speech and hearing;
articulation and phonological disorders; language acquisition and disorders in
preschool children; speech disorders and cleft palate; and, neurological communicative
disorders, including aphasia and cerebral palsy.
[219.4 HEG]
Jonathan, too, goes to a day nursery : the integration of a handicapped child in a
pre-primary school
/ Stiernquist, Anne. - London : RADAR, 1982.
Keywords: Inclusive Education; Cerebral Palsy; Child Care; Sweden
Summary: Jonathan has cerebral palsy but he has been mainstreamed and goes with
other children to an ordinary day nursery.
[555 STI]
Keys to parenting a child with cerebral palsy / Leonard, Jane Faulkner ;
Cadenhead, Sherri L ; Myers, Margaret E. - Hauppauge, NY : Barron's Educational
Series, 1997.
Keywords: Cerebral Palsy; Nature & Cause; Parenting; Family; Child Development;
Learning; Education
Summary: Guide for parents of children with cerebral palsy. The authors stress the
child's potential and help the reader understand how greater levels of independence
can be achieved. All aspects of a child's well-being are considered - physical, mental
and social development, therapy and new trends in medical management, education
and vocational training and making provisions for the child's future.
[203.21 LEO]
Little Kids First - Mealtime; Indoor fun; Outdoor fun - Coolbinia, WA : Cerebral
Palsy Association of Western Australia, 1996.
Web Site: Keywords: Early Intervention; Early Childhood Education; Cerebral Palsy; Physical
Disabilities; Personal Care; Communication; Play; Eating & Drinking
Summary: These videos aim to promote the inclusion of children with physical
disabilities into the daily routines of natural early childhood environments. They
demonstrate ways in which Early Intervention therapists can assist in this process. The
children in these videos have cerebral palsy. The principles of promoting inclusion and
participation are relevant to all children with physical disabilities. The videos may be
used in discussion groups and staff development sessions. Comes with Little Kids First
booklets - Let's chat: communicative opportunities; Let's chat: communicative
opportunities for non-speaking children; Let’s play: positioning and mobility ideas; Let's
eat: mealtime participation; Let’s go: personal care skills, such as toileting anddressing.
[VIDEO] 47.
Management of the motor disorders of children with cerebral palsy / Scrutton,
David, ed. - London : Spastics International Medical Publications, 1984.
Keywords: Cerebral Palsy; Motor Skills; Conductive Education; Children
Summary: Six leading practitioners discuss their views on treatment of cerebral palsy -
includes conductive education, the Bobath method, early intervention, sensory-
integrative therapy.
[203.21 MAN]
My left foot : the story of Christy Brown - London : Granada, 1990.
Keywords: Cerebral Palsy; Personal Stories; Videos
Summary: Stars Daniel Day Lewis and Brenda Fricker. This film follows Christy
Brown's childhood - his struggle to grow up in a poor family, learning to read and write
with his left foot - to adulthood where he has published a book and meets his future
My life on wheels / Griffin, Angela. - Oamaru : Craig Printing, 1995.
Keywords: Cerebral Palsy; Visual Impairment; Community Living; Education;
Communication; Institutionalisation; Templeton Hospital; Burwood Hospital; NZCCS;
Personal Stories; NZ
Summary: Angela Griffin talks about her life and the experience of living with a physical
disability; Angela has severe spastic cerebral palsy. She talks about her childhood,
leaving her home in Oamaru at the age of 5 to live at Templeton Hospital in
Christchurch and 14 years later, moving from Templeton to Burwood Hospital. Angela
has now moved back to Oamaru and is living in a semi-flatting situation at Fernbrook
House, where she has become much more part of community life.
[203.21 GRI]
A neurophysiological basis for the treatment of cerebral palsy / Bobath, Karel. -
2nd ed - London : MacKeith Press, 1980, 1991.
Keywords: Cerebral Palsy; Motor Skills
Summary: Revised edition of Karel Bobath's 1966 text "The Motor Deficit in Patients
with Cerebral Palsy". Looks at the neurophysiological mechanisms underlying the
motor disorders of cerebral palsy.
[203.21 BOB]
Nicholas Nigel Norris / McLevie, Susan ; Cutler, Ann ; Norris, Rachel. - Mt Lawley,
WA : Cerebral Palsy Association of Western Australia, 2000.
Keywords: Cerebral Palsy; Childrens LiteratureSummary: The picture book and accompanying workbook "CP and Me", have beenwritten to help children understand cerebral palsy. The main character in this story,Nicholas, has cerebral palsy. He has splints on his legs and starts asking his motherwhy he is so different to others.
[203.21 MCL] 52.
Nobody knows! / Yates, Sarah. - Winnipeg, Manitoba : Gemma B Publishing, 1994.
