
• the diarrhoea lasts more than a week (more than two days in a Contact your doctor immediately if:
• you know you have a heart problem and have a nitrate spray or If any of these symptoms are present, particularly loss of It is sometimes possible to be ill even though you do not actually Contact your doctor if:
• you pass little or no urine over 12 hours (six hours in babies) or tablets, but after using these your symptoms do not settle consciousness (even for a short period of time), you should go to feel unwell. You should contact your doctor during normal surgery • you think you have picked up a stomach bug from overseas the Accident and Emergency (A&E) department of your local hours within ten days if you notice any of the following: • if breathing is accompanied by a pain in the chest, or shortness Diarrhoea is unpleasant but rarely dangerous. Its most usual cause Call 999 for an Ambulance if:
hospital or call 999 for an ambulance.
• feeling very tired for no apparent reason is a sudden change of diet; over-eating; over-drinking or it can • the chest pain is severe and lasts for more than 10 minutes; and • losing significant weight for no apparent reason • if your cough lasts more than two weeks; follow travel to a foreign country. Many attacks are caused by • feeling very thirsty a lot of the time for no apparent reason • you have a high temperature and a cough lasting more than Meningitis
• changes in colour, texture or size to a mole on your skin Diarrhoea is often accompanied by a colicky (cramplike) pain in Most people become very worried when they hear the word • if a child with these symptoms is not swallowing.
the tummy. It may also be preceded by vomiting.
‘meningitis’. In fact, single cases are rare and clusters are even • loss of blood when you cough, vomit, pass water or from your • you become breathless. If you are in any doubt, contact your rarer. The illness develops very quickly. Specific symptoms of Call 999 for an Ambulance if:
What you can do:
meningitis include one or more of the following: • changes to your voice - hoarseness or huskiness for no apparent • you have severe breathing difficulties; • you notice that your child’s lips are bluish in colour.
• drink plenty of clear fluids (water or squash) • cold hands and feet when the rest of the body is burning; • take paracetamol for colic-like tummy pains Head Injury,
Colds & Flu
• take rehydration medicine available from your pharmacist Sore Throats
Severe Symptoms
A cold usually begins gradually, it makes you feel generally unwell Most sore throats are caused by a viral infection which antibiotics A severe head injury, if not correctly treated, can cause serious and achy, and then produces a runny or blocked nose. After a day cannot cure. The sore throat will usually disappear in a few days.
Burns & Scalds
damage to the brain. This type of head injury always requires or two your nose runs with a clear liquid which then becomes The rash usually starts as small red or purple pin pricks which then urgent medical attention. The symptoms of a severe head injury thick and yellow. You may also have a sore throat, sneezing, a What you can do:
What you can do:
join to form red and purple blotches.
cough and a slight temperature. Symptoms may last 7-14 days. A • to help relieve the pain on swallowing and if there is a • immediately run cold water on the burn and keep it there for 10 • a lasting headache which worsens, or is still present over six cold is a viral illness which cannot be treated with antibiotics.
temperature, take regular painkillers, such as paracetamol minutes (this will help to cool the burn and relieve the pain) If you think you or your child has meningitis, you should
• do not remove clothing or anything else that sticks to the burn contact your doctor immediately or call 999 for an
• extreme difficulty in staying awake, or still being sleepy several What you can do:
• alternate paracetamol and aspirin every 3 hours; this will ease Contact your doctor if:
• unconsciousness, either for a short or extended period of time. Go to your nearest accident and emergency department if:
• you have severe breathing difficulties • the burn is large, covers a joint, is not painful to touch, is on a • straw coloured or blood stained fluid coming from the nose or • ask your pharmacist for advice on what over-the-counter • the problem lasts for more than three days child, or if there is sickness, shivering or a temperature; and ears. This is cerebrospinal fluid which normally surrounds the medication would best treat your symptoms • cover the burn area with ordinary kitchen cling film • if you have children, ensure you have paracetamol suitable for • your temperature rises above 38.6°C or 101°F • severe dizziness or loss of balance. children under 12 years and do not give children under 12 Chest Pains
If you are taking other medicines, always check with your Diarrhoea
Getting pains in the chest may be a symptom of a heart attack or • bleeding from the scalp that cannot be quickly stopped. pharmacist. Many cold and flu products already contain Contact your doctor if:
it can be caused by other problems. Stabbing chest pain when you • not being able to use part of the body, such as weakness in an With the NHS these days, there are lots of choices. paracetamol. Using several products together is very dangerous. If • contact your doctors immediately if there is any blood with the twist is usually your chest wall muscle and you can treat this with By making the right choice at the right time, you already have cold or flu medicine in the house, check that it simple painkillers. Shooting pains which last a few seconds are you get the best possible treatment.