Keywords: Cerebral Palsy; Communication; Childrens Literature
Summary: In Nobody Knows! a six-year old Ann is frustrated that even her Mum and
Dad don't know what she wants. With her friend Jay, she sets out on an adventure to
find someone who does understand. This is a fantasy with real possibilities.
[203.21 YAT]
On being Sarah / Helfman, Elizabeth ; Saffioti, Lino, illustrations. - Morton Grove, IL :
Albert Whitman & Co, 1993.
Keywords: Cerebral Palsy; Fiction
Summary: Twelve-year-old Sarah Bennett has cerebral palsy and the same wishes that
many girls have - she hopes she will like her new school and will find friends there.
Sarah uses a wheelchair and cannot speak but uses a symbol board. When she makes
a new friend at school her adventures start.
[203.21 HEL]
Orthopaedic management in cerebral palsy / Bleck, Eugene. - 2nd ed. - London :
MacKeith Press, 1987.
Keywords: Cerebral Palsy; Orthopedics
Summary: Comprehensive text on aspects of orthopaedics as they relate to cerebral
palsy. Includes information on special assessment methods, gait analysis,
neurobiology, physical and occupational therapy, surgical treatment, management of
scoliosis, spastic hemiplegia and spastic diplegia.
[203.21 BLE]
Parent articles about NDT / Erhardt, Rhoda, ed. - San Antonio, TX : Therapy Skill
Builders, 1999.
Keywords: Neurodevelopmental Therapy; Positioning; Child Development; Posture;
Sensory Processing; Cerebral Palsy; Hippotherapy
Summary: Reference guide for therapists and families of children with disabilities, aged
birth to 18 years. Includes information on the history and theory behind NDT;
positioning and basic transitions; movement and postural control; orthotics, splinting
and casting; atypical development, other therapies including aquatic therapy,
hippotherapy, oral motor therapy; sensory processing and the use of play in therapy.
[259 PAR]
Parents as care managers : the experiences of those caring for young children
with cerebral palsy
/ Bridge, Gillian. - Aldershot, Hants : Ashgate Publishing, 1999.
Keywords: Cerebral Palsy; Carers; Parenting; United Kingdom
Summary: A study based on 58 families who care for a child with cerebral
palsy at home. The book includes information on the condition itself, and analysis of
the effects on the family of current policy in health, education and social services.
[203.21 BRI]
Physiotherapy home programmes for children with motor delay / Crombie, Sarah.
- Oxon : Winslow Press, 1997.
Keywords: Movement Disorders; Cerebral Palsy; Muscular Disorders; Motor Skills;
Summary: Designed for use by physiotherapists to compile personalised home
exercise and management programmes for children with motor delay or dysfunction. In
three sections, Section 1 comprises information sheets on which to enter personal
details about the child; Section 2 contains diagrams with a simple text illustrating
exercises; and, Section 3 provides further information on the areas of play and
communication. Pages can be removed from this manual and photocopied.
[256 CRO]
Point percussion therapy workshop manual - rev ed. - Coolbinia, WA : Cerebral
Palsy Association of Western Australia, 1991,1994.
Keywords: Therapy; Point Percussion Therapy; Cerebral Palsy
Summary: Point percussion therapy for the treatment of cerebral palsy is a branch of
acupressure therapy and its techniques have been modified and used for the treatment
of cerebral palsy and allied conditions. This manual gives the basics to performing
point percussion therapy.
[250 POI]
Positive perspectives for cerebral palsy : a practical guide for physicians,
nurses, families and caregivers
- Oradell, NJ : Psy-Ed Corporation, 1999.
Keywords: Cerebral Palsy; Nature & Cause; Child Development; Movement; Early
Intervention; Therapy; Aids & Equipment
Summary: Collection of articles on cerebral palsy from the publishers of "Exceptional
Parent". Includes articles on origins and causes of cerebral palsy, management of
motor impairment, Botox injections, Baclofen pump, rhizotomy surgery, therapies and
[203.21 POS]
Posture and movement of the child with cerebral palsy / Stamer, Marcia. - San
Antonio, TX : Therapy Skill Builders, 2000.
Keywords: Cerebral Palsy; Ataxia; Hemiplegia; Posture; Motor Skills; Physical TherapySummary: Detailed descriptions of how children with cerebral palsy develop and learn.
This book is organised by categories that classify cerebral palsy based on particularpathophysiologies.
[203.21 STA] 61.
Preschool pack - Allambie Heights, NSW : The Spastic Centre, 2001.
Web Site: Keywords: Cerebral Palsy; Early Childhood Education; Child Care; Australia
Summary: Series of factsheets designed to facilitate the successful inclusion of
children with cerebral palsy into mainstream childcare centres and preschools.
[203.21 PRE]
Rescuing brain injured children / Pennock, Keith. - 2nd ed. - London : Ashgrove
Publishing, 1991, 1999.
Keywords: Brain Injuries; Cerebral Palsy; Autism; Therapy; Sensory Stimulation; Brain-
Net; England
Summary: Keith Pennock set up Brain-Net to help his daughter when she became
brain injured. They now work in association with four similar units in Europe and
Australia and have helped over 1400 brain injured children. The therapy consists of a
home treatment programme individually designed for each child, where increased
sensory stimulation is coupled with an enhanced opportunity for motor development.
Considerable emphasis is placed upon proper nutrition, adequate respiratory function,
and good spatial awareness, and before each child’s parents can be taught the
individual techniques relevant to their child’s needs, an in-depth initial assessment of
the child, involving medical and functional evaluations, is first carried out at one of the
[203.2 PEN]
Rich and rewarding : an autobiography / Blackwood, Bill. - [Palmerston North] The
Author, 2001.
Keywords: Cerebral Palsy; History; Personal Stories; NZ
Summary: Bill Blackwood was born with cerebral palsy years before that condition was
understood in NZ. Unable to write, he was taught at primary school to use a typewriter.
In 1948, inspired by the example of Dr Earl Carlson, a world authority on cerebral
palsy, he resumed his education, completing a university degree and gaining a diploma
of the NZ Library School. After five years as Welfare Officer at Pukeora Home for the
Disabled, the remainder of his career was spent in library work, notably at Massey
[203.21 BLA]
Rolling along : the story of Taylor and his wheelchair / Heelan, Jamee Riggio. -
Atlanta, GA : Peachtree Publishing, 2000.
Keywords: Cerebral Palsy; Wheelchairs; Childrens Literature
Summary: Picture book that explains how having cerebral palsy affects Taylor, and
how getting a wheelchair makes a big difference in helping him get around, do thingsby himself, and even play basketball with his twin Tyler.
[203.21 HEE] 65.
Sam at the park / Willemse, Angela. - Auckland : Ratbags Productions 2000, 2001.
Web Site: Keywords: Cerebral Palsy; Play; Childrens Literature; NZ
Summary: Children's picture book about Sam, who has cerebral palsy, and his trip to
the playground.
[203.21 WIL]
Sam at therapy / Willemse, Angela. - Auckland : Ratbags Productions 2000, 2001.
Web Site: Keywords: Cerebral Palsy; Therapy; Childrens Literature; NZ
Summary: Children's picture book about Sam, who has cerebral palsy, and the therapy
he has to stretch his muscles.
[203.21 WIL]
Sam's world / Willemse, Angela. - Auckland : Ratbags Productions 2000, 2001.
Web Site: Keywords: Cerebral Palsy; Childrens Literature; NZ
Summary: Children's picture book about a little boy with cerebral palsy called Sam.
[203.21 WIL]
Scientific and therapeutic aspects of botulinum toxin / Brin, Mitchell ; Hallett, Mark
; Jankovic, Joseph. - Philadelphia, PA : Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 2002.
Keywords: Cerebral Palsy; Botulinum Toxin
Summary: Collection of papers on the therapeutic use of botulinum toxin (Botox).
[203.21 SCI]
Sharing our story : parents of children with a disability talk about their lives -
Armadale, Vic : Association for Children with a Disability ; Sarah Burton Publications,
Keywords: Parenting; Cerebral Palsy; Autism; Down Syndrome; Epilepsy; Personal
Stories; Australia; Videos
Summary: Explores the lives of 5 families of children with a disability from Victoria. The
children range in age from 4 to sixteen years. Youki and Will have cerebral palsy, Ally
has Down syndrome, Cameron has uncontrolled epilepsy and Stephanie has autism.
Complements a community education training package.
Stand up the real Glynn Vernon - London : Spastics Society, 1989.
Keywords: Attitudes; Independent Living; Cerebral Palsy; Videos
Summary: Introduction to disability awareness and ideal starting point for discussion.
This video is about a man with views, opinions, beliefs, a flat, a small business, a past
and plans for the future. He also happens to have cerebral palsy - the video
successfully blends Glynn Vernon's personal story with the wider issues of disability.
Stretching ourselves : kids with cerebral palsy / Carter, Alden. - Morton Grove, IL :
Albert Whitman & Co, 2000.
Keywords: Cerebral Palsy; Childrens Literature
Summary: Describes cerebral palsy and focuses on the daily lives of four children with
varying degrees of cerebral palsy.
[203.21 CAR]
Taking cerebral palsy to school / Anderson, Mary Elizabeth. - Plainview, NY : JayJo
Books, 2000.
Keywords: Cerebral Palsy; Childrens Literature
Summary: Chad has cerebral palsy and uses a wheelchair to go to school. He explains
what cp is and how it affects his life.