• a baby, or child with diarrhoea is drowsy or refuses to drink for usually not a cause of concern. If chest pain happens with a cough or fever, it can be a sign of pleurisy, in which case you should Keep this by your phone,
contact your doctor during normal surgery hours.
• ringing or deafness in one or both ears. • having a seizure or fit (when your body suddenly moves on a notice board or with
your key contact numbers.
Printed on paper manufactured from a sustainable source using vegetable based inks. Design & Production 01282 877929 [ref 35297 - 06/08] Look after yourself
Visit the chemist
NHS Direct
Contact your
Visit an Urgent
Visit the Emergency
A well stocked medicine cabinet will help you
If you are concerned, pharmacists (sometimes called NHS Direct can help with a 24 hour advice and practice
Care Centre
treat many everyday illnesses at home.
chemists) can offer advice on medicines and how to health information service at any time, especially if: Minor illnesses or accidents can happen at any time take them. They can also offer advice on common Your GP Surgery
This Unit can be accessed directly by people who You should only go to A&E or call
complaints such as coughs, colds, aches and pains, Of course, sometimes we all need to go to the have sustained a minor injury, as the name suggests and other health issues, such as healthy eating and • you find it difficult to get to another service.
if immediate emergency care is needed.
doctors. Your local GP surgery provides a range of - it is not an Accident and Emergency Department or What You Should Have in Your Medicine
an out of hours GP surgery. The Unit is staffed by A&E departments tell us that many people who go to It is staffed by nurses and professional advisors, Emergency Nurse Practitioners, who see, treat and A&E don’t need to - wasting valuable time and You can talk to your pharmacist in confidence - even discharge patients and are able to request X rays if resources needed for real emergencies. It is often • Paracetamol for pain, fever and headaches • what to do if you or a family member feels ill • referral to a specialist or a hospital very obvious if someone is seriously ill and needs pharmacies now have a quiet area away from other immediate emergency care. The emergency services • Oral rehydration sachets if you have sickness or customers where you can speak to the pharmacist in • local health services (such as doctors, dentists or In recent years, many more nurses have been trained This service is not for General Practice problems.
in East Lancashire are located at Royal Blackburn to give advice, take tests and diagnose and treat As a general rule if you can transport yourself then Hospital signposted off Junction 5 of the M65.
• Indigestion remedy (for example, antacids for • self-help or support organisations.
illness that used only to be dealt with by doctors.
visit your nearest urgent care centre.
An emergency is ‘a critical or lifethreatening heartburn, feeling bloated and trapped wind) So if you’ve got a cough, cold or think These nurses are very highly skilled health you’ve got the ‘flu it’s the best place to go. They can You can call NHS Direct any time,
Urgent Care Centre locations:
give you all the advice and medicines you need, day or night on
without you necessarily having to go to your doctor Out of Hours
• A selection of plasters and dressings 0845 46 47
There is a local G.P. out of normal surgery hours service. This service is only for urgent medical Open 24 hours a day, all year round.
If you do not pay for prescriptions you will not have problems that cannot wait to be treated until The UK probably has the best emergency services in to pay for any medicines supplied through the the world. Please help us to help you by: Out of hours contact number:
‘Getting the right treatment - in the
08452 262626
right place’
Self Care
NHS Direct
Urgent Care
Accident & Emergency


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