[203.21 AND]
Teaming with success : the Bobath interdisciplinary approach - London : Bobath
Centre for Children with Cerebral Palsy, 1995.
Keywords: Cerebral Palsy; Bobath; Physical Therapy; Videos; United Kingdom
Summary: Demonstrates the Bobath approach to cerebral palsy therapy. Presents
children with athetosis, spastic diplegia and choreoathetosis. Focuses on
communication, home management and activities of daily life.
Ten things I learned from Bill Porter / Brady, Shelly. - Sydney : Hodder, 2002.
Keywords: Cerebral Palsy; Personal Stories; USA
Summary: Bill Porter worked for the Watkins Corp., selling household products door-to-
door in one of Portland’s worst neighborhoods. Porter has cerebral palsy but he was
determined not to live on government disability and went on to become Watkins’s top-
grossing salesman in Portland, the Northwest, and the US. This book was written by
the woman who worked as Porter’s typist and driver and later became his friend and
[203.21 BRA]
Treating cerebral palsy : for clinicians by clinicians / McDonald, Eugene, ed. -
Austin, TX : Pro-Ed, 1987.
Keywords: Cerebral Palsy; Nature & Cause; Child Development
Summary: Information on cerebral palsy for clinicians. Includes chapters on the nature,
pathogenesis and management of cerebral palsy, neurophysiological basis of modern
treatment, intellectual development and assessment, social and emotional
development, auditory and visual problems, prespeech and feeding development,
handling, positioning and adaptive equipment, speech production problems,
communication strategies, educational programming, advance technology aids, and
assessment and tests used with children and adolescents.
[203.21 TRE]
Treatment of cerebral palsy and motor delay / Levitt, Sophie. - 4th ed. - Oxford :
Blackwell Publishing, 2004.
Keywords: Cerebral Palsy; Therapy; Motor Skills; Physiotherapy
Summary: An integrated approach to the treatment of cerebral palsy drawing on many
different forms of treatment and current ideas on learning motor control. Emphasis is
placed on a holistic approach to the child and parents in partnership with therapists.
[203.21 LEV]
What to do about your brain-injured child : or your brain-damaged, mentally
retarded, mentally deficient, cerebral-palsied, emotionally disturbed, spastic,
flaccid, rigid, epileptic, autistic, athetoid, hyperactive, Down's child
/ Doman,
Glenn. - Garden City Park, NY : Avery Publishing, 1994.
Keywords: Brain Injuries; Brain Damage; Cerebral Palsy; Autism; Down Syndrome;
Therapy; Patterning; The Institutes For The Achievement Of Human Potential; USA
Summary: Glenn Doman, founder of the Institutes for the Achievement of Human
Potential, documents the Institutes 35 year success with people with brain injuries,
citing statistics and case histories, and illustrating the basic principles of brain
development with charts, diagrams and drawings. He explains why the old theories and
techniques failed, and explains the Institutes philosophy and revolutionary treatment of
the brain rather than the body. He reveals the techniques and tools to measure
mobility, language, manual, visual, auditory and tactile development, including unique
methods of patterning, masking and motivation and explains the Institute individualised
home-based programs.
[203.2 DOM]
Yes!, she knows she's here / Schaefer, Nicola. - Toronto : Inclusion Press, 1997.
Keywords: Inclusion; Independent Living; Family Support; Service Delivery; Personal
Stories; Cerebral Palsy; Canada
Summary: On July 18 1986 Catherine moved from her parents' house into her own
home. It was the culmination of two years of planning and hard work on the part of
many people. Everyone had been eager to help Cath create a home for herself where
she would have both the necessary paid, live-in support and the freely given friendship
and help of others living in the upstairs apartments. Could such a novel arrangement
work? "This is a book for anyone who wants to see how staying faithful to realising a
positive vision changes community life for the better. It contains great wisdom about
developing and maintaining support around people with disabilities and their familiesand deep understanding of the experience of parenting. Study this book if you want tomake a meaningful difference in the life of a person with a disability." - John O'Brien[323 SCH] Section 2
Indexed Articles and Web Resources
Adult conductive programs : the next frontier / Brown, Melanie ; Sutton, Andrew -
in, Cerebral Palsy Magazine , 2no4, (Dec 2004) : p. 26-29
Keywords: Cerebral Palsy - Conductive Education - Adults [Article]
Adults with CP, finding our power, claiming our place / Bauer, David - in, Cerebral
Palsy Magazine , 2no3, (Sep 2004) : p. 7-11
Keywords: Cerebral Palsy - Ageing - Adults - Conferences [Article]
Aging and cerebral palsy : aging, well-being and cerebral palsy / Crawford,
Web Site: Keywords: Cerebral Palsy - Ageing [E-Article]
Altered skeletal maturation in moderate to severe cerebral palsy / Henderson,
Richard ; [et al.] - in, Developmental Medicine & Child Neurology , 47no4, (Apr 2005) :
p. 229-236
Keywords: Cerebral Palsy - Growth [Article]
Are shoes just dressy foot coverings? / Paster, Hilory - in, Cerebral Palsy Magazine
, 3no1, (Mar 2005) : p. 42-43
Keywords: Cerebral Palsy - Shoes - Ankle Foot Orthosis [Article]
BEST can be the best treatment for your child - in, Cerebral Palsy Magazine , 3no2,
(Jun 2005) : p. 30-33
Keywords: Cerebral Palsy - Bioenergetic System Therapy - DENS-therapy [Article]
Beyond growth : gastrostomy feeding in children with cerebral palsy :
/ Stevenson, Richard - in, Developmental Medicine & Child Neurology ,
47no2, (Feb 2005) : p. 76
Keywords: Cerebral Palsy - Gastrostomies [Article]
Bodily pain and health-related quality of life in children with cerebral palsy /
Houlihan, Christine ; [et al.] - in, Developmental Medicine & Child Neurology , 46no5,
(May 2004) : p. 305-310
Keywords: Cerebral Palsy - Health Care - Quality Of Life - Children - Pain [Article]
Bone density in children and adolescents with cerebral palsy / United Cerebral
Web Site: Keywords: Cerebral Palsy - Bone Density - Children - Young People [E-Article]
Botulinum toxin A and upper limb functional skills in hemiparetic cerebral palsy :
a randomised trial in children receiving intensive therapy
/ Speth, LAWM ; [et al.] -
in, Developmental Medicine & Child Neurology , 47no7, (Jul 2005) : p. 468-473
Keywords: Cerebral Palsy - Botulinum Toxin [Article]
Botulinum toxin in the management of cerebral palsy / Jefferson, Rosalind - in,
Developmental Medicine & Child Neurology , 46no7, (Jul 2004) : p. 491-499
Keywords: Cerebral Palsy - Botulinum Toxin [Article]
Caesarean myth disastrous for obstetrics / Stanley, Fiona - in, CP Australia , no3,
(2004) : p. 31
Keywords: Cerebral Palsy - Caesarean Delivery - Australia [Article]
Care provider assessment of intrathecal Baclofen in children / Gooch, Judith ; [et
al.] - in, Developmental Medicine & Child Neurology , 46no8, (Aug 2004) : p. 548-552
Keywords: Cerebral Palsy - Intrathecal Baclofen [Article]
Cerebellar injury in children with cerebral palsy / United Cerebral Palsy
Web Site: Keywords: Cerebral Palsy - Cerebellar Injury [E-Article]
Cerebral palsy following term newborn encephalopathy : a population-based
/ Badawi, Nadia ; [et al.] - in, Developmental Medicine & Child Neurology ,
47no5, (May 2005) : p. 293-298
Keywords: Cerebral Palsy - Encephalopathy [Article]
Changes in mobility of children with cerebral palsy over time and across
environmental settings
/ Tieman, Beth ; [et al.] - in, Movement sciences : transfer of
knowledge into pediatric therapy practice (2004)
Keywords: Cerebral Palsy - Children - Mobility [Article]
CME - Cuevas MEDEK Exercises (formerly know as MEDEK Therapy) / Weltman,
Jo-Anne - in, Cerebral Palsy Magazine , 2no3, (Sep 2004) : p. 42-44
Keywords: Cerebral Palsy - Physical Therapy - Cuevas MEDEK Exercises [Article]
Comparison of direct and indirect measures of walking energy expenditure in
children with hemiplegic cerebral palsy
/ Keefer, Daniel ; [et al.] - in, Developmental
Medicine & Child Neurology , 46no5, (May 2004) : p. 320-324
Keywords: Cerebral Palsy - Energy - Walking [Article]
Conductive education 2004 : research status report (Jun 2004)
Web Site: Keywords: Cerebral Palsy - Conductive Education - USA [E-Article]
Constraint induced movement therapy and cerebral palsy / Novak, Iona
Web Site: Keywords: Cerebral Palsy - Constraint-Induced Movement Therapy [E-Article]
Determinants of exercise in adults with cerebral palsy / Heller, Tamar ; [et al.] - in,
Public Health Nursing , 19no3, (May/Jun 2002) : p. 223-231
Keywords: Cerebral Palsy - Exercise [Article]
Direct speech and language therapy for children with cerebral palsy : findings
from a systematic review
/ Pennington, Lindsay ; Goldbart, Juliet ; Marshall, Julie - in,
Developmental Medicine & Child Neurology , 47no1, (Jan 2005) : p. 57-63
Keywords: Cerebral Palsy - Speech Therapy [Article]
The doctor's story / Bauer, David - in, Cerebral Palsy Magazine , 2no4, (Dec 2004) :
p. 7-9
Keywords: Cerebral Palsy - Earl Carlson - USA [Article]
Drooling - in, Cerebral Palsy Society Review (Dec 2004) : p. 8-9
Keywords: Cerebral Palsy - Drooling [Article]
Early communication for children with complex needs : information for
/ Scope
Web Site: Keywords: Cerebral Palsy - Multiple Disabilities - Children - Communication [E-Article]
Educating children who have moderate to severe cerebral palsy : exploring the
range of student experiences and needs in inclusive, school-age settings
/ Usher,
Adine Ray - in, Cerebral Palsy Magazine , 3no2, (Jun 2005) : p. 15-21
Keywords: Cerebral Palsy - Education [Article]
Effect of functional electrical stimulation, applied during walking, on gait in
spastic cerebral palsy
/ Postans, Neil ; Granat, Malcolm - in, Developmental Medicine
& Child Neurology , 47no1, (Jan 2005) : p. 46-52
Keywords: Cerebral Palsy - Gait - Functional Electrical Stimulation [Article]
Effect of intensive neurodevelopmental treatment in gross motor function of
children with cerebral palsy
/ Tsorlakis, Nikos ; [et al.] - in, Developmental Medicine
& Child Neurology , 46no11, (Nov 2004) : p. 740-745
Keywords: Cerebral Palsy - Neurodevelopmental Therapy - Gross Motor Function
Effectiveness of selective muscle release surgery for children with cerebral palsy
: longitudinal and stratified analysis
/ Kondo, Izumi ; [et al.] - in, Developmental
Medicine & Child Neurology , 46no8, (Aug 2004) : p. 540-547
Keywords: Cerebral Palsy - Surgery - Muscles [Article]
Effects of constraint-induced movement therapy in young children with
hemiplegic cerebral palsy : an adapted model
/ Eliasson, Ann-Christin ; [et al.] - in,
Developmental Medicine & Child Neurology , 47no4, (Apr 2005) : p. 266-275
Keywords: Cerebral Palsy - Movement [Article]
Gait adaptation of children with cerebral palsy compared with control children
when stepping over an obstacle
/ Law, Louisa ; Webb, Cecilia - in, Developmental
Medicine & Child Neurology , 47no5, (May 2005) : p. 321-328
Keywords: Cerebral Palsy - Gait [Article]
Gastrostomy tube feeding in children with cerebral palsy : a prospective,
longitudinal study
/ Sullivan, Peter ; [et al.] - in, Developmental Medicine & Child
Neurology , 47no2, (Feb 2005) : p. 77-85
Keywords: Cerebral Palsy - Gastrostomies - Children [Article]
The health of primary caregivers of children with cerebral palsy : how does it
compare with that of other Canadian caregivers?
/ Brehaut, Jamie ; [et al.] - in,
Pediatrics , 114no2, (Aug 20004) : p. 182-191
Keywords: Cerebral Palsy - Carers - Health Care - Canada [Article]
How I built a special room for my special child / Buscani, Elyn - in, Cerebral Palsy
Magazine , 3no2, (Jun 2005) : p. 57-59
Keywords: Cerebral Palsy - Bedrooms [Article]
How secondary problems become a primary concern in ambulatory adults with
cerebral palsy
/ Gable, Laura - in, Cerebral Palsy Magazine , 3no1, (Mar 2005) : p.
Keywords: Cerebral Palsy - Secondary Disabilities - Ageing [Article]
How yoga helped my son / Murray, Michelle - in, Disability Now (Mar 2005) : p. 34
Web Site: --
Keywords: Cerebral Palsy - Yoga [Article]
I'm having a baby. - in, CP Australia , no3, (2004) : p. 40
Keywords: Cerebral Palsy - Pregnancy - Personal Stories - Australia [Article]
Identification and description of environmental factors that influence
participation of children with cerebral palsy
/ Mihaylov, Svetozar ; [et al.] - in,
Developmental Medicine & Child Neurology , 46no5, (May 2004) : p. 299-304
Keywords: Cerebral Palsy - Environment [Article]
If we can't go to see the surgeons, we'll bring them to us! - in, CP Australia , no3,
(2004) : p. 32-33
Keywords: Cerebral Palsy - Selective Dorsal Rhizotomy - Personal Stories - Australia
Influence of gait pattern on the body's centre of mass displacement in children
with cerebral palsy
/ Massaad, Firas ; [et al.] - in, Developmental Medicine & Child
Neurology , 46no10, (Oct 2004) : p. 674-680
Keywords: Cerebral Palsy - Gait [Article]
Intensive therapy and strengthening : new research / Koscielny, Richard - in,
Cerebral Palsy Magazine , 3no2, (Jun 2005) : p. 52-54
Keywords: Cerebral Palsy - Therasuit - Research Study [Article]
Is treatment with growth hormone effectives in children with cerebral palsy? /
Shim, Melanie ; [et al.] - in, Developmental Medicine & Child Neurology , 46no8, (Aug
2004) : p. 569-571
Keywords: Cerebral Palsy - Growth Hormone [Article]
Life with the pump : a personal story / Farley, Gretta - in, Cerebral Palsy Magazine ,
3no1, (Mar 2005) : p. 50-52
Keywords: Cerebral Palsy - Spasticity - Baclofen - Personal Stories [Article]
Limb distribution, motor impairment and functional classification of cerebral
/ Gorter, Jan Willem ; [et al.] - in, Developmental Medicine & Child Neurology ,
46no7, (Jul 2004) : p. 461-467
Keywords: Cerebral Palsy - Classification [Article]
Living with CP / Drors, Dina - in, Cerebral Palsy Magazine , 3no1, (Mar 2005) : p. 14-
Keywords: Cerebral Palsy - Alternative Therapies - Personal Stories [Article]
Luke's Hart Walker / Thomas, Christine - in, Special Kids (Sep 2003) : p. 12
Keywords: Cerebral Palsy - Hart Walker - Personal Stories - NZ [Article]
Managing severe spasticity with Medtronic ITB Therapy / Johnson, Susan - in,
Cerebral Palsy Magazine , 3no1, (Mar 2005) : p. 44-49
Keywords: Cerebral Palsy - Spasticity - Baclofen - Medtronic Implantable Drug Pump
Maternal prenatal steroid treatment / United Cerebral Palsy (Jun 2005)
Web Site: Keywords: Cerebral Palsy - Steroids - Pregnancy [E-Article] 49.
Modified constraint-induced movement therapy for young children with
hemiplegic cerebral palsy : a pilot study
/ Naylor, CE ; Bower, E - in, Developmental
Medicine & Child Neurology , 47no6, (Jun 2005) : p. 365-369
Keywords: Cerebral Palsy - Constraint-Induced Movement Therapy [Article]
Neuromuscular activation and motor-unit firing characteristics in cerebral palsy /
Rose, Jessica ; McGill, Kevin - in, Developmental Medicine & Child Neurology , 47no5,
(May 2005) : p. 329-336
Keywords: Cerebral Palsy - Motor Skills [Article]
'New' therapies for cp and brain injured individuals : hyperbaric oxygen therapy
(HBOT) and suit therapy (the TheraSuit method)
/ Deister, David - in, Cerebral Palsy
Magazine , 2no4, (Dec 2004) : p. 48-52
Keywords: Cerebral Palsy - Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy - Therasuit [Article]
Osteoporosis / McMahon, Eileen ; Miller, Patti ; Krick, Jackie - in, Exceptional Parent
(Nov 2003) : p. 86-88
Keywords: Intellectual Disabilities - Cerebral Palsy - Osteoporosis [Article]
Pain discussion from the CP Group Meeting / Vogtle, Laura - in, Cerebral Palsy
Magazine , 2no4, (Dec 2004) : p. 20-23
Keywords: Cerebral Palsy - Pain [Article]
Participation of children with cerebral palsy is influenced by where they live /
Hammal, Donna ; Jarvis, Stephen ; Colver, Allan - in, Developmental Medicine & Child
Neurology , 46no5, (May 2004) : p. 292-298
Keywords: Cerebral Palsy - Inclusion - Environment [Article]
PERCS - the inside story / Koscielny, Izabela - in, Cerebral Palsy Magazine , 3no1,
(Mar 2005) : p. 32-35
Keywords: Cerebral Palsy - Percutaneous Myofascial Lengthenings - Personal Stories
A promising new treatment for dysphagia in the cp population / Wijting, Yorick - in,
Cerebral Palsy Magazine , 3no2, (Jun 2005) : p. 36-39Keywords: Cerebral Palsy - Dysphagia - VitalSlim Therapy [Article] 57.
Rehabilitation with the ease of a game / Volodymyr, Kozijavkin ; Oleh, Kachmar - in,
Cerebral Palsy Magazine , 2no3, (Sep 2004) : p. 30-34
Keywords: Cerebral Palsy - Computer Games - Kozijavkin Method [Article]
Relevance of the pediatric powered wheelchair screening test for children with
cerebral palsy
/ Furumasu, Jan ; Guerette, Paula ; Tefft, Donita - in, Developmental
Medicine & Child Neurology , 46no7, (Jul 2004) : p. 468-474
Keywords: Cerebral Palsy - Children - Powered Mobility Aids - Assessment [Article]
Residential transitions from nursing homes for adults with cerebral palsy / Heller,
Tamar ; Factor, Alan ; Hahn, Joan Earle - in, Disability and Rehabilitation , 21no5/6,
(1999) : p. 277-283
Keywords: Residential Care - Nursing Homes - Community Living - Cerebral Palsy -
Adults - USA [Article]
Scoliosis / Nuzzo, Roy - in, Cerebral Palsy Magazine , 2no3, (Sep 2004) : p. 13-17
Keywords: Cerebral Palsy - Scoliosis - Surgery [Article]
Selective percutaneous myofascial lengthenings (SPML) in velocity-dependent
neuromuscular high gain gamma-efferent feedback oscillation syndrome, part 1
Nuzzo, Roy - in, Cerebral Palsy Magazine , 2no3, (Sep 2004) : p. 19-20
Keywords: Cerebral Palsy - Percutaneous Myofascial Lengthenings [Article]
SPIDER therapy : a cutting edge rehabilitative technique / Drilling, Michelle - in,
Cerebral Palsy Magazine , 3no1, (Mar 2005) : p. 18-22
Keywords: SPIDER Therapy - Norman Rehabilitation and Medical Center -
Neurodevelopmental Therapy - Cerebral Palsy - Agenesis Of The Corpus Callosum -
Personal Stories [Article]
A synergistic approach to healing CP and the brain injured child : multi-
disciplinary therapy involving hyperbaric oxygenation
/ Neubauer, Richard - in,
Exceptional Parent (Jul 2004) : p. 67-69
Keywords: Cerebral Palsy - Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy [Article]
Therapeutic hip extensory tricycle / Gully, Karen - in, Cerebral Palsy Magazine ,
3no2, (Jun 2005) : p. 48-49
Keywords: Aids & Equipment - Cerebral Palsy - Tricycles [Article]
Thomas and his Hart Walker / Sowman, Glenda - in, Special Kids (Sep 2003) : p. 10-
Keywords: Cerebral Palsy - Hart Walker - Personal Stories - NZ [Article]
Universal exercise unit / Koscielny, Izabela - in, Cerebral Palsy Magazine , 2no3,
(Sep 2004) : p. 22-27
Keywords: Cerebral Palsy - Universal Exercise Unit [Article]
"We know they can do more" : an introduction to the conductive education
/ Roth, Judit - in, Cerebral Palsy Magazine, 2no3, (Sep 2004) : p. 38-41
Keywords: Cerebral Palsy - Conductive Education [Article]
Internet Resources
A small selection of Internet sites on cerebral palsy AACPDM Library
Cerebral Palsy Information
Resource - The Wellness
Interactive Network

Bobath Centre
Canadian Cerebral Palsy
Cerebral Palsy League of
Sports Association
Cerebral Palsy
Cerebral Palsy Links
Cerebral Palsy: a Guide for

Cerebral Palsy -
Neurowebforum to 2000
Cerebral Palsy and Aging
Cerebral Palsy: Ontario
Federation for Cerebral Palsy

The Cerebral Palsy Association
of Western Australia
Cerebral Palsy Society of NZ
Cerebral Palsy Bibliography
Cerebral Palsy Support
Cerebral Palsy (CP)
Cerebral Palsy tutorial
Cerebral Palsy Dictionary
Comeunity Cerebral Palsy

Cerebral Palsy (Family Village
CP - Australian Sport &
Cerebral Palsy Association of
Recreation Foundation
Western Australia Home Page
Cerebral Palsy Info Central
CPParent Resource Center
DoctorNET Online Cerebral
Palsy Links
The Spastic Centre, Australia
HandiLinks To Diseases -
United Cerebral Palsy
Cerebral Palsy
WWW Site of Therapeutic
Botulinum Neurotoxin: Clinical

Healthworks Online - Scope
The Homepage of the CPParent
Mailing List

KCRC Gait Lab - Cerebral
Palsy Information

Mental Health Net - Self-help
Cerebral Palsy Resources

North American Growth in CP

Ontario Federation for Cerebral
Palsy (OFCP)

Outlook International
ParentsPlace Cerebral Palsy

Pediatric Hemiplegia Support
Research on Botulinum Toxin
in Cerebral Palsy

Scope (Vic) Home Page
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Dell'aglim. pontignano 2002

VI Seminario Nazionale per Dottorandi in Farmacologia e Scienze Affini Siena, Certosa di Pontignano, 23 - 26 Settembre 2002 IN VITRO STUDIES ON THE MECHANISM OF ACTION OF TWO COMPOUNDS WITH ANTIPLASMODIAL ACTIVITY: ELLAGIC ACID AND 3,4,5-TRIMETHOXYPHENYL-(6’-O- GALLOYL)-O-β-D-GLUCOPYRANOSIDE Dell’Agli M. , 2° anno di corso del Dottorato in Scienze Farmacotossicologiche,

breeding, whelping, and rearing puppies

Breeding, Whelping, and Rearing Puppies Author Liza Lee Miller, [email protected] Originally written: April 1996 Updated: April 2, 1997 Copyright 1996 by Liza Lee Miller. All rights reserved. You may download and print a copy of this file for your personal use. Further distribution must be with the explicit permission of the author. Before breeding a bitch or even planning to

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